The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 442 Lectured By A Kid

Chapter 442 Lectured By A Kid

"I will be representing... the Silverstar Family"


Everyone on the stage and even the entire Everlasting Wonder were shocked to their core upon hearing what Rex said, it was like a bomb exploding inside their heads.

The story of Rex leading the descendants is still fresh,

Nobody expected that the rising star from Ochyra University that transferred to Faraday University will be able to lead the descendants like that, much less create a family.

But the top ten rank families recover the fastest as they seem to already know.

Just like Duncan said before, the other families probably knew about Wesley Atkins' fight with him so what shocks them the most is that Rex actually won.

The others on the other hand are utterly shocked since they don't know anything.

"Silverstar Family? Does Rex intend to create a Family?!"

"R-Rex replaced the Atkins Family?!"

"What happened to the Atkins Family?! Did something happen to them?"

"Silverstar family... He's making his own family just like Alex!"

All of the crowd of people that are present at the place was aghast seeing Rex's sudden arrival and announcement, many questions filled their heads as they are all confused.

Each people that are watching from home or present here exploded into a heated discussion.

It's simply unthinkable that Rex who was known as one of the prominent students turns out like this, the turn of events shocks them so much.

Amongst the crowd, there is a particular person that is shocked the most.

"Rex?! Since when did he become this influential?", the person mutters while looking at Rex crossing his legs on the hologram above the temple-like stage.

But the roar of the crowd went silent once more thanks to the guards,

Seeing this, the nine-headed crow man glance at Prof. K who is averting his gaze, "So that's why you're late Prof. K, this is so unlike you", the man whispers.

"I didn't do anything at all", Prof.K defended while still averting his eyes.

The nine-headed crow man smiles in amusement before he then looks at Sebrof who seems to be very surprised, "Don't you need to explain this, Sebrof?"

Hearing this, Sebrof snapped out of his daze and looks at the nine-headed crow man.

"It doesn't matter, today's event is to show our alliance to the public. Anything else besides that can be discussed at a later date", Sebrof replied with a darkened look.

Sebrof didn't forget to turn off his mic so the crowd didn't hear what he said.

After the sudden turn of events, the official meeting continues with a very tense air around the stage as Rex who just declared that he's replacing the Atkins Family sat amongst them.

Many family heads are unable to say anything as they're still in front of the public.

They all can just stay silent while Rex is sitting amongst them calmly, there's not one hint of worry in his demeanor as he follows through the entire event.

At the start, Sebrof gave a speech about their current circumstances with the Supernatural.

Jax, who is the nine-headed crow man is next.

Just like what Sebrof did, Jax did the same but he instead introduced himself and explain the purpose of his organization in helping humanity fight the Supernatural using other means than being an Awakened like the UWO.

The speech covers everything about the SCO,

Each of the messengers is introduced to the public, their latest astonishing invention that can help humanity such as the guns Prof. K developed, and even briefly explaining how they can make people that are not an Awakened possess such an inhuman strength.

It sparks some interest even for the 25 Golden Crest Families,

Some of the crowds are also given the opportunity to ask Jax about all the things related to the SCO, the public trust is important after all.

With confidence and air that seems to instill people with a sense of security,

Jax answers all of the questions convincingly without a momentary pause, the crowd's vision of the SCO started to change as the misunderstanding is cleared from their name.

At first, people's view of the SCO is very bad.

Their view of the SCO is the doctrines of the UWO, people thought that they were bad people.

But all of that was cleared by Jax and Sebrof as they explained that it was a misunderstanding, their friction is not caused by bad intention but rather the SCO trying to prove themselves.

Everything came out naturally from Jax's mouth, it's the air of a powerful leader or a King.

It comes to the point where each of the 25 Golden Crest Families is asked one by one whether they agree to the alliance or not, and everything went smoothly.

Rex is also included although  the Silverstar Family's appearance is very recent,

'This is how it should be, humanity joining together to fight the Supernatural back', Rex thought as he scans his eyes around, he still can't believe that he plays a big role in this realization.

