The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 451 I'll Snatch Their Wings

Chapter 451 I'll Snatch Their Wings

Inside the mansion,

A woman is meditating beside a fireplace with her eyes closed and even levitating on the air, spirit energy is revolving around her body expressing some kind of blue light that is made purely of flowing spirit energy.

If one were to see her meditating like this, then they will see the spirit energy that she lets out slowly took a shape of a big shark with jagged sharp teeth and dense muscles.

There are no sounds inside the room as she meditates peacefully,

The inside of the room the woman is in is only decorated with a wall-size wooden bookshelf with many books lined up neatly, a couple of sofas decorated with animal leather, and also a table with a few glasses and some sort of alcohol on it.

Minimalist one might say, but there's a formation just beside the fireplace.

Just from the looks of the glowing runes below the levitating woman, it seems the formation amplifies her spirit energy and also causes her to levitate.

It's a perfect place for peace of mind and body, but the temperature in the room is still cold.

Even with the fireplace heating up the entire room, the coldness still will prickle the skin of anyone inside of the room and this coldness came from the woman's body.

But just as the woman meditates beside the fireplace, a sound disturbs her.

The disturbance came when a couple of knocking sounds can be heard from the door to this room, she slowly opens her eyes while still levitating and glance at the door.

Her spirit energy vanishes just as she opens her eyes,

"I told you to not disturb me Raihan, leave me alone", the woman said with a hint of annoyance.

After saying that, the woman wanted to go back to her meditation again but a voice suddenly makes her glance back at the door in confusion, "I'm not Raihan, Open the door"

Hearing this, there is a troubled look on the woman's face.

Just from hearing the light voice alone, the woman realizes that it's definitely not Raihan.

At first, she thought that it was her daughter, but the aura is not the same.

Stepping down from her meditative levitating position, the formation below her dimmed before she heads towards the door with light steps, confused as to who is the one knocking.


Turning the lock on the door, the woman then open the door before her eyes widen in surprise.

"Good evening Mrs. Rirgas, don't mind my intrusion"

Luisella widen her eyes upon seeing Adhara turns out to be the one who is at her door, she was confused and also troubled simultaneously as she instantly got a bad feeling about this.

But her eyes widen and her aura got riled up upon seeing Sabrina dragged by Adhara.

With only one hand and also by the collar of her clothes, Adhara pulled Sabrina into the room before putting her just near the fireplace.

There's not much respect in the way she treats Sabrina,

Gistella also follows Adhara into the room without paying much attention to the frozen Luisella.

"What are you doing here? and how dare you hurt my daughter...", Luisella mutters lightly but her tone is contrasting with the glare she had on her face, she's very angry at Adhara and Gistella for doing this.

Without even turning around, Adhara and Gistella walk leisurely toward the sofa.

They didn't even bother to turn around since Lusiella is aiming her hostile aura toward them, it's like as if they were not the least bit scared of her.

Upon sitting on the sofa, Adhara then finally gazes at Lusiella back.

Her eyes landed on Luisella who is staring daggers at her by the door, her expression is contorted and her cold aura makes the ground around her turn to ice.

Adhara looks at Luisella without a hint of worry on her face,

But then suddenly,

"Great Spell, Ice Force Strike!"


Out of nowhere, Luisella is already right in front of Adhara with her right hand cloaked with ice thrusting toward Adhara's arm intending to sever it the same.

Seeing this, Gistella didn't sit still as she also activates her aura.

Thanks to her being a Werewolf, her perception is way better and her reflex is also way superior than a human making her body move on her own.


A spark was created as Gistella blocked Luisella's attack,

Gistella was pushed back a little before stopping her momentum by stepping on the edge of the sofa while Luisella got pushed back a couple of steps.

This exchange shocks Luisella as she was surprised to see Gistella blocking her attack.

But instead of backing down, Gistella's eyes glisten with ferocity as she grins her teeth in anger while glaring at Luisella, "How dare you attack us, are you seeking death human?"


The ground beneath her cracked as the white-bluish aura sizzles around her body,

Even Adhara is quite surprised to find that Luisella actually tries to sever her arm, and this makes her expression darken as her breathing becomes heavy.

Bloodlust started to fill her inside but she held it in forcefully.

"Attacking me? You really make me regret coming here", Adhara said coldly.

She then shakes her head since it's a natural response after seeing Sabrina's state before she added, "I believe you did something that displeases Rex, and I'm here regarding that"

Although Adhara looks composed, she was surprised that Gistella manage to block that.

If it weren't for her, then she might suffer a blow from Luisella.

Gistella also started to breathe heavily as the bloodlust inside of her started to awaken, and this made Adhara quickly shift the topic before tapping Gistella's arm signaling to calm down.

