The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 453 Wingless Messenger And Taken

Chapter 453 Wingless Messenger And Taken

Somewhere in Ratmawati City,

There's an Awakened that is running through the street without wearing a shirt, blood decorates the entire back of the Awakened as he ran in a direction with a frightened look.

It's like he was getting pursued by a ghost, and the only way to avoid it is to run.

From the look of the street the Awakened is running on, it seems it's not a public street where many people pass by since the place is weirdly silent.

On the right of the Awakened is a fence that spans the entire street,

The inside of the fence is lush green gas with a one-way road toward a building that is very big even from afar, with troubled eyes the Awakened stop to look at the building before picking up his pace.

With how the building looks like, it should be a company building of some sort.

But if it was a company building, a secluded and desolate place wasn't something that should be seen from a company building that was supposed to house a lot of workers.

The Awakened kept running through the empty street before his eyes lit up,

While supporting himself once in a while by holding the fence, the Awakened makes way through the street like a madman before he finally reaches a big entrance with guards wearing identical white and green uniforms guarding it.

Upon seeing this, the Awakened then called out, "Hey!!"

The sudden shout attracts the guards guarding the entrance, their bodies glow with their respective elemental auras before two of the guards leaped toward the Awakened.

"Who are you? Please go back, you have trespassed the Mistin Family territory"

But instead of replying to the guard, the Awakened steady his breathing with his back throbbing in pain before he said, "I-I want to see the head family"

Hearing this, the guards wanted to chase out the Awakened but stopped.josei

One of the guards squints his eyes while looking at the lower part of the Awakened's clothes, the color and features are identical to what he's wearing right now.

Although the Awakened's clothes are torn, the guard realized that he's one of them.

"What happened to you? Who dare to attack an Awakened associated with the Mistin Family", the guard asks maliciously, a green aura starting to hover around the guard's body.

The green aura has some dark tint to it,

Some of the grass that is within the range of the dark green aura started to wither and even the air around them started to smell awful and decayed.

"It's Rex Silverstar... He just attacked the Rirgas Family!"

Upon hearing this, the two guards glance at each other with their eyes widen in surprise.

A moment later,

The bloodied Awakened is escorted by the two guards into a room on the top floor of the building, just like how it looks like the inside of the building looks very much like an office.

But it's weird to find that the inside although looks like an office still have some house to it.

Walking through the building, the first couple of floors are just like what an office would look like with beautiful floors of marble, a receptionist desk, and even working rooms but as the Awakened reaches the upper floors he can see a living room, kitchen, utility room that is contrasting with the office theme on the bottom floors albeit still dominated with the color black, grey, and white.

Not long after, they arrived in front of a big black door.

The two guards knock on the door lightly before opening the door, and just as the door is opened the Awakened immediately lowered his gaze.

Inside the room lies a man sitting on a grey sofa with sharp dark purple eyes making him look fierce and enchanting at the same time, two gorgeous women are sitting on the sofa beside him, and their eyes darted to the door upon the arrival of the bloodied Awakened.

When the bloodied Awakened was about to get inside the room,


Out of nowhere, the bloodied Awakened's body got stopped mid-track by dark purple energy that halted his entire body as if he was frozen in time.

Just from a sharp glance, the bloodied Awakened knows what has he done wrong.

The bloodied Awakened stop himself from getting inside of the room before he activates his elemental aura, he makes somekind of barrier around his body that avoid staining the fine light grey carpet inside the room with his dripping blood.

After doing that, the bloodied Awakened then gets inside.

While being pinched by two women on both sides that are also looking at the bloodied Awakened, the man then asks, "Is it Rex Silverstar?"

"Yes, Mr. Mistin... he found out about the list very fast", the Awakened replied.

Hearing this, the man called Mr. Mistin then gave out a slight chuckle, "No wonder that Wesley got killed by him, this Rex Silverstar is quite sharp and ruthless it seems..."

"What are you going to do about this Mr. Mistin?", the Awakened asks.

Mr. Mistin rubs his chin as the two women's eyes are looking at him teasingly, he thought for a moment before he said, "Did he give any message to you?"

A shiver runs down the Awakened's body upon remembering what Rex did, "Yes, he did..."

After saying that, the Awakened turns his body around showing his back.

On his back lies two gruesome cut wounds that are oblique to the opposite sides with each other creating a portrait as if the Awakened has wings but got ripped off, but of course, this is all just the wounds that Rex inflicted to send the message.

The Wingless Messenger,

It is a strong and clear message, even Mr. Mistin roughly knows the message before told.

"He said the Silverstar Family only wants to be left alone, he doesn't want any conflict with the other families whatsoever, however... if we insist then he'll do the same to us as he did to the Atkins and Rirgas Family"

"The Silverstar Family will snatch our wings if we try to mess with him again"

Upon hearing this, a smirk appears on Mr. Mistin's face.

The smirk looks devilish, especially added with his glowing purple eyes, the display and even message from the notorious Rex Silverstar met his expectation of the menacing character.

