The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 389 Keep Your Guard Up

Chapter 389 Keep Your Guard Up

"What's that for?", Evelyn asks from the side.

Hearing this, Dray darted his eyes towards Rex who is squatting just in front of the cave's mouth before he asks, "Is that somekind of trap? But that doesn't look sturdy"

Rex is planting a thin steel wire just on the cave's mouth,

"Someone might come in or out of this cave, we need something to notify us if there's anyone else besides us that went in or out of the cave. It's better to be careful", Rex replied.

After planting the wire, Rex and the others mounted Delta.

They are now heading towards the Great Barricade,

Delta blitzes past a wide road that seems to be used by the Cessation Knight,

She's moving very carefully and tries her best to blend with the dark although it didn't amount to much since her fur is white, Delta sticks out like a sore thumb in the dark.

A couple of Cessation Knight wearing their special armor can be seen walking around,

The interval of the wandering Cessation Knight is only separated by one minute at best, this place is very tight that it's almost unbelievable the Supernatural can sneak through them.

'They must have some way to went past this', Rex thought.

While Delta is heading slowly towards the Great Barricade,

"Stop!", Rex instructed when he saw a man that wears a different kind of armor than the other Cessation Knight, just looking at this man shows that he was not a normal Cessation Knight.

Dray who saw this immediately said, "That's a captain! We need to get out of here!"

Just right after he said that Rex had already scanned the Cessation Knight captain found him to be a peak seventh rank Awakened, the captain suddenly glanced in their direction with a frown.

Looking at this, Delta ducked down low almost instantly.

But all of them saw that the Cessation Knight captain leaped towards their direction which makes their scalp go cold, the man's movement is very fast.


The man stopped as he looks around squinting his eyes, "Hmmm..."

"Did I sense it wrong?", the man mutters as he checks the surrounding, he leaped from rock to rock to check the place before he eventually stopped right above a huge rock.

After looking around one last time, the man resumes his way to the camp again.

Unknown to him, Rex and the others are behind the huge rock that the man stopped at just right under him which makes their heart beat faster.

It's a peak seventh rank Awakened, his senses are very sharp even as a human.

"We almost got caught...", Dray mutters in relief.

Evelyn then glance at the blanket that covers them and made their bodies turn astral as she asks, "What is this? Is this somekind of Invisible cloak?"

Hearing this, Rex shakes his head, "It's called Astral Blanket"

"It will turn the ones underneath the blanket astral and cannot be touched physically, this astral state also masked our aura so that captain can't sense us thankfully. Although if he looks down then he will instantly see us", Rex explains.

This is the blanket he bought just before to protect Katya,

Its size can be adjusted and it manages to cover Delta and their bodies completely, but this only makes their bodies translucent so if the captain looks down then they can be spotted.

But thankfully the captain didn't,

"Let's keep moving, after passing that hill over there we will not be in the Cessation Knight perimeter so we need to hurry", Rex said as he put the blanket away.

The five of them inch closer to the Great Barricade carefully,

It takes about two hours to go through the perimeter of the Cessation Knight successfully, they now are standing just under the Great Barricade which is towering in front of them.

"Now how do we go over the Great Barricade, Delta surely can't jump that high", Evelyn asks.

The Great Barricade is very towering that it's practically impossible to just jump over it, even for Delta who is already a peak sixth rank mutated animal.

Heck even if she reaches the seventh rank, it's unlikely for her to leap over the Great Barricade.

Rex looks around to identify the place before he points to the left, "Delta go there! There's a hole in the wall right around there"

While waiting for the others to come out of the cave,

Rex had already created a route to go out of the Human Territory, he surprisingly found a big enough hole on the Great Barricade which surprised him.

Although the Supernatural breached the Great Barricade,

In reality, they only breach a part of the Great Barricade which spans thousands of miles separating the human territory from the Supernatural territory.

Because of that, the human-only make a safe perimeter around the stronghold.

About a couple of miles beside the stronghold, the Great Barricade is still functioning normally and doesn't get affected by the stronghold at all.

They only need to be wary of wandering Supernatural that might attack them from the back.

"How did the Supernatural tear through the Great Barricade wall? Isn't it covered by a barrier that protects from outside attacks?", Evelyn asks as Delta went through the hole in the wall.

It's big enough for even Delta to fit which is surprising,

Rex shrugs his shoulders as he to was surprised to see the hole at first, he's currently looking at the system's map which points at the place of the Fire Serpent Spirit.

But then he looks back before he frowns, 'In a straight line from here, isn't it Qrila City?'

