The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 469 Invincible Apparation

Chapter 469 Invincible Apparation

"Nobody can touch you... You belong to me!!"

Calidora looks at Rex crazily while declaring that he's hers to the others.

The black patterns inside of her red eyes slowly rotate before flashing red light, Rex suddenly felt dazed for a moment because of this and this allows Calidora to tilt her blood claws making Rex's attacks slam to the ground.

With a maniac laugh, Calidora then kicks Rex away and pounces at Adhara with her claw hand stretched forward.

It took her not even a heartbeat to close the distance between her and Adhara, she smiles even wider when she was about to grab Adhara's face who can't even react. But just as she was about to grab her face, a bluish barrier block her hand.

But the barrier didn't last long as Calidora manage to tore through it with her blood claws.

During that moment of Calidora destroying the barrier with her blood claws, Gistella already reacted fast. She jumped between Calidora and Adhara and tries to block Calidora's attack using her shield. She also creates a blueish protective barrier again knowing that Calidora is very strong.


A metallic sound can be heard as Calidora's blood claws just like before tore through both protective barriers Evelyn created, even her shield got thrown away from her strength. But Gistella instinctively activates her bronze scales that cover her arms.

While gritting her teeth preparing for the impact, Gistella stands in front of Adhara before crossing her arms in front of her to block Calidora's attack.


Gistella got blown away upon contact with Calidora's blood claws, she shot like a bullet crashing away without a hint of stopping. It doesn't matter if Calidora's momentum got slowed down by the protective barrier she destroyed before.

Calidora's power is rivaling Rex's so Gistella still got blown away.

Her effort however has already borne fruit as Kyran already holds the black spear ready in his hand, he's already on Calidora's side with his black spear cloaked with the dark element. In a fraction of a second, the black spear slowly got imbued with spirit energy.

The muscles on his arms bulge before he chanted, "Pneuma Spell! Piercing Black!"


With every ounce of strength Kyran had, he throw the black spear powerfully. The black spear is cloaked with dark elements and spirit energy that spiral through the entire spear, it focuses all of its power on the tip of the black spear amplifying its penetration power.

Calidora who was caught off guard didn't manage to react as she got hit by the black spear right on her stomach, it pushes her back a couple of steps.

Before she can even stop the black spear, Rex already arrives beside her.

Kyran's pneuma spell surprised him since he didn't know that Kyran is able to do that, but he quickly recovered. Rex's red eyes create a line of red light because of how fast he was moving, he appeared beside Calidora with his claws imbued with corrosive energy by activating the Claw of Tormentor skill.


It was so fast that Calidora just realized that Rex is beside her before she got hit.

The Claw of Tormentor clashed against the blood barrier that she just activated, her wings are starting to dye the surrounding in red but Rex didn't stop there, "Rraarrghh!!", he roared before a red crescent moon appears on Rex's forehead.

Immediately after that, Calidora can feel the increase in strength.


Calidora was sent crashing away destroying the already cracked ground in the process, she spins mid crashing before stomping her feet on the ground trying to stop the momentum.

With Rex's strength, she got sent crashing away half a mile before finally stopping.

After managing to stop the momentum of Rex's attack, Calidora raises her gaze before her red eyes dilated seeing Rex and the others charging at her with killing intent. This brought a very wide smile to her face as she spread her arms to the side, "Come! Focus on me more!!"


Rex howl powerfully using the Silverstar Howl skill, and the others feel their body rejuvenated with power as their eyes glow in their respective colors. But their animalistic desires are amplified by this howl, even Delta got influenced.

On the side of this, all of them also got stronger while fighting as a pack.

It's because of the Pack skill that made them stronger if fighting together as a pack, and also the blessing of the Wolf Moon has arrived in the nick of time.

<Wolf Moon Blessing!>

<Bestowed Unified Pack Hunters skill!>

<Unified Pack Hunter>

The Wolf Moon is all about hunting in a pack, every member of the pack must be of the same strength to be efficient in hunting. Unified Pack Hunter will give a temporary boost of stats making each and every member of the pack has 60% of the Alpha's power!

Thanks to the blessing of the Wolf Moon, the others feel their power increase so much in a span of a second bringing them to 60% of Rex's power.

It makes each one of them have the power of a seventh rank.

Calidora noticed these changes clearly as the others feel even more threatening than before with the exception of Delta, even Evelyn who is riding Delta got this boost of power from the Wolf Moon's blessing.

"Ether Blink!"


