The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 446 No Princes Can Escape My Claws

Chapter 446 No Princes Can Escape My Claws

"My Prince... I have awakened and am ready to be of service for you"

Arnulf kneels on one knee in front of Zegrath who is inspecting him with his eyes, the same black furs, fangs, and claws just as any other Werewolf have.

With still clear confusion in his eyes, Zegrath glanced at Ruston.

For him, It's very weird for Ruston who is currently even more powerful than himself to refer to Arnulf with high courtesy, especially since Arnulf's aura is very weak.

"This is Arnulf?", Zegrath asks pointing at the kneeling Arnulf.

Hearing this, Ruston nodded his head before he saw the questioning look on Zegrath's face, "He might not seem much from a glance, but he's not as simple as you think"

Although a bit skeptical at first, Zegrath decided to trust Ruston.

If not for Ruston's help then he might already be captured by King Baralt, so the least he can do is trust Ruston who basically risks his life to save him.

But aside from that,

The purple plants all over Arnulf's body that don't do anything to him prove that Arnulf is not as simple as it seems, so Zegrath doesn't question it further.

"Aren't you surprised the Dark Prince is me?", Zegrath asks.

But without hesitation, Arnulf then answered still with his head down to the ground, "You're not the Dark Prince that I know of, but your aura doesn't lie..."

"The Origin must have his reason for picking you as the Dark Prince"

Upon hearing this, Ruston also added, "Ossuary of the Slumbering just opened not too long ago, King Baralt with his Enchanters enter the Ossuary and find the original Dark Prince's body has decomposed. This creates quite a stir inside the kingdom"

"But I'm guessing it's because you have been chosen as the Dark Prince"

"Knowing this, King Baralt becomes even more determined to find you, my Prince. I think we need to go somewhere far from here, my pack will help you with all our might"

Zegrath listen to this before he nodded his head, then his eyes landed on Arnulf again.

"How did you leave the kingdom? King Baralt didn't suspect you to go to me even after finding the decomposed corpse of the previous Dark Prince?", Zegrath asks squinting his eyes.

If Arnulf just awakened then he must meet King Baralt,

Seeing how Arnulf is very respectful to him, then Arnulf should've known as the loyal servant of the Dark Prince and if that's the case King Baralt will definitely not let him go.

With a calm tone, Arnulf replied, "They put me inside a room"

"I know they're doing that to make me a prisoner for them, but they underestimate me too much. I managed to escape the Kingdom with not much trouble"

​ "With the current Werewolf kingdom, even I'm embarrassed by it. They're a disgrace"

Hearing this, Zegrath then said, "Going through the detection of many Alphas?"

"I found that very hard to believe, some of them definitely sensed you escaping the kingdom but you manage to get here without a scratch?"

But before Arnulf can reply, Ruston replied to Zegrath's remarks.

He said, "My prince... as I was saying earlier Arnulf is special, just give him an opportunity to forsake your doubts and you will be surprised at what he can accomplish"

Zegrath listens to Ruston attentively as he continues, "Arnulf is even older than King Baralt..."

The realization snaps Zegrath's neck toward Arnulf who is still kneeling in front of him, there's a disbelieving look on his face after hearing what Ruston said.

"He's even older? You're from the Beginning Era...", Zegrath mutters in shock.

Although some questions remain, Zegrath shakes his head and decided to give Arnulf a chance.

"Do you know that there's another Prince aside from me that has awakened?", he asks, the time when his ritual is disrupted by this Prince is still fresh in his memories.

Hearing this, Arnulf raises his head, "Which Prince is he?"

"I don't know what moon he's associated with, but his bloodline is purer than me"

"Baralt is going after me so I need to get stronger, another Prince will just be a hinder to my raise to the throne. Arnulf, can you bring that Prince to me...?", Zegrath asks.

Upon hearing this, Arnulf cracked a nasty grin.

Out of nowhere, his body started to get cloaked by steaming red energy that changes his entire demeanor almost instantly giving him an ancient and powerful feeling.

This change even surprises Zegrath,

Arnulf then bares his ferocious fangs as he replied, "Don't worry my Prince..."