'So this is the hole where the Vampires attacking Qrila City came from, the wall shouldn't be this easy to get torn through so this hole must've been progressively made for a long time', Rex thought.

He remembers when the Vampires attacked Qrila City,

That is the time when he unintendingly rescues Rosie, he also first met with the Vampire, Issac there and learns the information that the Supernatural can use other races' spells.

After going through the wall, Delta dashes with all his might.

Plainland covered miles in front of the Great Barricade just like when Rex first got escorted to Lightless Marsh, it's easy to be spotted if they're too slow.

Thanks to Delta's speed, they manage to cover huge distances easily.

While Delta is galloping towards the direction where Rex points, he then said to the others, "From now on we're not in the human territory anymore, so make sure to keep your guard up"

"If you die here, your family won't even find your corpse", he added.

Hearing this, Dray and Evelyn nodded their heads as Delta's body started blitzing with white lightning increasing her speed as she dashes through the night.


Meanwhile, Faraday University.

Adhara just finished her morning training as she went back to the room again, she has a dejected look on her face as there was no progress in using the daggers Rex gave her.

It's like the daggers don't want to be wielded by her, and this makes her dispirited.

'No progress again today, It's not looking good', Adhara thought as she looks down in thought, she arrives at the room but when she enters it she found Edward is already inside.

Looking at him, Adhara then asks, "You're early today, what's up?"

"I think I'm going to go out with Zelene and my uncle today, she looks okay but I can tell that she's not", Edward said with a sigh.

The sudden appearance of Hans surprises the both of them too much,

Especially Zelene whom Edward finds to be talking in her sleep just a moment ago, and her body is shivering with a troubled look etched on her face.

Hearing this, Adhara frowns, "You just got attacked yesterday, and you're going out again?"

"Are you even healed properly yet? Don't you think you should wait a bit more before going out again, the Atkins might attack you again", she added in concern.

But Edward shakes his head, "It should be relatively safe right after an attack"

"I also can't bear to see Zelene like that, she's trying hard to not worry me but she can't hide it well. I'm just going to be in a crowded place all the time, it should be fine", he added with a sigh.

Adhara sits on the sofa beside Edward as she said, "Fine, Just at least bring Kyran"

"Kyran can help you in case of an attack, and he also can bring your uncle and Zelene to safety faster than you", she added.

This made Edward nod his head as Adhara went to Kyran's room,

But upon entering Kyran's room, she only finds Ryze caging himself in the room all by himself with Kyran nowhere to be seen, "Ryze, What are you doing in the room alone?"

"I just feel like being alone", Ryze replied meekly.

Adhara walks inside the room before she sits by the bed, "What seems to trouble you? You know that you can tell me anything right?"

"Does Kyran give you a hard time?", she asks again.

With his teary eyes, Ryze nodded his head lightly before Adhara hugs him to calm him down.

Ryze started sobbing as Adhara stroked his back gently, she doesn't know what Kyran did but it seems Kyran said something bad to actually made Ryze like this.

After a moment, Adhara pulls Ryze away as she asks, "I'll ask Kyran to stop being mean to you"

"No! He will just become meaner if you said that, just leave him be...", Ryze mutters as he lowers his gaze dejectedly, this makes Adhara frown.

Adhara pity Ryze before she eventually asks, "Do you want to come with me?"

"Let's go out to get some fresh air, you must feel suffocated being in the university all this while", she added with a smile making Ryze looks at her with bright eyes.

She then told Ryze to change as she went out of the room,

Looking at her coming out of the room, Edward approached her and asks, "Kyran is not in there is he?"

"You know where Kyran went? He shouldn't go out of the university alone, I already told him many times already", Adhara mutters as she puts her hands on her waist feeling annoyed.

But then, Edward replied, "I don't know exactly, but I think I know where he is"

"Well, you don't have to worry about Kyran going out of the university. He probably isn't", he added making Adhara looks at him questioningly.

Edward then continues, "It's Lisa, he's with Lisa"

"Lisa? Do you mean the girl that Kyran did it with? But didn't Rex already settle that, Rex told him to not stress about Lisa didn't he?", Adhara asks with a frown.

Hearing this, Edward nodded his head, "Yeah, but I saw them sneaking together"

"It seems they still keep in contact and when he knew Rex is gone he instantly went to Lisa, why did he agree with Rex in the first place if he wants to be with that girl", Edward shakes his head.

Adhara then sigh, "As long as he doesn't leave the university alone, it's fine I guess"

When Adhara was about to continue,

"Adhara? Are you okay?", Edward asks when he saw Adhara's face suddenly turns red.

