The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 441 Silverstar Family

Chapter 441 Silverstar Family

"There's no barrier blocking me to get you now, I'm going to look forward to our little date...My Alpha..."

Rex stepped back in surprise, he was caught off guard by Evelyn's words and wink.

The smeared blood on Evelyn's lips makes her lips look redder and more tempting, it even matches with her blazing red hair and beautiful rosy face that makes Rex gulps harshly.

It may be because of the situation they're in, but somehow Evelyn looks more enticing.

Her torn clothes from the explosion ripped some parts of her clothes around the waist, and back area exposing her smooth skin, the very curvy body added with her mesmerizing but provocative eyes are looking at Rex bringing a weird feeling as if they want him to come closer.

Rex's eyes are locked onto Evelyn's eyes unable to avert his gaze,

The sexual tension started rising as a faint fragrance smell started to cloud Rex's mind, it was not the same usual smell that Evelyn gives off but weirdly different.

Unconsciously, Rex's body is already attached to Evelyn.

His muscular arms are already wrapping around Evelyn's waist while she lets this all happen still staring at Rex's eyes, the powerful urge started to increase Rex's confidence to get closer.

Their faces are already an inch away tilting to the opposite sides,

Even their warm breaths are already brushing off of their faces, they were locked on the moment but when their lips were about to connect with each other,


Both of them stopped when they heard Delta growling from the back.

Rex stopped upon hearing this before glancing at Evelyn's back, there he saw Delta lying on the ground weakly dispersing the sexual tension in the air instantly.

There was an awkward silence between them as they both realized what they were about to do.

Evelyn bit her lips thinking back to a minute ago when she almost kisses Rex, she then suddenly takes out her phone and grabs Rex's arm.

"What are you doing?", Rex asks in confusion.

Hearing this, Evelyn ignores Rex and pulls him before sitting beside Delta.

After sitting beside Delta, Evelyn pulls Rex closer before she stretches her arm to take a picture with her phone, "Memories remember?", she said with a huge smile.

"It's a big moment, you actually defeated Wesley", she added.

Evelyn also didn't forget to call for Delta to make her look at the camera,

Since Rex had just fed Delta the white apple before, the side effect of exerting her physical body is starting to take effect but even so, Delta still glances at Evelyn's phone.


The three of them take a couple of pictures,

Rex didn't retaliate letting it happen, and when they're done he's quite happy with the result.

It's a bit funny seeing Delta trying so hard to squeeze into the picture with her weakened body, some of the pictures even had only Delta's face on it while Evelyn on the side is trying to push Delta from blocking herself.

After taking a picture, "We're already late for the official meeting, let's go", Rex suddenly said.

Hearing this, Evelyn nodded her head without even glancing at Rex as she was still looking at her phone but then, "What about Delta? Is she okay?"

"Come with me for a sec, I've had a place where she can rest", Rex replied.

After saying that, Rex grabs Delta's huge body as she growls weakly before he lifts her up easily as if Delta's weight is only a couple of hundred pounds.

With the stats he has now, lifting Delta's weight is easy.

Rex brings Delta along with Evelyn deeper into the Emham Forest before they stopped in front of a hole, it's the entrance of the Cluster Domain he owned.

"What is this hole?", Evelyn asks while looking at the hole in front of her.

There is a very big broken tree squashed by two big boulders that are even bigger than Delta's body, in between these boulders lies the hole leading to the Cluster Domain.

It's been a while since Rex is here, 'Ugrok should still be here, I wonder what he's up to'

"You'll know when you get inside", Rex said before striding into the hole.

Under Evelyn's eyes, both Rex and Delta's bodies got sucked into the hole before both of them disappear as if they got teleported away.

With a bit of hesitation, Evelyn then follows after them.


Evelyn opened her eyes when she can feel that she is in a different place, and true enough, the sight that she was seeing right now differ from the Emham Forest.

"It's Emham Forest, but why is it looks different?", she mutters while looking around.

Hearing this, Rex then replied from the side shocking her, "This is a Cluster Domain, it's like another dimension of Emham Forest but handmade"

"If that's the case, has anyone ever tried getting in here except you?", Evelyn asks curiously.

Although the hole is well hidden, there's no guarantee that from the many Awakened that are training here, not one has managed to spot this hole.

