The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 499 A Fight On The Demon Stronghold

Chapter 499 A Fight On The Demon Stronghold


'I know you can hear me... when I say never, I mean truly never', Rex thought inside his head.

Since whoever his other side was is also inside of him, it's almost certain that just like Devo this other side of him can also read or hear his mind. It pisses him off when he troubles himself to give an antidote for the man just to be killed later.

Not only that, the beggar is just an innocent citizen and that made it way worse.

Evelyn saw the furious look on Rex's face that clearly shows that he was angry, she also curses herself a bit for not realizing sooner that it was not Rex when he called her not by her actual name.

Back when Rex woke up, he called Adhara the Female Alpha, and Evelyn Luna.

From that alone, she should've immediately stopped him knowing that Rex never called her that. But she only finds it odd instead which leads to the other Rex killing this innocent beggar.

Rex clicks his tongue in displeasure before storing the beggar's corpse in the inventory.

'I'll give him a proper burial somewhere, I'm sorry', he thought while storing the corpse in the inventory, he then stands back up before walking past Evelyn still feeling a bit guilty.

While walking past her, Rex then said, "Let's just go, Adhara must be waiting"

Both of them exit the city once again without anyone noticing, not even the city guards noticed them jump over the wall before sprinting back into the forest. It's scary to think that if a similar Supernatural manage to get here, then they can do the same as Rex.

They can just go inside the city easily and started massacring the city.

Probably the Succubuses also did the same thing and no one has a clue that their city has been hijacked by Succubuses, and even after Rex basically saved the city none of them are aware.

In just a moment, Rex and Evelyn went to the side of the lake again and find Adhara there.

Rex can already smell the corpses of the supposed Succubus that he killed, the scents are not far as it seems Adhara gathered the corpses somewhere near but not on the side of the lake.

"Rex...", Adhara stood up instantly while giving Rex a troubled look.

Seeing this makes Rex looks at her in confusion, "What's wrong? Why are you putting such a face?"

"I think you need to see something, follow me", she said and without waiting for Rex to reply she already turns around and started dashing away, from her expression it should be a serious matter.

Without questioning her, Rex and Evelyn followed after her.

It doesn't take long before the three of them came out of the forest and meet a very high cliff, Rex walks to the edge of the cliff and looks down. The cliff seems to be a slope down that is a pretty long fall.

Any normal humans will find themselves rolling on the slope to death, even Awakened might succumb to this cliff too since the fall is pretty steep and long.

But his focus was not fixated on the slope for too long,

Rex saw the huge sparks of energies that can be felt even from here, the thunderous boom and powerful shockwaves can be seen from afar making the void trembled. It should be a huge battle against two sides, but from this far away he can only see silhouettes.

Focusing his eyes on the fight, he is finally able to decipher the two opposing sides.

One side is clearly wearing white armor and Rex deducted them as the Cessation Knights while the other one should be Supernaturals, there are no other enemies to fight except for Supernaturals.

While looking at this fight from dozens of miles away, Rex saw the burning castle.

'That should be the Demon Stronghold, does the Cessation Knights intend to take out the stronghold...?', Rex thought while squinting his eyes in confusion. With his super sight, Rex saw at least four or five battalions of Cessation Knights advancing to the Demong Stronghold.

Surrounding these battalions are countless military men raining fire on the Supernaturals, the military outnumbers the Cessation Knights 10 to 1. It's like seeing a sea of people charging forward.

Dupok City is on the other side of Ratmawati City, far away from Eqosa City.

This city he was in earlier is near Dupok City and this side of the human territory is closer to the Demon Stronghold compared to the Vampire Stronghold, which is why the attacks here don't come from Vampires, Undead, or even Werewolves.

But Demons, Succubus, and Shapeshifters should dominate the attacks here instead.

Although he knows that the Demons tricked humanity and created two Strongholds as their entry point to humans' territory, this is the first time Rex has seen in person the Demon Stronghold.

Demonic fires cover the stronghold and the entirety of the stronghold is black in color.

In response to the attack, the Demon Stronghold summons three demon hives.

Just like the name, the demon hives pour out thousands of demons followed by what seems to be soldiers from the Succubus race flying in the sky raining down attacks. It's a bloodbath.

Rex finds it odd that the Cessation Knights attacked the demon stronghold frontally.

Although humans should still have the most population even amongst the Supernatural races, our Awakened are few only one in a thousand people is an Awakened. Fighting smartly is something that we need to adapt, but this is a straight-on brawl.

With his experience in the military, this rarely happens. In fact, the military never issued such orders.

Seeing that they're fighting vigorously and frontally, Rex's expression turns grim, "They're desperate... ", Rex thinks out loud attracting Evelyn and Adhara's attention.

'But why are they so desperate in taking down the Demon Stronghold?', he thought in confusion.

Yes, with the Demon Stronghold the cities nearby will not be safe anymore despite the Cessation Knights creating a perimeter around the Demon Stronghold. It doesn't make sense.

They can just reinforce each city, there's no need to resort to this tactic.

While he was thinking inside his head, Adhara pointed at the Demon Stronghold and finds demonic red energy slowly protruding from the ground and starting to cover the walls, "Look, I think something is happening with the wall!", she shouted.

Rex saw this red energy climbing up the stronghold wall slowly, 'A barrier...? So that's why...'

Upon looking at the demonic energy slowly covering the wall of the stronghold, without a doubt the fight that is breaking out is because of that barrier.

If the barrier is finished, then the stronghold will basically be fixed.

Humanity's side needs immense firepower just to take down the stronghold and this will in turn brings heavy casualties that will keep stacking while the Supernaturals will sustain fewer casualties thanks to the barrier.