Even her breathing becomes heavy out of nowhere which caught him by surprise, it happened suddenly which caught Edward off guard.

Adhara then hugged her body feeling her body heating up as her face started to get redder.

Looking at this, Edward helped Adhara sit down on the sofa.

"What happened? Are you sick?", Edward looks at Adhara in concern, he touches Adhara's forehead and finds that she doesn't seem to be sick although she's very warm.

He thought for a moment while looking at Adhara,

Werewolves or even Awakened can't get sick that easily, they're superhumans so getting sick aside from sickness caused by Supernaturals or spells is almost impossible.

But the heavy breathing indicates that Adhara's body should be heating up,

Adhara looks at her own body before she also frowns in confusion, "What's happening? I suddenly feel weird, my body... it's starting to hurt"josei

"Should we go to the clinic first?", Edward asks in worry.

Ignoring Edward's suggestion, Adhara looks down at her thighs and saw that her legs are moving on their own as she rubs her own thighs, 'It's just like last time...'

Realizing what's happening to herself, Adhara stands up abruptly.

She then went to her own room leaving Edward confused, "Meet me in the lobby in a bit, Me and Ryze will come with you to go out"

After saying that she went to Rosie's room, close the door, and lock it.

"What's with her, she can be weird sometimes", Edward mumbles before he leaves the room.

But right after Adhara enters the room, she stopped just by the door with her breathing still getting heavier, "This... Why did my body become hot out of nowhere?"

"Is it Rex...?", she mumbles as she slid down the door.

Adhara looks at the ceiling with heavy breaths and a reddened face, her eyes are droopy as she tries to resist the feeling, "You said you won't be thinking about that... it's not as hurt like last time so he must just get riled up by someone"

"What did Evelyn do...?", Adhara mutters as she tries to calm herself down.

​ ~

Back to Rex,

Rex is focusing on his journey to the spot on the system's map to get the Fire Serpent spirit for Adhara without even realizing that he made a ruckus early in the morning for Adhara.

It happened exactly when Rex woke up and saw Evelyn's defenseless state,

'We're near, the spot should be right around here', Rex thought as he told Delta to stop, they stop right under a huge lush tree that looks to be hundreds of years old.

The tree is somekind of silk cotton tree, but its leaves are fiery red instead.

Even the surrounding trees accommodate the fiery look of the silk cotton tree,

The surrounding trees look to be elm trees with the same colored leaves as the silk-cotton tree, and the elm trees are lined up neatly creating a path to head to the silk cotton tree which looks absolutely stunning that even Rex finds it pleasing to see.

Although it's a cotton silk tree, Rex finds fruits hanging on the branches.

Rex scans the fruit and finds that it's a fourth rank fruit filled with fire mana, and it seems to be the product caused by the fire serpent spirit energy.

Everything is glowing red in the dark, it's breath-taking.

"What is this place? Why is it so beautiful?", Evelyn mutters with bright eyes.

Dray is also looking around in amazement as he can't believe there's such a beautiful place in the Supernatural territory, "How could such a place exist amongst the Supernatural land?"

But Evelyn then glances at Rex, "What are we doing here Rex?"

"There's a spirit here that I wanted to give to Adhara, it should be a fire serpent that I saw from last time when roaming the Supernatural territory as a Scavenger", Rex said nonchalantly.

Hearing this, Evelyn was surprised as Rex approaches the lush silk cotton tree.

After arriving right under the tree, Rex looks around and can't sense the fire serpent spirit anywhere which makes him frown.

'System, How do I lure the fire serpent spirit?', Rex asks.

Destroying the tree might just lure the fire serpent spirit, but it's not ideal since the fire serpent spirit might be angry at him and it will give trouble to Adhara when she assimilated with it.

So he needs to approach the fire spirit in a pacified way,

<Tongue of Fire Fruit can be detected five thousand feet on the right, use the fruit to lure the Fire Serpent Spirit and capture it using Spirit Soulstone>

Reading this, Rex glance to the right searching for the fruit.

But then suddenly,


Disyllabic low rough sounds can be heard as many mutated gorillas appear in the surrounding, they all have fiery bodies and their size are twice bigger than Rex's.

Evelyn and Dray look around warily as the mutated gorillas surround them,

They're numbering more than two dozen as they glare at Rex and the others with their bright red eyes, some of them differ in size from the others.

"This is just about right, there's no way no mutated animals are attracted to these fruits", Rex thought as he looks around him.

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