The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 352 First Battle For Rex's Team

Chapter 352 First Battle For Rex's Team


Dray saw a streak of black lightning flashes past the Death Ray before ice sprouted from the ground, the ice surrounding him and the Metal Elementalist just like a dome.

"This ice, it's the others", the Metal Elementalist guy said in relief.

If not for the ice dome that covers them, both of them will definitely get hit by the Death Ray.

But right after the ice covers them,


A loud explosion sound can be heard that makes the ground tremble, the ice dome makes a crinkling noise because of the loud explosion sound.

The explosion is so powerful that even Dray who is inside the ice dome can feel the shockwave.


Dray saw a shadow break through the ice dome and crash to the ground beside him.

His eyes then glance to his right and find Rex got planted to the ground, Rex's body is steaming but his clothes are intact which is surprising considering the Death Energy inside that Death Ray.

Some scratches on his face and arms can be seen.

But Dray saw that all of thems healed at a visible rate, it just takes a moment until Rex stands up, and all of the injuries he suffered healed miraculously.

"It's quite strong", Rex mutters with a smile.

Dray snapped out of his daze before he asks, "Are you okay? You got hit directly"

The death energy that is still swirling around Rex's energy tries to attack Rex, but Dray saw the death energy leftover can't penetrate through Rex's clothes, 'His clothes, they are battle equipment, high-rank ones at that too', Dray thought.


The ice dome surrounding them shatter because of Mother Gebbo's roar,

Other descendants are all already beside Rex except for Morana who is standing at the very back, she's the healer of the team, and based on the look of things some of them will definitely get injured.

But instead of a serious expression, Rex has a smile on his face.

His battle intent is riled up as he saw the Mother Gebbo fueled with Death Energy, there's also another thing that makes him eager to fight this Mother Gebbo.

<Sudden Quest!>

<Mother Gebbo>

An enhanced Supernatural, Mother Gebbo has appeared and has the intent to kill the user and the user's teammates. Because of its power, Mother Gebbo has affected all the survivors of the city turning them into its underlings. Kill Mother Gebbo without suffering any casualty, the quest reward will depend on the user's performance.

The sudden quest puts a smile on Rex's face,

Usually, if the system gives him a quest that has a reward depending on his performance, the reward will be rich and thus he will not let this chance go.

Mother Gebbo is eyeing Rex's team warily with its hollow eyes,

Its body then glows with a black aura before noises started to appear from its surroundings.

Evelyn looks around before she saw that other humanoid Undead started to appear in the surroundings, but it was not only Zombies this time.

Undead similar to the little girl undead they met before can also be seen amongst them.

"What should we do? We're surrounded, and it will not be easy to escape with Mother Gebbo's attention on us", Evelyn said from the side with a concerned look.

Dray also agrees, "That creature has the power of a peak sixth rank, it'll be hard to kill it"

"We're not going to kill it, at least not yet", Rex replied.

Hearing this, Evelyn and Dray look at him in confusion.

Without explaining to them, Rex then commanded, "Kill the zombies but don't kill the other undead, avoid the other undead at all costs!"

After saying that, Rex's body then glows with a red hue and black lightning.

Evelyn then saw Rex suddenly hold a vial in his hand,

The vial has a colorless liquid inside of it, a feeling of holiness can also be felt from the vial as Rex breaks the vial by throwing it to the ground in front of him.


Right after he did that,


The ground glows with white light and it expanded throughout the surrounding,

All of the descendants look at the ground and find that the death energy starting to get purified, they can feel it clearly as they look at the liquid that seeped into the ground in front of Rex.



Zombies and the undead started to growl as they felt pained by the bright light.

This includes Mother Gebbo who started flapping its wings to fly, but weirdly enough Rex saw Mother Gebbo can't really lift the back part of its body.

It got stung by the bright light as it wails in pain,

Rex then lowers his stance holding his silver sword before he commanded, "2 Pairs follow me"


Seeing Rex dash directly to Mother Gebbo,

Evelyn that paired with Vanessa, and Dray paired with the Metal Elementalist follow Rex from behind as the five of them dash towards Mother Gebbo.

Nearing Mother Gebbo, Rex then points with his silver sword,

"You see that orb in its chest? We need to take that from her", Rex said, the other four nodded their heads as they fixated their eyes on the purplish orb inside Mother Gebbo's chest.


After the bright light ended, Mother Gebbo recovers but saw Rex is already in front of her.

Rex's body burst with a red hue before he swings his sword at Mother Gebbo's head,



Because of the slash from Rex, there's is a fine white line crossing the side of its face, 'The silver sword cut through its face easily', Rex thought with a smile.

