The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 447 Disaster Squad And Surprise

Chapter 447 Disaster Squad And Surprise

'Let's welcome them shall we?'

Rex stretches his hands to the handles of the entrance before pulling them open.

The big entrance that can even fit five or more people getting in at the same time was opened exposing a group of people, it's more than a group of brutes rather than people.

But it's a sight that makes Rex crack a smile.

Without even anyone introducing these people, Rex already recognized them.

In front of the group of people is Edward whose expression is flushed, it seems he's really drained mentally from bringing this group of people here.

"Welcome to my humble mansion", Rex greeted while spreading his arms to the side.

The group of people consists of five excluding Edward, four of them are a man while one is a woman that is more manly that an actual man.

It's not that she had a big figure or anything,

But it's because of her expression and eyes that emit a glint of a man, her hard expression with a very toned body covered with black leather skin-tight clothes and a black trench coat outer amplify her somewhat fierce look.

All of the five have one thing in common, they're wearing a black beret with a skull badge.

Upon hearing Rex's greeting, one of the people steps up.

This man wears a black tank top showing off his muscles, a tiger tattoo decorating his whole right arm with guns strapped to his waist.

"Where the fuck is Zera? I want to meet her right now!", the man demanded.

Rex looks at the man before he chuckles for a bit, "Don't worry,'ll meet with her but more importantly what happened to your right eye?"

"You got scratched by a cat or something?"

Just from the exchange alone shows that Rex seems to know Tandu and is close with each other, but before the man can reply another bald man from the side laughs out loud.

Hearing the laugh makes Tandu grit his teeth,

Tandu tries to swing at the man intending to punch him right in the face but dodged easily, while still laughing the man said, "Tell him what happened to your eye, Tandu"

"I'm sure he will be interested in hearing your great duel", he added.

Rex inspects the man that is laughing and realizes who it is, the black skin of the man makes him impossible to be mistaken with the other member of the group, 'This must be Aldo'

Aldo, the one Rex is referring to is the man that is currently laughing.

He has dark skin with a bald head, but the thing that catches Rex's attention about Aldo is his huge hands which are very big compared to normal.

When Tandu was about to jump at Aldo, Rex intervenes, "Stop fighting, Let's get inside first"

After hearing this,

Tandu clicks his tongue before going inside, he's still glaring at Aldo who just made fun of him before the others also follow after Tandu enters the mansion.

Rex sits on the single sofa while the others follow after him,

Upon seeing the people getting inside the mansion, the maid that is standing by the side was a bit surprised since there's a clear difference in terms of Rex's appearance and the group of five.

Since Rex has left the military for quite some time, the military feeling to him is already gone.

On the other hand, the air of this group of people is still thick with military walking with an arch back and even in an orderly manner with Tandu in front.

"Hey! Where's the booze at?!", Aldo shouted before sitting down on the sofa comfortably.

But as if his loud voice was not enough, he then looks at the maid just beside the stairs before he added, "You there! Pretty girl! Bring daddy some booze"

"Such a fancy mansion but didn't even provide a drink? What is this?"

"Damn, you fuckers from the USR are living up the world"

"Fucking hell, What is this fragrant smell, where's the mud at?"

Expecting such behavior coming from the known unit called the Disaster Squad, Rex waves his hand signaling for the maid to bring them some drinks.

While Edward on the other hand is sitting on the stairs,

There's a good ten feet of space between him and where the Disaster Squad are sitting, he even sighs a couple of times while looking at the scene.

One man that looks way thinner than the others are walking around,

Although the man seems to be walking around, Rex knows what he's doing, "Giraldo, put down that thing you take and sit here before I smash your head into the wall"

Hearing this, the thin man called Giraldo clicks his tongue and puts back a golden frame.

Rex's eyes then landed on Tandu again before he asks, "So, What's up with your eyes?"

Bringing up the same topic as before again, Aldo chuckles again making Tandu's expression turn fierce before Tandu said, "It's because of a fucking Orc"

"Nothing too special, so let's just ski-"

Aldo intervenes in the middle of Tandu's sentence, "He's mocked by an Orc"

"So he decided to duel alone with the Orc bare-handed but the Orc takes out a blade and stabs his eye, what piece of dipshit"

Hearing this, Tandu nodded his head repeatedly.

But then, Aldo added, "When I say dipshit I mean you, Tandu. Who the fuck got injured by an Orc these days, probably half a brain-dead man just like you"

"What the fuck did you say?!", Tandu shouted angrily.

The only woman in the group then suddenly move feeling annoyed by the two quarreling with each other, she hits Aldo right on the back of his head without holding back.

Aldo grabs his head in anger but seeing the woman glaring at him makes him smile wryly.

Seeing this, Tandu scoffs, "You're afraid of a woman? What a waste of a man"

"Fuck do you want my balls to get ripped off by her? She's freaking crazy", Aldo shouted back but realizing what he just said, he started to sweat as he can feel the woman's glare on his back which makes his spine tingle.

