The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 388 Shadow Lurker

Chapter 388 Shadow Lurker

"Don't mind them", Rex said as he walked toward Liliya and Velten.

All eyes of the descendants from Gerrard's team are on him as Evelyn follows after him.

Rex sits at Velten and Liliya's table before he asks the two of them what they were going to do since he will be going back to Ratmawati City in a couple of days until he came back, and turns out they're going to go back ahead.

They said the SCO is preparing for the meeting with the UWO,

Since Sebrof asks for a meeting with the leader of the SCO, the organization is preparing for the meeting and this includes all of the members of the organization.

It's a bit hectic in the SCO right now, and that is why they need to went back ahead.

The king instructed all divisions of the SCO to be present including the messengers, all of them will be present at the designated time and place for their first official appearance in public.

Of course, this meeting will be broadcasted, and the public will see the SCO in light for the first time.

"I don't know why the King is preparing this much, but because of that we'll have to go back ahead since we also need to prepare for the meeting", Velten said while shrugging his shoulders.

Hearing this, Rex then answered, "It's a power move for the negotiation"

"The meeting will discuss the alliance term and there will certainly be negotiations such as dividing loots, guarding sectors, and there might be the talk of the low-level cities that the SCO currently occupied right now"

"Appearing strong will raise the negotiation power of the SCO, that is what the King aims"

Velten nodded his head in light as Rex explained why the king stressed this so much, it's the first appearance of the SCO so they need to appear strong and reliable.

But then Rex asks, "Do I have to be there too?"

Since he's now the supposedly Green Messenger, he wonders if he needs to come too and if he has to then it will be catastrophic especially if Sebrof realizes he's a part of the SCO.

"Of course not, the Green Messenger or I supposed Prof. K know that the UWO doesn't know you're also a member of the SCO so you don't have to be worried", Liliya added.

After talking for a bit more, the two leave the restaurant section as they're going to depart as soon as possible to go back to the organization.

Rex is now currently in his room wearing his armors again,

"Gistella, absorb this", Rex said before he gave Gistella a blue horn that he got from the achievement of killing an Enchanter.

<Aegis Enchanter Horn>

It's the horn of an Enchanter that possesses the power of aegis, this blue horn will grant the power to protect allies and also the wearer itself. All defensive-related spells' power will be amplified by the aegis, enchanting its durability by 100%.

Hearing this, Gistella takes the blue horn from Rex's hand.

She looks at it and instantly realizes that it's Yolgos' horn, but she was not going to talk back at Rex as she puts the horn on her forehead before the blue energy makes the horn become hers.

'I probably need something to hide that too', Rex thought

The horn is sticking out of her forehead just like Yolgos, and it will surely expose her as a Supernatural so Rex has to hide it.

He bought an item recommendation from the system,

Since the horn is emitting a Supernatural aura, the system suggests Rex buy a high-rank item called Linen of Invisibility which is a higher rank item than the one Rex used to hide his horns.

Not only can this item hide the horn alongside the Supernatural aura,josei

This Linen of Invisibility can even put the horn in another dimension while still can be used by Gistella, this will make her horn literally disappear.

If anyone touches her forehead, they won't be able to touch the horn which is perfect.

'The horn raises her intelligence to 1200, it's quite a huge leap from before', Rex thought as he nodded his head, but then Evelyn got out of the shower.

She looks at Rex who is already strapped on his armor before she sighs,

"Can't I come? Isn't it better for me to explore the Supernatural territory? My father won't let me go out of the human territory, this is a special case you know and this kind of chance won't come by quickly", she said still trying to convince Rex.

Rex still shook his head, "This is not some field trip, I'm not going to put you in danger"

"Wow, Is that really the best excuse you can come up with? Should I be blushing right now having you protecting me?", Evelyn replied sarcastically.

A moment later,

Rex is rubbing Delta's head as he was preparing to leave, the sun is already golden and this is the perfect time to leave since it will be night in a bit.

With his Sovereign of the Night skill, the night amplifies his power by a mile.

"I'm going to the Supernatural Territory for a bit, If there are no mishaps It won't take long", Rex said to Evelyn who is still pouting by the side.


Delta growls menacingly as she glare at her left,

Since her body is too big, she's stationed on the side of the hotel near the parking lot with Gerrard's Zeragon pet which is also stationed here.