If not for him and Prof. K, maybe both organizations will still be fighting against each other.

The Supernatural will unknowingly be benefitted from their fights, and Rex will not let the Supernatural benefit from this further.

But then, Rex's eyes suddenly landed on a woman.

Just from a glance Rex immediately realized who this woman is, the woman looking at him is Giana who also sat amongst the 25 Golden Crest Families.

Her eyes are fixated on Rex, 'Why is she looking at me like that?', he thought.

Aside from that, Rex also finds that the head family seat of the first rank family is empty, only Gerrard and a woman that seems to be his mother is sitting there.

But then, Rex caught Daniel glancing at him a couple of times.

'I need to explain this to Daniel, Wesley is his son-in-law after all', Rex thought.

Although Daniel looks at Rex a couple of times with curious gazes and a hint of hostility, Rex knows that Daniel can't talk to him directly with his wife on his side.

Wesley's wife is Daniel's bastard daughter after all,

After the sun was about to set, the event ended with Sebrof and Jax shaking hands.

The shaking hands is a sign of their alliance in front of the public, and the public cheered for this since the UWO will not be alone anymore in fighting against the Supernatural.

Black hands will be helping them, and it won't take long before humanity becomes stronger.

Just after the event ended, the crowd dispersed.

Many of the guards that are scattered around the Everlasting Wonder started to guide the crowd to leave the place, this is still a holy place and needs to be secured.

Rex stands up from his seat when he sees the other families leaving.

"About four of the top ten families are hostile to you, I can read them but I think they're still wary since you defeated Wesley Atkins", Adhara whispers from the side.

Hearing this, Rex nodded his head, 'Well, it's as expected', he thought.

After nodding his head, Rex looks to the side and finds Adhara is not at all nervous which surprised him since he thought that she will be nervous in front of these powerful people.

But she's giving a very elegant front instead, she even gave him a sense of pride as a man.

Instead of descending down from the stage just like the others, Rex waited on the side as the other 25 Golden Crest Families left while he waits for Sebrof.

Upon descending down, Jax gave Rex a look before he also leave.

The messengers of the SCO also knew about Rex's endeavor, so they didn't say anything and act normal as they all went down off the stage leaving Sebrof.

"Go to Daniel and explain this to him", Rex whispers to Adhara.

With a nod, Adhara also went down but she then whispers before leaving Rex, "His emotional aura is dark green, it's not greed I'm sure of it. It must be something else"

Hearing this Rex looks at Sebrof before Adhara left the two of them alone.

Sebrof's eyes are looking at Rex sharply as he said while lighting up a cigarette, "You even made your own family uniform, I assume that you already planned this to happen"

"What are you talking about? I'm only here to replace the Atkins Family", Rex replied.

But Sebrof scoffed, "Stop the nonsense, I know you killed Wesley Atkins and took over his entire business for yourself. Are you not afraid of the consequences?"

"If we're going that way, then why did you help Wesley?", Rex asks back boldly.

During the Atkins Family attack, the university and its surroundings are devoid of people which should involve the hand of someone in the UWO that has the authority to do that.

Added with Sebrof's look earlier, Rex already knows that it's him.

There's no one that has the authority greater than him in the entire Ratmawat City, Sebrof controls everything including the 25 Golden Crest Families.

Some families might argue back but technically he's above them in power.

Upon hearing the accusation, Sebrof frowned for a moment.

"I never helped Wesley, you must make a mistake", he replied nonchalantly.

Rex re-position his seat to face Sebrof before he sat there again calmly, he gazes at Sebrof before he added, "You said to stop the nonsense, then why are you still talking nonsense?"

There is a slight pause after Seborf hears this,

"You lied to me, you're a part of the SCO all along", Sebrof said squinting his eyes.

Although Rex was surprised upon hearing this, he kept his neutral expression, 'Wesley might've told Sebrof to help to take me down, but I don't think that is it', he thought.

Rex looks back at Sebrof before he replied, "Wesley told you about it huh?"

