The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 443 Friendly Ties

Chapter 443 Friendly Ties

In just a moment,

Rex reached the exit for the 25 Golden Crest Families where he found some of the head families hadn't gone back yet, they were still conversing with each other here.

Some of them have even taken the initiative to make contact with Jax,

p Knowing that Jax possesses a serum that can make normal humans as strong as them, the head families are definitely interested in having one of those serums.

In order to get that, they need to befriend Jax first and welcome them as an ally.

Rex even saw Gerrard, Daniel, and Giana talking with Jax alongside the messengers, they are already moving ahead of the other families.

After inspecting the place,

The sight of another gathering of head families attracted Rex's attention, they seem to be waiting for him amongst them are the Luc Family, Reed Family, and the Platchi Family.

'Are they waiting for me?', Rex thought while looking at his front.

Other than the three families that are familiar to him, there are four other head families that Rex doesn't recognize since he's not really familiar with all of the families in the 25 Golden Crest.

Back during the news about the undead mission,

Rex has seen each one of them coming out of the meeting room, but he didn't know them.

Although Rex doesn't recognize those four head families, he does recognize the descendants that are standing beside them clearly.

There are Tyrice, Vanessa, Valery, and Morana.

Looking at Rex approaching them, Evelyn was the one to step forward as she approach Rex and whispered, "I know you don't know who they are, so I'll introduce them to you"

"Thanks for the help", Rex replied with a wry smile.

One of the head families is a middle-aged man with long brown hair, the man steps forward approaching Rex before he stretches his hand forward.

The descendants behind this man are Tyrice and his brother,

As expected of an Earth-related Elementalist, the man has a muscular body as big as Rex but there's a smile on his face, "Rex Silverstar, I heard a lot of things about you from my sons"

"Rex, this is Sir Hector from the Rojas Family", Evelyn introduced.

Hearing this, Rex shakes Hector's hand before he replied with the same smile, "Nice to meet you sir Hector, I've worked with your sons before and they are an exceptional Awakened"

"Compared to you, they are just so-so", Hector replied while glancing at Tyrice.

But after saying that, Hector's expression turns serious, "Although your family's appearance is sudden, I just want to say that I welcome you to the 25 Golden Crest Families"

"I'm thankful for your open arms, sir Hector", Rex replied.

After Hector sent his greetings, the other head families that Rex doesn't know also give Rex their congratulations and greetings after being introduced by Evelyn.

Dario Kai Safran is the head of the Safran Family, Valery's father.

He looks older than the rest of the head families in Rex's opinion, but that might be caused by the burn wound on Dario's cheek all the way to his neck.

Without even looking at Dario's stats, Rex knows that he's a Fire Elementalist.

Bakari Patterson is the head of the Patterson Family, Morana's father.

Unlike Dario that looks fierce with the burn wound on his face, Bakari is the complete opposite having very smooth white skin, crystal clear blue eyes, and white hair and beard.

It might be the effect of being a Grace Water Elementalist for him to have this appearance.

The last one is Vanessa's mother, Luisella Rirgas.

Just like Vanessa and Sabrina, Luisella has blonde hair with dark blue eyes with a calm and cold demeanor, the temperature around Luisella seems to be cold for some reason.

It definitely has something to do with her element,

One of the things Rex notice from her is her very luxurious blue robe with white furs.

"We've heard many things from our child about how you help them during the mission, and for that, we're here to extend our helping hands to pass the next coming days", Bakari said.

Dario also nodded his head, "From your expression, you probably already knew about this"

"Yes, I know that the other families are going to test me and I'm thankful for your help. I will ask for your help if I deem the situation necessary", Rex replied with a nod.

But then, Rex glance at Luisella that is silent all this while.

Upon receiving Rex's questioning glance, Luisella then said with her elegant tone, "My apologies, but I'm here regarding the matter my daughter did to you. I can't help you regarding the other families, but I also want to remain a neutral family to the Silverstar Family"

After hearing this, Dario and Bakari excuse themselves as they have other matters.

Stevanus, Duncan, and Evelyn's father are waiting on the side for Rex to finish his matter with Lusiella, it seems they have something to talk about.

"Your daughter exposes our brief encounter to the Atkins Family", Rex replied coldly.

