The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 421 Bloodcells And Supressing The Wolf Moon

Chapter 421 Bloodcells And Supressing The Wolf Moon

"How long have you experienced this?", the doctor asks after taking a blood sample.

Ryze who is lying on the bed with roughed breathing then looks up for a moment before he replies, "Not too long, it has been a couple of days. My body started burning now and then"

The doctor nodded his head before he puts the blood sample into somekind of the machine.

It's square-shaped with a screen on it that shows different kinds of diagnostics that Ryze didn't understand, the doctor only inserts the blood sample into the machine to scan Ryze's blood.

After a moment, the doctor frowned even harder as the machine doesn't detect anything.

This makes the doctor look at Ryze in confusion as he doesn't have the slightest clue of what is happening, he then finally said, "Take these pills every time this happened"

"Since this is not a medical problem, this pill should help", the doctor added.

Ryze who is still lying on the bed takes the pill slowly, but his body is weak right now and he can't walk properly so the doctor told him to rest here first.

A couple of hours later,

The doctor is sitting in the other room looking into a microscope with Ryze's blood placed on it, he placed the blood just above a thin plastic glass.

"Weird... this heat came from the blood, and it's getting hotter by the hours"

While checking on Ryze's blood from the microscope, the doctor finds that the blood cells are moving unnaturally creating friction which results in this heat.

Even the color of the blood cells is turning darker,

It even started to burn the plastic glass as it started descending, the heat from the blood is starting to melt the plastic glass.

But when the doctor is inspecting the blood further and wants to do more tests,


"What the", the doctor pulls back his head when he saw the microscope lens cracked, the heat becomes strong enough that it even manages to crack the lens.

This makes the doctor steps back in shock,

He looks back to the door before the blood sample again, "Why is everyone around him weird?"

"His body can recover at an unnaturally rapid pace that is inhuman, and now this kid has blood that gets hotter by the hours. It's as if the blood is reacting to something, but what is it?"


After leaving Ryze in the clinic, Edward instantly goes out of the university again.

But upon stepping outside of the university,

Edward can feel many gazes land on him, these gazes are no doubt from the Atkins Family Awakened that are stationed around here.

'They are blocking the way to Daniel's place, Wesley is really scared', Edward thought.

He then walks leisurely by the roadside while the gazes are still on him,

The walk then stopped after Edward is far enough from the university, he then glances at the building on his side where a figure is standing inside.

Edward saw the figure and instantly recognize him,

Waving his hands, Edward signals to the figure to follow after him before he resumes his walk.

After walking for about ten minutes,

Edward glanced to his left where an alley lies, a smirk appeared on his face briefly as he walk past the alley while putting his hands in his pockets.

Just when he walked beside the alley,

A hand suddenly grabbed him before pulling him into the ally,

Edward let himself get pulled before he looks at the person that pulled him, "What are you doing here Hans, I thought you have something to do?"

With a desperate look, Hans then replied, "Norman! My son! Where did he bring him!"

"I'm sorry but I don't know what you're talking about", Edward said with a shrug.

But this makes the wind mana around Hans become even more chaotic as he punched the wall right beside Edward's head powerfully,


Hans' expression turns fierce as he asks again, "Where did Rex bring my son!"

"As I told you, I don't know. I'm searching for my family and Rex knows that, so even if he doesn't want to help me due to his cautiousness he at least won't bother me", Edward replied.

Hearing this, Hans gritted his teeth as he looks down with clenched hands.

The fear of Rex doing something to his son makes him clench his hands so hard that they started to bleed, "I've got a deal to fulfill, so excuse me", Edward said.

But when Hans was about to stop him again,

"Hans, don't bother him", a voice suddenly echoed inside the alley.

Upon hearing this, Hans glances to the end of the alley and finds a figure standing there, "Paul, please... Tell Wesley that I'm willing to do anything if he helped me find Norman"

The figure turns out to be Paul, Wesley's new right hand.

"He can't, Hans... You're not a part of our family any more, it'll look bad if the family helped you. Igor is also kidnapped, so you have to wait but I'm sure Wesley will help you eventually"

"You just need to be patient", Paul said assuringly.

