The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 549 Work Of The Devil

Chapter 549 Work Of The Devil



A distant sound of liquid dropping to the ground can be heard echoing throughout the place, it was the only sound that can be heard except for the rattling sound of a person wiping blood that cloaked his entire hand red.

Dead bodies are scattered in the surroundings portraying a terrifying view that pleasures death.

Scattered bones belonging to hundreds of Undeads alongside their decayed skins, and also the fanged corpses belonging to the Vampires filled the entire place. It's a place left by cruelty.

Flunra is kneeling on the ground while looking around with rough breaths.

'I've considered myself cruel, but the human race always toppled over in terms of cruelty', Flunra thought while stealing a glance at Rex who is cleaning himself from the blood that got smeared onto him, there's no emotion in his eyes.

Nothing seems to waver in his emotion, it's almost as if he's killing animals.

If Flunra is somehow able to get inside Rex's head then he will realize that his thought is not that far off, Supernaturals are nothing but animals that needed to be killed. Disease or Threats that needs to be exterminated.

But despite his bloodied hands, Rex was not the one that killed Nhonzanex and Davorin.

Despite wanting to have the pleasure of killing them he doesn't really need to, and their bodies are going to be more useful for him if he didn't be the one that killed them. Flunra did all of that, he now has a tool that he doesn't feel affection for in the least.

Rex only tortured them a bit before finally letting Flunra kills them.

With their power being an eighth rank which is one realm below the highest, Nhonzanex and Davorin without a doubt have killed an uncountable amount of humans. Their hands are bloodied and they are deserving of this.

"Come here..."

From the two simple words alone, Flunra felt his body reacting obediently

After reaching Rex's side like an obedient dog that can't bark back at its master, Flunra stood there without saying anything. Rex takes a deep breath while nodding to himself looking at the entire decimated Vampires Stronghold.

"I've known that you're knowledgeable, so I assume you know of the Royal Black Prince's power. Am I right?"


"Then you must know that being one of my pack members is beneficial to you"

While saying this Rex didn't even turn his head to look at Arnulf as he kept gazing forward, he then takes a few steps forward while looking at the rising sun in the sky. With the King Mark, he now emits imminent suppression to other Werewolves.

Even when he was not trying to do anything, Flunra can feel the heavy pressure pushing him down.

Rex then looks down chuckling inwardly before he slowly turns around to look at Flunra, "But that's not going to happen, not if the Royal Black Prince is me", it was a powerful sentence that hid a ferocious threat that Flunra can instantly recognize.

Slowly walking towards Flunra, he then stops right in front of him.

Although Rex is very big despite not being in his Werewolf form, Flunra is at least as big as him in terms of muscularity and even height. But while Rex is looking straight in the eyes Flunra is avoiding them.

"Do you know what I mean, Flunra?"

Just as he said that Rex suddenly clawed Flunra out of nowhere.

"Haahkk!", Flunra falls to his knees while holding his chest, he then looks down and finds that there's not a drop of blood on his chest. But the pain is there and it's very excruciating for him.

Widening his eyes in realization, Flunra looks up furiously.

"Y-You scarred my soul! Do you know what you've done?!"

​ "Of course I know, the soul is essential for the living. If extracted then you'll slowly lose consciousness and if scarred then your body is going to get thinner and thinner... and finally, you die"

Gritting his teeth strongly, Flunra rebutted as this is not what he had expected.

"If you do this to me, then I'm not going to be useful to you. Are you really going to let me die like this? Letting me die this easily?!"

"Don't get worked out from that, you won't die"

Rex replied turning his body around once more before walking away a couple of steps from Flunra who is still holding his chest, he then stopped before he continued, "I'm going to patch your soul later but for now that scar is necessary. You're knowledgeable, so you should know an ability that can attack the soul directly right?"

Pausing for a bit to increase the tension as Rex can hear Flunra's heart beat faster, he continued.

"Do you know what would happen if that soul-attacking ability is used on someone that has their soul scarred, someone like yourself right now?"

Upon seeing Flunra's expression turns pale, Rex can't help but grin.

"I have that kind of ability, and since I need something I'll be using it on you"


"Decimation Frevor!"

Just like what happened before when he used it on himself, a red gust of wind exploded in the surroundings covering the Vampire and Undead corpses with a red blanket. Each of their bodies started to tremble which sparks panic in Flunra's expression.

As if they were all having seizures, the corpses tremble uncontrollably.

But soon enough each of the corpses snaps their necks toward Flunra who is the target of the spell, their murderous gaze was filled with incalculable anger before red souls crawl out of the corpses like a being from hell.

It's already planned inside his head to let Flunra kill the Supernaturals so he can be the vessel.

Rex slowly steps back with two of his hands clasped together in front of his crotch, he watches as the red souls start to circle Flunra like a pack of wolves prying on their prey. Flunra looks around warily as he doesn't know what these red souls would do to him.

The quickened breathing, the rising beat of his heart, and even the cold sweat on his face.

Although he has never been like this, Rex finds a weird sensation upon focusing on these feelings as Flunra being drowned with fear. But it all started in the blink of an eye, the red souls started their attacks.

From the sheer number, they're at least twice or thrice as much as the red souls attacking Rex.



<Calculating Malevolent Souls...>

<21% Souls Retrieved!>

<10% threshold has been reached. Flunra is suffering from immense mental and soul pain, all attacks directed at Flunra will be enhanced by 21%>

<Scarred soul has been detected!>

<Mental and soul pain has been increased tremendously, all attacks will be enhanced by 63%>

Nothing but a slight touch sent Flunra screaming in agony while Rex watches from the side with a stone-cold expression, he watches as each red soul swarming Flunra. They take turns in going through Flunra's body.