But Rex shakes his head, "No one can get inside without my permission"

The last time when Rex transferred the ownership of the Cluster Domain from Ugrok to him, the system told him that he has absolute control over the Cluster Domain.

When Rex ran after Adhara into the Cluster Domain, Ugrok probably forgot to close it.

"Ugrok!", Rex shouted after answering Evelyn's questions.

Evelyn was surprised upon hearing Rex shout before a huge creature suddenly landed right beside them, she was surprised as the weight of the creature even makes the ground tremble.

She looks at the creature before she slowly raises her gaze,

The creature is way taller than her or even Rex with a thick body that can make the ground tremble, she even needs to look up just to see the creature's eye.

Upon seeing the creature, Evelyn gasps, "This can't be..."

"Cyclop is real?!", she exclaimed in surprise.

Rex looks at Ugrok and saw some noticeable changes in his body, his size has increased.

'Sixth rank... Cyclop race is truly terrifying', Rex thought seeing Ugrok get stronger once more.

For someone who is kept in a Cluster Domain without any resources whatsoever, Ugrok advancement can be considered very fast that trump over the majority of Awakened.

This just shows how powerful of a race Cyclop are,

But then, Rex noticed that there was somekind of lightning spark around Ugrok's body.

It surprised him at first but upon seeing Ugrok's stats, Rex find that Ugrok somehow gained lightning affinity, 'Is it because of the Energy Crystal? Probably...', he thought.

After noticing Rex visited them,

Ugrok looks down before he said, "It's been quite some time, What does Ugrok need to do?"

"This is Delta, I want you to look after her for a while", Rex puts Delta down lightly.

Hearing this, Ugrok nodded his head before his eyes landed on Evelyn who is still looking at him with wide eyes, "I am Ugrok, Ugrok wants to know your name", he asks with a rough voice.

"O-Oh... I'm Evelyn", Evelyn replied still in a daze.

She then glances at Rex signaling for him to explain how can there be a Cyclop in front of her, but when Rex was about to explain,



A steak of lightning suddenly started to circle them excitedly,

Evelyn looks at the streak of lightning before her eyes widen once more, it's another Cyclop but this one is much leaner and has two eyes, unlike Ugrok.

"Dyrmir! Stop or Ugrok will be angry!", Ugrok warned before Dyrmir stopped running around.

Just from scanning Dyrmir, Rex found something interesting.

'He's on a brink of reaching the fourth rank and also has an affinity to lightning, if he's a half-human can he be an Awakened too?', Rex thought while rubbing his chin.

But then, Rex saw the utter disbelief in Evelyn's expression.

He chuckled a bit before he finally explained,  "Long story short, Ugrok and Dyrmir here are the remaining survivors of the Cyclop Race. They have been living here and swore to me to not attack humans, that is why I spare them"

While Rex is explaining, Dyrmir who noticeably got taller approach, Evelyn.

"Dyrmir's name is Dyrmir, Are you a human? What's your name?", Dyrmir asks curiously.

Evelyn can only smile wryly as she looks at the small Dyrmir very contrasting to Ugrok who has become even bigger than Delta, the contrast dazed her too much.

A moment later,

After putting Delta in the Cluster Domain to rest, Rex and Evelyn got out of the Emham Forest.

Upon leaving Emham Forest premises, Rex saw the others are waiting for him.

But he was dazed by his thoughts, 'Who is Wesley's backer?'

'If they can even clear the university and its surrounding, the backer must be a part of the UWO', he thought but then suddenly he widen his eyes as he suspects someone.

He's unsure but it's a possibility, 'Let's see if he's really the one'

After thinking about that, Rex focuses back on his front.

Rex looks to the side before he saw his parents looking at him, with a sigh he then approached them, "Mom... Robert... I want to say th-"

"There's nothing to say son, you're a grown man and you can make your own choices"

"We will not judge you, I rather you do that than you get killed"

Both Robert and Mrs. Greene express their support knowing the mental burden Rex must've felt showing that to them, so they decided to just trust in Rex and hope for the best.

Hearing this, Rex was stunned before he smiles lightly, "Thank you..."

After saying that, Rex's eyes then landed on the neatly lined luxurious cars that are parked in front of the Emham Forest with many people that wear bodyguard attire.

It seems they're from the Platchi and Reed family,

But Rex's eyes didn't look at the cars and bodyguards for long, his eyes landed on a man leaning beside a car with a wide smile on his face.

