The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 336 Every Last Drop

Chapter 336 Every Last Drop

Rex sits on the bed with Adhara standing in front of him with her hands on her waist.

There's blood leaking from the side of Rex's mouth, Adhara just punched him so hard even adding her elemental aura without any restraints.

Her movements surprise Rex as he got punched right on his face,

With a wry smile, Rex looks at Adhara before he thought, 'The Sacrificial Energy surely raises her stats, that freaking hurt', he touched his cheek that got punched.

"So you're saying that since I'm unconscious, you decided to stay the night here?"

Rex already explained to Adhara that the only thing that makes him stay here is because she's unconscious, it's also late so Rex decided to stay.

But that's not just it,

After the full moon ended and the symbol on his hand dimmed, Rex suddenly feel dizzy.

It's like the power inside his body was sucked out making him weak on the spot, and under Evelyn's persuasion, he finally concede and stay the night here.

Adhara glared at Rex before her eyes landed on Evelyn,

Evelyn is tying her hair on the side still with Rex's T-shirt, but thankfully Adhara doesn't know that Rex just wore that yesterday.

If she knows then another punch will definitely land on Rex's face,

"Don't look at me like that, we didn't do anything so don't worry", Evelyn said teasingly.

Hearing this, Adhara still kept her glare before  she suddenly remembered as he looks at Rex questioningly, "Did she know?"

"Yes I know both of your secrets", Evelyn replied instead of Rex.

Evenly glances at Adhara before she stands up from the bed, she approaches Adhara and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about what you both really are"

"And why should we believe you?", Adhara asks looking right into Evelyn's eyes.

The tension between them was massive and Rex can only stay silent on the side, he feels that if he butts in then he might just make things worse.

With a slight chuckle, Evelyn then said, "Your man right there, he's quite charming"

Evelyn points to Rex showing her sweet smile, this makes Rex gulp harshly since she's instigating Adhara intentionally making Rex curse him inside his head.

"You should give him some attention, it's been easy to rile his lower half", Evelyn said.

The cheeky smile on her face makes Rex looks at her in disbelief, the feeling of wanting to rip Evelyn's mouth right off is tingling his fingers.

Evelyn is taking her stuff intending to leave,

"I know his secret so I can be a candidate for his second girl right? For someone like him, having two women is only natural. You better take care of him, or I'll snatch him right under you", she added before winking at Rex and heading towards the door.

Before she leaves, Evelyn then said with a serious expression, "Take care of yourself, Rex"

'That damn woman!', Rex screamed inside his head.

Out of all the options that she can choose, she just needs to tease Adhara like that and right after she made Adhara mad she just left.

She left the mad Adhara with Rex all alone in the hotel room,

But the last part was directed to him since he just attacked Hans, he needs to be alert at least.

After Evelyn left the hotel room, Rex saw that Adhara is holding her head down with clenched fists as Evelyn's tease surely get to her.

But when Rex was preparing to receive another hit,

Adhara suddenly raises her gaze before she shouted, "LIE DOWN!"

"W-What are you doing?", Rex asks in confusion as Adhara approached him and pushed him onto the bed roughly forcing him to lie down.

Then, Rex saw Adhara climb his body while taking her dress off.

She exposes all of her bare body right in front of Rex's eyes making his eyes widen, the scene in front of him aroused his lower half instantly.

Rex saw the serious look on Adhara's face before it turns into a wide grin,

"Prepare yourself", she said leaning her face close to Rex's.

Adhara smooched Rex's neck lightly before she whispers in Rex's ear, "I'm going to drain every last drop of you from now on, so don't get aroused by her anymore"

The words that permeate on Rex's ears give him goosebumps,

Based on Adhara's serious expression, it is clear that she's not playing around, 'This is going to be bad right?', he thought wryly.

A moment later,

<The user has just finished mating with the Female Alpha>

<Obtained 12,000,000 Exp!>

Rex lies on the bed with a sunken look as his soul got sucked out by Adhara.

Although he enjoyed every second of Adhara taking the lead, the aftermath of the deed was left Rex lying on the bed weakly as Adhara gets up from the bed.

Her legs are trembling for a bit as she reaches for her phone,

With heavy breathing, Adhara looks at her phone before she turns towards Rex and shows him her phone, "Look, Vargas already did his part"

Hearing this, Rex jolted from the bed.

Rex also reaches for his phone before he opens his news app, where he saw the headlines.

The news started from almost all of the Vampires attacking Eqosa City retreated, only the undead was left sieging Eqosa City and since their force was halved there is a possibility of them retreating.

Then the news continues showing an interview conducted with John Webster.

In that interview, John Webster told the media about his involvement.

He also told the media about the part that SCO played in doing this, two of the strategic supply points of the Vampires were destroyed thanks to the SCO which result in the Vampires retreating.

Rex scrolls to the comment and saw that the people react positively to the news.

Many of them even requested for the UWO to work together with the SCO just as expected, some places even had a protest in front of the UWO office.

It was as effective as predicted, with this the pressure on Sebrof will be enormous.

But in the interview with John Webster, he told the media that he's the one that instigated this to show the world that SCO is also an organization that can help Humanity in fighting the Supernaturals.

Added with his criminal record of suspected collusion with the SCO,

The people become even more convinced about John's motivation in doing this, and just like that John becomes a well-known person that can be considered a hero.

Rex wanted to call Vargas to assess the situation regarding Sebrof,

But then he stumbles upon a message from Vargas telling him that he will keep him updated.

"It's going as planned", Rex mumbles with a smile.

