The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 422 Adhara's Breakthrough

Chapter 422 Adhara's Breakthrough

"It's time, you're ready to assimilate with the spirit", Rex said.

Adhara was surprised for a bit before her expression turns serious, she then nodded her head decisively, "If this much is enough... show me my spirit"

"Alright, but not here", Rex replied.

A moment later,

Rex and Adhara arrived at a familiar place, they both got out of the taxi wearing matching clothes and the same mask color.

He had already asked for Evelyn to help him create a path here before,

But Evelyn is unavailable as she said that she's doing something, but with a bit of caution and help from the system, they manage to reach this place without being caught.

Although Adhara was not happy about it.

She saw that there are a couple of history calls Rex made with Evelyn,

This prompted Rex to say something but turns out Adhara seems to be fine, Rex thought she will be unhappy about it but turns out she handled it pretty well.

Both of them are currently in front of the Crystalline of Mana,

Many eyes are attracted to them, all the attention got pulled to them as they got out of the taxi.

Although Rex is wearing a plain black t-shirt coupled with jeans and a black hat, the muscle on his arms and his muscular legs makes every time he walks brought a vision of the earth is shaking.

His dominant air and sharp gaze don't even faze to look each of the onlookers in the eyes.

While Adhara on the side is also wearing a blackish blue shirt and white pants,

Three buttons on the top are opened exposing her silky smooth skin, her cleavage also teases the eyes as they both walk confidently passing the onlookers that are almost drooling.

No matter whether they are a guy or a girl, all of them set their eyes on both of them.

'I'm glad we decided to use a mask', Rex thought.

On the side of the place, Rex saw a couple of people holding a mic and a camera which shows they are journalists and if they notice Rex then they will be crowding him.

Just like they did when he got back from the UWO mission,

The journalists are dying to get some information from him so that they can create a big headline about him, but Rex was not about to let them do that.

Even now, some of them are already set their eyes on Rex and Adhara.

"Do you know who they are?"

"His posture seems familiar, and they both look strong"

Adhara who also heard this from the side frowned, she looks at Rex and saw him pulling his hat down trying to avoid the journalists, "Why are you hiding your face like that?", she whispers.

"Let's pick up our pace, I'm not going to deal with them", Rex replied.

But out of nowhere, one of the journalists realized who they are, "That's Rex Silverstar!!"

"Rex Silverstar? Where?!"

"It's them, the one beside him should be Adhara Alpenore!"

Hearing this, Adhara was at a loss for words as she didn't expect the journalists to also recognize her, "We better go", Rex said as he grabs Adhara's waist and jumps away.

All of the journalists started running towards them,

But thankfully, upon reaching the gate into the Crystalline of mana they all are stopped.

The both of them went past the blue crystal in the middle,

Rex need only to open his mask as the receptionists let them through, but this time Rex didn't go to the left building but instead to the right building.

It's the building designed for the sixth rank and above Awakened,

The people here are way fewer than the left building, even nearing the building Rex only met with a handful of people that can be counted by one hand.

Unlike the left building, the right building is shaped like a tower.

It can be considered a skyscraper that looks about forty or fifty floors high, the top of the building is decorated with somekind of colorful aurora but it's not a natural phenomenon.

This colorful aurora feels familiar to Rex, 'It's Arcane Mana, just like Sebrof's'

Rex and Adhara went inside the building after walking past a field of beautiful yellow grass as far as the eyes can see, it's the same as the grass on the left building that emits Mana Sphere.

But this one is yellow, and Adhara gasps in awe upon looking at this.

Since the place is walled, Rex can't see the inside of the right building but now that he's in here, the sight is for him to marvel at.

After entering the building, Rex and Adhara were greeted by a man.

Just from glancing at the man and his outfit, Rex already knows that he works here.

"Welcome to the Mystic Tower of Aspiration, How may I help you?", the man greeted politely.

The man seems to instantly recognize Rex thus the polite greeting,

Rex then scans the man and finds that he's not just an Awakened, but he's a seventh rank Awakened which is very powerful even for sector 2.

With a nod, Rex then said, "My associate here wants to assimilate with a spirit"

"Is there a suitable Spiritual Chamber for her to assimilate? It's a powerful Spirit so give me the best chamber you have", Rex added remembering that the last time he was here the entire room collapsed.

Although the red serpent spirit is not as strong as Devo, it's still very strong.

Hearing this, the man smiles politely and said, "Of course, please allow me to escort you"

The inside of the tower is pure white with no speck of dust that can be seen anywhere, everywhere they go is very spacious as if the entire place is made for a giant.