But instead of feeling assured, Hans becomes even angrier, "What if he decided to torture Norman?! Or even kill him!"

"That won't happen, Rex doesn't like killing kids", Edward added from the side.

Hearing the words that came out of Edward's mouth makes Hans close his mouth shut, he then slowly asks, "Are you sure? He really won't hurt Norman right?"

"Look at his surroundings, he took two kids under his wing so I'm pretty sure", Edward replied.

Albeit skeptical, what Edward said makes sense.

Rex took Ryze and also Kyran who both are still in their teenager and can be considered kids, and since this came out of Edward's mouth so Hans started to feel better.

Turning his head away, Hans then said, "Okay I'll wait, but don't take too long"

"Don't worry, it won't take long at all to finish my part of the deal", Edward replied with a mysterious smile.

Back to the canyon,


The canyon walls tremble as Adhara's punch lands on the wall,

Kyran manages to dodge Adhara's punch in the nick of time but the power coming from Adhara's punch is no joke, a crack spanning wide was created upon contact.

It burns with powerful violet flames, the heat she emitted makes Kyran sweat.

Without wasting any more time, Kyran resumes his run.

But his way was blocked by a translucent barrier made by white energy,

Kyran slammed onto the barrier as he falls flat to the ground, he was about to merge with the shadow to flee but Gistella is way faster than him.

In just a second, Gistella already appears beside Kyran.

The blue glowing eyes of Gistella flash as she drives her fist onto Kyran's stomach, she didn't pull her punches at all as Kyran's body caves because of the punch.


"HUAKHH!", Kyran spat a mouthful of blood as Gistella's punch landed on him.

Gistella has sixth rank power while Kyran has only peak fifth rank power, the disparity between them is an entire realm so this is expected.

If not for the Omega effect that enhanced his endurance stat,

Kyran might not be able to take the punch, his internal organs probably would be mushed if he took that punch without the enhancement.

With another swing of her arm, Gistella sent Kyran crashing onto the wall.


Rex is watching this from the side as he already told the man from the FAA to clear the people near the end of the canyon, it's so that Kyran and the others have places to move.

Hunting mutated animals are not sufficient to fulfill their hunting desires,

So Kyran have to take this burden of satisfying them, especially Gistella who is affected by the Wolf Moon the most, 'Consider this your punishment Kyran, make sure to behave well'

"Are you sure you're not going to stop them?", the man asks from the side.

Three shadows are moving left and right too fast for the eyes can see creating cracks around the place, there's even blood splattered here and there.

It slightly worries the man,

Hearing this, Rex rubs his chin lightly, "Don't worry, they will be fine"

Seeing Rex's nonchalant behavior and Kyran who got pummeled and already bloodied, the man's face went pale as he thought, 'No wonder those around him are very strong, to actually train this hard it'll be a miracle to not get strong'

While Rex is looking at the scene, his phone suddenly rings.

Rex takes out his phone before he looks at the notification, but his expression turns into a smile after seeing the notification, 'Just a bit more, and it'll be all over'

After looking at his phone, Rex started cracking his body.

"W-What are you doing?", the man asks as he saw Rex cracking his body.

Without even looking at the man, Rex then replied, "Make sure no one came near this place, and also turn around so you don't see what is about to happen"

"Is something going to happen?", the man asks in confusion.

But Rex's answer soon makes his expression turns pale as the color drain from his face, "It's about time I join them, it looks quite fun"

A moment later,

"Haahkk!", Kyran gasped for air as he got slammed to the ground.

Rex grabbed his head and slam him to the ground by putting his strength into it, but this prove to be too much for Kyran to go unconscious because of that.

'Hmm, his endurance should be high but how did he pass out just from this', Rex thought.

The state Kyran is in right now is horrifying to look at, the wounds all over his body are very gruesome and some even make his bone visible to see.

Burning wounds can also be seen as Adhara and Gistella didn't hold back at all,

It should be fatal for other Awakened but not for Kyran, the wounds started to heal slowly although he went unconscious.josei

After inspecting Kyran, Rex glance at Adhara and Gistella.

Just from a glance, Rex finds that Adhara and even Gistella are already feeling better, their bodies are not shaking as they use Kyran as a punching bag.

