The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 500 Ninth Rank Demon Attack

Chapter 500 Ninth Rank Demon Attack

Rex's eyes were stretched open wide upon realizing the spear burning with blue fire is heading toward him like a bullet, it was so fast that despite the distance between them the spear is getting bigger by the second.

It travels miles in just a couple of seconds, this just shows how fast and powerful the charcoal demon is, even Adhara and Evelyn are stunned in their places.

The spear is still far away but the demonic energy cloaking it is utterly gruesome.

Splashes of blue demon energy start to dye the surrounding void around the flying spear creating a spiral of hurricane strong enough to completely obliterate anything on its path, without a doubt this spear can pierce literally anything.

Not stopping at that, the two other Archdemons pointed their fingers at Rex.

Just like what the black charcoal demon did, these Archdemons also fire a demonic bullet out of their fingers following just behind the burning spear. The spear alone is strong enough but coupled with the two demonic bullets Rex has no chance.

Maybe his other self that can somehow activate the King Mark can, but he can't block this.

When the three attacks are heading toward him like ferocious beasts that wanted to devour him, there's a small figure that can be seen flying to the sky with big blazing wings of flame.

​ The ridiculous amount of energy coming from this figure burns the entire sky.

Everything that should've been blue turns to red because of the burning wings, this is a level of power that is still way beyond Rex right now. Judging from the figure that has red burning lines all over his body, the figure should be no way less than eighth rank Awakened.

But the energy is familiar and after a moment Rex remembered who that figure is, he has met him.

Denzel Rogers is the man that has worked with Giana.

Rex realized that the man that is flapping its wide blazing wings turned out to be a ninth rank Awakened, Denzel flaps his wings in order to intercept the spear and two demonic bullets from the black charcoal demon and the two other Archdemons.

Upon getting closer to impact, Denzel's body burns by the second reaching a terrifying temperature.

Even the void around him started to sizzle from the heat his body emitted making his body blurry, and the heat reaches o where Rex and the others are standing showing the full might of ninth-rank Awakened.

'Why does he look to be giving it his all just to block the attack?', Rex thought in confusion.

As the pillar of humanity, the god-like being that is revered in any section of the human territory, Denzel with the power of a ninth rank Awakened should be able to block the attack easily.

He's a ninth rank Awakened after all, but his expression says otherwise.

Denzel arrived in front of the three attacks from the Archdemons and readies himself, he clenched his jaw so hard while slowly turning his blazing wings into two blazing arms. Everything fire mana in miles radius got sucked into these blazing arms.

Slowly but surely, the blazing arms cover his entire body just like a resting bird.

The condensation of a mix of mana, spirit energy, and also other energies that Rex is not really familiar with creates devastatingly powerful blazing arms, something of an eye opener.

If someone told Rex that there's nothing that can break those blazing arms, he will trust it.

But despite gathering a ridiculous amount of power to intercept the three attacks, there are no signs of confidence in Denzel's expression. He kept gathering more power to the best he can, and after ten a second the three attacks arrived.


A ground-shattering explosion was created upon the collision between the two sides.

Even the entire battlefield rattled as many of them got blown away or even has their limbs burnt into a crisp because of the heat of the shockwave, it's even more powerful that a nuke!

Rex and the others can also feel the impact as they got pushed back by the wind alone.

The cliff they are on even starting to shake because of the powerful wind, Adhara turns her right hand into claws and stabs it to the ground before grabbing Evelyn with her other hand. It's just that strong.

While Rex on the other hand only needs to lower his stance to resist the wind from the shockwave.

Covering his face with the exception of his eyes with his arm, Rex kept looking at the point of impact hoping that Denzel is able to resist the attacks that are heading toward him.

Just as they thought the wind is over, a delayed shockwave hits them.


Since it came out of nowhere, Adhara was caught in surprise as her grip slipped.

This makes her and Evelyn roll back into the forest a couple of times from the momentum of the shockwave, even trees that got in their way broke before they finally stopped after managing to take a hold of a rock embedded firmly in the ground.

As the two of them rolled back, Rex once again widen his eyes seeing his front.

Denzel with his powerful blazing arms that is powerful enough to dye the entire sky literal miles in radius manages to block the two demonic bullets and suppress them, but the spear manages to pierce his blazing arms.

