The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 351 Mother Gebbo

Chapter 351 Mother Gebbo

"Let's count them down", Rex mutters while unsheathing his silver sword.

Although silver is not as durable as steel, the silver sword that he's holding is equivalent to a fifth rank sword made of steel that is also strengthened by a Hardened rune.

It's not an exaggeration that this silver sword can clash with a sixth rank sword and not break.

Seeing Rex's aura getting riled up, the remaining descendants on his back frown as they take out their weapons expecting Undead to pop out.

Rex then tossed them each a vial before he said, "Pour that on your weapon"

The descendants look at the white vial that Rex gives before they pour the content to their weapons, it's called Elixir of Light which gives light properties to a weapon.

It only lasts for a couple of hours, and it's quite expensive.



Many screams can be heard around them, Zombies started to crawl up from the ground exposing their hideous faces that can hardly be called humanoid.

This makes the descendants alert,

Death energy swirls around as dozens of zombies crawl up from the ground, their scent that smells like rotting flesh starts filling the air.

Some of them are missing limbs, only a few have their limbs intact.

"I can't, this is too much!", a woman complained as she covers her nose.

The others also cover their nose as the scent makes them want to throw up, it's clear that they don't have that much experience in a battlefield where all kinds of stench filled the air.

For Rex, this kind of smell isn't that bad.

Zombies are a branch of the Undead race, their scent is horrible but Rex has smelled worse.


Just after they crawled from the ground, the Zombies instantly dashes towards them like a mad dog pushing and bumping each other without the care in the world.

"Great Spell, Rushing Breeze!", a man chanted as wind mana gather on his hands.

The wind mana turns white after they concentrated on the man's hands, and after the chanting, a powerful breeze of wind instantly covers the area around them pushing the zombies back.

It's like standing in front of a huge fan, the zombies can hardly move forward thanks to the spell.

But Rex found that the wind didn't push him, it only affects the zombies.

After the spell from the man, the woman that complained about the smell suddenly burns with white flame as she started to levitate on the air, "Great Spell, Blanket of Flame!"


The ground under the Zombies turns white,

Many of the weaker Zombies fall to the ground and started to get burned into nothingness, not one of them manage to come closer to them thanks to this duo spell.

'Purifying Flame, That's a useful element in fighting undead', Rex thought rubbing his chin.

Since the Zombies that crawl up from the ground are around third or fourth rank, both of them have no problem dealing with them since they both are sixth rank Awakened.josei

Although they're perfect, Rex glance to his sides and find some Zombies.

From the other side, the Zombies are also crawling from the ground like ants.

The Zombies came from everywhere and some of them manage to rush towards Rex, their screams and roar filled Rex's ears as they ransack everything that block their way to Rex.

But when the Zombies leaped towards Rex trying to reach him with their grasp.


Black lightning thorn burst from Rex's body impaling five Zombies that leaped to him.

<Killed a peak third rank Supernatural, Obtained 10,000 Exp>

<Killed a mid-fourth rank Supernatural, Obtained 60,000 Exp>

Five notifications appeared on Rex's vision as he killed 5 Zombies, his eyes then flash with black lightning as his body disappeared into thin air.

A moment later,

"We finished this side, I got two dozen of them", the woman said feeling fatigued.

The man that uses the wind great spell before pulls his sword from a Zombies' head before he also added, "I got about a dozen"

Both of them looks to their backs and saw the three other descendants are fine.

The two descendants that are part of the support team and the weakest girl are fine with no scratches, but upon looking at the view beside them the man and the woman widened their eyes seeing many Zombies parts scattered around.

Rex is sitting on a big Zombie with his silver sword stabbed to the ground,

Just from the aura of the big Zombie alone, the two can feel that the big Zombie is at least an early fifth rank, the death energy is thicker around that Zombie.

While the two are dealing with the Zombies from the front,

Rex is dealing with the Zombies that attack them from the back, he manages to take them all down including the big Zombie just before the two finish the Zombies from the front.

It's clear that Rex is way faster and stronger, his expression didn't even change.

But then, "Are you serious?! You could've killed her with that spell of yours!"

"Why are you blaming me? It's her fault for being so weak", a guy replied mocking the weakest girl who is breathing heavily with blue gas coming out of her nose.

