The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 373 The Daggers Problem

Chapter 373 The Daggers Problem

Faraday University, Training Ground.


"They're completely even, I was not expecting this"

"I know that he's strong since he even manages to match Kevin but to actually fight Adhara and stand his ground... It shouldn't be possible"

The crowd of students is circling an arena where two people are currently fighting.

Adhara is moving her body nimbly as she dodges and counter-attacks the Awakened in front of him, she looks like she's dancing with two daggers in her hands.

With how much she uses daggers, her movements are not stiff anymore.

Every step and tilt of her body is decisive and has meaning behind it, she already thought of the next attack as she moves around the arena.

It's clear that fighting Edward gave her some insights,

'Edward's move is very efficient, every part of his body moves just enough to block any attacks. I can't land any hits on him, maybe that's why he's nicknamed the turtle', Adhara thought.

While fighting inside the arena, she's thinking about the spar she had with Edward.

Not only Edward's fighting style is way above her league, but even when she tries something new Edward already anticipated her new attack.

It's almost as if he can read her mind,

But the more she fights with Edward, the more Adhara realized that it's not that he can read her mind but Edward is always thinking ahead.

He thinks of what possible attack his opponents might do after this.

Adhara now is trying to incorporate that insight into her fighting style, she kept trying to figure out her opponent's next move after she attacks.


The daggers she's using right now are not the two daggers that Rex gave, she only uses normal daggers that are provided in the training ground.

Brock is the one fighting her right now,

He's using battle gloves as he manages to block Adhara's attack, but a smile is plastered on his face as he kept exchanging blows with Adhara.

The fight excites him so much that he can't cover his smile,

"You're quite good, I didn't expect you to get stronger this fast", Adhara said with a smile.

Hearing this, Brock also smiles back as he replied, "I worked very hard after you guys left to reach where I am today, but it seems I need to work harder"


Adhara kicks Brock but he manages to block it with his arms,

The kick pushes Brock a couple of feet away creating space between them, but when he raises he suddenly saw Adhara in her battle stance as her expression turns serious.

"Let's keep this interesting", she said as her daggers blazed with purple fire.


The purple fire coated Adhara's daggers as the surrounding temperature rise, the students around her can feel the blazing purple fire even from outside of the arena.

Brock smiles wryly upon seeing this, he tenses his muscle when Adhara dashes toward him.


A powerful shockwave of purple fire splashes to the surrounding, Brock manages to block Adhara's attack by also activating his elemental aura.

The battle gloves that he wears glow with a silvery aura and they manage to block the attack.

"I thought we're not using spells", Brock said after blocking Adhara's attack.

Adhara smiles in reply as she said while putting more mana into the daggers making them blaze more brightly than before, "I didn't use any"

Upon the denser mana in the daggers,

The fiery daggers slowly penetrate Brock's silvery aura that coated his battle gloves, Brock notices this as he intends to back away.

But Adhara spins her body as she kept attacking Brock relentlessly,

Every swing of her arms is followed by another attack, she didn't only use her daggers but also all of her limbs giving Brock no time to recover.

It's like her attacks are in rhyme with each other,

The students watching this fight were mesmerized as they saw how Adhara attacks Brock without a pause pushing him back, but they also notice that Brock is holding on to his own.

With the relentless attack, any others will succumb easily.

Brock kept blocking and counter-attacking each of Adhara's attacks, only a handful of Adhara's attacks such as her kicks and punch manage to land solid hits.

But every time she swings her daggers, Brock manages to block it.

It's clear that Brock emphasizes blocking the deadlier attack, although some of Adhara's attacks landed on his body he still knows the priorities.

He also landed quite a bit of hit on Adhara, this shows his power just from that.

'He's solid, even better than Kyran probably', Adhara thought.


Adhara's eyes flash as she dashes forward again, she appears on Brock's left with both of her daggers ready to slash in a horizontal manner.

But Brock manages to block this attack easily with his battle gloves,


Then suddenly, a kick reaches Brock's jaw snapping his head to the right catching him off guard.

Seeing that she landed a solid hit that seems to daze Brock, Adhara smiles as she successfully predicted Brock's movement and follows up another attack.

The satisfied smile can be seen on her face as she keep raining attacks,



Brock raises his arms blocking Adhara's daggers from above, he then flicks his arms which pushes Adhara on the air back before she landed forty feet away.

Even after successfully pushing Adhara back, Brock is not in a good state.josei

He looks at his battle gloves and finds the metal plate on the gloves is already dented, they're on the brink of shattering from Adhara's relentless attack.

Aside from that, he's also feeling dizzy from the kick that landed on his jaw.