Upon a light chant, Rex's body disappeared after a black lightning strike hits him before he reappeared above Calidora with his claws cloaked with the Claw of Tormentor skill.

Rex then swings down powerfully meeting with Calidora's arms that try to block his attack.


Sparks and shockwaves from the attack blasted the surroundings as even the debris around got bounced off the ground, the clash between two entity that has the power in the upper echelon of the mid-seventh rank is very destructive.

Nothing got spared from their clash, "Where is Rosie?!", Rex shouted angrily.

"You have to beat it out of me if you want to know where she is!", Calidora replied before she shifted her center of gravity and flaps her wings pushing Rex away.

Without a pause, Calidora saw a purple fire line that circles her on the ground. This happened while she was clashing with Rex and she didn't realize this circle of purple fire.

"Fire Maelstorm!!"

Before she can react again the ground around her exploded with a purple fire vortex that engulfs her, it's Adhara who did this. Her eyes are burning with purple fire and the red serpent spirit is coiling on her back amplifying her strength.

She stretches her arms to the side gathering wind mana before she directed all of the wind mana she gathered into the Fire Maelstorm, it becomes devastatingly stronger because of that. But Calidora who is inside the purple flame scoffed as this level of fire hardly scratch her.

Just after she thought of that, Calidora suddenly sensed something.

Calidora looks in a particular direction still engulfs in Adhara's spell, she feels her hearing senses got blocked by something and she realized that it's a sound spell. When she was about to cancel the sound spell blocking her hearing a light flash appears out of nowhere.

The light flash turns out to be a flash of white lightning that burst from the outside to inside the purple fire vortex. Delta who is activating her white lightning and also covered by dark red fire from Evelyn to shield her from Adhara's fire bursts into the purple fire vortex.

With burning eyes, Evelyn riding on top of Delta then chanted, "Pneuma Spell! Hellfire Meteor!"



Delta engulfs with Evelyn's Pneuma Spell charge directly at her headbutting her with her head, the concentrated combination of power between the two sends Calidora outside of the fire vortex. But she's still smiling.

Their combination of attack and their senses as Werewolf creates a synchronization.

It's like their instincts are linked into one single unit. Adhara's purple fire vortex that surrounds Calidora in flame, added with Evelyn's sound spell to cripple Calidora's hearing acts as a perfect cover for the final strike.

Kyran also didn't sit still as he use his dark element to manipulate Calidora's senses just after she got blasted out of the purple fire vortex.

The combination between Evelyn and Delta is not the final attack, they just wanted to occupy Calidora while Rex is up in the sky with Devo chanting a spell. It's a plan devised by Rex through telepathy resulting in this opportunity.

After seeing that Calidora got sent crashing out, Rex and Devo's eyes flash with black lightning.

Pulling every lightning mana in the surroundings and even changing the weather to rain, Rex and Devo then point at Calidora with their body emitting a horrifying amount of sky-black lighting mana.

"Ultimate Spell! Sky Imprisonment!!"



Eighth dragon-like lightning strikes descend from the sky like the judgment of the lightning god heading toward Calidora way less than a blink of an eye, their roars mixed with the sound of lightning creates a deafening sound.

It's like the entire world is shaking under their might, and two of these dragon-like black lightning strikes bite each of Calidora's limbs fiercely.

Not stopping there, Rex turns the ground around him black.

Dozens of black lightning tentacles sprouted from the ground holding Calidora on the ground adding an extra layer of restriction, no one in the mid-seventh rank realm or even peak realm will be able to escape from these.

Rex is quite sure that she won't be able to escape this, one Sky Imprisonment can only be broken by those who have intelligence way higher than him. Calidora doesn't have that.

Much less two Sky Impriosnment Spell directed at her.


After strapping Calidora to the ground completely immobile because of the spells that are currently on her, Rex lands on the ground beside Calidora with his dagger eyes.

If he can't kill Calidora then he will restrain her just like this.

Calidora is restrained by the dragon-like lightning strikes, black lightning tentacles, and also the numbing senses from Kyran's dark element. Her eyes and nose are covered by Kyran's dark elements.

Rex is satisfied enough since this is a good amount of protection.

Even Calidora who is technically very strong will not be able to escape this, at least that's what Rex thought anyway while looking at this.

The others approached him from the back including Gistella.

With the bronze scales that are covering her arms, she manages to block Calidora's attack before without any major injuries. Just some bruises and she even already recovered from them.