Unlike before when the white tiger is looking at Delta mockingly,

Now it can feel the threatening aura coming from Delta, both of their body are as big as each other but Delta's body is much more muscular than the white tiger.

The bones on her legs added to the intimidation she emit,

Rex glance to the side and can even see the white tiger backing a little, it's clear that Delta now is a presence that it can't just ignore like before.

'I haven't had the time to let Delta eat the Supernatural's body, maybe later'


Delta howls loudly attracting the people in the surrounding,

Some of them even started to clap upon hearing Delta howls, and this makes Delta even more excited as it can be clearly seen from its wagging tail.

"Calm down girl, don't get too excited now...", Rex whispered with a cheeky smile.

But when he was about to mount Delta, a guy can be seen running toward him from the hotel entrance and Rex instantly recognize this guy as Dray.

Dray stopped in front of Rex before he said, "I heard that you're leaving"

"I'm going somewhere for a bit, It won't take long. After I get back we can then go back to Ratmawati City", Rex said as he turns his body towards Dray.

He doesn't know why Dray is seeing him off like this,

Dray is even in his armor which makes Rex a bit confused, but the words that come out of his mouth after that make Rex shake his head, "Let me come with you!"

"Evelyn asks me too but I declined her, it's too dangerous", Rex replied firmly.

Although Rex is determined to finish the quest to get Adhara's spirit, he can't help but also feel nervous since the Supernatural territory right now is more dangerous.

The stronghold just means that there will be many Supernaturals near the Great Barricade.

Rex needs to be secretive but the ones he's most worried is not the Supernatural near the strongholds, but it's the royal Vampire, Calidora instead.

Not too long ago she said that they will meet soon enough,

Because of that, there's a high chance Rex will meet with Calidora who is his Eternal Curse.

Its' not clear what this Eternal Curse exactly is, but it seems to bound him with Calidora, and even though he's quite stronger than the last time they met he's still worried.

The last time they met, he also thought the same like this.

Rex got noticeably stronger than the first time he met with Calidora in Zrolis City, but the second time he met with Calidora, she suddenly become as strong as him.

It's clear that she too has a terrifying talent for getting stronger, Rex can't underestimate her.

'Judging from the last time we met, she should also reach the sixth rank and might even be as strong as me. Her eyes are also a problem, I need to be careful', Rex thought.

He then frowns as he's thinking about the Eternal Curse, 'I know nothing about the curse...'

But then suddenly, "Please let me come!"

"I realized that I'm still inexperienced regarding the Supernatural, but I acknowledge this and wanted to overcome this flaw of mine. So please, let me come and learn more of our enemies", Dray added decisively.

Hearing this, Rex was about to decline again but he then suddenly saw Dray's gaze.

Dray's eyes show that he will not back down from this, there's also a determination in his eyes which makes Rex has second thoughts, 'I really can't, but if I'm going to repay Daniel...'

"Fine, you can come but make sure to absolutely follow my command", Rex finally said.

This makes Dray's eyes lit up before he smiles widely,

Rex sighed while still unsure whether he made the right choice, 'It's going to be a good thing to befriend Daniel, It's not that deep into the Supernatural territory it should be fine'

'I just hope that we don't meet that Vampire', but then suddenly,



"Arrghh! What the hell Evelyn?!", Rex cursed when his feet suddenly got stomped.

Evelyn didn't hold back at all as even the ground beneath his feet got cracked, she was glaring at Rex with a puffed-up expression indicating that she is pissed.

She then said, "You're saying yes to Dray but not to me?!"

Without giving Rex any time to say something, Evelyn hugs his arm before she said stubbornly, "If Dray is coming with you, then I'm coming with you. I won't take no for an answer!"

'Urghh... I'm starting to regret bringing Dray already', Rex thought with a sigh.

At night time, the five of them reach the secret route Rex checked before.

Delta's body is big enough for the others to ride on her back, they all then jumped down from Delta's body upon arriving near the black maple tree.

Gistella is standing right behind Dray and Evelyn,

She is specifically tasked by Rex to keep an eye on Dray and Evelyn, she needs to always be ready to protect the two of them if they encounter a powerful Supernatural.

