The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 473 Human Prisoners And Hatred

Chapter 473 Human Prisoners And Hatred

"We- We're saved!!"

Just like seeing the prophet or even the angel sent by gods, the human prisoners celebrated by punching the air and even started jumping in delight while looking at Gistella. She has become a savior in their eyes.

Even with the choking air around here with occasional screams and explosions, these people are excited enough just from Gistella killing the Vampires guarding them.

If they even try to get out of here on themselves, many of them will probably die.

But from this alone Gistella can feel and gauge their desperation from being slaves to the Vampires, it's sad seeing these people behave like this.

"Can you help us beak the chains? We won't ask for much. Just that, please", one of the human prisoners, a man in his forties with haggard clothes said pleadingly. Some of the others also ask for the same thing backing the man up.

Hearing this, Gistella paused for a moment before she shifted her eyes to the middle.

In the middle of the pit lies somekind of glowing rune that is surrounded by a bubble of blood energy. The chains chaining the human prisoners are connected to this bubble of blood energy, and it seems their blood will automatically get absorbed into this bubble.

But there's some kind of a mechanic here, there's a limiter on the blood suction so it will leave enough blood for the human prisoners to stay alive. The brutality of blood magic.

Looking at this, Gistella approaches the bubble under everyone's gazes.

All of the human prisoners make way for her with reverence inside their eyes just like seeing a holy being, they mistaken Gistella for an Awakened but she doesn't need to clarify this to them.

Upon reaching the bubble of blood energy, Gistella fixated her eyes on the glowing rune.

The glowing rune turns out to be amplified by many other smaller runes creating a formation, Gistella needs to destroy the four smaller runes before destroying the core rune in the middle.

She's a former Undead, after all. A race heavily invested in formation and magic.

Cloaking her hand with energy, Gistella's eyes flash before she thrust her hand into the bubble.

Just like any other defensive formation such as this, the bubble of blood energy creates a strong propelling force to force Gistella's hand out of it. But her eyes glow brightly thrusting her hand deeper into the bubble of blood energy.

After a bit of difficulty, Gistella manage to reach one of the smaller runes and destroyed it.

"Rrghh..", Gistella grunted pulling her hand out of the bubble of blood energy, she manage to destroy one of the smaller runes but the propelling energy is very strong even for her.


Her hand is steaming because of the blood energy, some of her skin even got burnt.

Looking at Gistella's arm which has its skin burnt, many of the human prisoners are worried but they kept silent. Their only chance of leaving this place is if Gistella manages to destroy the formation, if not then they will not be able to escape.


Hearing the sky rumbling, Gistella looks up before her expression turns pale.

With nothing but a glance at the sky, she realized that the sky is rumbling probably because of Rex's spell. The air turns cold in an instant which makes her grits her teeth, she needs to pick up her pace in freeing these human prisoners.

Riling her blue energy like this, Gistella then covers her arm with bronze scales.

The system even put Gistella's bloodline as a Werewolf Fiend in the top most of the Battle Prowess Hierarchy due to its talent to be strong, this shows the potential held by a Werewolf Fiend just like her.

Gistella thrust her arm once again into the bubble of blood energy.

Unlike before, her arm pierced through the bubble of blood energy easily. Even the propelling force from the formation resisting Gistella's arm is not as powerful as before, this makes Gistella easily destroy another smaller rune.

In a couple of seconds, she also manages to destroy another one leaving one left before the main rune in the middle to destroy the entire formation.


The human prisoners looking from the side were excited seeing Gistella breaking the last smaller rune, her arm was about to reach the main rune in the middle but then suddenly,


"Arghh!", the Bronze Scales covering her arm suddenly disappeared.

Due to exhausting the negative energy from Durrant's corpse, the Bronze Scales got canceled mid-way leaving her arm vulnerable inside the bubble. The burning feeling becomes even stronger making Gistella grit her teeth, her body even froze for a moment to get used to the pain.

Giving it her all, Gistella forces herself to reach the main rune to destroy it. Her fingers manage to touch the main rune, she then uses her blue energy to stab the main rune.


Powerful blood energy riled and gathered from the hole Gistella made on the main rune, it seems it was about to be destroyed so she retracts back her arm. But contrary to her expectation,

"What's happening?!"

"M-My blood! It's getting sucked violently!"

"Oh, no! Make it stop!"