"Just give me some time and I'll drag that Prince to your feet, I don't care if they're the Super Blue Prince, Violet Prince, or even the Red Prince, I'll bring them to you without fail"

"No defenseless Princes can escape my claws"


The next day,

Early in the morning, Rex's parents arrived at the mansion.

With the mansion that was previously owned by the Atkins Family allocated to the Silverstar Family, Rex decided to let his parents live here.

The mansion is located in sector two of Ratmawati City,

Only the top influential people in the whole of Ratmawati City can have a mansion in sector two, and not only that, this part of sector two is where only the top ten families in the 25 Golden Crest can buy and live.

Because of that, this place is heavily guarded.

Not only by the guild members associated with the top ten families but this part of the sector is crowded with the most powerful member of the FAA and UWO.

Some of the lower class people called this the God's Sanctuary,

Sector 2A has one golden rule that is absolute and must be followed, the rule stated that there will be no killings and even casual fighting on this ground.

If anyone was caught doing that, they will be hunted and killed without exception.

Rex didn't know this rule until late,

With this rule, if Wesley decided to just stay here and didn't come out to attack him at all then Rex will have no means to even touch Wesley.

But since he left sector two, he got baited and killed easily.

The very strict rule makes Rex decide to tell his parents to live here, Mrs. Greene and Robert then decided to follow Rex's lead as the place is very nice.

Only the luxurious of the most luxurious mansion is built here,

Knowing his own mother, Rex is very sure that his mother will love to live here.

Even back in the room, he got in the university, Mrs. Greene looks quite happy with the maids and butler although sometimes she prefers to do house chores on her own.

Not only that, this mansion has everything she will ever need.

Starting from a very big pool with a jacuzzi on the edge, a home theatre that she can use to watch movies, a karaoke room, and others that will keep her company.

Mrs. Greene can even call her friends here if she wanted to,

With the facilities inside the mansion, Mrs. Greene and her friends will have more fun talking and hanging out here than going to the mall or restaurants.

It saves Rex some worry with her living here,

Rex currently is sitting on the red throne just like before, but there are a bunch of things in front of the red throne that each emits different kinds of energy.

There are exactly four items in front of the red throne,

Upon seeing the four items in front of him, Rex cracked his fingers in excitement.

'Can't believe it costs me ten million gold to buy these four items, but it's definitely worth the costs', Rex thought with a huge grin.

After looking at the items in satisfaction,

Rex then takes out an item from his inventory before the entire room got engulfed by a bright light, it's very bright that even blocked his vision.josei

But even then, his grin never left his face.

Closing his eyes, Rex puts the glowing bright item in between his hands.

The entire room is dead silent as Rex meditates on the red throne while closing his eyes, not one bit of sound can be heard as it was dead silent.

It went on for an hour but there is some noticeable changes,

Unlike the very bright light that the item emitted before, the light coming from it started to become dimmer and dimmer as if its energy got sucked out of it.

Rex kept absorbing the item until the circular item is nothing compared to before.

The light coming from it is not even as big as a candle, it's already feeble and after a couple of minutes later the item turns into a speck of light and vanishes.


Just after the item vanishes, there are some changes in Rex's body.

If anyone were to see him right now, they will see a feeble speck of mana around his body that is glowing with pure white color.

After adjusting to the changes, Rex opens his eyes.

His eyes glow white before he looks down at his hands, the grin came back again to Rex's face when a notification from the system appears.

Obtaining these items that he bought is all thanks to the Platchi Family,

Since Margaret has signed over the entire business of the Atkins Family, the legal procedure went smoothly and now Rex has legally owned the Carlance Swift Auto.

Aside from that, the money Wesley owned has also been transferred to Rex.

From Wesley's money alone, Rex got more than one and a half billion dollars and more to come from the revenue of the car businesses that he now owns.

If converted to the system's currency, Rex got a bit over fifteen million gold.

This is by far the most gold he has ever had in the system, it's not the kind of money that he even dreamt about a year ago when he was sitting in the military.

But now, he becomes one of the richest people in the entire Ratmawati City.

Rex went down from his throne before taking another item,

The item is shaped like a sculpture of an angel but is completely made of light, it looks ordinary from a glance but upon touching it the entire room turns white in color.