Adhara also notice this, she saw the bad condition Brock is in as she said, "You're quite good but let's end this"


The ground cracked as Adhara's eyes burned with purple fire, her aura blasted to the surroundings as it cracks the ground beneath her feet.

All of the students can feel the amount of mana gathers onto her body,

It's almost unbelievable that she's still a peak fifth rank, even some of the students believed that Adhara is equivalent to a sixth rank just from mana alone.

"If you say it like that, I can't help but get excited"


Brock also didn't lose out as the silvery aura blasted from his body, he was smiling excitedly while looking at Adhara who is engulfed in purple flames.

Although his mana is not as much as Adhara, he still doesn't lose out.

'He's an early fifth rank but has this much mana? He must've trained hard', Adhara thought while tensing her muscles as she looks at Brock.

Both of them gathers mana crazily onto their weapons,

The purple fire even turns the entire daggers that Adhara is holding into purple, it's supposed to be metallic but now the daggers turn purple thanks to the ridiculous mana Adhara gathers.

But when Adhara's eyes glister intending to finish the fight,


Her movement stops when a shattering sound can be heard, she glances at the daggers in her hands and found that the blade shatters from the concentrated mana.

Just when the students were on their edges, Adhara's daggers shatter.

"A pity, I was just about to give it all I have", Brock suddenly said as he retracts back his aura.

Adhara who just snapped out of her daze glanced at Brock, her face started to redden in embarrassment before she said, "You would've lost if we clash"

"I know", Brock said with a smile.

A moment later,

Brock and Adhara walk side by side as they leave the arena

The student moves aside as they look at them in awe, their fight is spectacular even though they didn't use any spells whatsoever.

"Why didn't you use that daggers?", Brock suddenly asks.

His eyes are looking at the beautiful daggers that Adhara is holding right now, just from a glance Brock can tell these daggers are powerful, he can instantly tell.

Hearing this, Adhara looks at the daggers before she sighs, "I still can't control it"

"You can't control it...?", Brock mumbles in surprise.

,m The fact that Adhara who is stronger than he can't control it shows just how powerful the daggers are, it must be at least sixth rank equipment.

But then Adhara can't help but asks, "Your battle gloves..."

"Are you trying to copy Rex or something? Just from the looks of them, I can tell that it's almost similar to Rex's battle gloves' design", she added.

Brock turns his head away with a reddened face as he replied, "It must be your imagination"

The both of them then part as Adhara intends to train some more,

Brock told Adhara that he will be going back to Ochyra University and asked if she and Rex can visit sometimes, she parted ways with Brock right after that.

Inside one of the quiet rooms,

Adhara closes her eyes as she steadies her breathing after the spar against Brock, she was now holding both of the daggers in her hands in the middle of the room.

Since she knows what happened if she imbued mana too fast before,

This time, Adhara slowly imbued fire mana to both of the daggers after her breathing is steady.


A subtle breeze of purple fire started to spark from the daggers, Adhara is putting all of her focus on the daggers trying to control the mana imbued in the daggers.

Opening her eyes, Adhara can see the daggers slowly blazing in purple flame.

The dagger's rune in Adhara's left hand started to glow with a purple hue amplifying the purple flame greatly, she then turns her eyes to the right trying to activate the rune slowly.

But just right when the rune on the dagger in her right-hand sparks a bit,


The purple flame went out of control as the daggers turn purple in color, even the handle of the daggers turn scorching hot that even making Adhara let go.

"How did that happen? I'm burned?", Adhara mutters in disbelief.

From all her times being a Fire Elementalist, not once has she ever been burned by her own fire which shouldn't have happened in the first place.

This is something that she didn't expect, "Let me try it again"



Adhara kept trying but she fails at the exact time as last time,

Everytime the rune on the right dagger glows even for a bit, the violet flame that she possesses started going out of control as if it's gotten injected by steroids.


"Arghh!", Adhara grunted as she got slammed to the wall behind her.

She fall to the ground kneeling on four with heavy breaths, it's been hours that she tries to at least control the daggers longer but it seems it's futile.

There's no progress even when she tried her best,

"I'll ask Rex about this later", Adhara sigh as she takes the daggers with a complicated look and left the training ground dejectedly.

Now Adhara is heading back to her room,

'I can't train to use these daggers that easily', Adhara thought with a sigh.

But she then looks at the daggers with a frown, 'Maybe I'm just not strong enough...'

After walking through the university's hallway while greeting the students that greeted her first, Adhara arrives at the room and finds Edward is already back.

"Where is my father?", Adhara asks.

Hearing this, Edward then replied nonchalantly, "He's in his room"

"What about Rex's parents? Where are they?", Adhara asks after realizing that she didn't see Rex's parents this day.