It didn't hit Denzel but the spear kept flying towards Rex without anything blocking it.

"The spear pierced it?! I need to dodge it", Rex mutters before trying to jump away, but his body refused to move as the blue demonic aura from the spear fixed him in his spot like chains.

Having no time to idle around, Rex then shouted, "Devo!"


Devo appears beside him but he is also got suppressed by the blue demonic aura, "We can't get away, the spear will just follow us. Our only hope is to reduce its power more so we can tank it"

"Alright, there's no choice then!", Rex said before his eyes blitzed with black lightning.

With Denzel's eyes locked onto him from afar, he can't really turn into his Werewolf form or even use the Invincible item in case Denzel can see him clearly despite their distance. All he can do is use everything he got to at least survive this attack.

<Magedamia Mandarin item is recommended to increase the survivability against the attack>

<Does the user wants to buy the Magedamia Mandarin?>

'Just buy it right now!', Rex shouted hurriedly, he then takes out the Mandarin that he bought from the inventory and immediately puts the black and blue fruit into his mouth and munched on it.


Flavorful tastes started to intrude on his taste buds but he didn't have the time to enjoy them.

Rex feels his entire body becomes numb from eating the Magedamia Mandarin, his sky black lightning element starting to rage within him sparking electricity to the surrounding chaotically.

It's a boost that he has never felt before, his mana expanded to a terrifying degree.

At first, his mana is already abnormal enough for a new seventh-rank Awakened. But now his mana is not in any way inferior to those higher-ranked realms Awakened above him, with this kind of potency and mana even a basic lightning spell he uses will be able to kill a fifth or even sixth rank Awakened.

Devo also feels the changes in Rex's body that is linked to his, the surging sky black lightning-filled and course throughout his entire body as they both fixated their eyes on the spear.

"Ultimate Spell..."


The red sky dyed by Denzel's element started to get clouded with thunderstorms.

Even though the scale of the thunderstorms is not as big or powerful as the phenomena brought by Denzel, it will shock the entire world if they knew that all of this comes from an early seventh rank Awakened.

Both Devo and Rex pointed at the sky creating a runic circle above them respectively.

Unlike before where they needed to charge as much mana into the sky first, now with the mastery over the Ultimate spell increased and also the Mandarin Rex at they gather enough mana in an instant.

After pointing at the sky, Devo and Rex pointed at the incoming spear.



Eighth dragon-like sky black lightning strikes descend down from the sky coiling and emitting a fearsome aura, they descend down in a blink of an eye heading towards the spear.

All of the black lightning strikes bite each part of the spear trying to hold it in place.

But unlike Rex and Devo's expectations the spear kept moving with only little sign of getting slow, this makes the lightning mana inside of Rex pulsate to his arms before he injects all of it into the eight dragon-like sky black lightning strikes.

It noticeably got slower but the spear had already reached right in front of him.

Just like before Devo has already moved from his spot and used his body to block the incoming spear, the restrain on his body seems to be weaker than the one restraining rex in place. Behind him, Rex already created a red force barrier that is even stronger with the Ethos.

Devo puts both of his hands in front of him trying to stop the spear,

In the first couple of seconds, he surprisingly manages to stop the spear from advancing forward, but in the next moment, his hands started cracking as his physical form crumbles.

Not long after the initial cracks, Devo's entire body shatters into spirit energy.

With Devo out of the way, the spear advances once more and clashes with the red force barrier.

For an attack to not only break a ninth-rank Awakened interception but also still enough power to pierce a powerful spirit just like Devo, it's definitely no ordinary attack that comes from a nobody.

The black charcoal demon surrounded by blue fire demonic energy should be a bigshot.


"Rrggghh...!!", Rex puts everything that he got into the red force that is slowly cracking under the spear, even with the addition of red force, pure brace of moonlight skill, and lunar blessing the spear still overpowers him.

Looking back, he saw Adhara and Evelyn are still in the vicinity, "Get out of here, I can't hold it any longer!", Rex shouted hurriedly.

Hearing Rex's command, both of them stood up and leaped away from the place.

Adhara and Evelyn were surprised to see that they need to jump back more seeing the ground around them are also cracking, and the entirety of the cliff started crumbling.

