The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 472 Chaos Ensued

Chapter 472 Chaos Ensued

Rex gallops like an animal leaving the others behind without even looking back.

Although they're troubled to see Rex being berserk like this when he's always composed and collected, thankfully he's in the Supernatural territory so they don't need to hurry and stop him. Letting him take out some steam is an option to calm him down.

But just as they thought of that, Gistella looks at where Rex left off in fear.

"W-We need to stop master! He's going to kill all of them!", Gistella exclaimed from the side, she then gets on Delta before waiting for the others to get on too.

Adhara, Kyran, and Evelyn look at her in confusion.

Evelyn is the first one to speak up, "I might be able to stop Rex but why the rush? We better off let him loose for now and help him after he calmed down a bit", she said nonchalantly. It's the Supernatural territory, so it's alright.

"There are Civilians! We must stop him!", Gistella rebutted hurriedly.

Hearing this, Adhara widen her eyes in surprise, "Civilians? I forgot about the humans captured there, we have to make sure they don't cross with Rex. Let's go!", she added before signaling to Evelyn to get on Delta.

Kyran and Adhara are in their Werewolf form and they will run on their own, they're weight will slow Delta down if they decided to jump on her.

Just after Evelyn gets on Delta, her body started to blitz with white lightning before she ran in the direction Rex left followed by Kyran and Adhara. They dusted the place fearing Rex will rampage not only the Vampires but also the humans there.

Unknown to them, Calidora's eyes flash as her head slowly got pulled to her body.

While the others are running at where Rex has left, Kyran frown remembering the path Rex is heading is not deeper into the Delarosa Family territory. Rex is heading out.

"I thought Rex went to the other Vampires", Kyran mutters in confusion.

Hearing this, the others also slowly feel troubled about where Rex is going. But their negative thinking was instantly deleted when the ground that is glowing with a sliver of redness dimmed down entirely.

The ground turns normal again, it makes all of them stop in their tracks.

While looking at the ground that has no hint of redness again, Adhara widen her eyes when she realized what Rex has done, "N-No way... Did he just cut down the blood tree?"

"I-It's quite far, there's no way he already reached there right?", Evelyn also added whisperingly.

All of them felt a cold wind brushing their hearts upon realizing this.

Just a bit before when Rex wanted to cut down the big reddish tree in the Pale Red Crossline, Gistella told him not to since the tree is linked to the Vampire King's blood energy. King Solomon's energy.

But seeing the ground dimmed like this, it's clear that the tree got wounded or even cut down.

If Rex really did cut down the big red tree that pumps the ground in the Delarosa Family's territory full of blood energy, then King Solomon will know that someone did this. The King of Vampire is a ninth rank Awakened, they're not his match.

Even for Rex who is in his berserk state, the others are not confident Rex will be able to take on King Solomon if somehow he manages to come here.

"He's changing direction, he's now heading that way", Kyran said pointing to his left.

After cutting down the tree to reduce the power of the Vampires around here, Rex went in another direction which should be where the real Delarosa Family's territory lies. Not just a territory made of blood illusion by Calidora.

Without wasting more time, the others immediately ran after Rex.

Now that he just cut down the big red tree then there's a more urgent reason for them to snap Rex back out of his berserk state, meeting King Solomon will be a death sentence to them. Calidora is already strong enough, they can't begin to even imagine how strong is King Solomon.

Following Rex's aura that is evident to them since they're his pack members, the others try to keep up but Rex is too fast for them. His speed is ten or even a hundred times faster!

It was akin to chasing a rabbit while they themselves are turtles.

Even with them not being able to keep up with Rex's movement that can cover a couple of miles in one leap, they try doing other things that might help. They try communicating with Rex through telepathy but don't get an answer.

"This is bad... We need to get there even faster!", Adhara mutters biting her lips.

For King Solomon to notice that they're here, it's basically a race against time. They don't know how long it will take for King Solomon to reach here, and even if he doesn't go here he probably sent a couple of powerful Vampires to check it out.