That man is none other than Edward,

Rex approached Edward before he glanced at the one distinctive cars,

All the other cars that are lined up in front of the Emham Forest are the same model, a luxurious black sedan with tinted windows.

The one that Edward is leaning on is not a black sedan, but a sports car instead.

"I see that you already take the initiative to take your rewards before me", Rex said while pointing at the sports car with his eyes.

Hearing this, Edward smiled even wider, "The latest blue chrome GT-R"

"Zero to sixty in just below 2.5 seconds, I'll take this as you paying your debt for my destroyed car in that misty mountain", he added while smoking his cigarette.

Rex shakes his head before a woman approached him from the side,

The woman is Audrey, the woman that is holding a gun beside Stevanus before, "This is the takeover details of the Atkins Family business, all of them are taken over successfully through our raid", she said before handing Rex clipped papers.

"You're going to be surprised by it", Edward added from the side.

Rex took the clipped papers before reading them briefly,

After reading it for a moment, the smile on Rex's face becomes even more evident the further he read through the clipped papers.

Seeing Rex's smile, Audrey looks at Rex in a bit of awe.

She can't believe that the person in front of him is the one who took down the Atkins Family, not only a family that is above the Reed Family in terms of ranks but also their rival.

Just from this feat alone, Audrey has become very polite in front of Rex.

The thought that she was acting hostile to him before when Rex talked with Stevanus Reed gave her goosebumps, her family can also be defeated if even Wesley Atkins died at Rex's hands.

Snapping out of her daze, she then explains simply,

"The Atkins businesses have a total net worth of 400 billion dollars, as per the deal you made with sir Stevanus Reed we'll be taking 10% of the business. In total, you, Rex Silverstar now owned 360 billion dollars business making you the fourth-youngest and richest person in the whole Ratmawati City"

Hearing this, Rex was at a loss for words as he heard what Audrey said.

Even though Wesley gave him a hard time living in constant stress, the end of their conflict gave him so much wealth that he might just thank Wesley's tomb later.

It's mind-blowing how much this wealth is for a person like him.

"You want to smoke?", Edward suddenly shoves a cigarette in Rex's direction, there's a teasing smile on his face which makes Rex can't help but chuckle.

Having a great day, Rex takes the cigarette, "Why the fuck not"


At the event of the official meeting between UWO and SCO,

The event is held in sector 2A which is a very small and elite place, only the 25 Golden Crest Families can buy land in sector 2, and sector 2A can only be owned by the top ten families.

Aside from that, this place has very strict regulations where one can't act freely.

Even the top ten of the 25 Golden Crest Families need to follow these strict rules, if they don't then they will be penalized by the UWO and FAA or even hunted.

Everlasting Wonder is the place where the event is currently held,

It's a spacious open place that can only be entered by a few people, for lower-class citizens, this place is like a holy ground where the strongest of the strongest can enter. The place spans about three or four miles in length and width, beautiful white marble blocks are decorating the ground with a tall temple-like stage in the middle.

This place is used by the ninth rank Awakened to fuel the barrier surrounding Ratmawati City.

Ratmawati City is covered with a barrier that is made for dozens of years by the combination of powerful Awakened and formation master, their combined effort created a building called Jewel of Last Hope that can create this humongous barrier covering Ratmawati City.

But the Jewel of Last Hope must be maintained, Arcane Mana is the fuel of this building.

Everlasting Wonder is a place to fuel the Jewel of Last Hope, but now it is used by the UWO to officially meet with the SCO in front of the public as a sign of courtesy or even power.

Many people are dying to get here as this is a very rare occasion.

p Hundreds of thousands of people are gathered around the Everlasting Wonder, the air in the Everlasting Wonder brings a very pleasant feeling and comfort.josei

Aside from the beautiful white scenery decorated with beautiful mutated plants,

Everlasting Wonder is square-shaped and surrounded by manmade flowing water that added a holy feeling to the place, fresh and fragrant air, elegant design constructed by the best of the best, and also statues of the current ninth rank Awakened are carved around the place.

Just like its name, this is a place where Wonders exist.

The crowd started to burst into a discussion as they look at the temple-like stage.

Since it's very hard to see what's happening on the stage, there are four big holograms above the temple-like stage showing the condition on the stage for people that are too far away.

On the stage, two sides are sitting opposite each other.