Because Vanessa gives the exact details of what happened during their meeting as a scavenger, it results in the Atkins Family trying to see if he's really a Supernatural.

Although it ended well, things might've gone very badly.

Rex still remembers this but he doesn't pursue it further, other pressing things need his attention and the problem he has with the Rirgas Family can be postponed.

But since the matter is brought up, Rex decided to see if Luisella is an open-minded person.

Luisella sighs as she glances at Vanessa who is looking down to her feet before she turns back to Rex and said, "We prepare to help you in other means than fighting against other families"

"Our family is not combat-ready, so I hope you understand", she added.

Hearing this, Rex then thought for a moment while still keeping eye contact with Luisella who seems to want to settle their differences once and for all.

While Rex is looking at Luisella, he's in fact talking with the system.

'System, how much will it costs to find the exact location for the Sculpture of Replica and Argent Debilitate Liquor?', Rex asks curiously.

Since the matters in the human territory are almost done,

Rex will need to advance his power further by finishing the Blood Moon quest to get King Mark, but for that, he will need to finish the Commitment Quest.

Three items are needed to be collected, and those two Rex has no idea about.

<Location of the Items cannot be bought by the user, buying the location of the items will result in an automatic fail of the Blood Moon Quest>

'Fair enough', Rex thought before he focuses back on Luisella.

After a moment, Rex finally said, "I'm in need of information, I will tell you the items I'm searching for at a later date. If you help me find it then I will pardon Vanessa's blunder"

"Thank you for your generosity sir Rex, then I'll take my leave", Luisella replied.

The three of them then give Rex a light bow of respect before leaving the place, Vanessa didn't forget to apologize once more before they all left.

Rex was left with Duncan, Stevanus, and Evelyn's father.

Duncan came and whisper to Rex, "We already done your request, Kyran did his job well and we already got the proof we need. What are we going to do with it?"

"Just save it, we'll use it if Sebrof decided to do something against us", Rex replied.

Although Sebrof seems to understand where Rex is coming from,

There's no guarantee that he will not do anything to him even though Rex already stated his reasons, a wise leader should be convinced by Rex's words.

But for Sebrof, Rex is still skeptical, 'It's not wrong to prepare for the worst...'

"Are they still there?", Rex asks.

Hearing this, Duncan nodded his head, "Yes, they are waiting for you"

With that, Duncan nodded his head before he excuses himself from the others that are still present waiting for Rex to finish his matters.

Knowing that Evelyn's father seems to be wanting to talk to Rex,

Stevanus then sighs as he said, "I'll be in touch in a couple of days regarding the Atkins Family, Audrey will visit you to talk regarding the future of our ties"

After saying that, Rex nodded his head knowing what he meant.

Even though it's not necessarily Stevanus' fault for Ari to do something to Edward and Kyran, it's still partly his fault for assigning an ambitious man like Ari.

During their meeting, a couple of days back,

Rex told Stevanus about what Ari did and true enough, Stevanus doesn't seem to be that surprised as Ari is known to want to be acknowledged by him very much.

Knowing Rex's source of power will definitely make Ari acknowledged by Stevanus.

But that ends up badly, and now Stevanus has to pay the price.

After nodding his head, Stevanus glanced at Evelyn's father, "Sir Tristan", he greeted, Tristan nodded his head before Stevnuas left.

Now there is only Evelyn's father, mother, and Kevin alongside Evelyn on Rex's side,

Rex glanced at Evelyn's father, Tristan before he said, "Sir Tristan, What do I owe the pleasure for you to wait for me? Do you need me for something?"

"No, but there's some serious matter that we need to discuss", Tristan replied.

Hearing this, Rex was confused as he didn't know where this conversation is going, "If that's the case, tell me what it is. You are Evelyn's father after all, so I have a high respect for you"

Tristan's expression didn't budge even under Rex's complimenting words,

Although Rex is sure that he didn't do anything to anger or even upset Tristan, there's a slight tension that appeared out of nowhere as Tristan look at Rex with a sharp gaze.

Even Evelyn is confused upon looking at her father like this, "What is it father?"

"You shut up! This is a talk between me and Rex, don't meddle into this", Tristan replied sternly, and this further confused Evelyn since her father rarely talks like this.