The place is different than before as there are battle scars around,

Many silver bullet shells are scattered on the ground from the ambush Raul did before,

After getting down from Delta,

Rex did the same thing as before as he pluck one of the glowing black leaves of the black maple tree, then the ground trembles as the river got drained the same as before.

Looking at this, Dray and Evelyn widen their eyes before Rex jumped down.

'I don't sense any Supernatural here, It's clear', Rex thought before he signals to the other to jump down, but he then encounters a slight problem right after.


Delta growl as her body is too tall for the secret passage,

Although she fits in the secret passage, she's just too tall and it makes her hard to move in the secret passage which might be dangerous if they encounter Supernatural in this place.

"She won't be able to move freely in this tunnel", Evelyn said.

Hearing this, Dray also nodded his head as Rex frowns in thought, 'Without her, going to the place will take longer. What should we do?'

"I'm going to go on ahead", Rex finally said.

He then continues, "I'm going to scout the front to check if there's any Supernatural, you guys walked slowly alongside Delta"

After saying that, Rex dashes deeper into the secret route.

The secret route is exactly like an underground tunnel that is held by mana, it's so deep as if there's no end to the route at all.

It's also completely dark here, but Rex is not bothered.

While dashing without even knowing how much time has passed, Rex saw a light coming from outside and he can even feel the moonlight warmth starting to prickle his skin.

Rex pick up his pace before he got out of the secret route right in the mouth of a cave.

'Just like Gistella said, the secret route's entry point is a cave', Rex thought as he looks at his surroundings, the cave seems to be on a hill and is very secluded.

The big rocks around the mouth of the cave have mosses all over them,

,m Just the changes in the terrain alone show that he already traveled a great distance, at least hundreds of miles non-stop following the secret route.

Rex jumped to higher ground before he scan the surrounding place,

From afar Rex can already sense an Awakened aura from his west that seems to belong to a camp of Cessation Knight, their aura is quite dense as it can be felt from afar.

At the far end of the horizon, Rex also saw the Great Barricade standing tall.

'Let's check around this place before the others arrived', Rex said wanting to make sure before he disappear into thin air under the moonlight.

A moment later,

The others slowly got out of the secret route and gasped after managing to get out.

Because of the long travel through the secret route that is endless and dark, they finally got out of the route and reach outside as they takes a huge breath.

It's quite tiring to travel through the tunnel and the closed place makes walking suffocating,

"That tunnel takes forever to get through, I can't believe thousands of Supernatural can go through there", Dray said as he put his hands on his waist feeling relieved.

Hearing this, Evelyn also nodded as she looks at the surrounding.

She then asks, "Where's Rex? He should be waiting here"

But then suddenly, "I already scout the area, we need to keep moving since the Cessation Knight is roaming the place", Rex's voice suddenly came out of nowhere startling the two.

They both look back and saw Rex sitting on top of the cave,

"Why do we need to hide from the Cessation Knight? We're not a Supernatural", Dray asks in confusion, they can even tell the Cessation Knight about this secret route he thought.

Rex shakes his head, "If we were to be found out, they won't let us go through"

"I already found a way to go around the Cessation Knight, we need to move fast", Rex said as he looks in a direction.


Back at the entrance of the secret route,

When Rex and the others got inside the secret route before the secret route closed and the river got filled again, it went back to the exact same way as before.

After the secret route closed, a rustling sound can be heard from the side.

Out of nowhere, two Werewolves came out from the darkness with one of them sniffing the air, "I can smell his scent lingering around here, he must be close. He finally left that damn city again"

"Where is he? The scent suddenly ended...", the other Werewolf said in confusion.

But when they are searching for the person they're looking for, one of the Werewolf glance to the side sensing something before the two leaped away.

Not long after the Werewolves leave,

Three shadow figures landed right beside the black maple tree, one of them plucks the glowing black leaf before the secret route opened again as the three dashed inside.

After the three went inside, the Werewolves came out again.

"It's a secret route? It must be the Undead's doing", One of the Werewolves said.

Hearing this, the other Werewolf then replied, "They're not what I think they are right?"

"Let's just head in that direction, this secret route should lead near the humans' great wall. If the Demons sent them, then they definitely know about the Prince"

Both of them then dash away leaving the place silent once again,

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