It'll be bad if Gistella went berserk here, and that is more plausible as the full moon draws near.

Even though Adhara already taught Gistella all she can, Gistella is still once an Undead, and referring to other people as humans are a dead show of her true nature.

Hearing this, Luisella frowns, "What did I do? I didn't do anything"

"Mrs. Rirgas... we're both women and we should be more level-headed than men, I've given you this opportunity so you can amend for your mistakes"

"Better be clean with us right now or I'm not the one who is going to be here"

This makes Luisella retracts back her aura while still looking at Adhara, she looks composed but in front of Adhara's eyes, she can clearly see that Luisella is hesitating.

Her emotional aura is going havoc beneath her calm demeanor,

But after a moment of silence, Lusiella then said again, "I didn't do anything, there must be somekind of misunderstanding between us"

Just as she said that Adhara waves her hand before suddenly a figure appeared.

Luisella was utterly caught off guard when a figure suddenly walk past her from behind, this surprised her so much because she didn't even feel the figure's presence.

It's like a ghost walking past her, and the presence alone gives her goosebumps.

Kyran walks past Luisella who is stunned in her place while bringing a couple of heads, they're the Awakened that is hiding around the mansion.

With Kyran's ability and his spirit, even Wesley can't detect his presence.

For a seventh rank Awakened like Luisella, she doesn't have a single chance to feel Kyran's presence, not even a slight bit of chance.

After standing on the other side beside Adhara, Kyran turns around, and looks at Luisella.

There is a slight fear that gripped Luisella's soul while looking at Kyran, and before she snap out of her daze, Kyran had already thrown four Awakened heads in front of her which are still fresh and bloodied.

"I've given you a chance Mrs. Rirgas, but it seems you're choosing the hard way", Adhara said.

Hearing this, Luisella blinks her eyes a couple of times while looking at the severed heads in front of her feet before she realized who these Awakened are.

She then looks back at Adhara but now her expression breaks, "You don't understand"

"I don't have any other choice, one of my people is caught by the Mistin Family. They asked me to erase their family name from the list, they're threatening my daughters!", she shouted.

But Adhara stands up from her seat, "Isn't that your fault?"

"There's always a choice Mrs. Rirgas, and you just made a wrong choice"

"Although Rex asks you specifically to find these four families, he's actually filtering a friend and a fake friend. Your family has proven to be a fake friend... and it's over for you", she added.

After saying that, Adhara signals to the others as they walk out of the room.

Luisella stopped Adhara by grabbing her arm, "Please... they're threatening my daughters, what am I should've done in that situation?"

"You tell us, that's what you should've done", Adhara replied coldly.

The three of them then left the room before slamming the door shut, they left the stunned Luisella inside with Sabrina's lying unconscious on the ground.

From their exchange, Adhara already got the information she need.

Based on what Luisella said before, it's clear that the Mistin Family was the one behind this anomaly in the list and that's enough evidence to make the Silverstar Family list the Mistin Family as their enemy.

With that, Luisella crouches to the ground while holding onto her daughter.

She stopped the blood coming out of the severed arm of her daughter while waiting for the impending doom, the reputation of Rex Silverstar is terrifying even for her.

Vanessa and Sabrina have told of Rex's power during the mission,

Even when he's still a sixth rank Awakened, Rex not only protects the entire descendants inside his team from the Undead but he also killed a Seventh Rank Undead.

Luisella realizes that even if it's her, she will have a hard time beating the Undead.

There is not one person in the entire Ratmawati City who can match Rex's feat, beating a seventh-rank Undead when he's still an early sixth rank is unthinkable.

It's truly an astonishing feat, a feat that brings imminent fear of his battle power.

But now, Rex has already reached the seventh rank realm.

It's safe to say that if Rex wanted to, he will definitely be able to beat Luisella if even Wesley Atkins who is an eighth rank Awakened died by his two hands.

Not long after she waited inside the room,



The sound of a shattering window can be heard from the back,

Luisella sucked in a cold breath when she feels the aura of the figure that is standing on her back, without even turning back she already knows who the figure is.

With ridiculous mana emitted from the figure's body, it's clearly Rex Silverstar.

She regrets not taking Adhara's hint seriously to come clean to her, if she did then maybe the Rirgas Family might be able to survive this ordeal without much damage.


Hearing this baritone voice, Luisella gulps harshly as she slowly turns around.

Just like as she thought, the one standing behind her is Rex Silverstar with his eagle-piercing eyes looking down on her alongside the suppressing and violent mana.

The appearance of Rex makes her eyes dilated as even she unconsciously holds her breath.

Meeting with Rex Silverstar who is literally the strongest student in all of Ratmawati City surpassing even Gerrard who is the descendant of the first rank family is not something anyone can do, even for a head family like herself.