It's not the color of the room that changed,

But instead, the entire room changes as if the entire place is made of nothing but light.

It all came from the angel sculpture, and not only that, but the room was also suddenly raining with something that almost looks like snow but it's clearly different.

Upon touching Rex's body, this snow-like thing went through him.

Just from this alone, it's obvious that they're not snow but something else.

After taking the angel sculpture, Rex also took two elixirs.

With both items in his hands, Rex sat back down on the throne intending to move on to the next step that he already prepared for with much thought.

Rex puts the elixirs in his pocket before focusing back on the angel sculpture,

Although he hasn't done anything, there is an excited expression on his face as even his body trembles in excitement for a bit.

Not intending to wait any further,

Rex brings the angel sculpture closer to his face before he then whispers softly, "Pure as the white color with a soothing hum wrapped with kindness, the bright angels willingly resigned fully to god"

"But when the night comes, even god's fences are none"

"Oh angel of the night, guide this lost pilgrim clouded in the dark as you are the one that can give the faculty that can even defy god!"

Just after the last sentence that escapes Rex's mouth, the light composing the angel sculpture turns bluish as the angel's face becomes crooked and sad.

Its wings slowly turn into glass flakes made of light as it slowly shatters.

Even the angel sculpture started levitating in front of Rex emitting energy that is getting stronger by the second, and before Rex know it,


A powerful ray of light shot from the angel sculpture toward Rex,

The energy coming from the ray of light is unending as Rex gritted his teeth trying to receive all of the energy, he's like a greedy suction machine that engulfs everything.

Some changes in mana construct inside his body can be felt clearly,

"Argghh!!!", Rex grunted in pain as the energy forces its way in.


Some guards that are guarding outside of Rex's house caught a very bright light through the window from the room Rex is in, they were shocked since their eyes feels like burning.

All of them need to avert their gaze if they don't want their eyes to get burnt to crips.

Even though Rex's scream of agony is very loud as the veins all over his body tensed and bulged, none of the guards can hear his scream.

Not only that, even the explosion sound and impact don't escape the room.

It seems Rex has already installed the room with runes in order to do what he's doing right now, everything has been planned for this moment.

Rex started to levitate on the air inside the room,

He got pulled off the ground by the energy from the angel sculpture that is still pouring out, and the pain got even more powerful but Rex endure through the process.

A couple of empty elixirs can be seen under the red throne Rex is sitting on,

Because of the energy from the angel sculpture, the holes around Rex's body shot out blue light as if the energy completely filled his body to the brim.

It went on for minutes until suddenly,


The barrier covering the room shook even though Rex already engraved the room with runes, each one of the runes costs him a whopping fifty thousand gold which speaks of its power.

But even then the barrier still trembles upon getting hit by the shockwave.

After the process ended,

The floating angel sculpture slowly dissipated turning into glass flakes of light, it disappears slowly from the bottom all the way to the top until it's completely turned into nothingness.

With heavy breaths, Rex tries to stand up strugglingly.

Even with the pain, he's feeling right now, there's no blood coming out of anywhere around his body as his insides are completely scorched by the energy from the angel sculpture.

It was excruciatingly painful but Rex suffers through it,

Rex catches his breath as he deactivates his Berserker's Curse skill, he then stands up using the red throne as support before he tiredly sits on it.

The entire room turns silent once again,

Everything turns back to normal again as Rex tiredly sits on the throne, but he can't help but smile tiredly when he saw a couple of notifications pop into his vision.

The smile is the widest one he has ever put on in his entire life,

If Adhara or even Kyran saw his excited smile then they both will be surprised, this is a kind of expression that Rex rarely uses, a genuine happy face.

But Rex's smile was interrupted when he sensed something,

Rex quickly changes his clothes into more proper ones since the one he wore before has already torn, he then walks towards the entrance.

In the living room, no one is there except for him.

Adhara and Kyran are currently training making the mansion look empty.

With light steps, Rex descend down from the second floor and saw a maid already standing beside the door wanting to open the door since someone has knocked on it.

Rex signals the maid to let him before sending her away,

Before Rex even open the door, he already knows who are the people in front of the entrance just from smelling their scent, 'Let's welcome them shall we'

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