Without anything to step on, Rex won't be able to defend against the spear.

Just as the last ground that he can step on crumbles, Rex has already managed to conjure dozens of black lightning tentacles that he used not to grab the spear but support his feet and also his back to keep resisting the spear.josei

Even with all of that, he's still getting pushed back little by little.

Spear weapons are very powerful weapons that can also be used as a throwing javelin, it's a master of piercing amongst the wide variety of tools of war which is why this happened.

Despite everything, the spear can still drill into the red force barrier slowly.

Rex gritted his teeth trying everything he can as he got slowly pushed back little by little, his eyes then dilated seeing the opening crack on the red force barrier and that alone is enough to make him activate his berserker's curse skill and put his hands in front of the spear.

His hand doesn't manage to touch the spear but he can touch the compressed energy on the tip.

While this is all happening, Evelyn and Adhara watch from the side and saw the struggle between Rex and the spear that send a powerful gust of wind each second this continues.

But both of their eyes widen seeing the palm of Rex's hands getting drilled by the spear.

Slowly a hole takes form on Rex's palm that is stacked against one another, the flesh and bones got pierced gruesomely despite putting his all, 'T-This is not just an eighth rank power!', he screamed inside his head.

Just from how powerful the attack really is, there's no doubt it comes from a ninth-rank Demon.

Realizing this the doubt in Denzel's expression becomes clear as this attack is not just an eighth-rank attack but a rank that is on the same ground as him, it even manages to went past him.

The gust of wind created by the spear scrapes the surrounding ground and turns them into nothingness.

Its power is catastrophic.

While Rex desperately tries to resist the domination of the spear, he doesn't have any other choice except for turning into his Werewolf form. But just as he was about to do that, "Arggh!!", the spear manage to dig an inch into his chest.

But then suddenly, "What are you doing?!"

Out of nowhere, Adhara and Evelyn force their way in through the gust of wind.

Although they are not in anywhere near the level of power that is displayed in front of them, they are not utterly useless as they both are sixth rank Awakened with a powerful spirit.

Without replying to Rex, both of them readies themselves.


In one go, Evelyn and Adahra reach for the spear that is starting to tear their arms apart.

Baring their respective spirits on their backs and amplifying their bodies with spirit energy, Evelyn and Adhara helped Rex fight off the spear that is still spinning relentlessly.

With the addition of their strength, the spear is pushed back a little.

Veins all over their bodies are bulging with power as their bodies try to exert as much strength to the utmost limit, they can feel that with just a little bit of strength they can stop the spear's powerful momentum.

Rex suddenly got enlightenment in the midst of the desperate situation,


With one clear thing in mind, Rex howls that don't sound as overbearing as he used to before out of nowhere there's a figure slowly materializing not far from him. It was Gistella.

Gistella's eyes widen when she realized what is happening in front of her.

'System! Bestow Gistella with Berserker's Curse skill!', Rex shouted inside his head.

<Checking Battle Prowess Hierarchy...>

<Gistella is ranked number 1!>

<Bestowing the Berserker's Curse skill...>


Just after the rows of notifications from the system appeared, information about the Berserker's Curse skill suddenly enters Gistella's mind as she also got enlightenment in the form of a skill.

Without needing Rex to tell her what to do, Gistella already activates the berserker's skill.

A red crescent moon symbol appears on Gistella's forehead amplifying her strength by a notch, her body is also got covered with bronze scales before she dives through the gust of wind and grabs the spear too just like what Evelyn and Adhara are doing.


Rex shouted giving one last push after gathering all of the power in every inch of his body.

Since they got the addition of Gistella's seventh rank power that is amplified by the Berserker's Curse and bronze scales, the spear started to get pushed back little by little until suddenly,


The friction from the clash of energies tilts the spear before it got flung away.


Despite the power they exerted, they only manage to change the course of the spear before it flew to the back and stab the ground not far from him. All of them breathe easily again with shredded and bloodied hands.

In the midst of his heavy breaths, Rex looks up to the sky, 'So this is the difference...'

'The difference between me and a ninth rank Awakened or Supernatural, I still need to get way stronger than I currently am', he thought while clenching his fists tiredly.

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