The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 452 The End Of The Chosen One's Torment

Chapter 452 The End Of The Chosen One's Torment

Meanwhile, Vampire Territory.

Rosie who is still chained inside the underground chamber looks up when she heard footsteps heading in her direction, but there is nothing she can do except wait.

From the look of Rosie's condition, it seems she's in better shape than before.

The cause for this was because the vampires started feeding her with a fruit that Calidora said accelerated her blood replenishment, and also filled her with nutrients.

It's shocking to see the condition she's now compared to before being fed.

Now Rosie got a bit of her strength back as she can even move her body albeit only a little bit, the light in her eyes also shone with life unlike before.

Just like what she expected, the footsteps belong to Calidora.

But instead of coming here alone like she always used to, she's accompanied by two Royal Vampire Guards and there's a wide smile on her face.

Rosie feels a bad omen from looking at Calidora's smile,

Her smile is just like the devil's daughter smiling at today's meal, and this scares Rosie.

Calidora stopped in front of Rosie while looking down on her,

There is a slight pause as Calidora and Rosie look at each other, it's like they understand each other just by looking, and from the way Calidora's expression while looking at her, Rosie bit her lips as she knows that she brought bad news.

Calidora then said with her soothing voice, "Take her..."

Both of the Royal Vampire Guards step forward before grabbing Rosie's arms, they then unchained her before lifting her body up by the arms.

Looking at this, Rosie glance at Calidora in shock and asks, "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry but your time is up, I can't prolong your life anymore and this is the end of your line. The time has come to sacrifice you to the Origin", Calidora replied.

Hearing this, Rosie widen her eyes as she can't believe what she was hearing.

Just when she's talking through the blood mirror with Rex before, she clearly states that she will buy time for Rosie but this is not as expected, "W-What?! You said that you wanted to make Rex angry!! You need me to do that!"

Calidora chuckles lightly upon hearing this,

The sweet smile on her face makes Rosie even angrier as she tries to break free to no avail, no matter what she does the Royal Vampire Guards will not let go.

She's very much outpowered heavily by these Royal Vampire Guards,

Her power is feeble compared to the Royal Vampire Guards, they're holding her arms as if she's a normal human that got cemented into the wall and powerless to do anything.

It's a completely helpless situation,

"Don't worry about that, I still want to make Rex put his attention to me but instead of waiting I got a way better idea", Calidora said with a mischievous smile.

Rosie grinds her teeth while glaring at Calidora, "You can't kill me!!"

"I'm the Chosen One! Don't that what you bloodsuckers called me? Shouldn't I be kept alive?!", Rosie tries to reason but her argument quickly falls short.

Even throughout her time being captured by the Vampires,

Not once has any Vampires including Calidora told her or even mention what did they mean by the Chosen One or why she's the Chosen One since she's clearly a human.

She only knows that her blood is very tasty,

Calidora waves her hand signaling to the Royal Vampire Guards to take her away to be sacrificed for the Origin, Rosie kept trying to break free but the Royal Vampire Guards easily take her out of the underground chamber.

It's more like dragging since Rosie tries to stay inside the underground chamber by stepping on the stairs leading up, but even then the Royal Vampire Guards didn't even seem to struggle.

She even starts trying to bite the Royal Vampire Guards but ignored the same,

Upon getting out of the underground chamber, Rosie held her breath when she saw many vampires are already waiting for her coming out of the Underground Chamber.

All of them are whispering language that she didn't understand,

It's too bizarre to call them whispering as it's more like chanting a sentence repeatedly, they're all holding a chain that is attached to a lantern with sigils shaped like a skull engraved on it, red smoke filled the entire place and it's all coming from the lanterns.

Each one of the Vampires Rosie saw held this chained lantern,

The Vampires wave the chained lantern left and right giving sending the red smoke all over the entire hallway o the castle, it's just like a very grim dark ritual that is done to please the Origin.

Even Rosie can't help but be fearful of the situation she's in,

No matter which direction she's looking in, pale skin humanoid creatures with red eyes and fangs holding onto the chained lantern are all there is to see.

'Rex...', Rosie mutters the name that she wanted to see the most right now.

All she can hope for was by some miracle that Rex would show up at such a crucial time, but her train of thoughts was erased, "Don't be scared oh Chosen One, you should rejoice that you will meet our Origin", Calidora suddenly said from the side.

Hearing this, Rosie glared at Calidora before she shouted, "Damn you!!"