Rex stopped them as he said, "Alright now, this is not why I call you all here"

"Where's Zera at?! I want to meet her right now, that's why I'm here", Tandu said leaning his body forward expectantly, his eyes show that he's really eager to meet with Zera.

But Rex shakes his head, "You'll meet with her after this, don't worry"

"I called all of you here to give you guys an opportunity, I'm extending a direct invitation for you guys to join my new family. How about it? I'm sure you're sick of being a part of the military, especially their food", he added.

Upon saying this, the room instantly went silent.

Anyone can hear a pin drop in this kind of silence, even Edward looks up in surprise when he suddenly realizes the entire room went silent.

There's a tension that filled the air as all of the Disaster Squad gazes at Rex.

"You? Leading us? Don't make me laugh, no one can lead us", Aldo replied with a stern look, he's smiling but it looks like he's holding back his anger.

With a calm expression, Rex then replied, "I can make you an Awakened"

Hearing this, Giraldo laughs from the side as he said, "You're not even an Awakened, and you're saying that you can make us an Awakened? That's not even a funny joke"

"Even if you are an Awakened, making others an Awakened is impossible", the woman added.

But Rex crooked up a smile as he said, "Oh? I forgot that you guys are inside the military, and you never watch the news except for what your upper ranks officer told you"

"Let's update your memory", he added.

Just after saying that, Rex's eyes sizzle with sky-black lightning.

Upon seeing this, the Disaster Squad widen their eyes in surprise as they can clearly see black lightning sizzling around Rex's eyes showing that he's indeed an Awakened.

Then suddenly, "This is an exclusive offer as fellow comrade in the military"

All of the Disaster Squad widen their eyes when they heard Rex's voice but it was not coming from their front, heck even Rex is not sitting on the single sofa anymore.

The voice came from the back as Rex appear on their backs.

Rex's movement is very fast, it looks like he vanished in front of the Disaster Squad's perspective just like a ghost.

"How did you..."

Before Tandu can finish his sentence,

Once again Rex vanished into thin air, but this time his entire body turns into sparkles of blue light before a voice attracts their attention again, "What does it look like? I'm an Awakened"

"Even if you do, there's no way you can turn us into an Awakened", the woman said again.

Although Rex is only close with Tandu, he has met with the entire squad.

Just from their couple of meeting alone, they all know that Rex is not an Awakened during his time in the military but it seems that is not the case right now.

The display shows them that Rex is actually an Awakened,

Rex chuckles lightly before he sparkles into blue light before appearing on the single sofa again, he leans back before he replied, "I'm saying that I have a way"

"All you need to do is to accept to join my family and serve under me"

"Don't worry I won't be as harsh as the military, you all will have some free time here and there and what's more you all can have the chance to become an Awakened", he added.

The entire Disaster Squad was at a loss for words,

Even though they are not an Awakened they know that Rex just used a different element just now, the first time he vanished he used a lighting element and the second one is a different one.

Tandu can't help but asks, "Am I going crazy, or do you have a second element?"

"Oh you mean this?", Rex smirk before his hand is enveloped with blue light, the blue light glows brighter as the smirk on Rex's face becomes even wider.

"I'm also a Lunar Light Elementalist!"


A moment ago, inside the red throne room.

<Congratulation, the user has become a Light Elementalist!>

<Light Elementalist Achievement has been completed!>

<Obtained Light Spell Bundle!>

Rex absorbed a high-grade light affinity orb that he bought from the system, he decided that he will become a Light Elementalist on top of his Lightning element.

The reason is quite simple actually,

Before choosing an element, Rex bought each of the elements' information.

With that, the system gave Rex the overall description of each element from the basic ones to the exotic ones helping him to make a decision.

Rex read all of them and falls to one decisive decision,

Out of all the elements that are available in the system's shop, the light element is the one that has many protection spells from dark energies that the Supernatural uses.

It also gives the most endurance on top of the protection spells almost as good as the earth element.

Another reason for his choice to become a Light Elementalist is because of the element it can evolve into, the element he aims for is the Lunar Light element.

The angel sculpture he bought before is called the Night Angel Sculpture.

Just like the Warden of the Sky Core, the Night Angel Sculpture will allow Rex to evolve his element into the Lunar Light Element which is also a mid Ultimate Element.

Upon reaching the Lunar Light Element, Rex is rewarded by the system.

<Congratulation on upgrading the user's Light Element into a mid-Ultimate Element, Lunar Light!>

<Lunar Light element matches the user's race!>

<Resistance to silver has been increased by 15%!>

<Resistance to White Rye has been increased by 10%>

<Congratulation on completing Master of Light Achievement!>

<Obtained Ultimate Spell Lunar Dust Illusion, and Light Ego!>

Thanks to the gold he currently possesses from Wesley Atkins' money, Rex got more than enough money to buy everything he can for his second element.