"But you've been attacking me from the start way before you confirmed that I worked with the SCO, what is your true reason for aiming me, Sebrof?", Rex said questioningly.

It's a hunch, but Rex believes that Sebrof has other reasons.

Hearing this, Sebrof looks at Rex dead in the eyes for a couple of seconds before he finally said, "Every time I'm fighting Supernatural or even in danger, my feeling always alert me"

"I trust my gut feeling, and my gut is telling me that you're dangerous"

"So, Rex Silverstar... What secrets are you hiding?", Sebrof added inspecting Rex's eyes.

Rex felt his throat dry upon hearing this but he still remain stoic, he then stands up before a thought came to mind, "Is that really the reason? Or are you envious of my power?"

It's a wild guess, but Adhara told Rex that his emotional aura is dark green.

Although Rex has never seen emotional auras before, he knows that green represents nature.

In a person, green represents greed but Adhara told him that it's not greed so if that's not it then there's only one thing left, Resentment.

Hearing this, Sebrof crushed the cigarette in his hand.

Sebrof's expression turns red in anger that even his aura started leaking pressuring Rex in front of him, but even in front of this Rex still calmly gazes at Sebrof although feeling a bit stuffy.

He then added, "I'm sure you know that I have the potential to reach the ninth rank realm"

"So I'm just wondering if the reason you resent me is that you don't want me reaching the ninth rank, since both of our elements are lightning..."

The words that came from Rex's mouth make Sebrof's expression darken,

But without even waiting for Sebrof to reply, Rex moves on from the subject with a sigh,  "Wesley Atkins wanted to kill me repeatedly and I also tried to make peace with him, but you also know that Wesley is a prideful and arrogant man so he didn't listen and left me with no choice but to fight him head-on"

"The only thing I want is to kill Supernatural, but you people will not leave me in peace"

"So Sebrof... Let me tell you this now, don't make me do what I don't want to do. Don't leave me with only a choice of blood, I don't want any of that. Leave my family alone and you'll see that I will contribute greatly to the war against the Supernatural"

Hearing this, Sebrof looks at Rex in silence before he said, "The other family will not like this"

"Just tell them that the Silverstar Family will be the 25th rank family, I won't meddle with their affairs as long as they don't meddle with mine. In fact, I can help them"

But even still, Sebrof added, "It's not enough, the other families will test you"josei

"And how about the public? What are you going to do if they find out?"

Since the public opinion for higher class people like them are important, knowing that Rex killed Wesley Atkins no matter the reason will definitely look back.

Sebrof knows this but seeing Rex's expression, it seems he already handled it.

"Let them try, I've got the SCO and some families backing me too. Even without their help, I'll show them that I'm not to be messed with"

"And as for your other question... Don't worry about it", Rex replied with a grin.

He then turns around intending to leave before he stops,

With a glance to the back where Sebrof is still looking at him, Rex added, "Remember, I'm not on the UWO or SCO's side... I'm on humanity's side"

"Don't do anything to change my mind, and one more thing..."

"Supernatural has more ninth rank than the current humanity, you're the leader of Ratmawati City so shove your pride to the side and let me help you. Humanity is at stake here"

After saying that, Rex left the stage under Sebrof's complicated gaze.

Sebrof looks at Rex's back which is getting further away as he stood on his spot, he then takes out another cigarette before he lit it again, "I got lectured by a kid huh...", he mutters.

While walking away, Rex is also in his thoughts.

Today is the day that humanity join forces to fight against the Supernatural, he made this day happen with his own two hands and determination.

It's still overwhelming even though he's the one that did it,

Aside from that, he also made a very clear statement to Sebrof that he doesn't want to be disturbed and wants to just focus on the Supernatural.

Rex even said that the Silverstar Family will be the 25th rank family,

He does that just to tell the other families that he's not a threat, he doesn't want any influential power that will only hinder his growth to take his revenge on the Supernatural.

But even so, Rex is not that naive, 'These next couple of days will be hectic'

'Maybe I should make a statement to the other families very hard so they won't disturb him again, having a reputation similar to the Macias Family will not be bad'

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