Sebrof is sitting in the front row from the side on the right, while the nine-headed crow muscular man is sitting in the front row from the side on the left.

While waiting for the event to start,

Duncan and Maurice who are sitting on their side of the family is whispering with each other,

"Is Rex going to be here?"

"Probably not, but I wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly decided to attend the meeting"

Each of the families of the 25 Golden Crest has its own seats,

About seven seats organized in three rows are prepared for each of the families, one elegant golden chair in the first row followed by the others in the back rows.

There is quite a gap between them, so the Platchi's whispers can't be heard.

Aside from the Platchi Family whispering with each other, other families are looking at the empty seats where the Atkins Family should be sitting.

Sebrof is sitting calmly on his seat while keeping a straight posture,

In front of the nine-headed crow muscular man, Sebrof needs to keep a strong front as he calmly kept his gaze on the nonchalant nine-headed eyes.

But then, a person walks over to Sebrof and whispers,

The moment Sebrof hears what the person said, he's having a hard time to kept his composed expression as his expression started to waver while gripping the seat handle.

Just as the air around him changes, a commotion appears from far away,

This attracted the attention of the people on the stage as they thought it was the Atkins Family.

At the entrance of the Everlasting Wonder, a couple of black sedans arrived at the entrance attracting the crowd on the edge of the place.

Dozens of Awakened wearing bodyguards outfits came out of the black sedans,

Each one of them walks around the cars before standing neatly creating somekind of path beside a particular car, all of them then bowed when the door opened.

Sebrof who is glancing at the commotion squints his eyes,

As a powerful Awakened, the distance between the stage and the commotion is not a problem for him as he can clearly see the black sedans, "It can't be...", he mutters.

But then suddenly, Sebrof widen his eyes when he saw the person walking out of the car.

The shocked expression on Sebrof's face can't be hidden as he can't believe who is he seeing right now, his expression even makes the nine-headed crow man glance at the commotion.

Adhara wearing a neat silver outfit came out of the car followed by Evelyn,

"Isn't that Adhara Alpenore? Rex's woman?"

"Adhara? What is she doing walking on the red carpet like that?"

"Why is she coming out from there? That's only for the 25 Golden Crest Families, and why the hell is Evelyn with her?"

From the bickering of the crowd, they were surprised by the sudden arrival.

But then suddenly, Evelyn and Adhara stopped in their tracks just standing beside the door as if they were waiting for someone.

Just a moment after that,


A black lightning strike descends from the sky surprising the onlookers,

Many of the guards immediately held their weapons expecting an attack, but after the smoke produced by the black lightning strike receded, a muscular man wearing the same silver attire just like Adhara's appears.

Looking at this, the guards' tense bodies relaxed once more as they recognize the macular man.

It makes Sebrof face darken when he saw the muscular man,

The muscular man creates an even bigger commotion as the crowd realized that it was Rex, they all are surprised and confused at the same time by his arrival.

Rex fixated his eyes on the stage after using his Ether Blink,

Straightening his back, Rex gazes around the place with his chin slightly lifted up, after doing that he ignores the crowd and fixated his eyes back on the stage.

With his very sharp vision,

Rex stood on his spot with his dominant posture while locking his eyes on Sebrof who is also looking at him from the stage, their gazes clash with each other.

Both of their gazes collide before a smile crept on Rex's face,

Rex then walks through the red carpet leading to the stage with confident steps.

The crowd was bustling upon seeing Rex heading to the stage, even some of the other families are looking at this in surprise, especially the Luc Family.

Evelyn's father is surprised to see Evelyn is walking beside Rex,

Rex slowly steps toward the stage with a stoic expression while keeping eye contact with Sebrof, he didn't avert his gaze to anywhere aside from Sebrof.

Each of his steps makes an illusionary thundering sound to the onlookers' ears,

It didn't take long before Rex reaches the stage where the SCO and UWO representatives are sitting, he then started ascending the stairs calmly.

Under everyone's eyes on the stage,

Rex walks slowly with confident steps passing by the seats of the other 25 Golden Crest Families before stopping at the empty seat, he then glances around the stage.

But then, under everyone's surprised eyes Rex did the unthinkable.

With one swift motion, Rex sat on the head family seat where the Atkins Family should be before he leans his cheek on his fist showing his calmness to the others.

"My apologies for being late,  I'm here to replace the Atkins Family"

"I will be representing... the Silverstar Family"

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