It's choking just to be in the same room as Rex, much less with an angry Rex.

Because of the suppressing aura, Luisella can feel her own spirit refusing to listen to her.

There are more than thirteen thousand gaps between Devo and Luisella's spirits,

Something that wide makes Devo a living giant in front of Luisella's spirit, their gap is simply far too wide for Luisella to even call out to her spirit.

Now that Rex has already reached the seventh rank,

Devo is slowly able to suppress the weaker spirit of a seventh rank Awakened, alongside Rex's understanding and control of Spirit Core increasing.

With the gap between them, Rex and Devo find it easy to suppress Luisella.

Thanks to Devo and Rex becoming adept at suppressing the spirit of a seventh rank Awakened, Luisella doesn't stand a chance against Rex at all.

She can only regulate spirit energy without the help of her spirit,

Using spirit energy with a spirit is already hard enough, let alone without the help of spirit.

Rex looks at Luisella with cold eyes and a fierce look, he then slowly steps closer creating a slight thudding sound from his shoes clashing with the ground.

It doesn't take long before Rex stopped in front of Luisella,

His hand then slowly reaches for Luisella's chin before lifting her gaze gently,

Luisella's entire body is trembling as if she's in front of the apex predator while she is only prey, the feeling is choking and her body can't help but show signs of fear.

For a head family to do this just shows how intimidating Rex's presence is.

Rex then reaches for his pocket before taking out a golden letter that is pinched in between his index and middle fingers, there's a bat symbol on the back of the letter and by looking at this alone Luisella already knows what the content of the letter is.

After showing the golden letter, Rex put it in front of Luisella.

"Do you know what I really want?", Rex asks softly.

Hearing this, Luisella's eyes shifted from the letter back to Rex before he continues, "I really want to be left alone, that is what my desire for now..."josei

"Today you will have to make a decision"

"Inside that letter is an official challenge to the death and also a term which you can accept if you want to avoid my official challenge, a way for your family to survive"

"Pick wisely... your daughters' future depends on it"

With that, Luisella gulps harshly before looking down to the ground.

But just as she thought that Rex was about to leave after delivering the golden letter, Rex suddenly said, "Even knowing me, you still attack Adhara..."

"May I ask why, Luisella?", he added.

Hearing this, Luisella looks back at Rex before she replied, "They're ruthless people, you don't know how they operate. I had no choice but to do that"

Rex scoffed before he crouches down to the same eye level as Luisella.

"Unlucky for you, I am also the same...", Rex replied with a nasty grin.

He then stands back up, putting his hands in his pockets before he said with a cold look, "Platchi Family has done the same and Maurice has suffered the consequences, you noticed what I made him do?"

With his cold eyes, Rex inspects Luisella's expression and finds that she knows.

"If you know about it then you know what to do...", Rex mutters.

Luisella bit her lips upon hearing what Rex demands, but making Rex wait longer will only put her in a worse situation so she then imbued her hand with mana before she swings it,


"Haarghh!", she yelled after cutting off her own left arm.

A pool of blood started to form beside her as Rex takes the severed arm to the ground while Luisella is holding onto her left shoulder where blood is gushing out.

Rex smiles lightly before he said, "Think carefully..."

"Don't forget, you are not allowed to regrow back your arm", Rex added before his body slowly turned into a blue light and disappear into nothingness.

After Rex vanishes into thin air,

Luisella was left in the room that is now messy with broken glass and blood, she sighs to herself before looking down at the golden letter with a bat symbol.

She then slowly reaches the golden letter and takes out its content,


Outside of the mansion, the others are waiting outside with a tied-up Awakened beside them.

Kyran has taken down four Awakened that are stalking the Rirgas Family mansion, but one of them was not killed and instead tied up.

Not long after, Rex arrived amongst them.

His eyes instantly landed on the Awakened before he looks at Kyran, "Did you spare one?"

"Yes, I thought that maybe leaving one to tell the message is good", he replied.

Hearing this, Rex looks at Kyran for a moment before he nodded his head, 'I didn't instruct him to do this, but that's a perfect decision by him', he praises Kyran in his head.

After that, Rex crouched in front of the Awakened with a violent look.

"Do you want to live?", he asks.

The Awakened was stunned for a moment before he nodded his head repeatedly, he saw how Kyran deals with them as if they were ants even though they are a higher rank Awakened.

It's terrifying when the Awakened saw his friends die one by one,

Nothing can be seen aside from a shadow that seems to engulf them, and knowing that an Awakened of a lower rank than them did this makes his skin crawl.

Seeing this, Rex then said, "Tell the other of what you saw here"

"Silverstar Family only wants peace and be left alone, tell them that if they insist on facing us then I'll snatch their wings from under them as I did with the Atkins and Rirgas Family..."

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