It's a test that he did, and Rex passed it with high marks.

After thinking for a moment, Mr. Mistin glanced at the Awakened again before he finally said, "Let's leave the Silverstar Family alone for now..."

Hearing what Mr. Mistin said, the Awakened widened his eyes in surprise.

"Baby, Are you really going to let that kid do what he wants?", the woman on his left asks.

The other woman on his right then also added while grazing her slender fingers on Mr. Mistin's chest area, "People going to think that you're weak, are you wary of him?"

"We must at least strike them back before calling it ev-"

The Awakened was about to add the women's remarks but even before he can even finish his sentence, Mr. Mistin already glares at the Awakened with his purple eyes, "Are you questioning my words? or Did you not hear what I said?"

Realizing that he just did a mistake, the Awakened stutters as fear slowly grips him.

"Maybe I need to fix your ears"


Out of nowhere, the Awakened's ears suddenly melted after getting hit by the purple energy.

It happened just after Mr. Mistin's eyes glowed purple in a fraction of a second, and this easily melted the entire ears of the bloodied Awakened.

Seeing this, the two women shut their mouths fearing that Mr. Mistin will do that to them too.

With a wave of his hand, Mr. Mistin then said, "Take him away"

Hearing this, the two guards that brought the bloodied Awakened here nodded their heads without a change in their expression before they brings the bloodied Awakened away.

After they left, Mr. Mistin looks at the puddle of blood in front of him.

Thanks to him melting the bloodied Awakened's ears, he lost control of his mana resulting in his blood falling to the carpet where he stood earlier.

"Rex Silverstar..."

"Only a fool head family will not be wary of a normal man that made himself a seventh rank Awakened and also created a family in just half a year, Wesley is the example of that"

Meanwhile, in another part of Ratmawati City.

"Lady... Rex Silverstar has just attacked the Rirgas Family over a slight move made by the Mistin Family, Luisella and Sabrina got their arms severed without a fight"

"He also sent a message to the Mistin Family", a man reported while kneeling on the ground.

There's a woman lying on the sofa with a staff levitating above her,

With her curvy and slender body exposed only covered by a thin veil, the woman glance at the man who is kneeling not far from her with her light grey eyes.

But before she can answer, the man continues, "Are we still going to proceed as planned?"

"No...", the woman replied softly.

Hearing this, the man's body becomes tense as he didn't expect to hear such an answer.

The woman added with her alluring and soft voice, "Rex Silverstar is unstable, and everyone around him is covered by a veil of mystery. Dark Elementalist, Dual Elementalist, and an unknown woman that uses weird energy..."

"The loss of Wesley Atkins is a shame for us, but he seems to be a bigger fish to catch"

Upon hearing this, the man bowed his head further almost touching the ground before he suggested, "Before Luisella got blackmailed by the Mistin Family to make the list, there's a movement of her men in other parts of Ratmawati City. We also spotted her men moving in low-leveled cities"

"Her daughters made some wrongs to Rex, and it seems they're redeeming themselves to Rex"

The woman's eyes sparkled as she stood up from her lying position slowly, she then crosses her legs in a graceful manner before she said, "So even Rex Silverstar has his own interest..."

"Find out what they're searching. If you have to, go ask Luisella herself"

"No matter what, we'll find what Rex is searching for first"


The next day,

After visiting the Rirgas Family that has betrayed him, Rex went straight back to his mansion in sector two and spent his time meditating using the new breathing technique.

Even with amplification of potency from Calm Breathing Elixir, the progress is still slow.

Calm Breathing Elixir greatly helps to understand breathing techniques,

But even after using several of these Calm Breathing Elixirs, the effect is still not evident.

It's a Supreme Rank Breathing Technique so it's quite hard to reach even the fundamental level of it, and even now there's hardly any change he experienced from six hours of meditating.

Rex opened his eyes and saw Adhara is still meditating beside her,

He then looks at his body before touching his arm to feel it, there's an oily feeling upon touching his skin that is clearly the effect of the breathing technique he's currently using.

The Vampire Bane Breathing Technique has three levels of mastery,

The fundamental level is the first one where the entire body will be covered by a substance similar to Linzite called Kinzite, it is less effective but a more versatile substance. It can be activated with a thought and every Vampire will feel pain upon making contact with anyone that reaches the fundamental level of the breathing technique.

Upon continuation of contact with Kinzite, Vampires will find even their skins burnt.

The medial level is the next level of mastery where not only the body is covered by the substance, but one can produce this substance through the saliva glands resulting in them being able to spit this substance.

The complete level is the last one, and this allows one to create a barrier of Kinzite by drawing a circle on the ground with any body parts which will reduce any blood-related spells that hit it by 20%.

Because of this level of mastery, Rex bought this so everyone can have this power.

With this they will be an absolute slayer of Vampires, even the medial level is already good enough but the complete level is just what entices Rex the most.

A 20% decrease in blood-related spells is no joke, this will be very helpful in their journey.