Edward stands up from the sofa before he replied, "Mrs. Greene is in the kitchen with the maids, Robert just got out to look around the university accompanied by a lecturer"

"And... Where are you going?", Adhara asks seeing that Edward is preparing to leave.

Without even stopping, Edward walks towards the door while saying, "I'm going to check on someone, it won't take long. I'll be back"

"Are you leaving the university? Right now?", Adhara asks in concern.

The attack just happened this night, there's no guarantee that he might not get ambushed again by the sniper when he walks out of the university.

"It's unlikely for the sniper to attack again", Edward replied.

But Adhara stopped him and said again, "What about the Atkins Family?"

"They will not know where I'm going, relax, I'm going to be careful okay? Why are you so worried about me anyway?", Edward said making Adhara reluctantly let go.

Adhara then added, "If something happens, Rex will obviously blame me"

"Nothing will happen don't worry, I'll be back in a few hours", Edward finally said as he left the room leaving Adhara alone again.

Just when she was about to check on Kyran,

"Adhara! Come here and taste the coconut milk-braised chicken that I made", Mrs. Greene suddenly shouted from the kitchen stopping Adhara who is in front of Kyran's room.

Hearing this, Adhara then glances at Mrs. Greene, "I'm coming!"

Meanwhile, Inside Kyran's room.

"You know who attacked us didn't you?", Kyran suddenly said while playing with a lump ball of darkness in his hand, he throws the ball and catches it while glancing at Ryze.

Ryze who is sitting by the bed widens his eyes, "I- I don't know"

"You're awfully quiet even after knowing a killer is coming after you, am I just supposed to leave you be when I know you're hiding something?", Kyran added while eyeing Ryze.

Under Kyran's gaze, Ryze can only lower his gaze to the ground.

With a trembling voice, Ryze then said meekly, "L-let's wait for Rex..."

"Wait for Rex? I'm going to deal with this before Rex comes back. Did that sniper really think he can just leave unscathed after doing that to us?", Kyran mutters angrily.

He then looks out the window and mutters, "I'm going to take his arms at least"

"No...I'm going to kill that sniper before Rex comes back"

Hearing this, Ryze suddenly glance at Kyran with a surprised look, "K-Kill him? Isn't that too a bit too much? W-We should wait for Rex"

"You're saying that it's okay for him to kill us but not the other way around?", Kyran replied sharply.

His body started to get coated by dark mana as he glare at Ryze sharply, even his eyes glowed with a dark light making Ryze's body trembles, "I- I didn't mean it like that"

Kyran then scoffed, "Huh! It's obvious that you know the sniper",

"If you don't tell me who that sniper is, I'm going to rip his throat in front of you", Kyran added while smiling evilly exposing his fangs that are slowly growing sharper.




Rex just kicks a fat Zombie sending it crashing away, he deliberately pulls his kick so as to not kill the fat zombie because he needs to capture it.

After sending the fat Zombie crashing away,  Rex finds that the fat Zombie can't move its body.

Although Rex said to capture the Undead that manages to flee, the state they're currently brought it doesn't matter as long as they're still alive.

With that, Rex carries the fat Zombie and dashes away.

In a place not far from where Rex captures the fat Zombie, Delta can be seen guarding about 18 Undead that has already had their bones broken by Rex.

Not one of them can move their bodies, even their regenerative ability was blocked.

The white lightning that Delta possesses was powerful enough to suppress the Undead, and with that, the Undead can't do anything except succumb to Rex's mercy.

"19 Undead, the others should get the rest", Rex mutters after counting the Undead.

He then proceed to tie the Undead that he captured together using a rope that he bought from the system before he linked them to Delta.

"It'll be dark soon, let's go", Rex said after mounting Delta.

With a kick from Rex's heel Delta dashes away while drawing the captured Undead behind her, they dash through the dead plain like a white ghost.

Not one mutated animal can be seen near them,

Delta's aura alone gives them imminent fear as she's a peak sixth rank mutated animal right now, only a handful of mutated animals are stronger than her.

In this place, there might not be one mutated animal that reaches the sixth rank.

While Delta is galloping like a gust of wind, Rex glance in the city direction where the next company of Undead lies, "I'm going to enjoy killing my first Enchanter", he mutters excitedly as a smirk appeared on his face.

'After this, the mission is finished. I can go to the Vampire territory then', Rex thought.

The thought of killing Ana Delarosa makes his body boils, he can't wait to play with that Vampire before he kills her brutally for kidnapping Rosie like that.

But this makes Rex looks to the sky as he wonders, 'I hope she can hold on there...'

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