Looking at this, Rex frowns, "What happened here?", he asks.

"Fordie use his poison spell and it hit this poor girl, Can't you see she's still a fourth rank? Her element is not enough to block your poison", the woman replied glaring at the blue poison guy angrily.

This makes Rex's expression contorted a bit as he glances at Fordie,

Fordie saw a hostile aura coming from Rex as he glared at Rex, scoffing, "What? Get your lowly eyes off of me, you fucking low life outsider"

Not long after he said that the offensive and defensive teams came back.

Evelyn and the others came back after scouting to only find Rex and Fordie looking at each other with hostility, she frowns upon seeing this scene.

The others are also confused about the situation, they just got back.

With soft steps, Evelyn approach Rex before she asks, "What happened? What did he do?"

Rex didn't answer as he turns his body towards the others,

"It seems Fordie here is still not listening to me", Rex said with a smile.

Although Rex is smiling, the air around them is filled with tension as he continues, "I thought my little display at the banquet shows you all how powerful I am, but it seems Fordie here thinks that I'm a pushover"

The words that came out of Rex's mouth makes the others confused,

But Evelyn can somewhat see when Rex is mad or not, she notices this when Rex meets with Hans before and when that particular smile appears on Rex's face it means that something bad will happen.

Rex glance at Fordie with his smile and said, "I'm going to make you an example"


Fordie widened his eyes when he saw Rex suddenly turns into a streak of lightning and dash towards him, the ring on his hand glows as a white barrier appear to envelop his body.

'You fool, only attack that is nearing the seventh rank can- HUAKH!!'

While Fordie was grinning thinking that Rex is a fool, the white barrier surrounding him suddenly shatter as Rex's fist which is covered with red force solidly land on Fordie's stomach.

The barrier doesn't even last for a second after getting hit by Rex,

Just for that moment, Rex activates his Alpha Bearing to weaken Fordie and the barrier.

"GRARGH! WHAT?!", Fordie shouted after throwing up a mouthful of blood.

The punch makes his body bends in an arc before he kneels on the ground while holding his stomach, he didn't have the time to activate his elemental aura or his spirit aura.

But even if he did, Devo can deal with it.

Veins started popping around Fordie's head as he feel the pain in his stomach, Rex's punch felt just like being hit by a train making Fordie gasp for air.

Some of his bones broke, that's for certain.

"I was going to teach you a lesson later thinking that if I were you, I'll be thinking about myself. But not only being selfish, but you also didn't listen, and you even attack other teammates", Rex mutters lightly.

Fordie was still on the ground holding his stomach with his reddened eyes,

This happened so fast that the other descendants that are watching this just realized Rex attacked Fordie when Fordie is already kneeling on the ground.

It's totally unexpected, except for Evelyn who saw this coming.

Rex grabs Fordie's face with his hand which makes Fordie's head looks small, he then lifts Fordie off the ground by the head as Fordie tries to break free by punching and kicking Rex's arm.


Blue gas suddenly burst from Fordie's body as he grins evilly, "You dare lay a hand on a poison Elementalist? What a fool", he mocked.

The blue gas started to corrode Rex's hand, even Evelyn was concerned upon seeing this.

As the grin on Fordie's face started to grow wider, Fordie's grin stops when he saw Rex's skin that should've melted completely from his blue poison starts to heal.

It is healing at a rapid pace that even matches the corrosion from Foride's blue poison.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I-I-I'll listen to you!", Fordie pleaded when he realized that Rex didn't get affected.

The grip by Rex's hand started to get tighter making Fordie's eyes widen in fear, he's starting to plead and say sorry to Rex but all of his pleadings fell on deaf ears.

With the same smile, Rex then looks at Fordie fiercely, "You're dispensable for my team"

"W-What?", Fordie mutters in fear but he suddenly saw his world swing,


Rex slammed Fordie to the ground as the ground cracked under his might, even the descendants needs to jump away because of the ground shattering.

Because of this, debris shot into the surroundings like a bullet as the slam creates a web-like crack.

The houses in the surroundings also got destroyed because of this,

All of them crumble because the ground just shatters from Rex's slam, and when the descendants look at the scene they were petrified upon witnessing the scene.

The crack spread in a thirty meters radius as Rex planted Fordie on the ground.

