The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 498 Swearing To Himself

Chapter 498 Swearing To Himself

Adhara went back into the forest to gather the corpses of the Succubuses just as Rex instructed, she doesn't know what he will do with the corpses to help Ryze but it doesn't matter.

For as long as they are together, Rex did the job with unknown methods.

Despite the unknown methods he never fails to finish the task he's tackling, so if he said that he needed the Succubus' corpses to help Ryze then he should have a method to cure Ryze from the heavenly dragon's possession.

Since it's an easy task just gathering the corpses together, Adhara can manage alone.

Although it's what she seems to be portraying she has some other things in mind, 'Surely with the current Evelyn, Rex will be able to relax more if he's with her. Giving them some space will be good for him...', she thought determinedly.

But the slight sting in her chest doesn't go away even though she's already determined.

Just before Adhara and Evelyn have just made an agreement that Rex needs both of their support mentally so he can keep being sharp and not distracted, that is their agreement but her mind is still trying to alter her resolve using various self-justification.

Deep down she wanted Rex for herself but she knows that's not possible now.

While dashing through the forest scaring many mutated animals residing here in the process, Adhara suddenly turns her head to the right feeling a light surge of energy.

Her danger sense is ringing madly but she can feel the energy is not heading towards her.

The sudden light surge of energy blasted out of nowhere making her stop in her tracks, it should be very far but managed to even reach here showing just how powerful this surge of energy is.

Adhara's interest is piqued, she follows the energy direction slowly.

Passing trees by trees following the path, her eyes then saw an open space at the end of her vision.

Upon reaching the light at the end of the forest, Adhara finds herself out of the forest and meets an open place that is not that big. In front of her lies a sharp cliff with another part of the forest underneath the cliff.

With slow and steady steps, Adhara went to the edge of the cliff while looking at her front.

In the far distance, Adhara can see a couple of shockwaves from different energies decorating the scenery and sky. Some are shockwaves of mana and some are shockwaves of Supernaturals energies, the power from the shockwaves even reaches here.

From how small the shockwaves are, it should be at least one or two dozen miles away.

The sight makes Adhara widen her eyes as if she just saw the most shocking scene in her life, with her Werewolf eyes she can perceive the shockwaves clearly and can even see the far-off figures.

She can clearly see two sides fighting a colony of ants against another.

Adhara finds they're fighting in front of a huge castle that is burning with red color, she didn't need anyone telling her before she realized what or who that castle belongs to, "Rex definitely needs to see this...", she mutters to herself before dashing back inside the forest.


It's only been ten minutes and Evelyn suddenly feels some movement on her lap.

Throughout these ten minutes of letting Rex take a nap, this is the third time Rex's body twitched or even tensed with a clear frown on his sleeping face. It's like he was dreaming and the frown on his face shows that it's not a pleasant dream.

Evelyn finds it heart-breaking seeing him like this, terrorized even in his sleep. Adhara must've seen him like this numerous times since she's sleeping in the same bed as Rex.

But just as she combed Rex's hair back gently with her fingers, Evelyn saw Rex's eyelids move.

Rex's eyes can be seen moving underneath his eyelids showing that he's about to wake up, and soon enough he opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times before meeting with Evelyn's tender gaze looking down on him.

Despite feeling a little bit gloomy, Evelyn puts on a sweet smile.

"You can sleep some more, it's not half an hour yet", she said while still gently stroking Rex's head.

That sweet smile on Evelyn's face didn't last long when she saw Rex's eyes are red, and it was not the red eyes one can find after sleeping. When Rex blinked again, his eyes turns back to the normal natural color.

Seeing this, Evelyn started to doubt whether she has seen it wrong.

Rex slowly sits down before covering his face as if he's feeling a bit dizzy, "Are you okay, Rex? Maybe you need to sleep a bit more, we don't need to be in a hurry", Evelyn said concernedly.

"I'm alright...", Rex replied shorly.

After replying with a clear voice, Rex stood up before he stretches his body.

Evelyn also stood up seeing Rex is already awake, but then he glance in the direction of the city he was in earlier, "Wait for the Female Alpha here, I forgot to get something from the city", Rex said without even turning to look at Evelyn.

Rex faces his back towards Evelyn which looks a bit odd,

She tries to poke her head from the back trying to get his attention, "Should I come with you?"

"No, It will not take long. Stay here, Luna...", he replied before he lower his stance a bit.

Upon seeing this, Evelyn then said trying to stop him, "What did you forget? Let me tag along if it's not goi-", before she can even finish, Rex disappeared in the next second heading to the city he was in earlier.

He doesn't even let Evelyn finish and just dashes away.

Evelyn slowly puts down her stretched arm stiffly, she was confused as to what thing Rex forget that made him instantly go back to the city right after waking up.

But her eyes then soon landed on her palm,

The purple dot on the white wolf head symbol on her palm is glowing subtly with purple light.

In reflex after witnessing the glowing purple dot, Evelyn looks back at where Rex has just run off to before in the next second she dashes to catch after him, 'I know that something is weird about him. It's not even night yet, so why does the symbol glow?', she thought with a frown.

Although she only had the wolf head symbol for a couple of days, she already know what it was for.

Somehow the white wolf head is connected with Rex and it always glows whenever Rex went berserk, but it's not even night so it doesn't make sense for him to go berserk in the middle of the day like this.

Evelyn went after Rex to the city not far from where they were,

With the link created between each of the Silverstar Pack members on their own and also with Rex makes it possible for them to find each other, even without that Evelyn can follow Rex's scent.

