The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 470 Invincible Apparation (2)

Chapter 470 Invincible Apparation (2)

Just before, the cryptic night in a place full of Vampires delights me. The night was crystal clear without the dark shade pillows of cloud blotting the starry elegance coming from the dotted light ornaments of the sky.

It was the perfect night to take revenge and save the woman who was not close but somewhat sit in the corner spot of my heart, the first person that accepted me.

Thinking back, this night is the same night as the night where I met this woman. I still vividly remember the way she sat beside her parents looking at me curiously with her hazel eyes. Even if I'm unwilling to say this, her face and figure attracted me at first sight. Gorgeous.

An untainted goddess that took an interest in a mortal, such an occurrence is rare.

Soon I find that this goddess has a bad temperament, we didn't get along almost instantly but she helped me when this being, curse, or even karma hit me that night like a heavy truck.

I went berserk, It was the first time I turn into this creature.

A creature of violence that wants nothing but to kill anyone and anything its unholy eyes landed on. I turned into a creature in a world of people that hates this creature. Moreover, I deeply loathe and hate this creature I turned into.

Many share my experience, but what they did to my life is still etched clearly in my mind.

But somehow instead of reporting me or even killing me, this woman accepted me with her own agenda in her mind. The fear in her eyes quickly disappeared, only excitement while looking at the new me.

We developed unexpected feelings for each other like two radical people that are blind to the difference between them. That came to an end when I felt bitter and used, I end our relationship one-sidedly for my own motives. My purpose in the bonus life I've been given.

I ended it, but it's not because of my purpose. No.

It was all because I feel weak around this woman, the same weakness that I feel that day when my parents were killed by a creature that I turned into. Helpless, desperate, and weak. I feel all of that around this woman over the fact she used what I turned into as leverage over me.

That is the real reason I left her, the real reason why I don't want to be near her.

Life played me when somehow this woman turns from using me into liking me, or even more than that. But even then, the same feelings are still there sticking to her no matter what. I can't do anything, I have to reject her.

As time passes by, I realized that I'm running from my fear.

Feeling the same weakness, helplessness, and desperation that I feel that night when my parents died. It scares me, but I know I need to overcome them somehow. But just like before, life played me again when I realized it too late.

That woman got kidnapped by Vampires and this time, she won't stumble back into my life.

Believe me, when I say this. I'm very strong. There's none in my peers that can rival my strength, I'm the strongest thanks to the curse within me. But during that time, when that woman got kidnapped I feel a sense of loss and weakness.

It's not the same as the feelings that woman brought to me, but even more.

Something that can be felt but not explained with words, the feeling of weakness drowns me in the pitch-black depth that proves that woman's strength once again. Not physical strength, but her strength.

She's weaker than me. But even with the power I had, I'm still saved by her.josei

That woman succeed in saving me in the direst times when the odds are stacking against me, and that made me think of the night when my parents died by that diabolic creature's claws.

I always blame myself for a lack of power, but that woman helped me without power.

Can I really do something that night?

Is there really a way to save them that night?

If even she can save me without power, shouldn't I also be able to save my parents?

All of these questions are spinning inside my head making me hesitant to take action, even with the problems that arise I could've done something to find that woman. No matter how small, it might make a difference.

But this hesitation inside of me stops me from taking action, thinking of excuses of why I can't.

That changed when that woman's parents come to visit me, they make me realize what I'm doing right now is simply egotistical. I know that I need to save her as soon as possible.

She doesn't teach me much. But still, she showed me that the other side of me, the one that is filled with violence, hatred, and death are not so bad and is a part of me. She even wanted to turn into a creature like me, it shows that she looks at my other side the same.

It doesn't matter what I've become, I'm still me. That's what she taught me, and that made me easier to use this power.

No matter the motives at first, she still accepted me as what I turned into.

She's a thorn but a part of my life...

I need to save her...

But I was too late...

I was too late to save Rosie...

