The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 337 Picked For An Unexpected Mission

Chapter 337 Picked For An Unexpected Mission

Rex and Adhara arrived at the UWO office after Vargas called,

There's an urgent tone in Vargas's voice, that is why both of them immediately rushed to the main UWO office assuming the worst.

'Does this have something to do with Sebrof?', Rex thought with a frown.

Since Vargas never specify the temporary alliance proposal came from him, this makes Rex a bit nervous since there might be a chance that Sebrof wanted to talk to him regarding this.

Even though he met powerful people before like Daniel or even Giana,

The one he thought he will be meeting is not just a powerful Awakened, but also the most powerful and influential man in the whole of Ratmawati City.

If he wanted to, Sebrof can order Daniel or Giana to kill Rex with a whim.

That just shows how powerful his position as the highest president of UWO is, he controls everything in Ratmawati City.

So it's natural for him to feel nervous,

With the same clothes, they wore to the banquet, Rex and Adhara stride into the main UWO office under the surrounding gazes.

Adhara's dress is eye-catching because the people here are wearing work uniforms.

She becomes uncomfortable under those gazes especially when she can see Rex's face has a hint of nervousness in it which is rare.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to come?", Adhara asks from the side.

Rex glanced at Adhara briefly while walking before he said, "It's okay, just stick close to me"

After he said that, Linda suddenly approach them after noticing them walking into the lobby.

She was wearing her professional stoic look on her face as she approach Rex and Adhara, "Both of you, follow me hurry. The meeting has already started"

Without asking much, both of them follow Linda.

Since this is the main office of the UWO, this place was not humble at all.

This skyscraper of a building has a high ceiling decorated with elegant white, brown, and black colors and Rex can even sense many CCTV and runes around him.

Even the entire building is built under an unknown formation, Rex can sense it.

After leaving the lobby and going to the lift,

Linda walks out after they reach the 11th floor, Rex and Adhara follow her and notice that the luxurious marble ground turns into a soft grey carpet.

This floor has a mirror on the right side that allows the natural light into this place.

While they're walking through the hallway, Rex notices that there are no people here even though he saw many see-through office rooms across the place.

It didn't take long for Linda to arrive at a big wooden door,

Linda opens the big wooden door before she stepped to the side signaling for Rex and Adhara to get inside, the sounds of faint chattering can be heard right after the door is opened.

Rex nodded his head before he leads Adhara into the room,

Upon entering the room, Rex saw that the room was split into two huge rooms one on his left and one on his right.

Both of the rooms were split by the hardened glass.

The room on the right was covered by blurry glass and Rex can't see through it, while the room on the left is see-through and Rex saw that the room is full of people.

'Aren't they the descendants of the 25 Families?', Rex thought.

He even saw Evelyn and Dray sitting on a big rounded table, they notice Rex and Adhara walking in the hallway before their eyes lit up.

This makes Rex even more confused since he doesn't know what this is,

Rex enters the room on the left followed by Adhara before Evelyn jolted from her seat and approach them, "Rex!", she called excitedly.

Since the other descendants are talking with each other, Evelyn's call didn't attract much.

"Evelyn, What is this all about?", Rex asks curiously.

It was clear that this meeting was held for the 25 Golden Crest Families, but somehow maybe because he went to the banquet yesterday he was invited too.

But it's still doesn't make sense, 'Vargas told me that I've been summoned'

Hearing this, Evelyn looks at the surrounding before she said, "The others don't know why they're called here either, but my father told me that Sebrof asked for a meeting"

"Some say that this has to do something with Eqosa City", she added.

Rex rubs his chin while thinking about what Evelyn said,

If what the descendants thought was true, then this meeting that Sebrof asked for definitely has something to do with the news about the SCO.

While he's thinking, Adhara nudges him from the side and looks at him.

Seeing Adhara's look, Rex nodded his head before he looks around and find an empty seat for him and Adhara to sit on.

"Let's just wait", Rex said before he strode towards the seat.

All of the descendants are looking at him with an unfriendly look since he's not a part of the 25 Families, but since Rex shows his power they're not voicing their thoughts.

Rex notices a familiar face sitting beside the empty seat before a smirk appears on his face.

The woman sitting beside the empty seat saw Rex's smirk before she averted her gaze, Rex even saw a bleak aura coming out of her for a bit showing that she feared Rex.

It's none other than Jane Atkins,

Without restraints, Rex sits beside Jane while giving her a teasing look.

