The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 374 Drunk

Chapter 374 Drunk

After leaving the room, Edward instantly heads to the entrance of the university.

Just before he heads to the entrance, he didn't forget to stop by his room.

He changed wore a brown hoody jacket and a black hat to cover his face, the daggers are sheathed on his waist but are covered by the hoody jacket.

The sun is still up and the university's hallway is crowded with students that just finished their class, Edward walks passed them putting his hands in his pockets.

Edward glances around warily before he heads to the university's entrance,

None of the students greets him as he fast walk to exit the university ground, he then ordered a taxi before he got in and left while still keeping on his guard.

Although he looks nonchalant about what Adhara said earlier,

He knows how dangerous this endeavor might be with Rex still on the mission, this will give a perfect opportunity for Wesley Atkins to make his move knowing that Rex is not around.

'If I were them, I'll definitely use this opportunity to strike', Edward thought with a frown.

The real problem for the Atkins Family is Rex, he is stronger than Wesley's right hand, Hans.

Wesley Atkins can't make a move personally but his underlings can't compare to Rex, they need to surround Rex with numbers even to hope of taking Rex down.

Edward knows this perfectly, that is why Rex's absence is crucial.

Along the way, Edward's body is tense as he kept looking back to see if someone is following him even though he had already made sure of it before getting inside the taxi.

"Why are you so nervous young man? You're making me uneasy", the taxi driver suddenly said.

Hearing this, Edward glanced to the front realizing that his aura is very tense right now which makes the vibe inside the taxi tense too, "I'm sorry, Sir. Please don't mind me", he replied.

The taxi driver smiles politely as he stepped on the gas,

A moment later, the taxi arrives near the only mall in sector 3E which is a six-story building that is even bigger than the biggest soccer stadium.

Since this place is the only mall in sector 3E, it's definitely crowded.

"Just stop right here", Edward said while pointing near the entrance of the mall.

The taxi driver nodded his head and after the taxi stop, Edward pays the taxi driver and walks out after pulling his hood down to avoid his face being seen by anyone.

Normal citizens can be seen filling the place as they seek entertainment.

Edward looks around before he nodded his head, he then walks inside the mall alongside the people here as he made way to the mall.

But when the people headed to the mall lobby, Edward didn't.

He makes a turn near the lobby and head to another entrance on the side, the mall has multiple entrances, and Edward head to the left one.

While putting his hands on his pocket, Edward walks out of the mall ground.

Edward looks out of place with his brown hoody jacket and his hands in his pockets, but in truth, he's putting his hands in his pocket so that he can reach for his daggers faster.

That just shows how alert he currently is right now,

After going through the other entrance, Edward head to a bus station that is located just beside the entrance before he takes the bus there.

Another moment passed as Edward got out of the bus,

Edward is now in a different part of sector 3E which looks more ordinary than the rest, the advanced technology that sector 3E was known for diminished in this part.

Only broken holograms and broken gadgets can be seen scattered around here.

Buildings that have their paint scraped due to being neglected, a few stores that can hardly be called a store since the shop sign is blinking due to electricity problems, and even a couple of gangs of people can be seen around here.

It looks like a mafia city filled with criminals, but the gangs aren't people like that.

Just from looking at the gangs of people across the road, Edward can tell that they're not criminals as they make groups to fill their hollow lives.

They only drink and smoke together, and they don't look like they've harmed anyone.

Just minding their own business,

The notorious sector 3E known as the most technologically advanced sector of Ratmawati City has this kind of place too, it almost looks like an ordinary slum of a city.

If not for the people here wearing gadgets that can summon holograms,

This part of sector 3E will look just like any part of Ratmawati City, in fact maybe even worst since the place looks neglected compared to other parts.

After leaving the bus, Edward power walks along the street.

He went to a nearby store before he buys a couple of snacks and beers,

Seeing the cashier receptionist that looks skinny and frail, Edward glanced at the hotdog on the display counter before he said, "I want to buy the hotdog too"

"That'll be $11.30 sir", the receptionist said with a slightly tired tone.

Edward pays for the goods that he bought but when the receptionist wanted to give Edward the hotdog, he declines and said, "That's for you"

"What...?", the receptionist mumbles in confusion.

But he soon realizes what Edward means before he instantly bowed, "Thank you, Sir!", this makes Edward smile as he bids his goodbye.

He left the store with a plastic bag in his hand and resumed his walk,

Edward takes a left after meeting an intersection, he then walks a couple more minutes before he raises his gaze to meet a decent house complex across the road.