Squatting down beside Calidora, Rex then asks, "Where is Rosie?"

But upon hearing this, Calidora started to laugh hysterically despite the situation she was currently in. The maniacal laughs reverberated to the surroundings irritating Rex very much.

In a fit of anger, Rex took both swords out of the inventory.

He then stabbed the Silver Eye onto Calidora's right wing before stabbing the Amuerus Katana on Caidora's left wing. The personality and temperament of Calidora have really made Rex pissed off, his anger is also amplified because he can't do anything to her.

Not until he finds a way to undo the curse linking them both.

After doing that, Rex then stomps Calidora's chest ruthlessly putting more power by the second before he asks once more, "Tell me... Where, Rosie, Is", he said emphasizing each word.

Rex's stomp didn't even stop her maniac laughs as her eyes slowly glow red brightly.

Under everyone's gazes, Kyran's dark element that is numbing her senses got shrugged off easily. Her sharp red eyes then looks at Rex with the same maniac smile before she finally said, "Do you really want to know where Rosie is?"

"I'll tell you, but I'm warning you...", Calidora said, her maniac smile turning into a teasing one.josei

In the next second after catching Rex and the others' interest, Calidora then added before looking at the raining sky, "Your fragile heart will be broken!"


Rex and the others looks up before they all leaped away.

All of them saw a red object falling down the sky like a meteor before striking the ground beside Calidora, the shockwave and debris flew to the surroundings like bullets forcing Rex and the others to cover their faces with their arms.

After the shockwave and debris, Rex and the others recover and look at their front.

They saw a red cutlass that is stabbing the ground just beside Calidora who is still lying on the ground emitting a choking amount of blood energy. It's so powerful that even Rex feels even himself got suppressed by the blood energy coming from the cutlass.

It's clear that the blood energy from the cutlass is not normal, this one is way more powerful.

Under everyone's gazes, the red cutlass started to levitate.


<Origin's Presence has been detected!>

Just after the notification from the system, the blood-red cutlass moved and slash the dragon-like lightning strikes and also the black tentacles easily like cutting butter. It manages to cut through each one of them easily and cancel them.

After that, they saw Calidora slowly standing up with the help of the blood energy. She raises from the ground as if she's being revived from death.

But in this scene, Rex's eyes fixated on one thing only.

He can't help but look at the red cutlass that the system said to bring the Origin's Presence, the red cutlass gives off a scent that is very familiar. Almost as if Rex has smelled it before.

Calidora grabs the red cutlass before she embraces it with great pleasure.

The sight of this makes Rex widen his eyes as the familiarity of the red cutlass becomes even more evident, and his already rough breathing becomes even heavier. His pupils dilated while looking at the red cutlass in Calidora's embrace.

"You want to know where Rosie is right?", Calidora suddenly said lightly.

<Warning! Berserk Stat has reached 80%!>

With a slow and mocking movement, Calidora looks at the red cutlass with her red eyes. Her teasing smile that exposes her fangs makes Rex's heart thump faster.

"Meet my new weapon, carved and made from the blood and soul of the Chosen One"

<Warning! Berserk Stat has reached 90%!>

Calidora grabs the red cutlass before she raises it up giving a nice view to Rex and the others. Adhara and Kyran slowly also widen their eyes realizing what Calidora is trying to say, they unconsciously turn their heads to look at Rex and find his aura becoming even sharper.

"Rex! Calm down!!", Adhara shouted from the side knowing full well what was about to happen.

But her shout went to deaf ears as Rex started to grind his teeth and even growled menacingly, his body started to tremble while his red eyes are still fixated on the familiar red cutlass that leads to only one definite conclusion.

Seeing Rex's expression, Calidora becomes ultimately excited.

Even she started breathing heavily in excitement while looking at Rex's expression, she then declared loudly, "That's right, my dear Alpha! You're too late!!"

"You want to meet with Rosie?! Well here she is, she's in my hand!"

<Warning! Berserk Stats has reached 100%>

<The user's entire being has been engulfed by anger! Berserk penalties have been issued!>

<Sanity Stat has been decreased to 0%>

<Mental Stat has been decreased to 0>

<Overlimit Berserk has been detected!>

<Initiating Retribution Mode...>

<With the berserk stat reaching the 100% mark, the user has lost all senses and is engulfed with the never-ending bloodlust to quench the user's anger. The user will not be able to stop until the anger inside of the user has been fulfilled!>

<Awakening the Invincible Apparation...>

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