Rex decided that he will meditate again to at least reach the fundamental level but he suddenly frown when he felt something is off, he darted his eyes left and right.

'Evelyn should be here tomorrow, so who is it?', he thought with a frown.

Although he trusts that what he did yesterday is the best course of action so he can leave to save Rosie, there's still a possibility of him getting attacked.

'But this is sector two, who would dare attack me here?', he thought with a frown.

<A figure with malicious intent has been detected!>

Just from the notification alone, Rex confirms his suspicion as he gets out of the bed.

Taking his Amuerus Katana from the inventory, Rex got out of his room leaving Adhara to meditate as she also need to achieve the fundamental level of the breathing technique.

'Its aura is very light, even Adhara didn't sense it', Rex thought.

After getting out of his bedroom, Rex holds the Amuerus Katana firmly as he walks slowly through the hallway with extreme caution.

Tap! Tap!

Tapping sounds can be heard from above,

'He's on the roof', Rex thought as he looks up, but then the frown on his face becomes more evident, 'Something is weird... I can't really sense how powerful this person is'

For the figure to only be separated by a roof, Rex should be able to sense his power.

Even a black hand that technically doesn't have an elemental aura, Rex can still roughly calculate their power using his senses alone.

But this time for some reason he cannot do that,

Looking down from above, Rex saw Kyran come out of his room which is located at the back of the mansion but his room is on the first floor while Rex in the second floor.

Both of their eyes locked as they sensed the figure,

Rex nodded his head before Kyran disappears into the darkness, they started to follow the figure who seems to be checking the entire mansion silently.

It's clear since his very light steps can be heard walking around the roof,

If not for Rex and Kyran being Werewolf, they might not be able to catch the footsteps.

'What is this person doing?', Rex thought as the figure landed in the back garden.

There's nothing in the back garden except for a small house, but upon remembering the small house Rex widens his eyes, 'Is this person after Ryze?'

From the moment Ryze got here with Gistella, he's put at the house in the back garden.

With him being sick for the last couple of days, Gistella and Adhara decided to put him there while a couple of doctors and healers came to check on him a couple of times.

Since Rex is busy dealing with the families, he doesn't have the time to check on him.

'Is it his brother? It must be...', Rex thought but then suddenly,



The sound of a fight can be heard in the back garden, Rex immediately dashes toward the back garden before he saw Kyran fighting with a figure wearing a metallic skull mask.

"Kyran stop!", Rex shouted from the side.

But in the heat of the fight, Kyran wanted to leap away but the figure didn't let him.


A red light glowed on the figure's hand before Kyran who is leaping back falls to the ground creating a huge crack, the figure didn't stop, he appears in front of Kyran and swept his legs using a perfect technique.

"Arghh!", Kyran got swept as he falls to the ground.

Out of nowhere, the figure takes out a gun from underneath his cloak before aiming it at Kyran.

The red glow appears again on his hand before pulling the trigger,

With the addition of the red energy, the bullet flew at an insane speed heading for Kyran but Rex didn't watch still, he turns into a streak of lightning before parrying the bullet.


Rex easily parried the bullet with the Amuerus Katana,

Looking at this, the metallic skull mask figure lowers his gun while looking at Rex who has a fierce glint in his eyes, "Why are you searching for Ryze?"

Although he suspects that this figure is Ryze's brother, he still needs to make sure of it.

Hearing this, the figure's body froze for a moment as his eyes widen.

Rex saw the figure's eyes widen through the holes in the metallic mask, this makes him frown as the eyes somehow bring a familiar feeling to him.

Even the figure's fighting style seems familiar, it's clumsy but familiar.

When Rex scans the figure to see who the familiar figure is, his eyes widen in absolute and utter shock as he can't believe what he's seeing on the figure's stats, "I-It can't be... Billy?!"

The figure snaps out of his daze before he dashes into the house,

Kyran threw his dagger powerfully hitting the figure's metallic mask and stumbling him for a bit, but the figure didn't stop and gets inside the house followed by Kyran who turns into a shadow.

Upon arriving inside the house, he saw the figure is already carrying the sick Ryze who has his body burning from the sickness by the shoulder.

Half of the metallic skull mask is gone exposing half of his face,

It didn't take long before Rex also arrives at the place, his eyes widen when he saw half of the figure's face that has no skin and was disfigured.

The figure didn't even have hair, and the corner of his mouth is torn gruesomely.

But even though the disfigured face, Rex becomes even sure who the figure is, "Billy! It's me, Rex! What happened to you?!", Rex shouted.

"Why are you taking Ryze?", he added.

The figure looks at Rex with his unwavering eyes, "He's the Key..."

After saying that, the figure then crushed something with his hand, "WAIT!!", Rex wanted to stop the figure but a red light already envelop both Ryze and the figure's body.

Rex didn't manage to reach them before they both disappeared,

It's all silent again as Ryze got brought away by the figure that Rex believes to be Billy, he looks at where the figure disappeared with a blank expression, "What happened to you, Billy..."

"What have they done...", he utters softly.

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