There is a sign in front of the housing complex that is guarded by a security guard,

'AppositeFlux Townhouse', was written on the sign.

Based on the looks of the housing complex, it looks more appropriate than the beaten-up buildings around the place that looks dirty and shabby.

Looking at his side warily, Edward head to the housing complex.

"Good evening Damar", Edward greeted the security guard that is guarding the housing complex, he's a middle-aged man with a bloated belly from all the junk food he eats.

Hearing this, the security guard glances at Edward before he smiles, "Oh, Edward!"

"Are you visiting the old man? I saw him looking down earlier", Damar added with a concerned look, and this made Edward even more worried.

Edward smiles and gives a couple of beers and said, "Yeah, I'll be going inside then"

After saying that, Edward proceed to walk into the housing complex and greeted the people there that saw him with a polite smile.

Since the houses here are not many, Edward knows the people living here.

Edward then stopped not long after, in front of a humble house.

The house looks ordinary yet comfortable at the same time, the garage is an open one and there was only a motorcycle parked there as he made way to the door.

Knock! Knock!

Edward knocks on the door gently, it doesn't take long for the door to open.

The door opened slowly revealing a teen girl wearing baggy clothes and short pants, the black with a shade of pink hair shows that she's Zelene.

"Brother! I thought you're going to make time to come here?", Zelene exclaimed.

Hearing this, Edward smiles as he brought the plastic bag that he bought from the store earlier in front of Zelene's face, "I brought you some snacks! I know uncle can be hard for you sometimes"josei

After saying that, Edward enters the house followed by Zelene.

Zelene's eyes are starry as she looks inside the plastic bag drooling slightly, the snacks there entice her but she then shakes her head, "Seriously, Aren't you busy?"

"I can't concentrate knowing that uncle is not okay", Edward replied with a sigh.

The inside of the house is pretty old-school style and looks humble, weapons can be seen inside the house on a display ranging from small guns to snipers.

Edward glance around the place as he asks, "Where is he?"

"He's upstairs caging himself in his room, I tried to bring him food but he didn't even answer me. It's so unlike him to be this upset from something", Zelene added with a grumpy sigh.

Hearing this, Edward smiles, "Wait here", he said before going upstairs.

Edward's steps make thudding sounds as he made way upstairs, he then stopped in front of a room at the end of the hallway before he knocks it gently, "Uncle, It's me, Edward"

Immediately after that, "Edward?!", a muffled voice can be heard.

The hurried footsteps can also be heard as the door makes a clicking sound, Edward then steps back as the door opened revealing the old man with a wry smile on his face.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you busy?", the old man asks with a smile.

But without even answering, Edward looks at the old man up and down as he studies the old man's appearance that looks shabby.

The white T-shirt that he's wearing is shriveled making him look untidied, his face is sunken with puffy eyes, and although the old man tries to hide it Edward can see that he has a runny nose which makes Edward sigh.

Upon walking closer, Edward can even smell the stench of alcohol on the old man.

"Let's get inside first", Edward said as he walks past the old man.

Inside the room is filled with handgun holsters made of leather scattered around, the old man's room is also his working place but Edward's eyes fall to the alcohol on the table.

From the looks of it, the old man tries to hide the bottle behind a sewing machine,

But Edward catches this instantly as he instantly realizes that something happened to the old man, it's not his usual self to drink alcohol like this.

After closing the door, Edward glance at the old man, "Be honest, What is this for?"

Edward is holding the alcohol that is already half-emptied, the alcohol scent coming from the old man also shows that the old man has been drinking.

"It's nothing, I don't think you would come here just from that", the old man said.

But Edward's eyes kept looking at the old man but even still, the old man is refusing to come out with the truth as Edward sits on a leather sofa beside him, "You're going to tell me now"

"Or I will sit here all day until you tell me the truth", Edward added.

Hearing this, the old man sigh as he takes the alcohol from Edward's hand and put it on his desk before sitting on the edge of his bed, "The contract got terminated"

"Contract? You mean the contract with t-",

Before Edward can finish, the old man intervenes hurriedly, "Yes, Yes, the contract with the military. They just terminated it this day"

"Why? Is there any reason for this?", Edward asks in confusion.