Then suddenly, Rex saw a notification from his bank account making him widen his eyes.

After reading the notification, Rex's eyes then landed on Adhara asking her for an answer, "I got that from the business agreement with Daniel"

"You know that you just sent me 120 million dollars right?", Rex said in disbelief.josei

They're right on the notification that popped up on his phone screen, he can clearly see the amount that was sent to his account which has many zeroes on it.

With a brimming smile, Adhara replied, "You mentioned that you need money right?"

"I've been trying to find a way to help you and I stumble upon this, are you surprised?", she explains feeling good after seeing Rex's surprised expression.

Hearing this, 'So that's what the stone is for but how did she manage to find a way to create that?',

<Adhara's element is related to the True Fire, condensing an element that has a certain degree of True Element will result in the creation of the True Elemental Stone>

Rex read through the notification before he nodded his head,

He remembers that the items that he gave for Adhara to evolve her element have a True Fire nature in them, so that is probably why Adhara can do this.

Adhara snuggle back onto the bed before she hugs Rex from the side,

"Thank you", Rex said while rubbing Adhara's head gently, with this money he can do lots of things and he can even buy the items to evolve his Black Lightning so he can start progressing to the seventh rank.

Hearing this, Adhara nodded her head sweetly.

Rex looks up to the ceiling while hugging Adhara's body, he then remembers that he still got the attributable stats from leveling up because of the Full Moon Breathing Technique that he used.

Thanks to that breathing technique, Rex's level increased a lot.

'I leveled up seven times thanks to the exp from the breathing technique, even my gifts got upgraded in the process', Rex thought.

Thinking briefly, Rex decided to but his 21 points of his attributable stats to his Agility stats.

With the increased stats from the Sacrificial Energy, his agility stats is lacking compared to his Strength stat and even his Endurance stat that raised tremendously these days.

After allocating the attributable stat, Rex opened his stats windows.

<Rex Silverstar>

Pack: Silverstar (2/5)

Level: 41 (104,500,000/2,300,000,000)

Race: Royal Black Werewolf

Full-Moon: 30 Days - Wolf Moon

Berserk: 31%

Sanity: 85%

Mental: 315 (+39)

Strength: 670 (+131)

Agility: 416 (+41)

Endurance: 646 (+113)

Intelligence: 743 (+20)

Rex read through his stats and found that his stats have increased tremendously, his gifts were upgraded from the breathing technique and now every time Rex leveled up his mental stat was raised by 6, strength raised by 12, and endurance by 6.

But then, he frowns when his eyes land on the level section,

'My race didn't get evolved even after reaching level 40', Rex thought in surprise.

Usually, every time his level was the multiple of ten then his race will evolve, level 10 he evolved to a full-fledged Werewolf, level 20 he reached High Werewolf, and level 30 he reached the Royal Black Werewolf so this is surprising.

Without thinking it much, Rex and Adhara lie on the bed for a bit more.

After about half an hour, both of them are changing into their previous clothes ready to leave the hotel.

"Where are we going?", Adhara asks.

Hearing this, Rex fixed his belt before he replied, "We're going to check on Kyran and Edward, because of the incident yesterday I was forced to share the energy with you and Kyran"

"You've become stronger because of it", he added.

Adhara looks at her hands before she said, "I feel stronger, but what is that energy anyway?"

"A Supernatural did a ritual during the full moon yesterday, but because of some condition, the energy that should gather to them went to me instead. But as you know, I can't handle the energy so I gave some to you and Kyran", Rex explains.

But then suddenly, Adhara realizes, "Then doesn't that means Kyran turns into his Werewolf form?!"

"That's what I'm afraid of, but Evelyn's people said that they found Edward's location and he's fine with only light wounds. They should be okay", Rex replied.

The both of them changed to their clothes and they were ready to leave,

When Rex was about to open the door, Adhara suddenly held the edge of his suit and asks, "The last part that Evelyn said earlier, what did she mean by that?"

Rex stopped before he thought for a moment,

"That's because last night I broke Hans's leg, it's should be about time to get them off of our backs once and for all", Rex replied without much thinking.

With the alliance happening soon, Atkins Family won't be able to do anything.

And also thanks to the money Adhara got, Rex and the others will definitely get way stronger with the system's shop help.

But then suddenly,


"Adhara?", Rex asks in confusion.

Adhara suddenly pushed Rex to the wall catching Rex off guard, he didn't expect to be pushed to the wall as he look at Adhara in confusion.

There's a troubled look on Adhara's face,

Rex saw that Adhara is biting her lips and her shoulders are trembling, "Don't do that"

"Do what?", Rex asks still confused.

Then Adhara raises her gaze before she said clearly in front of Rex's face, "You're not allowed to hurt Hans, I'm not going to forgive you if you did that"

"Just tell me when, and I'll kill him myself", she added with a brutal look.

Her expression contorted hatefully that surprises Rex since he never saw this kind of look on Adhara's face, it's a new thing to him.

It seems Adhara bore hate for Hans because of what he did,

"Okay, I'll let you kill him when the time comes", Rex replied with a sigh.

Adhara slowly steps back after Rex said that when suddenly,


Rex's phone rang, he reach for his phone and instantly answered it without looking at the caller, "Hello?"

"Rex! Come to the UWO main office right now!"

Hearing this, Rex frowns, "Vargas? What happened?"

"You've been summoned, just come to the UWO main office. I'll be waiting for you there", Vargas replied before ending the call one-sidedly not letting Rex say anything.

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