But then he unsheathed back his silver sword, 'I might accidentally kill it if I use that sword'


Evelyn and Dray appeared beside Mother Gebbo's two legs like a flash, both of their swords glinting with fire and wind respectfully.

"Disposition of Wind Technique, Circular Compact Arc!", Dray chanted fiercely.

The sword that he's holding turns into the wind, and wind mana gathers on the sword making the sword glow with green light. His white tiger spirit also materializes on the back baring its fangs.

It amplified Dray's aura by a notch making the wind mana he gathers stronger.

Evelyn on the other hand,

Her body started blazing with dark red fire that engulfs her armor completely, her sword was then also coated by dark red fire starting from its hilt all the way to its tip.

"Fire Demoness Art! The Beauty of Hell!"


At the same time as her chant, a woman fiery figure appeared behind her.

The spirit that assimilated with her is a fiery woman that has sharp eyes, it gracefully touches Evelyn's back making the fire mana on her sword turn chaotic and stronger.


Both of them slash Mother Gebbo at the same time creating a powerful shockwave.

They swung their sword with all their might, Mother Gebbo's legs got pushed back because of their attacks, and falls to the ground.

If one pays close attention, there's a puddle of magical water beneath Mother Gebbo's feet.

Vanessa also did a water spell, and thanks to that Dray and Evelyn's attack manage to make Mother Gebbo slip and fall to the ground.


A loud crashing sound was produced because of Mother Gebbo's weight.

Seeing that Mother Gebbo fall flat on the ground, the muscular guy, the Metal Elementalist's eyes glint fiercely as his body started to glow with a grey hue.

He leaped to the air as he chanted, "Metal Spell, Dull Spike!"


A square-surfaced thick spike burst from the ground right under Mother Gebbo's chin, it started lifting Mother Gebbo's head setting perfect timing for the Metal Elementalist.

With a glowing grey fist, the Metal Elementalist smiled before he swung his fist powerfully.


Meanwhile, On the other side,

The descendants aside from the ones that are attacking Mother Gebbo are fighting against the Zombies and the humanoid undead, all of them are occupied in their own battles.

Zombies crawl out from everywhere and their numbers are breaking the one hundred marks.

Because of that, the descendants are occupied since amongst the Zombies are early fifth rank ones that are very powerful, especially for an early fifth rank girl who is using her lava spell to survive.


A Zombie leaped toward the girl right after she deals with another on her front.

She slashes her daggers decapitating the zombie in front of her before her eyes widen when she glances at her back, there's a zombie leaping towards her.

This catches her off guard as she was not ready for a sneak attack from behind,

In desperate measure with the Zombie so close to her, the girl cloaked her body with lava in an attempt to defend herself but she closes her eyes and raised her arms to block knowing that the attack will pierce through.


"KKrghhk!", the girl grunted as she got hit by a dull blade,

Her arms are too high and she got hit since she didn't expect the attack will come to her waist.

The Zombie attacks the girl ignoring the lava that melted its hand, it has no remorse or even the feeling of pain as it kept running at the girl.

But instead of fear, the girl has a shocked expression on her face.

"It doesn't hurt...", she mutters while touching her waist.

Although she might be one of the weakest here, the girl knows her limit and an attack from a peak-fourth rank Zombie that is enhanced by Death Energy would definitely hurt her.


The zombie hit her again with the dull sword on her back but nothing happened,

"Lava Magic, Lava Breath!"


Her mouth suddenly glows red before she spat lava at the Zombie melting it instantly, she stands up weirdly while looking at her body before her eyes land on Rex.

Rex is fighting with Mother Gebbo with a glowing golden ring on his finger,

The girl even saw Rex glance at her for a moment before he smirks and focuses back on his fight, "He's paying attention to me even though he's in a fight too? He's just amazing"

On another side,

"Fire Demon Art, Ifrit Hellfire Domain!"

Kevin darted his eyes left and right and chanted after seeing so many Zombies surround him, he doesn't have any choice but to activate his fire domain to reduce the Zombies' number.



Many of the Zombies started burning after the ground turns into a sea of dark fire.

The third rank Zombie didn't stand a chance as their entire body instantly melted, while the fourth rank Zombie is also melting but not instantly as they leap to Kevin.


Kevin dodges a zombie that leaped towards him perfectly,

But then he saw a humanoid zombie around him, "Shit!", he cursed before he instantly canceled his spell to avoid killing the humanoid ones.

Rex specifically instructed them to not kill the humanoid ones,

After canceling his fire domain spell, Kevin landed on the ground and immediately got jumped by a dozen of Zombies that are opening their mouths filled with saliva.

Kevin's body glows with fire before suddenly,


Dark fire exploded from his body blasting the Zombies around him away like a broken kite.