Now she's in front of my eyes still looking gorgeous like the first time I saw her, but she's radiating with something that isn't her. Levitating on the air and taking the shape of not her actual body but a weapon.

My eyes slowly widen when I look at her state, even when she cuts the spells I cast and also the swords, I didn't budge my eyes. It was just like the first time seeing her, gorgeous goddess with a bad temperament.

I keep looking at her, disbelieving of what I'm seeing.

"You want to know where Rosie is right?"

"Meet my new weapon, carved and made from the blood and soul of the Chosen One"

"Rex! Calm down!!"

An excited voice came from a Vampire that is holding Rosie in her hand, the voice that is definitely trying to initiate me slowly fades away and muffled. I can't hear them anymore.

Other voices can also be heard but all of them are numb.

My ears can only hear their muffled sound, and even if my eyes can see the hologram notifications, everything is a blur. I can't really hear or even see well anymore.

I can feel my heartbeat rising, I can feel my adrenaline-filled blood coursing in my veins are pacing madly, and I can feel the other part of me that's violent, diabolic, and ruthless knocking on my heart. Seemingly asking me to let it inside, let it take control.

Telling me to just let go of the steering wheel, and let it deal with the problem at hand.

It brings a relentless amount of bloodthirst, and I don't want to let go of the steering wheel. Something so diabolical shouldn't be let take control, but the constant beckoning weakens my grip on the steering wheel.

Just like being a mountain and the active lava inside is asking permission to erupt.

Have you ever felt the anger, sadness, and all other mixed emotions seeing your parents die?

If you have then times it by ten.

You have no idea the feeling I'm feeling right now, and it's getting stronger by the second. The knocks. It must be an illusion, but I'm sitting inside a black room holding a steering wheel. There's a door on the side that is being knocked on repeatedly.



It started lightly at first, but soon the knocks are getting louder like a drumming sound.



Feeling the other side of me slowly breaking down the door trying to reach me, I shudder. Finally, it manages to bust the door's lock making it creak and opened a little. It made my breath feels heavy from the amount of bloodthirst coming from the other side of the door.

Yes, me. I was overwhelmed by the bloodthirst from the other side of me.

Bead of cold sweat starting to decorate my face as I look at the gap on the door waiting for whatever is on the other side to enter, but it's without a doubt something diabolical. Something that's not supposed to be inside here with me.

It's not the Werewolf part of me, this one is scarier.

Soon, I saw the creature on the other side

It was me... It was the little me peeking through the gap in the door with red eyes.

There's a saying that said, unlike love that gets stronger over time, Hatred dwindles over time either being absent from the moment, death of the person, or even erased away by others.

From what I'm seeing, it seems it's true.

I can feel in my entire being the amount of hatred coming from the little me, what is left of that hatred is nothing compared to what it was. I can't even believe it myself, it's haunting and evil.


With light steps, I saw the little me open the door and slowly approach me.

I unconsciously gripped the steering wheel stronger seeing the little me walk over bringing a shadow of dark red hatred behind him, there's no emotion on his face. Blank, completely blank.

When the little me was just a step away from me, he slowly raises his gaze to meet mine.

A gaze that even I feel fear, and I didn't realize it but the little me's hand is already holding onto my hand on the steering wheel. With its red eyes, the little me then whispers deviously, "Let go..."

What came from the little me's mouth is not my voice, it's hard to explain it. All I can say is that it's evil, I have never sounded like that in my entire life.

"You've become weaker, let me take control..."

Although I didn't want to let go, I can feel my grip loosen on its own.

My vision is starting to get blurry but I saw a glimpse of the darkness beyond the door pulling my body into it. Without having any strength in my body, I helplessly let myself get pulled by the darkness while looking at the little me putting both of his hands on the steering wheel.

"Just sleep... there's no need to worry..."

Those are the last words I hear before my vision turns black, and I lost consciousness.

Meanwhile, back to reality.

Calidora is laughing maniacally seeing Rex's expression that turns blank while looking at the blood-red cutlass she's holding, she can't wait to see Rex put his all into this fight.