It's a really unique design, to say the least,

Aside from that, the inside is very silent but comforting at the same time.

Rex can feel there are several runes that ease the heart and mind of Awakened meditating here, there's no doubt this place is the best place to meditate.

After following the man for a couple of minutes,

The three of them arrived in front of a tall door that is towering in front of them, it was as tall as the ceiling and the ceiling is at least 150 feet tall.

"Here you are, the best Spiritual Chamber we had", the man said.

The man handed the keys to the room to Rex, it was a big key the size of Adhara's arm, "Thank you", Rex said with a nod.

"It's not a problem sir", the man replied.

But the man then glance at Adhara and added, "I hope you successfully assimilate with your spirit, and good luck, I'll be waiting for the good news"

After saying that, the man left.

Rex puts the key inside the keyhole before pushing the huge door open, he was surprised to find the door is quite heavy and Adhara probably won't be able to open the door.

Upon seeing the Spiritual Chamber, Adhara was amazed at the sight.

The Spiritual Chamber is at least as big as a soccer field with a stage in the middle, it has many runes engraved on the walls and ceiling that are glowing with golden light.

A sphere-like bubble can be seen on top of the stage, it contains a terrifying amount of mana.

Four rings made of golden metal are hovering around the sphere-like bubble, and the energy coming from the place is on another level than the last chamber Rex used to assimilate with Devo.

'It seems they upgrade the Spiritual Chamber because of me', Rex thought with a wry smile.

Although the room Rex used is in the left building, the guy there told Rex that it's very reinforced so it should be the same room like the one they are in right now.

"Feeling nervous?", Rex asks teasingly.

Hearing this, Adhars scoffed, "Just give me the spirit and it'll be done in a minute"

This makes Rex chuckle as he takes out the Spirit Soulstone from the inventory and gave it to Adhara, but he didn't forget to mention, "Remember, you need to lock all of the spirit's media to yours to successfully assimilate with the spirit"

"You may think that you might die from this but you won't, you're not normal after all"

Adhara looks at Rex in confusion before she realized what Rex meant,

He basically told her that she's a Werewolf so although humans might die from assimilating with a spirit, a Werewolf's body is tougher so she will be fine.

Feeling the surging confidence, Adhara steps into the sphere-like bubble.

Rex folds his arms in front of him as he witnesses Adhara getting into the sphere-like bubble and standing in the middle of it, the Spirit Soulstone is already ready in her hand.

'The fire serpent has ten media, she needs to lock them all', Rex thought.

After looking at Rex and nodding, Adhara crushed the Spirit Soulstone in her hand.



A red serpent spirit filled with thick blazing scales instantly appeared after the Spirit Soulstone is destroyed, the serpent glanced around before its eyes landed on Adhara.

The heat emitted from the red serpent is no joke that even Adhara feels the heat,

She's a fire Elementalist so for the heat to burn her is astonishing,

The red serpent is blazing with fire spines that are sticking out of his body adding a terrifying look to its appearance, Adhara marvels at the spirit in front of her.

It's the first time she met with the spirit, so it's not a surprise to find her inspecting it.

But seeing that Adhara is dazed, Rex then shouted, "Quick! Activate your medias!"

Hearing Rex's shout snaps Adhara from her daze, she then sits down in a meditative position while looking at the hissing serpent before the media in her body glows with purple fire.

Upon the activation of the media, the serpent got sucked into her body.


Adhara's body is just like a vacuum that drags the red serpent into her body,

The moment the serpent enters her body as the assimilation begins, Adhara's body jolted as her eyes burn with purple fire, "AAARGHHH!!!"

Adhara shouted at top of her lungs as the serpent spirit attacks her insides,

The battle between Adhara and the spirit has already started inside her body, it's the battle to determine whether Adhara is worthy to assimilate with the spirit or not.



A fire shockwave exploded from Adhara's body as the first media got locked,

The sphere-like bubble only very slightly wavers from the shockwaves, this shows that the Spiritual Chamber got way stronger than the last time.

It's quite fast for Adhara to already lock one of the red serpent's media,

Even Rex is not as fast as her but then suddenly, Rex squints his eyes, 'She's slowing down...'



A couple more purple fire shockwaves exploded from her body as Adhara fought the serpent inside, it's already more than ten minutes and this shows that her pace lessened greatly.

It just takes about half a minute for the first media to get locked,

But now, ten minutes later only two media addition are locked which shows her slowing down.