Upon hearing this, the old man grinds his teeth feeling a bit angry from Edward's question, "NO! The handgun holsters that I made are always top quality, they even praised me for helping the military out which is why they offer the contract in the first place"

"But now, they suddenly terminated the contract one-sidedly without any reason. It just doesn't make sense, how could they do this without a legitimate reason"

Edward listens to the old man with calm eyes,

The old man has been making handgun holsters for a military division for a couple of months now, he was paid quite dearly for the handgun holsters that he made.

It was the joy of his life, he's really happy thanks to that.

Before the contract with the military, the old man also made handgun holsters but he's not doing quite well, but the contract turns his life upside down which made him happy.

Now that the contract has been terminated one-sidedly, it's obvious that he will be devastated.

Edward sigh as he shakes his head, "Why are you still working despite your age, I can handle our family financial matter and you can just rest and spend quality time with Zelene"

"But you suddenly started declining my help for a while now"

The old man looks down to the ground with a complicated look, he can't state directly into Edward's eyes as he mutters silently, "It's my fault..."

"What did you say?", Edward asks in confusion.

This makes the old man raises his teary gaze as he looks at Edward with immense guilt, he then said, "It's my fault that I've put you into the military"

"My inability to support you before forced me to sign you to join the military"

"Now that you're back from the military, I can see that I made the wrong choice by putting you into the military. You tried to hide it... but I saw, I realized that you're scarred from the times you spent there", the old man continues as tears fall from his eyes.

The old man clenched his hands on his lap as he looks down again, "You even almost died there"

"If not for your friend Rex and Kyle, you probably won't be here talking to me right now. But even when you're still alive, I can tell you're not enjoying life as you used to be"

"That's why...I thought that I'll repay what I couldn't do before to Zelene. You seem to care for her, she even resembles you. So I thought it's my chance to do what I couldn't do"

"I want you to enjoy the privilege you have right now, and let me handle Zelene to live a normal life. But I fail to do that again right now... I'm pathetic"

Hearing the old man's pent up frustration,

Edward is looking at the old man in disbelief, he then asks, "Where is this coming from?"

The old man then wiped the tears that are flowing down his cheek as he made his way back to his desk, he then takes out a piece of paper from the drawer and gives it to Edward.

With a confused look, Edward reads the paper before his eyes widen.

"I just found that paper lying around, you must've dropped it when you visit us", the old man said making Edward clench the paper in his hand.

The paper turns out to be the receipt from his visit to Dr. Velma Zeitler, his psychiatrist.

So turns out this came from the old man seeing the receipt,

Although Edward never told anyone, he's still going to Dr. Velma Zeitler just to do the therapy and also restock the medicine that helps him calm down.

For the old man to actually find this, it didn't cross his mind at all.

"You hid it well from me, but now I know that what I did is a mistake", the old man mutters softly.

With trembling shoulders, the old man then went to his knees in front of Edward as he pleaded filled with tears, "Forgive me, I shouldn't have put you into the military. It's my fault"

Edward's expression darkened as the old man kept pleading for his forgiveness.

There is a single tear that falls frown Edward's eyes but he quickly wiped it, he then holds the old man by his shoulder,

"You did what you can to support me, and I never even once thought of anything except grateful to you. I didn't resent you for sending me to the military, you did the right thing", Edward said.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't meet such great friends. You made the right choice"

"This is not your fault, so don't blame yourself too much because it's the only thing you can do in that current situation"

This makes the old man trembling body stop as he looks up slowly with his teary eyes.

He saw that Edward is smiling at him gently as he continues, "Knowing that you're very concerned about me has already proven enough, you have already done enough"

After saying that, Edward helps the old man to stand back up.

While looking at the old man with eyes filled with unspeakable emotion, Edward then said, "Just let me help you, I can't stand you looking like this. You're one of the most precious people in my life, and I never want to see you sad"

Right after he said that the old man widen his eyes as he immediately hugs Edward.

The tears that he hold back burst at once, he started crying while holding Edward's body tightly as his heart is relieved hearing the words coming from Edward's mouth.

Edward hugs back as he taps the old man's back lightly,

After the old man collected himself, they then part as the old man said, "You turn up into a great man with a big heart... thank you"

Hearing this, Edward replies with a smile but then suddenly, "Huh?"

Edward suddenly glance at the door with a frown, the old man saw the sudden change in expression as he asks, "What's wrong?"

"Sshh...", Edward signals for the old man to be quiet.

But when Edward was about to creep closer to the door, "AAAHH!!", a high-pitched scream suddenly came out of nowhere making both Edward and the old man tense their bodies.

Soon they realizes the owner of the voice, "ZELENE!!"

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