Even if he wanted to, he can buy the third or fourth element.

But if he did that then he will be lagging behind since he needs to meditate on all of those, and it will be time-consuming for him to even reach the fifth rank.

Much less buying each element a spirit of their own,

Rex looks at the notifications from the system as he cracks a very wide smile, but his smile was interrupted when he sensed the Disaster Squad's arrival.


Back to the present,

All of the Disaster Squad was at a loss for words upon hearing what Rex said, they all are still unable to comprehend what they were hearing right now.

"L-Lunar Light Elementalist?"

"and also Lightning Elementalist?"

Seeing the surprised look on their expression can't help but make Rex smile.

The notorious Disaster Squad which is always very chaotic and loud suddenly becomes this silent as they look at Rex in disbelief, anyone in the military will be shocked upon seeing this.

While leaning on the sofa, Rex crosses his legs, "How about it? Are you interested?"

"Fuck this, Do you really think you can entice us with that? I've beaten an Awakened before, you're probably not that strong!", Aldo shouted before he leaped from the sofa.

Aldo's big hands are already stretched intending to grab Rex,josei

But as if Rex is already expecting this, he waves his hand before out of nowhere Aldo got flung back before hitting the wall behind him.


A couple of black tentacles then emerge from the walls before restraining Aldo completely.

"That's it... This is what I expected from the Disaster Squad, try and take me down if you still think I'm not worthy as your leader", Rex said with a huge grin.

At night,

Rex is inside the throne room while sitting in a meditative position, he can sense that the Disaster Squad is inside the training room where they're still fighting with him.

'Lunar Dust Illusion huh... it's quite useful', he thought.

The system gave him an Ultimate Spell Lunar Dust Illusion as a reward for evolving his element into a mid Ultimate Element, it's a spell that allows him to control something called Lunar Dust.

It has many uses but it's mainly creating illusions,

Inside the training room of the mansion, there's another Rex fighting with the Disaster Squad to test their will and this other Rex is an illusion.

Although it only has 30% of his stats, it's still a useful spell.

Now Rex is sitting in a meditative position while absorbing the piles of high-grade Light Elemental Stones, he will try to reach a higher rank for his Lunar Light element.

One might be confused about how Rex uses an Ultimate Light Spell instantly.

Just after he become a Light Elementalist before, he found that his body subconsciously stores Lunar energy as a Werewolf and thus he can compensate for his lack of mana.

If anyone was to hear this, then they will definitely be surprised.

Even Adhara and Evelyn who are also Dual Elementalist will be surprised, their secondary element still needs to reach the third rank to even use a spell.

But Rex bypassed that thanks to his compatible Lunar Light element,

Light element is also not as chaotic as Lightning, so Rex finds it easy to control it.

After a couple of hours of meditating using the Light Elemental Stones, Rex has reached the third rank for his Lunar Light element and decided to stop for a moment.

While Rex is resting on the red throne, he then suddenly remembers something.

'I wonder what they're doing, they better not hunt humans right now', Rex thought as he closes his eyes, he intends to check Wedron City.

Jarvald and Vivian are hiding there near the city,

Rex uses the Eagle Mind ability of the throne before he appears above Wedron City in his mind, since he has been there, he can see the Wedron City using the Eagle Mind ability.

Upon looking at Wedron City, there are some clearly seen changes in Wedron City.

Their walls are under construction, and they will look way better than before.

After inspecting Wedron City for a little bit and finding that the people are prospering there, Rex then flaps his imaginary wings to the side a little bit.

He focuses on the ability and finds that he now can hear and even feel the situation there.

At first, when he just used the throne's ability to see Faraday University, he can't hear or even feel anything, he just can observe from above like an eagle.

But now he finds that he can even hear and feel the place as if he's really there.

Rex looks around before he frowns when he saw a Werewolf standing on a tree trunk,

The white furs and muscular body shows that this Werewolf is definitely Jarvald, 'What is he doing? What is he looking at?', he thought in confusion.

Jarvald is standing on top of a tree trunk while looking at the far distance,

Pinpointing the place Jarvald is seeing right now, Rex realized that the direction of where Jarvald is seeing should be the Supernatural territory.

Rex looks back at Jarvald before he squints his eyes,

Upon closer look, he finds that Jarvald has a slightly fearful expression on his face as if he's troubled by something or someone.

Even Vivian who is just below the tree seems to be shivering,

'What are they scared of?', Rex thought with a frown.

The few meetings he had with Jarvald show that Jarvald is quite a menacing Werewolf, he's also very fearsome in a fight so seeing him like this makes Rex confused.

But then suddenly, Rex looks to the side in surprise,


Out of nowhere, a loud howl that even reaches the Wedron City coming from the Supernatural Territory direction resounded making the fear in Jarvald's face becomes even more evident.

Even Rex feel a chill run down his spine,

'What the fuck is that howl? Why am I also trembling...'

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