Adhara who sat beside him saw Rex is eyeing Jane before she asks, "She seems familiar, Is that Jane Atkins that attack us in the hotel?"

"I don't know, Are you Jane Atkins that attack us?", Rex asks directly to Jane.

Upon hearing this, Jane widened her eyes before she looks down at her hands meekly as she plays with her fingers nervously.

Rex's presence makes Jane's body stiff as she doesn't know what to do,

Even Evelyn who sits beside Adhara was looking at the scene with a chuckle, she even becomes more sure that Rex is not afraid of the Atkins.

Jane didn't answer as Rex laid back on the seat playfully,

Without him even answering, Adhara already notices that she's really the Jane from before.

But the contrast that Jane has from when Adhara saw her was too much, the overbearing Jane turns into a meek girl in front of Rex.

It makes her wonder if Rex did something to her,

While Rex is playing with his phone to kill time, a notification suddenly appeared.

<Sudden Quest!>

<Killing Intent!>

There is a malicious intent aimed at the user that exceeds the tolerance limit, Find the person boring this malicious intent and kill them!

Failing to finish this quest will result in a heavy penalty.

Time Limit: 5 Days

Quest Reward: 50,000,000 Exp, 10 Skill Upgrade, and Heart of Hatred

Rex widen his eyes in surprise when he saw the notification from the system, he raises his gaze and find a man is looking at him from across the rounded table.

The man didn't even bother to hide his killing intent to him,

Upon seeing the man's hateful stare, Rex's eyes glisten as he scans him.

<Maurice Platchi>

Power: Sixth Rank(Peak) - Fire Elementalist

Mental: 301

Strength: 788

Agility: 567

Endurance: 679

Intelligence: 782

Seeing the name of the man that is glaring at him, the corner of Rex's mouth quirk up as he mumbles, "Platchi eh? He must be Lucas' older brother"

After realizing who the man is, Rex stares back at Maurice with a condescending smile.

The smile on his face makes Maurice grinds his teeth in anger, it was clear that Rex is mocking him since he's the lowest ranking family in this room.

Even Jane who sat beside Rex is scared of him, and her family is way higher than the Platchi.


Rex's eyes flash with red energy catching Maurice off guard,

<The target stats has been reduced by 30%>

Maurice's eyes widen in surprise when he feels his power suddenly got drained, he looks at Rex in disbelief as he didn't expect it to turn like this.

Just with a glance, Rex already shows him the power difference between them.

Although it's still sunny outside, Rex's default power just like the system said is in the upper echelon of the mid-sixth rank and that excludes his skill enhancement.

Maurice also has lower mental stats than him, this gives Rex a huge edge.

Realizing that Rex also bore killing intent towards him, Maurice averted his gaze as beads of sweat started to appear on the side of his face.

It was a mistake to look at Rex openly like that,

'I don't want to do this but, I think I'll have to kill him now', Rex thought.

Anyone that wanted to kill him will be repaid the same, and since Maurice started it and trigger the system so Rex has no choice lest he wanted to bear the heavy penalty.

When Rex is looking at Maurice,

The door of the other room was suddenly opened as the head of the 25 Families came out.

Out of all the 25 Families, the first one to get out was Duncan Platchi and his eyes widen when he saw Rex is looking at Maurice with clear tension.

In a hurry, Duncan steps into the other room and heads to Maurice.

"Let's head back, you need to attend the briefing", Duncan said signaling to Maurice to come with him.

While he's talking with Maurice, Duncan never lays an eye on Rex as he hurriedly brings Maurice to leave this place.

The other descendants were also called one by one by their parents,

"Adhara, Can you follow Duncan Platchi silently? Just find out where he's staying and after that, you can go back", Rex said while eyeing the leaving Duncan with Maurice.

Hearing this, Adhara frowns, "Duncan Platchi?"

"Didn't the problems we had with him have been resolved? Why do you need me to find out where they're staying?", she added in confusion.

The problem they had with the Platchi Family was long gone,

It surprises Adhara when Rex suddenly wanted her to follow Duncan Platchi.

"His oldest son Maurice, he has some intention to kill me", Rex leans closer to Adhara, his voice is whispering since he doesn't want their conversation to be heard.

Upon hearing this, Adhara nodded her head before she stands up and left.

She doesn't ask any questions since Maurice wanted to harm Rex, Adhara didn't want that.