But this sparks laughter from Calidora, she's very amused looking at the scared expression Rosie wore as she got dragged away by the Vampires.

The sweet laughter of Calidora and Rosie's shout was muffled.

Rosie was dragged along the hallway of the castle but she suddenly saw a huge window on her side, her eyes widen in absolute shock upon seeing the outside of the castle.

Hundreds if not thousands of Vampires outside of the castle are chanting together.

Their chant is like a drumming voice that trembles Rosie's heart, it's like inside a music concert with drumming speakers but this time is caused by the sound of every Vampire inside the entire Vampire territory.

Without having no other option, Rosie got dragged outside of the castle.

She was dragged through the lined-up crowd of Vampires that filled the street, every Vampire gazes at Rosie with tender gazes as if they were looking at some sacred being.

This dragged on until she got plunged into another spacious hall,

Inside the hall, Rosie saw many Vampires that wears different outfits which are fancier with different crests on their chests.

But one thing in common, all of them emit a horrifying aura that choked Rosie.

Each one of the vampires here is one hundred times scarier than the ones that are outside, Rosie even saw a couple of Vampires that are familiar to her.

The Delarosa Family...

Delarosa, Issac, and even Ana are present, they're all present inside the hall.

Ana's throat is still heavily injured as she even needs to be supported by two other vampires just to stand, but she seems to be getting better from the last time Rosie saw her.

Even though they really have bad personalities, there's none of that look on their faces.

They look at Rosie with high reverence as if she's the child of God just like the other Vampires, but Rosie soon averted her gaze to the platform in front of her.

Upon nearing the stairs leading to the platform, every vampire here kneels on the ground.

Only Nezera and Solomon are the ones that are still standing, they're standing just beside the stairs while they gaze at Rosie who is still getting dragged by the two Royal Guard Vampires.

Rosie saw two statues pinching the stairs to the platform,

It surprises her when both statues started to cry blood, the blood flows down the statues' eyes' before dripping onto the pool of blood just beneath it.

After reaching Solomon and Nezera, Rosie was handed over.

"My child... do you want to be the one that gives this sacred tribute to the Origin?", Nezera asks.

Hearing this, Calidora who is following Rosie from behind smiles a devious smile before she gracefully bowed a little, "Yes mother... I will be honored to do the Sacred Tribute"

Calidora then take Rosie from her mother's hand before she started pulling Rosie to the stairs.

Seeing that Calidora was about to start to be sacrificed, Solomon then gazes at the Royal Vampire Families that has gathered in the sacred hall and said, "Today is the time of rejoicing for Vampires, the world has given us a great occurrence with the appearance of the Chosen One"

"You will all witness the greatness of the Origin, the Chosen One will be fed with an uncountable amount of energy which will surely allow him to give his blessing for us"

After saying that, both Solomon and Nezera sprouted their majestic wings on their backs.

With a wide smile, Solomon then added, "Let us keep praising the Origin!"

"May the Origin Bless Us!"

"May the Origin Bless Us!"

Every vampire inside the room shouted in a union before all of them went back to chanting the weird language again, they all are eager to see the blessing of the Origin.

It's a tribute they wouldn't want to miss even for a blink,

Just right after Solomon shouted that Calidora started to head to the stairs while dragging Rosie by the wrist with a merciless smile.

She walks past the two blood fountains,

"Please Calidora! Think this through! You can't kill me like this!", Rosie pleaded.

Although they haven't started to ascend the stairs yet, Rosie can feel somekind of pulling energy that stirred the blood inside her body.

It's the dormant energy she felt upon entering the hall, but the energy become violent.


"RAARGHH!!", Rosie screamed in agony right after stepping on the first stair.

The very pain that she's currently feeling right now is way worse than anything that she has ever felt in her life, it's like her blood and even her soul is slowly sucked out of her body.

No humans will be able to endure this kind of pain, the level of pain is off the charts.

But instead of stopping, Calidora smiles even wider as she kept ascending the stairs without even minding Rosie's scream of pain.

It doesn't take long before they reach halfway mark,

At this moment, every inch of Rosie's body is already filled with pain as the blood that should've flowed inside of her seeped out of her own skin instead.

Every inch of her body is covered in her own blood,

The blood didn't drip or flow down naturally but instead, it started hovering around her own body, countless droplets of blood hovers around Rosie's body like a hurricane of blood.

It also covers Calidora's body which feels heavier the nearer she gets to the top,

But thanks to the hovering blood from Rosie, Calidora feels that her body becomes lighter again as she kept ascending the stairs with an excited expression.