But then suddenly, a crashing sound can be heard from Kevin's back.

The ground trembles because of this crashing sound as Kevin looks to his back, he saw the Metal Elementalist plant Mother Gebbo's head to the ground making the ground tremble.

Kevin sighs in relief feeling that the fight will be over shortly, but then,


A rough stepping sound can be heard from his side as he turns his head to the right, then Kevin's eyes widen when he saw a fat zombie is already approaching him fast.

Because of getting distracted, he didn't realize that this fat zombie is after him.

The fat zombie has an unsymmetrical face with a crazed expression on its face, holding somekind of a butcher knife with its intestines dangling from its opened stomach.


Kevin got hit since he was caught off guard,

The protective barrier appeared around Kevin's body and protected him, but the fat zombie didn't stop chasing after him while holding the butcher knife up crazily.

Kevin tries to dodge its attacks, but he's not perfect as some hits his protective barrier.



'It's a mid-fifth rank! I can't fight it', Kevin thought as he struggles to break free, the strength of the fat zombie surpasses him even though it should be around mid-fifth rank.

Kevin looks around trying to find help but the others are also occupied.

He realizes that there's not only one fat zombie,

Some other fat zombies just like the one attacking him crawl up from the ground, their bodies are so big that it creates a large hole in the ground.

These fat zombies started rampaging through the battlefield,

No matter if it's another zombie or the other descendants, they attack what they see.

Because of this, Kevin can't quite ask for help from the others, The battlefield is in chaos, and even if he can ask for help the zombies around him block him from the other's vision.

It'll be difficult for the other descendants to even spot him,


The fat zombie landed another attack on Kevin as the protective barrier cracked, he got pushed away a couple of feet because of the attack, rolling on the ground.

But this creates a distance between them,

"Fire Demon Art! Wrath of Hell!", Kevin stands up and chants as his sword turn fiery.

He activates his signature skill without a doubt,

While gritting his teeth desperately, Kevin wanted to swing his sword towards the fat zombie but his eyes widen when he saw the fat zombie's movement.



Despite the fat appearance, the fat zombie is very agile and fast as it moves its body left and right as if its body is as light as feather.

Before Kevin realized it, the fat zombie is already in front of him.

The crazed smile of the fat zombie makes Kevin's eyes widen, his eyes darted to the fat zombie's hand and saw the butcher knife the fat zombie is holding glows with death energy.

It stopped Kevin's swinging motion canceling the art,


A spark was created from the collision of his sword and the butcher knife, the fat zombie didn't stop as it raises the butcher knife again and swings down powerfully.



The ground beneath Kevin cracked because of the attack,

Even his protective barrier shatter because of the attack, it left him completely open to attack as the fat zombie pulls back its arm with green saliva dripping from its mouth.

Looking at this, Kevin raises his arms to block an incoming attack,


"KRRHK!", Kevin grunted feeling his arms go numb from the punch of the fat zombie, he got sent crashing away hitting a couple of houses on the way before finally stopping.

Kevin falls to his knees as he spits blood to the ground,


The crash was brutal and it should break some of his bones but it didn't.

'This gold energy, what is this exactly', Kevin mutters as he saw his body is protected by this gold energy, the attack from the fat zombie that should at least break his arms didn't manage to leave anything besides a bruise.

It doesn't even hurt as he expected.

But while he's looking at the golden energy,

"KEVIN!! WATCH OUT!!", a woman's voice called out to him.

Hearing this, Kevin is surprised as he glances to his left before his eyes widen.

Kevin saw the Mother Gebbo is charging its Death Ray pulling the surrounding death energy, he also saw Evelyn calling for him from the side in a panic.

"Eh?", Kevin mutters, he was dazed by the situation he's in.

Even Rex widens his eyes from the side, he just dashes to the right to avoid the Death Ray to only find Kevin blasted from a house and stop right on the Death Ray path.

Without thinking much, Evelyn dashes towards Kevin madly.

Her eyes turn bloodshot as she gives it her all to reach Kevin,


The ground cracked from where Evelyn is standing, she manages to reach Kevin in the nick of time right before the Death Ray is shot from Mother Gebbo's mouth.

The scarf on her neck started to move, it started coiling around Evelyn.

Kevin and Evelyn are covered by the red scar as the scarf turns fiery, but the scarf trembles as the Death Ray from Mother Gebbo is nearing them.

'That scarf won't be able to block that', Rex thought as his muscle contracted.

Although he's in mid-air dashing to the right, Rex contracted his muscles with all his might making even his veins bulge with power as his eyes turn fierce.

He fixated his eyes on Evelyn and Kevin as he mutters, 'System, Use Lunar Blessing Storage'josei


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