Even her wings flapped excitedly waiting for Rex to burst that will come at any moment.

The others on the other hand are looking at Rex warily as they can feel the air around him slowly changes, Adhara looks at Rex with worry. Rex's emotional aura that should've been dark red is already turning darker almost nearing black.

'I've never seen him this angry before...', Adhara thought with wide eyes.

Out of nowhere, Devo came out from Rex's shadow before he looks at the others, "You all need to get out of here if you don't want to die, I can hear his thoughts and he will explode at any moment"

"What?! I refuse to leave him like this!", Adhara exclaimed wanting to go to Rex.

But Kyran grabbed her arm stopping her on her track before he shakes his head, "He's going to go berserk, can't you feel his emotions? Rex is unstable!", he warned sternly.

"I don't care!! I need to snap him out of this!", Adhara replied stubbornly.

Delta and Gistella are not moving on their spot as they are stunned by the air around Rex's body that is unlike any others before, it made their legs shake uncontrollably. The air around him alone is enough to make the strongest-willed soldier fall to their knees in fear.

On the other side, Evelyn is looking at her hand in confusion.

Although the situation is starting to escalate with Rex being in a trance just nearing the explosion point, Evelyn feels a burning sensation on the palm of her hand. It's burning even more powerful before a symbol slowly appeared on her palm.

"What is this...?", Evelyn mutters while looking at the symbol.

It takes the shape of a white wolf-head with a glowing purple dot in the middle of the forehead, she's frowning while looking at this but her eyes then shifted to Rex, "Does this has something to do with his state?", she mutters lightly.

Just after she mutters that,

Calidora stopped laughing when she suddenly saw a change in Rex's expression, the blank expression he wore slowly turned into a smirk instead. His aura also completely changed, it's like he turned into another person.

With a slow movement, Rex shifted his eyes toward Calidora.

There's a subtle dark reddish smoke that Rex's body emits slowly creating a steaming sound, he straightens his back before the red crescent moon on his forehead turns into a red full moon. It's not the Berserker's Curse Skill anymore, it's clearly something else.

Rex's body was slowly covered with dark red line markings that is pulsating in the same beat as the red full moon that glows every ten seconds.

Alongside the changes that happened to Rex's body, the moonlight from above slowly nourishes the dark red smoke hovering around his body. It amplifies Rex's power more and more as time passes by, it came to the point where the others felt tiny beside Rex.

Even Calidora's expression changed when she feel how powerful Rex become, all that because of realizing Rosie is dead. But soon her expression becomes excited again.

"King Mark!!", Calidora exclaimed before laughing hysterically with her glowing Vampiric Eyes.

Just as she said that,


Rex's kingly thick aura shot to the sky while he lets out a long and powerful roar, even the cloudy sky that is still pouring down rain started to turn red including the droplets of water.


All the others got blasted away rolling endlessly under the kingly thick aura.

The roar trembles the entire place like an earthquake and the aura shatters the ground around them like a piece of glass being trampled on, Calidora already activates her power but even she got blown away by the aura.

It was so devastating that the entire place as far as the eyes can see got quaked and scarred.

After the long and powerful roar and also the kingly aura receded, Rex walks out amongst the utterly destroyed place while looking at Calidora that is struggling to stand up.

His body now completely emits a King's aura and is also accepted by the blood moon.

With nothing but a glance, Calidora realizes that Rex's eyes changed.

It's clear that Rex is not his usual self, or rather... someone else is using his body.

<Invincible Apparation has been awakened!>

Rex's growls vibrate the entire place like a loud bass amplified by a speaker, every step he took is like a shattering attack powerful enough to topple nations. His sharp eyes then look at Calidora before in the next second he disappeared from where he stood.


Alpha Author here!

How does it feel reading it from a first-person perspective? I tried to make the chapters fresh and let me know if it's good or bad.

Comment if it's refreshing, or Nah...

I thanked you guys in advance for the feedback, Alpha Author signing out!

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