Way before when Nezera is ascending the stairs,

She only manages to reach the third-quarter mark of the stairs even by using 30 chosen humans as the sacrifice, but this time Calidora reaches the third-quarter mark and still ascends the stairs.

Upon looking at this, all of the vampires rejoice as their eyes widen.

"She may be able to do it! Dear... this will be a very important moment for the current kingdom!", Nezera said excitedly while holding hand with Solomon.

The usual and stoic Solomon also can't help but get excited, "Yes..."

"With the current progression, it will work this time. The Chosen One will definitely please the Origin and give blessing to the entire Vampire!", he added with a wide smile exposing his fangs.

A moment later, Calidora can already see what lies on the platform.

On the platform lies one house-size coffin that is surprisingly glistened with a silver color, there's no doubt that the entire coffin is made entirely of silver.

There is also a skull-shaped chalice in the middle of the coffin,

Calidora reaches the last step of the stairs just before she reached the platform, at this moment Rosie is already bleeding from every part of her entire body.

Her eyes, skin, ears, nose, and anything that is a part of her body is bleeding.

It's starting to make sense why the Vampire feed Rosie mutated fruits that will replenish her blood, the blood coming out of her right now is not a normal amount a human should have.

At least about 12 liters of blood is coming out of Rosie's body,

Rosie can barely hold onto her consciousness, it's not that she had very high willpower to sustain this kind of pain but the energy around the platform is prohibiting her to pass out.

It's like every time she wanted to pass out, the energy jolted her awake.

But as of this moment, Rosie looks as if she's having a seizure since she really wanted to pass out but the energy forces her to wake up.josei

After pausing for a moment as her body got pressed down by the energy,

Calidora then uses all of the power inside her body before she slowly raises her leg, the veins around her body bulge as she tries to take the final step.

One might think that Nezera or even Solomon is a better suit for ascending the stairs,

But the energy within this entire hall will adjust to anyone that started to ascend the stairs, even Nezera and Solomon will have an impossible burden upon reaching the last step.

"Raah!!", Calidora closes her eyes and shouted before her feet finally step onto the platform.


Just as she did that, the entire energy inside the hall got sucked into the huge silver coffin and instantly dispersed the force pressing on Calidora's body.

Opening her eyes slowly, Calidora widen her eyes when she saw her feet step onto the platform.

Raising her gaze slowly, she now can see the entirety of the platform.

The feeling she's currently feeling right now is akin to being chosen as a messenger of god, she's the only one ever since the Supernatural Emergence that has stepped their foot on the platform.

With an exhilarating feeling, Calidora inch closer to the coffin while still dragging Rosie.

Both of them are still covered by the hurricane of Rosie's blood, but Rosie is not standing anymore as she only got dragged by Calidora who is marveling at the coffin.

After Calidora arrives in front of the silver coffin that gives an ancient vibe,

Out of nowhere, Rosie's body started to get lifted by an unknown force.

Seeing this, Calidora let Rosie's hand go as she got pulled off the ground and levitate just in front of the skull chalice in the middle of the silver coffin.

Everything is silent right at this moment,

Not a single sound can be heard inside the hall, only the sound of Rosie's blood that is slowly getting pulled toward the skull chalice that has its eyes glowing red.

When the blood near the skull chalice, the skull part opens its mouth.

Just after the tip of Rosie's blood got inside the skull, "AARGHH!!!", Rosie shouted as her entire blood and even soul got sucked like a torrent out of her body.

It went on while Calidora's eyes are marveling at the moment,

But then Calidora widens her eyes when the entire coffin glows with blood energy so powerful that even Calidora kneels on the ground and her Vampiric Eyes are activated by its own.

After Rosie's blood got sucked, the skull closed its mouth again.


Rosie falls to the ground but Calidora didn't pay any attention to her as she fixated her eyes on the skull chalice on the silver coffin.


The skull chalice makes a boney sound before its mouth is opened again, Calidora sprouted her wings and fly toward the skull when she saw something coming out of it.

As the thing slowly comes out of the skull's mouth, Calidora was utterly shocked.

"Praise the Origin... this humble servant rejoice for the blessing you provide..."

While flying with her wings flapping on her back, Calidora bowed her head in response to the thing that comes out of the skull's mouth, "We are grateful for this divine blessing"

"The wrath of the Origin, your tool of domination in the Radical Era..."

"With humility, I accept and wield this blessing... the Origin's Cutlass, Blood Devourer"

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