Delta growls lightly showing that she's already giving it her all, she already gallops with every ounce of strength in her body but Rex is simply too fast.

But while running, Gistella suddenly feels something.

There's a burning sensation inside her throat from the overwhelming feeling she's currently feeling, she's worried about the civilians there. Rex might kill anything his eyes land on, and that's going to be a problem.

Gistella touches her throat which is starting to feel itchy, but she can't quite scratch the itchy part using her hands. Under the intense amount of emotion, she finally lets out a howl that sounded really sad and gloomy.

Just after she did that, Kyran also feels the same itchy feeling in his throat. He too started to howl almost identical to Gistella before both of them got envelopes by the moonlight.

Adhara and Evelyn look at this in surprise while still running,

Not long after they both got enveloped by the moonlight, their bodies slowly turns translucent before they finally disappear from the place, "Where did they go? What happened?", Evelyn exclaimed in surprise.

"I don't know", Adhara replied but both of them then looks to their front.

Although they're still quite far away from Rex, they suddenly can feel Gistella and Kyran's auras just beside Rex. It looks like they're teleported there using unknown methods.

"How did they get there?", Adhara mutters in confusion.

But she soon shakes her head and glances at Evelyn and Delta who are also looking at their front sensing Gistella and Kyran's aura there, "Let's pick up our pace!"



Adhara's body got imbued by wind mana amplifying her speed even more while Delta exert more white lighting trying to add his speed further, the three of them travel following the edge of Avonlet River.

Meanwhile, Kyran and Gistella open their eyes.

The moonlight brings warmth to their bodies before they got teleported away, both of them don't know how they did that but the feeling of wanting to meet with Rex makes their throat itchy which results in that howl.

Immediately after they got teleported, screams of pain and agony filled their ears.

Pale-skin people are scattering around in terror as their homes got destroyed, some of their homes got destroyed leaving only black dust, and some are on fire. But no matter where Gistella and Kyran look, everything is in chaos.

Vampires, they're in a city full of Vampires.

But many of the Vampires are hurt, limbs are missing, and some are even dead.

Kyran widen his eyes since this is the first time he had ever actually been inside a city of Vampire, he saw many Vampires holding their children and running out of the city.

There's no definite direction they're going, they're scattering all around the city.

On that note, there are also opposites happening. Children holding their dead parents crying, sobbing, and calling for their parents' names. The place is in total chaos.

Gistella who is also seeing this scene slowly turns pale, as a former Undead she knows that these running Vampires are civilians. They're the part of Vampires that has made an oath by the Origin's name to not fight, and that oath cannot be taken back.

Even if they wanted to, they're unable to literally fight despite being stronger than normal humans. It's quite a complicated process for a Vampire or even other Supernaturals to become a Civilian.

Many other Vampires that have wings are flying above them heading in a direction.

"Look! That must be where Rex is!", Kyran pointed in the direction the flying Vampires are heading, they all are wearing battle armors trying to buy time for the Civilians to flee the city.

But Gistella didn't pay attention, "W-We need to help the Civilians get out"

"Civilians? Where?", Kyran asks looking around hurriedly, but he can only see Vampires around him. There's not even one human that he can find, human prisoners of course.

Soon Kyran realized what she meant, "Wait, we're not talking about the same Civilians are we?"

"These Vampires are civilians, they had made an oath to the Origin. They can't fight!", Gistella replied in worry, she looks at the crying Vampires that are mourning the death of their children, friends, and even parents. She felt pain looking at the civilians that got hit by the collateral damage.

Hearing this, Kyran slowly glances at Gistella with a cold and dark look.

Azure blue aura started to steam all over his Werewolf body while he looks at Gistella, he saw the worry in Gistella's beautiful face and can't help but feel angry, "So what if they're  Civilians? The Supernatural doesn't show mercy to us so why would we need to show them mercy?"

"Our main objective here is to find human prisoners while waiting for Evelyn to stop Rex, not helping these bunch of Supernaturals that deserves death"

Hearing this, Gistella's crystal blue eyes widen in surprise.

"B-But they ar-", before Gistella can even reply, she restrains herself from saying more seeing the murderous look on Kyran's face.