Being brought back from the land of the dead, all they have is malice toward their killer.

While watching this happening Rex's eyes are fixated on Flunra's soul which is scarred from his slash earlier, having the Banished Dark King Mark gave him an ability to pierce through dimensions. It also allows him to touch astral things such as souls.

'With his scarred soul, he's feeling three times the pain from what I felt before'

Rex has already consulted this with the system and finds that he really can touch the soul and scar Fulnra's soul, and it provides a better alternative for making Flunra suffer even more which he will be experiencing often from now on.


A gust of wind can be heard as Rex looks to the side.

On the side he saw two very big red souls that are definitely belonging to Nhonzanex and Davorin, their astral growls force the swarm of red souls makes way before they charge straight towards Flunra.

Closing his eyes with a smirk, Rex knew that this one is going to leave a mark on Flunra's mind.


Until the very last second when Rex deemed Flunra can't take any more of the rampaging red souls, he finally takes out the jar that he used to contain the Succubus' souls from before and gathers the red souls almost instantly.

With their energy to remain in the plain of existence exhausted, they got easily put inside the jar.

Rex closed the jar before he put it away in the inventory while watching Flunra gasping for breath unable to do anything except lie on the ground, it's a pain that is even greater than what Rex has experienced.

It's not a surprise if even Flunra that has lived for so long was reduced to this state.

Anyone that feels the pain that Flunra experienced before even for a second will definitely go mad, Flunra has a very high mental fortitude so he will definitely live this through and back to normal.

When Rex was about to summon Devo once again, his ears caught some noises.

Realizing what those noises were he immediately went outside of the Vampire Stronghold and came back inside with Queen Shanaela and Seth, they are both restrained just outside of the Vampire Stronghold's wall while Rex and Flunra take out the Vampire Stronghold.

Upon seeing the current state of the Vampire Stronghold, Queen Shanaela and Seth were stunned.

It affected the most on Seth since the dead Vampires inside the place is so massive, and they were all elites fighter that has at least sixth rank power. More than half of them are in the seventh rank and some of them are in early eighth rank.

Something this devastating definitely hurt the Vampire's battle force.

Seth started wailing as he crawls to the nearby corpse with tears filling his eyes, he can only shout and wails as he looks around at the Vampire corpses. The Vampires here are not just Vampires, but most of them he personally knew.

And that alone broke him beyond his composure.

Rex ignores Seth's wail before he grabs Queen Shanaela by the collar before throwing her away.

Crashing onto the ground a couple of meters away, Queen Shanaela looks back weakly with her eyes widened, "I'll let you try as you said earlier, but just so you know I'm not going to stop. High-rank Supernaturals, they're excluded from your cryptic promise. No matter what, they die. Even though I know there are reasons for the Supernaturals action..."

Pausing for a moment to look down to the ground, Rex then raises his gaze back up again.

"Be seeing you, Queen Shanaela. Save whoever you can"

After saying that Rex takes one last look at the corpses around him before he sighs, 'I can't take them all back, if the souls are extracted then Gistella couldn't absorb them. Let's just make do with what we have'

With that, Rex grabbed Flunra and Seth before a blinding white light covers their bodies.

Queen Shanaela watches as Rex and the others vanished from the place leaving the ruined Vampire Stronghold and herself, she looks down to the ground weakly remembering the words that Rex said earlier.

"O-Okay... at least I have a chance", she mutters to herself with clear determination.


In the next second after that, Queen Shanaela sensed powerful energies coming toward the Vampire Stronghold. Looking around, she saw a hole on the wall that leads to the Supernatural territory.

Knowing that she will be captured or killed if she stayed, she immediately run away despite limping.

Just after Queen Shanaela left through the hole on the wall, the front entrance exploded as an army of Awakened swarmed inside like maggots. It's clear that something happened inside the Vampire Stronghold, and they also knew the Vampire Stronghold is weakened.

But the leader of this army, cloaked with a fiery robe that emits intense heat signals to stop.

Although they had already expected an internal conflict inside the Vampire Stronghold which leads to their superior telling them to attack, they didn't expect the internal conflict to be this bloodied.

Corpses of Supernaturals are stacked against each other, piles of them are seen everywhere.

Even the ground beneath them is mostly covered with the thick pool of blood from the corpses here, the leader then signals for the army to scatter around and check the entire place for any surviving Supernaturals.

"What in the world happened here...", the leader mutters silently.

Out of nowhere, a shout called to him which makes the leader instantly dashes in that direction.

"Sir, I think I've found the Overseers of the Vampire Stronghold..."

Upon hearing this the leader didn't glance at the man at all and fixated his eyes on the scene in front of him, there's an Undead corpse that should be strong judging from the way it's dressed lying on the ground with its deathcore broken.

Signs of torture can be seen throughout its body that doesn't look like battle scars.

But what surprised the leader the most is the wall in front of him, a Vampire emitting even stronger energy compared to himself even in death was pinned on the wall by a sword made of silver through her chest. Even the other Awakened gulps harshly seeing the grotesque sight.

It's clear that this Vampire is a powerful one and also suffered a horrendous way of death.

Everyone finds themselves to the same conclusion upon seeing this sight.

The Vampire is completely naked and impaled through the chest right on the heart, her arms are spread to the side with small silver daggers stabbing through the wrists, and also the wounds covering her entire body once again don't look like battle scars.

Not one of them even dares to imagine the process of this Vampire's death.

The thought of it sent chills on their spines, it's like the work or punishment from the devil itself.

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