Although gruesome, assimilating with Devo only takes a couple of minutes.

The pace she currently has right now is very slow, and this makes Rex worried that maybe Adhara might not handle the red serpent spirit and failed.

But out of nowhere, "Don't underestimate me!!"


Rex cracked up a smile when he saw wind mana start amplifying her aura more, her purple fire becomes even more powerful as it engulfs the spirit's presence entirely.

'It's a perk to be a dual Elementalist, maybe I should think of another affinity for me', Rex thought.josei

Because of the addition from Adhara's wind side,

The pace of her assimilation with the serpent spirit becomes way faster, in just a minute another four shockwaves blasted from her body showing a rapid change in pace.

Adhara's wind mana greatly helps her subdue the red serpent spirit.

A moment later,


Rex's vision was blocked when the entirety of the sphere-like bubble got engulfed in purple fire, 'That's the last one, she should be done after this', he thought.

Just like he expected after the smoke receded he can see Adhara is already standing.

Her eyes are blazing with purple fire and even her aura was exposed for Rex to feel, she got multiple times stronger from assimilating with the red spirit.

Rex can already feel subtle spirit energy coming from Adhara's body,

With a glisten of his eyes, Rex scans Adhara,

<Adhara Alpenore - Female Alpha>

Race: High Werewolf

Power: Sixth Rank (Early) - Purple Fire Elementalist(2)

Mental: 330

Strength: 605

Agility: 731

Endurance: 594

Intelligence: 710

Rex saw Adhara's stats and was satisfied with them, they're almost rivaling Evelyn who is a mid-sixth rank in power even though it's not night yet.

If she fought with Evelyn in the night, she probably is able to defeat Evelyn.

The high intelligence stats also came from being a dual Elementalist,

With a surprised look, Adhara walks out of the sphere-like bubble with a bright smile on her face while looking at Rex happily.

Reaching the sixth rank makes her forget that she's still a bit mad at Rex,

Rex chuckle as he approaches Adhara, "How do you feel miss sixth rank?"

Hearing this, Adhara slap Rex's shoulder playfully as she replied, "I feel great, it's a bit weird though having some form of presence inside you"

"W-Wait... I heard hissing voices inside my head", she suddenly mutters.

Rex chuckles upon hearing this, he remembered that he thought the system talked when Devo is speaking inside his head.

But he then replied, "You'll get used to it"

"Although it's weakened, your spirit is considered a high spirit so it retains a bit of its consciousness, unlike the other spirit. Just don't tell anyone about it and keep it a secret", Rex reminded.

After saying that, Adhara nodded her head as she slap her head a couple of times.

She clearly annoyed by the spirit's voice but she needs to get used to it, 'If it goes on, I'll teach her to suppress her spirit just like I did'

Upon thinking that, a scoff can be heard inside Rex's head that certainly comes from Devo.

A moment later,

Rex went back to his old place to check on Norman that he tied there, he used the Black Field Orko spell there so Norman won't be able to escape.

"Who is that?", Adhara asks upon seeing Norman.

Hearing a female voice, Norman grits his teeth and opens his eyes to see Rex and Adhara standing in front of him.

The gaze in his eyes is not hostile, it's filled with pain instead.

Since Norman is still unconscious when Rex left, he doesn't have any choice but to restrain him lest he escapes from this place.

Approaching Norman, Rex then mutters, "It's Hans' kid, I believe his name is Norman"

"Hans' kid? I thought we're not hurting kids", Adhara added from the side.

This makes Rex roll his eyes before he replied, "I won't hurt him, I just need him for controlling Hans but then I found something interesting about him"

"A portion of his memory is blocked by Hans, and I'm trying to figure out", he added.

Adhara frown as she looks at the still restrained Norman,

With a wave of his hand, the black field orko got dispelled as Norman fell on all four on the ground as he takes huge deep breaths feeling the pain is gone.

Rex then squats in front of Norman and said, "Do you recall your blocked memories?"

Norman didn't answer for a moment as his body tensed,

Out of nowhere, Norman raises his gaze to look at Rex's eyes filled with hatred but Rex finds that the hatred in his eyes is not intended for him.

"I remember everything...", Norman mutters with a hint of hate.

The smile on his face bloomed, Rex can't help but smile, "Do you hate your father for doing this?"

"No... Not my father", Norman mutters again.

This makes Rex raises one of his eyebrows in confusion, but then his confusion turns into a surprise when Norman suddenly said, "I want to kill Wesley!"

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