One is a former human while the other is always been a Supernatural.

Their differences are evident even from this exchange alone, and since Rex has told Gistella to protect humans she can't help but looks down. She's on Rex's side now, she can't bear to pay the price of making Rex angry.

After seeing the submissive behavior from Gistella, Kyran scoffs but then suddenly,



A powerful back lightning strike descend from the sky rumbling the ground beneath them, dozens of winged Vampires got blown away as their bodies were charred by the black lightning strikes that definitely come from Rex.

"I smell humans scent from there, let's go", Kyran said before dashing away.josei

Gistella stands rooted on her spot for a couple of seconds seeing the crying and wailing Vampires that got hit by the collateral damage, but she can only turn her head away and follow after Kyran.

A moment later,

Kyran and Gistella arrive in front of a pit that is curving down to the ground like a bowl with many humans chained in the middle. The pit itself is at least the size of a soccer field, it's very big and the humans in the middle of it are at least about a thousand or maybe more.

There are many human prisoners, and only two Vampires are guarding the place while another two are taking the humans away bit by bit putting them inside a carriage like an object.

Seeing this, Kyran's eyes glisten, "I'll get the humans that are being brought away"

"Okay... I'll defeat these Vampires and save the human prisoners inside the pit", Gistella added before they both nodded their heads and Kyran disappear into the shadow.

After Kyran left, Gistella fixed her eyes on the two Vampires.

Since the situation is dire, these Vampires seem to be not stronger than the fifth rank realm. Their auras are feeble but compared to the human prisoners, these Vampires are still practically invincible.

Gistella looks at both Vampires that are still oblivious to her presence.

With a deep breath calming her riling emotions, her expression turns cold before she then dashes at the two oblivious Vampires.


"What is that Lightning Strikes? Are they being attacked?"

"It must be an Awakened!! We're saved!!"

Hearing the noisy chatter from the group of human prisoners, the two Vampires glared at them baring their fangs, and shouted, "Shut up human or I'll drain your blood!"

"It's not an Awakened, pray that we win because if not you all will be Werewolves' food"

The human prisoners turn pale upon hearing what the Vampire said, it's one thing to get their blood sucked by the Vampires and it's another thing to be eaten alive by the Werewolves. At least if it's the Vampires, they're still fed to keep their bodies generating blood faster.

Not a good choice but it's the better choice, Werewolves on the other hand are beasts.

If they were to be captured by the Werewolves that are walking savages, they will be nothing except for a day's worth of food. There's no chance of survival, not in the least.

Light of hope disappears from their eyes again.

The desperation of these human prisoners can be felt clearly from how they react to the tiniest bit of hope, god knows how long they have been here. If not for their aura, one might mistake them for Vampires because of how pale they are from the lack of blood.

Just as they slumps back their body in helplessness, a blue barrier suddenly appeared.

All of them saw a blue barrier covering the entirety of the human prisoners, this makes the guarding Vampires frown in confusion but then suddenly, "What the- Arghh!!"

"Bastard, who are you?!", another Vampire shouted seeing his friend get flung away.

Gistella suddenly appears catching both Vampires off guard before she slams her shield on the first Vampire she saw, it sent the Vampire crashing away like a bullet before he stops after slamming the edge of the pit powerfully.

Her cold eyes then glance at the other Vampire on the other side.

With a wave of her hand, the Vampire got entrapped inside a blue barrier. The Vampire tries to hit it a couple of times using his sword to no avail, and after another wave from Gistella's hand, the barrier condensed before crushing the Vampire's body.


Upon seeing this, the human prisoners look away from the gruesome scene.

But after the gruesome scene is over, they all look back at the woman that killed to powerful Vampires in their eyes easily. It was a devastatingly beautiful woman. in fact, her crystal blue eyes are unmatched in terms of beauty.

Seeing that Gistella in human form, their eyes lit up excitedly.

Each one of the human prisoners numbering in the thousands widens their eyes, and soon the light of hope returns to their eyes, "We- We're saved!!"

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