That is probably why the Cessation Knight is desperate to stop the barrier from completion.

"So many people died from just that...", Adhara mutters silently.

Even Evelyn who is also looking at the fierce battle can't help but feel a shiver on her spine, she's seeing it from afar but each blast from the Supernaturals killed many military men. They are only normal people, so each attack is deadly for them.

In just a few moments, the deaths are countless. Thousands fall.

Rex watches this with a heavy heart, 'System, is there anything that I can do to take down that barrier the Demons are making?', he asks while watching the fight.

No matter the situation, he needs to prepare for the worst outcome.

<Touching the barrier is required to give alternatives to destroy the barrier>

'In general, can you explain to me what possibilities to take down the demon barrier?', Rex asks once again hoping to at least know the alternative to propose it to the UWO or SCO if he deemed it needed for humanity's survival.

<Information costs 10,000 Gold, does the user wants to continue?>

Rex then replied without any hesitation, 'Yes'

<Purchase complete!>

<Destroying a barrier requires different finesse, barriers made of formation can be destroyed by destroying the core runes, barriers made by a spell can be destroyed by a combination of ingredients, and all barriers can be overpowered with higher-rank energy>

<But if it's made by Archdemons or higher-ranked demons then killing them or breaking the link between them are also alternatives to destroy the barrier>

Upon seeing the notifications, Rex read them carefully to digest the information.

The first notification shows the general way of destroying a barrier, and the second notification explains how exactly to destroy a barrier made of an Archdemon or even the King of Demons.

Judging by the energy that the barrier emits that can be felt even from here, it's certainly the latter.

Without a moment of doubt, Rex believed that the barrier is made by an Archdemon or even higher-ranked demons. The energy coming from the barrier is ridiculous and he only has ever felt energies stronger than the demon barrier from Denzel or Giana, a ninth-rank Awakened.

This shows that whoever made the barrier should be near the ninth-rank realm, or even in the early ninth-rank realm. A very powerful demon and most likely an Archdemon.

Looking away from the fight, Rex then said, "Evelyn... can you gather information for me?"

"Information of what or who? Just tell me and my men will definitely find out everything you need to know, except for the Macias Family of course", she replied seriously.

Any true human will definitely have their souls riled up to think of a way to help the war.

Since most of the war between the humans whether the military's fight or even the Awakened's fight, the UWO has watered down the scene to only show the good side of the war. None of this bloodbath will be shown.

Even the fight that the humans lost will not be broadcasted, only released in a form of an article.

The ones that truly know the brutality of the wars are probably the low-leveled city that can see something like this happening from up close, they are the ones that know what went through.

None of the citizens under the shield and cover of Ratmawati City know this.

Rex then said with a stern expression, he intends to create as much havoc in the Supernatural territory so the strongholds will be weakened, "Find out about the Hester Family, I'll need to finish the matters with them quickly"

"I already sent Kyran to infiltrate them, but I also need the general information about them"

Hearing what Rex requested, Evelyn nodded her head.

After saying that to Evelyn, Rex intends to resume their journey back but his eyes suddenly caught a silhouette on top of the Demon Stronghold's wall emitting a tormenting sharp blue aura. It should be a high-rank demon.

Just from looking at this demon alone, Evelyn and Adhara feel their hearts got clenched tightly.

The blue aura coming from this demon is still very haunting despite the distance, and Evelyn and Adhara can't even begin to imagine what it will feel like up close.

Rex saw this charcoal black demon holding a spear with its tip blazing with blue fire.

Something about this charcoal black demon makes every danger sense in Rex's entire body ring in danger, and it came from the blue rune in the middle of its chest. Aside from that, Rex also feels the aura this demon emitted is familiar, 'This one feels like the Vulvazith Demons I fought...'

Back during his fight in Beah City, Rex fought against the winged-blue demons.

Upon scanning them, Rex finds that their race is a Vulvazith Demon. This black charcoal demon should also be a Vulvazith demon but way stronger than those demons that he fought.

Soon another two figures appeared on the black charcoal demons' sides.

The aura they are bearing shows that they're also high-rank demons, at least nearing the power of the black charcoal demon that is standing mightily above the stronghold's wall.

"I think those are the Archdemons...", Adhara mutters from the sdie.

Rex glanced at her and nodded his head as he too guessed that those demons are Archdemons, but soon Evelyn's voice seeped into their ears. Her voice is a bit shaky as if she's quivering, "Is it just me... or does that demon looking at us...?"

Hearing this, Rex looks back at the stronghold before he sucked in a cold breath.

'It can't be... we're separated by dozens of miles, how could it sense us when we didn't even activate our auras', he thought in surprise, but the demon is clearly looking in their direction.

There's no doubt about it, those blue eyes are looking straight at Rex's eyes.

An imminent bone-chilling cold can be felt slowly crawling up their spines finding that the black charcoal demons are also looking at them, not stopping at that, the black charcoal demon slowly raises its arm and points its spear at them.

Rex and the others step back unconsciously as they saw the black charcoal demon smirking.

Even seeing the black charcoal demon's presence alone is already terrifying, and now the black charcoal demon suddenly turns its attention to them as if it can feel it's being watched.

"I-I think we need to go...", Adhara mutters while slowly backing away.

Despite the distance between them, that powerful black charcoal demon can probably approach them in a short amount of time. It's better to leave the place and not wait for it to do something.

But when Rex and the others were about to leave, Rex's eyes dilated.

His eyes slowly widen when he saw the spear with its tip burning with blue fire suddenly disappear from the black charcoal demon's hand, Rex then saw a dot heading towards him swiftly.

Soon his eyes widen when he realized what the black dot was, It was the spear!

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