Hearing the cries coming from the human prisoners and seeing that their blood got sucked by the chains around them rapidly, Gistella looks around and finds many of the human prisoners are slowly falling to the ground weakly.

Gistella was aghast upon seeing this scene,

She then looks back at the bubble of blood energy and finds that it's started malfunctioning, the main rune is not about to be destroyed but malfunctioning instead.

Without wasting any more seconds, Gistella's body glows with her blue energy.

If this goes on the entire human prisoners that are numbering in the thousands will die because of her not finishing the main rune, she will be blamed if that were to happen. Even now the casualties are rising as they got their blood sucked rapidly.


"Rggrrhh!", Gistella thrust both of her hands cloaked with blue energy.

But the moment her hands cloaked with blue energy touched the bubble of blood energy, her hands got propelled away. The bubble becomes even stronger! It's feeding off of the human prisoners' blood instead of storing them.

While she's starting to panic, one of the human prisoners, a woman looks at her.

The woman touches Gistella's shoulder lightly with her fragile and thin hand before putting on the brightest smile, "Take your time, don't hurt yourself in the process. We're going to be alright"

Hearing this, Gistella looks at her before her eyes widen.

Despite telling her to take her time, the woman's face slowly becomes even paler by the second. Her legs even started to tremble slowly being unable to support her own weight because of the formation sucking her blood through the chains.

Gistella's face darkens, she looks at the bubble of blood energy again with determination.

Aside from helping these human prisoners, she needs to break the chains faster if she even wants the chance of helping the Vampire civilians. Humans are still the priority, so she needs to do this fast.

Her blue eyes flash before she stabs the bubble of blood energy with more power, even the friction caused by the collision hurts her, but she kept going. Slowly her hands penetrate through the bubble, and she positions her grip better before spreading the bubble open.

It's slowly opened under Gistella's power, her eyes flashed in excitement seeing the bubble is already opened enough. Now she needs to be quick and destroy the main rune.

Out of nowhere,


Gistella looks up and saw dozens of sky-black lightning strikes descend down thunderingly, she widen her eyes feeling the power coming from the sky-black lightning strike.

The protection barrier she created to shelter the human prisoners will not block it.

But with the bubble of blood energy already opened like this, if she lets go then it will close again adding more casualties. Then again, if the sky-black lightning strike hits the crowding human prisoners then the casualties will also increase.

"KYRAN!! HELP!!", Gistella finally shouted desperately.

Upon hearing this, Kyran tear through the shadow just beside Gistella before he jumped to intercept the sky-black lightning strike. With the black spear in hand, Kyran's eyes glow with dark elements before he chanted, "Pneuma Spell! Piercing Black!"




A huge explosion was created after the black spear and the sky-black lightning strike collided, the shockwave makes some of the human prisoners shout in fright.

Thankfully Kyran arrives in time, if not then these human prisoners will die.

But before he can even go to Gistella to help her destroy the bubble of blood energy, a shadow suddenly appeared in the sky. Kyran looks at the shadow and realized that it was Rex holding two Vampires in his hands.

With a flex of his arms, Rex throws both Vampires to the pit hitting Gistella's protection barrier in the process destroying it instantly before the Vampires got planted in the ground.


Rex then landed just beside the Vampires that are planted inside the pit, not far from the human prisoners that seem to be better after Gistella manages to destroy the formation.

They all then slowly stand up weakly, but their expression turns pale seeing Rex.

Just like a devious Werewolf that comes from the bottom of hell, Rex's body is still cloaked with a raging Kingly aura with the red full moon symbol on his forehead. His savagery instills fear and terror in the hearts of the human prisoners that has just been freed.

It gives them a cold chill creeping down their spines, absolutely terrified.

"Mother! Father!"

A boy's voice can be heard from the side, Kyran and Gistella look in the voice's direction before they saw a Vampire kid screaming at the top of his lungs.

Without even caring about the situation, the Vampire kid runs at the two Vampires beneath Rex.

Seeing the Vampire kid running at them, both Vampires that should be the Vampire kid's parents widen their eyes, "Don't come near here! Run!", the father shouted forcing himself up while blood gushing out of his mouth.

The mother also tries to stand up but she can't, multiple bones inside her body are broken beyond measure all due to Rex's might.

Ignoring his parents' warning, the Vampire kid runs at Rex.

