The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 550 Published Article To The Public

Chapter 550 Published Article To The Public

Early in the morning, a man opens his eyes upon seeing the subtle light penetrating the window.

Groaning a little bit to shake off the sleepiness that he was currently feeling right now, the man sits up on the edge of the bed while looking down to the floor trying to gather himself. Rubbing his eyes a couple of times, he then stands up and instantly went to the bathroom.

Straight to doing his morning routine, he took a shower before brushing his teeth.

Looking at himself in the mirror after he finished brushing his teeth, the man turns out to be none other than Edward. Upon looking at himself in the mirror, he straightens his back before touching the center of his chest.

With his chin held high, a subtle fiery dark orb glows inside his chest brightly.

'It's a surprise that I reach it this quick...', Edward mutters inwardly.

Although the fiery dark orb inside of him is glowing brightly, Edward noticed that it's still small and thus he still needs quite a bit of process to reach his end goal. But this kind of advancement, he sure beats most of the Awakened out there.

Even from looking at this alone, his entire body started to sizzle with dark fire.


"Shit!", Edward cursed when the dark fire is too much for the sink to handle as it cracked and broke, but thankfully only the edge was broken not the pipe which will be troublesome and a pain to fix.

Throwing out the fragment of the shattered sink to the trash bin, a voice appears inside his head.

[Go do your exercise, a strong body is needed to have a strong foundation that wil-]josei

"That will allow my body to hold the pressure from the quickened process of reaching the next realm. I know, you said that a million times already"

After saying that, Edward left the bathroom and changed his clothes.

Changing into long training pants alongside a grey hoody, Edward walks out of his room and closed the door behind him. Turning around, he finds himself in a room with the back garden on the side. Edward finds that it's completely empty without anyone around.

'Where are they? I thought they're not going to take the entire night'

Not knowing that Rex and the others went to help Giana and confront the Werewolves chasing after her, Edward was confused as to why they didn't come back yet. All he knew was that Rex and the others are supposedly giving Gistella a punishment.

Shrugging his shoulders, Edward immediately does his usual routine.

First, he would check on Ryze if he needed him to suppress Zaddrass again, but these days, Ryze's condition has gotten better despite still being bedridden. It's all thanks to the red souls fed to him.

After checking Ryze, Edward went back inside the mansion.

But he stopped just before entering the hallway that leads to the guest room, he glanced to the side finding that a door is opened a little, 'That should be Gistella's room, right? It's always been closed if she's not around, who went there?"

Edward frowns before slowly approaching the door warily.

It may be because of being around very strong people such as Rex and the others that he was always alert, especially knowing that Kyran can basically walk past anyone without being noticed using his dark element.

Exposure to those constant strong people made Edward always cautious as he was the weakest.

Pushing the door open lightly, Edward peeked inside the room a little before he finds the sound of breathing coming from inside. It's more like rough breathing and this instantly alerts him as there is definitely someone inside.

Calming his breath for a couple of seconds, he then swiftly swung the door open.

Activating his dark fire that already cloaked his entire body, Edward looks inside the room searching for the person hiding inside Gistella's room. But his wariness instantly disappears when he saw Gistella is actually inside.

Gistella is breathing roughly on the bed seemingly unconscious.

"Oh, it's just her... but wait, where are the others if she's already here?", Edward mutters to himself completely ignoring the wounds covering Gistella's body, it's clear that she has already gotten the punishment from Rex and the others.

But just as he said that a sudden sound of cheer penetrated his ears.

Edward walks out of Gistella's room before he went to the front door, the cheering sound can be heard from the outside which should come from the Awakened guards. It sparked Edward's interest as he opens the front door.

Just like he expected, the Awakened guards are cheering happily.

It's like they were given very good news which now makes them celebrate like this.

Some of them are high-fiving each other, some are punching the air in delight, and some are even hugging with eyes filled with tears. Edward becomes even more curious as their reaction surpasses the emotions they have shown since their time from being here.

Upon seeing Edward standing by the front door, the Awakened guards' eyes instantly lit up.

"May the Silverstar Family keep being prosperous and contribute even greater to humanity!"

"Sir Edward! Thank you for taking care of us as members of the Silverstar Family!"

"Man! I'm hyped! Supernaturals can't stop us now!"

Edward can only give them a wry smile as he doesn't understand where all of this comes from, 'What the hell happened? Why are they praising the Silverstar Family like that?', he thought in complete puzzlement.

It's like he's the only one being left out of the big news, his curiosity is killing him.

Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed his shoulder.

Tandu came from the side with a big smile on his face the same as the others, it's rare to see him smiling this wide as he rarely smiles in the military nor here. It's something that surprised Edward.

"Sir Edward!", Tandu greeted and even gave him a salute.

Without wasting a single dying second, Edward instantly asks while looking at the celebrating Awakened Guards in front of him, "Tell me, what makes these people celebrate this early in the morning? Are they watching sports?"

"You haven't heard? Here, check out the latest news", Tandu replied while giving Edward his phone.

Upon seeing this Edward looks at Tandu right in the eyes with a bit of hesitation before he takes the phone and looks at what Tandu is talking about, it seems to be an article published directly on the official UWO website.

Edward read the headline before his eyes widened in utter shock.

"Anilihation of the Vampire Stronghold"

That simple but powerful headline alone already makes Edward's eyes widen, he was not expecting this at all since the news is filled with the attacks launched by the Demon Stronghold that is pushing the Cessation Knight back.

A couple of cities are also taken from them but the people are already evacuated in prevention.

But who would've thought that after the depressing news of loss after loss, a sudden piece of huge news that exploded on the internet came. It was the news of the Vampire Stronghold that sparked celebrations from all parts of Ratmawati City that have been pressured by constant uncertainty.