After she left, Evelyn then said, "It seems the meeting will continue"

"Yes, I think so", Rex replied when he saw Linda guiding the other descendants and the head of the family out of this room.

Then suddenly, "Evelyn!"

Both Rex and Evelyn glance to the side and saw Kevin was approaching them from the side, Kevin's expression turns into a frown when he saw Rex, "Rex? What are you doing here?"josei

"I'm also summoned to this meeting", Rex replied calmly.

His answer makes Kevin confused but he then shakes his head and looks at Evelyn, "Sister, Father is calling for us since we need to go to the briefing"

"Okay, let's go", Evelyn replied standing up.

When they were about to leave, Kevin then suddenly asks, "Rex can I ask you a question?"

"Have you seen Rosie recently?", Kevin added when he saw Rex gives a confirmation nod, but Rex's expression tremble for a moment when he heard Rosie's name.

It's been a while since Rosie was taken by the Vampires,

Rex glanced at Kevin with a stoic expression before he replied, "I haven't seen her, maybe she went to visit her family"

Hearing this, Kevin froze for a moment before he nodded his head and turns around.

Evelyn touch Rex's shoulders slightly with a smile, "Let's go to the briefing together"

"Alright", Rex replied but then suddenly,

Rex saw Vargas go inside the room and look around before his eyes landed on Rex, with a clear and loud voice he then called, "Gerrard Hester, Rex Silverstar, Come with me to the other room"

Hearing this, Rex and another guy sitting not far from Rex widen their eyes.

They both stand up before they look at each other in confusion, 'Why am I and this Gerrard guy was called? Just what is this meeting about', Rex thought.

Both of them walks out of the room following Vargas to the other,

Upon entering the room, Rex realized that the design of the room is the same as the room where the descendants of the 25 Families sit before.

The difference is the fancier seats that are made with fine black leather,

Also, the table is not rounded like before but rectangular shape instead, Rex and Gerrard saw a man sitting in the furthermost seat showing his power right after they enter the room.

Only them, Vargas, and this man were left inside the room.

The man is none other than Sebrof who is looking at Rex while clasping his hand in front of him, he was squinting his eyes while keeping eye contact with Rex.

Gerrard bowed respectfully upon noticing that Sebrof is in front of him,

Following Gerrard on the side, Rex also bowed respectfully by bending his upper body before Vargas said, "Sir Sebrof, these two young men here is Gerrard from the Hester Family and Rex Silverstar"

"It's an honor to meet you in person sir Sebrof", Gerrard said.

Hearing this, Sebrof waved his hands before he said, "I'm gonna make this short, you both surely know the news about the Vampires retreating from Eqosa City"

"So I appoint you two to lead the other descendants to sweep the Undead there", he added.

Vargas then added from the side, "The descendants of the 25 Families are strong but we found that many of them are lacking in experience in a life and death against Supernatural"

"Both of you have experience as a Scavenger, so you're going to lead them", he added.

Rex frowns upon hearing this, 'So they know about that', he thought.

He's just wondering why he's picked but Vargas answered his question with that statement.

But then, Rex then replied with a polite tone, "I'm sorry to say this sir but we will lead only the descendants? What about the guild members of the 25 Families?"

"Just like I said, only the descendants", Sebrof replied calmly.

This makes Rex frown harder, then Gerrard suddenly added from the side, "But sir, I believe with only my seventh rank power we can't beat the Undead army there"

"You don't have to worry about that", Vargas suddenly intervenes.

He then continues, "Our intel already scouted the place and there is only a seventh rank Undead in the army, the higher-ranked Undead was pulled back since the Cessation Knight is attacking the stronghold as we speak"

"Why are the Undead so stubborn in taking Eqosa City?", Rex then asks.

Vargas looks at Rex before he then replied, "Werewolves are heading to the Vampire stronghold as we speak, they will reinforce the stronghold against the Cessation Knight, and based on the Undead movements it seems they're expecting reinforcements too"

"That is why you two will lead and wipe out the Undead before their reinforcement came"

Hearing this, Rex was troubled but he has no choice but to nod his head.

After explaining their tasks, Sebrof then instructed, "Now, go to the briefing. They will explain the details about your mission"

Gerrard and Rex bowed again intending to leave,

But just Rex was about to step, "Not you", Sebrof suddenly said stopping Rex in his tracks.

"Gerrard you can leave, but Rex... I still got something to say to you"

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