Just about five minutes later, Evelyn saw the city at the end of her vision.

There are guards guarding the gate of the city armed with modern armor and weapons, but Evelyn ignores them jumped over the wall without any of the guards realizing it.

She landed softly beside a house and no one saw her jump over the city's wall.

After landing on the wall, Evelyn finds that there are many people that are walking along the street and there are no cars around. Only carriages like in medieval times were pulled by mutated horses.

From this alone shows that this city is probably cut off from the UWO.

But the UWO is probably will reach this city eventually with the alliance between the SCO and UWO made, if the city survived long enough then it will thrive with the help of the UWO.

Evelyn looks around the street before she saw a silhouette dashing swiftly.

Not one of the passersby saw this silhouette dashing past them except noticing the weird wind that was created from this silhouette dash, this silhouette is Rex and he seems to be heading to a place without any hint of hesitation.

It's like he already memorized the map of the city, but from his behavior, Evelyn notices one thing.

'What is the scent he's following? If it's a scent then it shouldn't be an item that he forgot, is it a Succubus that he forgot to kill?', Evelyn guessed inside her head.

Evelyn follows after him before she finally saw Rex going inside an alley.

Activating her elemental auras, she then dashed into the alley where Rex got in.


Upon arriving at the alley with one swift movement, Evelyn's eyes dilated seeing the scene in front of him. Rex has his hands turned into claws and they are now bloodied from someone's blood.

She shifted her eyes down and saw a man lying on the ground with his neck sliced.

From the messy look and the haggard clothes the man is wearing, he should be a beggar.

Rex slowly looks over his shoulders exposing his red eyes that made Evelyn's expression turns grim, she then said with a stone-cold tone, "You're not Rex, are you...?"


A heavy trembling growl escapes Rex's mouth as he slowly turns around.

Just seeing the eyes that exclude something animalistic and inhuman shows that the one that is standing in front of her right now is not Rex, but the other part of him that somehow can take control despite it's not the full moon or even night.

Out of nowhere, fueled with the purple energy from the white wolf head symbol.

Evelyn's eyes sudden flashes with a purple light that blinded Rex for a moment, it was like instinct and she then closed in the distance before Rex can even recover from the flash.

It's like being hit by a wave that clouded his vision and mind, Rex finds it hard to move.

With the succession of catching Rex off guard with the flash of purple light coming from her eyes, Evelyn manage to reach Rex's front before she grabbed his head with the hand that has the white wolf head symbol on the palm.


Since during the full moon before where Rex actually went berserk,

Evelyn becomes aware that the white wolf head symbol on her palm can be used in such situations, her movement is natural as the purple energy slowly envelops Rex's body like a mist.

Rex growled trying to break free while looking at Evelyn right in her eyes.

Under the purple energy that seems to suppress this animal side of him, Rex falls to his knees while Evelyn's hand is still touching his forehead and does not let go. But Evelyn's eyes widen finding Rex suddenly hugging her body.

With him on both knees, his head only reaches Evelyn's upper stomach area.

'Oh, no!', Evelyn started to sweat seeing Rex manage to hug her body, she was fearful of him crushing her body by bear-hugging her. With Rex's strength, crushing her will be easy.

But out of her expectation, Rex only hugs her gently while the purple energy does its work.

This was not expected as Evelyn looks down at Rex, she saw him looking at her with eyes that albeit still animalistic contains a hint of sadness, pleadings, and even straight-on pamperedness. She was not in the least expected something like this.josei

Rex should be taken over by his other side which contains his rage and berserks.

For this side to show other emotions such as this is surprising, to say the least. And after a moment, those eyes that are looking at Evelyn are slowly engulfed by the purple energy.

Shading the entire eyes purple and soon the purple energy dissipated again.

"E-Evelyn...?", Rex mutters realizing that he's on his knees while hugging Evelyn's body, he looks around and finds that he's back in the city. From what he remembers, he should not be here.

After looking around, Rex then stands up slowly while still in confusion.

Glancing at Evelyn that is looking at him with a troubled look, Rex then said, "I remember sleeping beside the lake on your lap, how did we get here?", he looks at Evelyn asking for an answer.

Seeing this, it becomes evident that Rex seems to have two personalities.

As much as she wants to believe that the other one is just somekind of a berserk state meaning that Rex is just fueled with anger and his Werewolf side thus unable to communicate or think properly, the eyes that she saw earlier show that the other Rex is not just a berserk state.

But instead, it's a full-on personality that has anger and hates amplified.

"I think you have a problem with your other side, he keeps coming out. You suddenly wake up and head to the city before killing that man", Evelyn said while pointing at the dead beggar.

Rex looks to his back and finds the beggar he finds earlier dead.

While looking at the dead beggar, Rex turns to Evelyn while pointing at himself, "Did I do that? Did I kill that man?", he asks with absolute doubt, he already decided to let that man go.

Evelyn nodded her head firmly making Rex looks down troubled.

'Did the other me thinks that it'll be too risky to let the beggar live...?', Rex thought while anger slowly rises from within, he grinds his teeth angrily while clenching his fists. It's become more rampant and he will not let this go on.

Rex then swore to himself that he will remove this other part of him.

No matter what he will definitely erase this other part of him, and without a doubt this all happens because of the awakening of the Invincible Apparation. That is where this is all starts.

'Starting this day, I assure you that you're not going to be able to take control ever again!'

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