Rex calmly gaze at Tristan waiting for him to speak,

It takes more than a minute of very high tension before Tristan finally opens his mouth, "I know what you did with my daughter... come clear to me now"

'Is he talking about the factories raid? I thought Evelyn said it was okay', Rex thought.

But seeing the sharp glare from Tristan shows him otherwise,

The silence makes Tristan clench his jaw as he inspects Rex with his eyes and seeing that Rex doesn't answer makes him finally snap, "You scoundrel!"

"I know Evelyn is pregnant with your child!", he shouted.


Rex who is preparing an excuse for the factory's raid was surprised by Tristan's question.

Out of all the things that he thought Tristan will say,

He didn't expect this at all, it's more confusing the more Rex thought about it since although he's quite intimate with Evelyn it hasn't got that far.

'We haven't gone in that direction yet...', Rex thought in confusion.

But then he suddenly realized what he just thought, 'What am I saying? Yet? Did I expect something to happen between us?'

"Father! What are you saying!", Evelyn shouted in embarrassment.

But Tristan still has the stern look while he's looking at Rex dead in the eyes, this shows that Tristan is actually serious about asking about this.

Rex smiled wryly, "What makes you come to that conclusion sir Tristan?"

"Don't give me that nonsense! I've heard that Evelyn invited you to her room a couple of times, and even Hector's kid told me that you're sleeping in the same room with Evelyn during the mission from the UWO"

"One of the assigned guards on Evelyn's room told me that Adhara suddenly came to her room angrily, I heard that it has something to do with your mother. What else does that mean if not for what I thought?"

"I know you both are planning to tell us the last because I'm harder to convince!"

Evelyn's mother also wipes her tears with a handkerchief, "My daughter is pregnant..."

The embarrassment that Evelyn was currently feeling was amplified when even Kevin believed what their parents are saying, her face becomes redder by the second.

Unable to contain her embarrassment in front of Rex,

"What are you saying!! Let's go home right now!!", Evelyn shouted before pulling her family away.

Tristan and his wife still struggle to find out the truth as they got pushed by Evelyn away, they're still angry at Rex for having a relationship with Evelyn without them knowing.

She then turns to look at Rex with a red face and said, "I'll see you later Rex!"

"Yeah...sure...see you later", Rex replied with a wry smile.

Although he's still shocked, thankfully it's just a misunderstanding and it didn't cause any problem between him and the Luc Family.

With the Luc Family gone, Rex glance to the side.

The black sedans that are owned by him are already waiting for him with Adhara standing by the cars, she seems to be finished talking with Daniel as Rex approached her.

"Are you done with Daniel?", Rex asks.

Hearing this, Adhara nodded her head, "I've shown him the pictures"

"Daniel is still a bit hurt from Wesley being killed but he didn't pursue the matter, he only told me that we just need to refrain from killing his bastard daughter and her child"

Rex's expression darkened for a second upon hearing this,

Adhara saw the change in expression as she already expected Rex to feel a bit uncomfortable with the request, but Daniel is not Wesley so it's not good to go against him.

"So they intend to kill our families but we can't kill theirs huh...", Rex mutters with a sigh.

After taking a huge deep breath, Rex finally calm himself down before he looks at Adhara, "Fine then, killing them will just create more trouble so let's just leave them be"

"But we still need to meet with them, let's go, he added.josei

Upon hearing this, Adhara then replied, "Wait, we're going to them right now? To their mansion?"

"Of course, we still got things to do", Rex said shortly before intending to enter the car.

But then Adhara stopped him, "How about the other families that are going to test us? What are we going to do to defend ourselves from them?"

"That's simple, we need more men of course", Rex replied with a grin.

Adhara was confused upon hearing this, she then said, "How can we get more men to join our family? Will we make recruitment of Awakened?"

"No... I need people that are loyal", Rex replied.

After saying that, Rex dial someone on his phone before the other side picks up, "Edward, Do you still have contact with people from the military?"

The person Rex calling turns out to be Edward,

"I still got some of their numbers, why?", Edward asks from the other side.

Hearing this, the grin on Rex's face becomes even wider before he finally said, "Do you recall the Disaster Squad? I want you to contact them..."

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