"Are you guys feeling better?", Rex asks.

Hearing this, Gistella then answers immediately, "Yes master, thank you..."

"It felt refreshing doing that, although I feel bad for Kyran I can't lie that it feel good", Adhara replied while looking at the unconscious Kyran.

<Sudden Quest Completed!>

<Obtained 300,000,000 Exp, Hunter Pack Passive Skill, +20 Mental stats to all pack members>

The notification from the system shows that the sudden quest is finished,

Rex got a new skill from completing the sudden quest and also +20 mental stats, he then taps the Hunter Pack Passive Skill to see what the skill is for.

'Is it an amplifying effect when hunting?', Rex thought before he read the description.

<Hunter Pack - Upgradeable>

Werewolves can hunt alone but are more efficient in packs, this passive skill will enhance the user and the pack members' stats by 10% when fighting together as a pack. It can be upgraded into a higher-level passive skill that will increase the increase in stats and other additional effects.

Upon reading the stats, Rex already somewhat guessed it.

Basically, this passive skill will increase Rex and the others' stats by 10% when fighting together, it's a useful passive skill that will definitely help them in the future.

With that, Rex then said, "Alright let's go back then"

The journey back to the university was accompanied by a man from the FAA.

Rex asked him to escort them back to the university and the man gladly accept this, it's not a regular day to escort the Rex Silverstar back to the university.

Although the man thought this is for Rex and the others' convenience,

It's not, Rex and the others need to be escorted back since the Atkins Family Awakened are already crowding the place, including the seventh rank Awakened.

They certainly found the dead Awakened they killed and thus resulting in this situation.

Along the way, Rex told the man to go through another route.

The Atkins Family Awakened won't dare to attack them with an FAA member with them, but Rex feared that if they even show an indication of heading to Daniel's place.

It will create a misunderstanding and they might attack regardless of the man from the FAA.

Wesley really fears the fact that Rex is able to bring Igor to Daniel, and that is why he posts so much Awakened near the university to prevent that.

Their business will be crippled so it's not surprising for Wesley to do this much,

In fact, Rex is a bit surprised that Wesley didn't do anything more extreme than this, but it's probably due to the fact that they will be meeting the SCO soon.

The slightest bit of scandal can result in power change during the UWO meeting with the SCO.

So Sebrof should've told them to stay low to not create any complications,

At least this is what Rex thought of course,

Rex leads the man to use a route that is literally went straight to the university, he doesn't want to get into trouble yet, 'You're pursuing the wrong rope, Wesley', Rex thought with a smile.

The next day,

"Just a bit more and I'll reach the seventh rank", Rex mutters while clenching his fists.

He's now in the training ground and just finished meditating, the heart media inside his body has already turned into a sphere-like shape composed of concentrated sky black lightning mana.

It's just a tad more before Rex reached the seventh rank,

Since he already fought a seventh rank Awakened before when he's kidnapping Norman, he now knows that a Seventh Rank Awakened can summon their Spirit Shadow.

This Spirit Shadow can fight alongside the Awakened,

Rex can't wait to see how Devo fight since he is supposed to be a high spirit, and the power increase he will receive will probably be astonishing.

[You'll be surprised to see me then...], Devo suddenly said.

Hearing this, Rex was about to ask why but the door into his quiet room was opened.

p Without even looking at the person that came inside the door, Rex already knows who it is, "Have you finished your training Adhara?"

"Yes...", Adhara replied lightly.

Rex turns his head toward Adhara and saw that her face is still bitter, "Are you still mad?"

"You didn't help Edward and just focus on your own self-improvement, am I supposed to be happy when you treat your only friend like that?", Adhara said mockingly.

This makes Rex sigh as he stands up,

Adhara can see that Rex is refraining from saying something,

Now that she saw Rex's expression, she is sure that Rex is hiding something, she can feel it.

But instead of answering, Rex changed the topic as he scans Adhara from top to bottom.

Rex saw that the media inside Adhara's body is glowing with violet fire violently, the mana is already sufficient enough then what Rex requested of her.

"It's time, you're ready to assimilate with the spirit"

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