While running at Rex who has a devious smirk on his face while looking at the Vampire kid glaring at him with tears, the Vampire kid's body glow with blood energy.

But since he's nothing but a kid, the blood energy only amounted to early fourth rank.

Rex turns to face the running Vampire kid with an amused smile, the Vampire kid then uses the blood energy that cloaked his fist and punches Rex with all his might.

Seeing this, the human prisoners were surprised that a Vampire kid manage to emit such a horrifying aura since they're still normal humans. But the moment the Vampire kid's fist landed on Rex, nothing happened despite the blood energy riling the tip of his fist.

It was like literally seeing a baby punching an adult, but this baby is a Vampire.

"Arghh!", the Vampire kid got slapped away by Rex, crashing a couple of yards to the side.

Even using all of the blood energy that he can gather into one single punch, exhausting his body entirely. The Vampire kid didn't manage to even scratch Rex, he was not even disturbed by it and even look at the Vampire kid as if he was an ant.

"My son!", the mother shouted upon seeing this, her heart broke seeing her son get hit.

The father on the other hand also widen his eyes in shock seeing his son get hit, he then glared at Rex murderously, "You monster!! He's a kid! King Solomon will not let this slide!!"

Hearing this, an evil baritone laughs escape from Rex's mouth.

Although Gistella and Kyran have been with Rex for quite some time, especially Kyran. They never heard Rex laughs like that. It's even rare to find Rex laughing but surely not this disturbing.

Rex stopped laughing not long after, he looks at both Vampires beneath him before suddenly.


Both of the Vampires got pierced right on their stomachs with Rex's claws, they vomits a mouthful of blood with their eyes widen. It happened too fast, and they didn't even react to the sudden attack.

Surprisingly, both Vampires didn't die.

Kyran who just watched and stood on the side looks at this and finds something is a miss, with the energy coming from Rex infiltrating the Vampires body they should've died.

But somehow it got stopped and the wounds are not fatal enough to kill the.

He then soon realized that it was not that Rex's aura got stopped by the Vampires, but Rex stopped it intentionally to let the Vampires suffer, 'Is this really Rex?'

"No!! Don't kill them!", the Vampire kid shouted rushing at Rex again.

With tears gushing out of his red eyes, the Vampire kid kept hitting Rex on his legs since Rex is towering over him. The Vampire kid kept punching and hitting relentlessly even knowing that it has no effect, even the human Prisoners that are already slowly stepping away feels a little bit bad for the Vampire kid.

Rex looks down on the Vampire kid, he ignores the Vampire kid and started hitting his parents repeatedly making the Vampire kid wail miserably trying to stop him.

No matter what he does, the Vampire kid can't stop Rex at all.

"Do... you get it now?", a haunting voice escapes Rex's mouth while he looks at the Vampire kid that has already exerted every ounce of power inside his body.josei

Fallin to the ground weakly while still in tears, the Vampire kid mutters, "Please... stop"

Hearing this, the smirk on Rex's face becomes even wider. Gistella who can feel the immense bloodthirsty coming from Rex wanted to say something, but she can't mutter any words. Rex's presence terrified her so much.

But the next split second, right in front of the Vampire kid's eyes.

Rex grabs both of the dying Vampires lifting them up by their necks before turning to face the Vampire kid, the smirk on his face got even wider making the Vampire kid even paler looking at his helpless parents under Rex's mercy.

In the split second after that,


Without any hint of mercy, Rex bites off both of the parents' heads bursting their heads with blood. Rex munches on the heads like it was a treat with fresh blood flowing out of his mouth.

"NOO!!", the Vampire kid shouted helplessly.

Kyran and Gistella watching this are very surprised, the act Rex did is very ruthless that it manages to even surprise both of them. It brings Rex's ruthlessness to a whole new level.

The scream from the Vampire kid reverberated to the surrounding like a siren of sadness.

But Rex ignores the cries of the Vampire kid and started laughing maniacally, every capable Vampire inside the territory is no more. Corpses of thousands of Vampires decorated the entire city, only a handful manage to escape.

Inside this city of Vampire, only the Vampire kid that is crying is left from the massacre.

Alone and scarred without any hint of mercy, this is the glimpse of payback to the Supernatural that is fueling the anger inside of Rex. Fulfilling his hatred to the utmost limit.

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