"Oh my god!"

"H-He didn't even use his element, What a monster!"

"The raw strength he has is really ridiculous, he's not even an Earth Elementalist"

Many of them mutters as they saw the destroyed ground in front of them,

Rex slowly straightens his back after slamming Fordie to the ground, blood decorating his fingers and face as Fordie lies on the ground hardly moving.

Upon seeing this, Evelyn dashes at Fordie and checks on him.

"He's barely alive, Can't you just hold back a little? It'll be your loss too if he died", Evelyn scold as she supports Fordie up before she looks towards the descendants.

Her eyes then landed on a woman, the woman is the one arguing with Fordie before.

"Morana! Come and heal him quick!", Evelyn shouted.

The woman that Evelyn called Morana froze for a moment, she hesitated for a moment but after getting a nod from Rex she leaped towards them. Morana kneel beside Fordie before her hands started to glow with beautiful blue mana.

'Grace Water Element, what a sight', Rex thought as he looks at Morana healing Fordie.

But amidst healing Fordie's injury, Rex suddenly said, "Don't heal him too much, I'm going to leave him after we clear the Undead here"

"What?! Are you serious?!", Morana exclaimed.

Her body then went stiff after realizing that Rex is looking at her, she puts her head down meekly. "I'm sorry for shouting at you", she said lightly.

Rex sigh and said, "I don't need people like him, he's just going to get us killed"

After saying that, the other descendants also came closer to him before a muscular man wearing thick armor with a big shield on his hand then asks, "Sir, My brother haven't come back"

Hearing this, Rex also frowns.

"I also don't see Dray anywhere, Which direction did they go?", Rex asks after realizing two of his team member is missing, and one of them is Dray.

Before the man can answer,


A loud exploding sound can be heard from their side,

Rex looks in the direction before he sniffs the air, he then commanded decisively, "4 Pairs and Morana come with me, the others stay here and protect Fordie until we get back"


Hearing this, the descendants nodded their heads and follow Rex.

'They must've encountered Mother Gebbo, it should be around the sixth rank but with the death energy here even Dray can't face that thing', Rex thought as he dashes to the explosion sound.

It was not that far, Rex and the others arrived at the scene.


Rex signaled the others to stop when the creature in front of them roared making the place tremble, he saw Dray standing behind another muscular guy who is a Metal Elementalist.

'It's true, that is the Mother Gebbo', Rex thought.

The Undead creature in front of him is pretty massive, it makes a house looks small.

Its body is composed of bones that shaped it weirdly, the creature can hardly be called a skeleton since the opened rib cage on its chest and some other limbs has muscle tissues, and although it has wings the creature is too boney and weird-shaped to be called a skeletal dragon.

Only two legs kept the front part of this Undead creature standing,

The back part from its stomach to its tail is hauling on the ground, it looks bizarre with its thorny skeleton mouth as the creature walks or slithers while keeping its hollow eyes on Dray and the Metal Elementalist guy.

"What should we do? It's only an early sixth rank but it's very powerful!", the guy said.

Hering this, Dray also gritted his teeth as his eyes widen when he saw the Mother Gebbo start gathering Death Energy, a ball of black energy appears in its mouth and it was getting bigger.

Looking at this, the guy and Dray started running to the side.

The Mother Gebbo has already gather enough energy before it aims its mouth toward Dray and the guy, it moves its neck around before suddenly,


Death Energy ray shot from its mouth, the ground turns black after getting hit by the Death Ray.

With a twist of Mother Gebbo's neck, Dray and the guy can't outrun the Death Energy Ray as the guy chanted, "Metal Spell, Wall of Steel!"


A wall made of steel sprouted from the ground in front,


"IT WON'T HOLD!", the guy shouted feeling the wall start to make a cracking sound.

It happened instantly after getting hit by the Death Ray even though the guy is just like Dray, a mid-sixth rank Awakened whilst the Mother Gebbo is an early rank sixth.

The death energy fueled Mother Gebbo with power,

Dray is ransacking his brain to escape this situation, if he comes out Mother Gebbo can simply aim the Death Energy Ray at him and he will be burned and die.

Just when the wall is on the brink of shattering,


Dray can see a flash of black lightning before ice sprouted from the ground, both of them got covered by ice before suddenly,


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