Even after reading the first paragraphs, Edward finds that it's just as the headline said.

The Vampire Stronghold has been reclaimed by humanity and immediately fortified by the Cessation Knights, Formation and Rune experts are doing their best to create preparation for the Supernatural counters.

Just from this alone, the celebrating Awakened Guards started to make sense.

Tandu who saw Edward's disbelief expression scrolls the article down, "It didn't stop there, check out the last paragraph of the article. Look closely at the names associated with the Vampire Stronghold destruction..."

Following what Tandu said, Edward read the last paragraph.

It didn't take long for him to find what Tandu is saying, Edward unconsciously read it out loud.

"President Sebrof destroyed the Vampire Stronghold personally with the assistance of Rex Silverstar and the Silverstar Family, it was due to their combined effort and determination that humanity has reclaimed back what they have lost and secured the future once again..."

Although it's hard to believe, Edward can't deny that the UWO actually published this.

The credibility should be there when the UWO decided to publish this article to the public this fast, it's stated that the incident happened a few hours ago. In addition to Rex and the others have gone missing, Edward becomes even more trusting.

'But still, isn't they posted this article a little bit too fast...?'

Grabbing back his phone from Edward, Tandu shakes his head as he looks at the celebrating Awakened Guards with a delightful exhale. It's clear why they are all this hype, they are a part of the family that did this great contribution.

With the Vampire Stronghold taken back, the low-level cities on their side are basically safe now.

Everything will be back the way they were, the Great Barricade will fulfill its purpose once more as the symbol of protection from the Supernaturals. It will only take a moment before those cities send their praises for this huge news.

"Rex Silverstar, that lunatic has become something now huh", Tandu said excitedly.

It also gives him comfort in his decision to join the Silverstar Family, they are basically a part of a high-standing family that will be looked upon by the people. Just being the side-kick of an actual hero.

While Edward is looking down with a pondering look, a blinding light suddenly appears.

The celebrating Awakened Guards saw this blinding light appearing in the middle of the front yard, with their intense training they all reacted very quickly and instantly stand in front of the mansion in an orderly manner.

With nothing but a blink of an eye, they all activated their elemental aura preparing for a fight.

Although it's quite endearing and thus unlikely for someone to actually teleport to the middle of the Silverstar Family's mansion's front yard, they still needed to react like this if there's even a small chance that it might be an enemy.

But upon seeing the people that arrived, they all stopped circulating their mana.

Speaking of the devil that blows the entire internet, Rex appeared in the middle of the front yard holding a dark-skinned man in his right hand and another man in the other but have his head covered with a black cloth.

Even though he has done something very exceptional, there's no expression on his face.

Upon seeing Rex arriving back from the Vampire Stronghold, the Awakened Guards were stunned for a moment. Despite having to see him quite often than the rest, now they saw Rex in a new light.

It's clear now that Rex would definitely contribute greatly against the Supernatural.

On top of that, there are some changes they instantly felt from Rex's presence.

The Awakened Guards feel even smaller being near his presence, it's unclear whether this is caused by the fact that Rex helped destroy the Vampire Stronghold or his newfound strength, Banished Dark King Mark.

But one thing is for sure, their respect towards Rex has reached a new height.

"Welcome back, Sir Rex!!"

Every one of the Awakened Guards bowed their bodies as a sign of respect while greeting Rex's arrival back, he didn't suspect a thing upon seeing this as this is not the first time. Glancing to the side, Rex then said, "Bring this man to the back garden, five people watch him for a bit"

Rex lifted Flunra's body to the side before two Awakened grabbed Flunra and brought him away.

Without saying anything more he then walks towards the front door under the bright gazes of the others with Seth in his other hand, Rex has decided to cover his head with black cloth to hide Seth's appearance.

As for the Supernatural energy, he already suppressed it so the Awakened Guards wouldn't realize.

Despite the respectful gaze from the others that has just read the article published by the UWO, there is one Awakened amongst them that has his eyes narrowed. It's not malice that sparks in his eyes but more like suspicion.

Stepping to the last stair of the front door, Rex saw Edward and Tandu looking at him.

"Excuse me, Sir!", Tandu saluted before walking away.

Rex gives Tandu a subtle nod before his eyes land on Edward that is looking at him with a complicated gaze, "Where are the others, and who's that you're holding?", Edward asks as he steals a glance at Seth.

"The others should be arriving back soon. They're dealing with Lady Giana, and as for this person..."

After saying that, Rex leaned closer before he whispered, "A Vampire, I need to question him a bit"

But even after hearing that Edward didn't seem to be surprised, he already expected such an answer as Rex has just come back from the Vampire Stronghold. Grabbing one for information is common sense.

Striding inside the mansion, Rex looks around and finds that his parents are still sleeping.

With the interrogation in mind, Rex walks toward the back of the mansion in search of an empty room that he can use. Edward is following him from the back, and it seems like he wanted to say something.

"Did you really destroy the Vampire Stronghold...?"

"Hmm? How did you know about that?", Rex stopped before looking back in puzzlement.

Destroying the Vampire Stronghold was done a moment ago and Edward shouldn't know about that at all. But since the words came from Edward's own mouth, Rex becomes confused as to where he got that information from.

Upon seeing Rex's expression, it's obvious that he didn't know about the article.

Edward sighs lightly before he finally explained, "There's an article published by the UWO minutes ago, it's about you and Sebrof destroying the Vampire Stronghold together. It's weird since the journal came out pretty quickly without the necessary process of filtering"

"Without a doubt that high-ups are behind this article, not that it matters though. You're a hero again..."

But Rex didn't hear what Edward said past the first sentence that he just said, it made him walk a couple of steps closer to Edward and ask, "What did you just say? Me and Sebrof destroying the Vampire Stronghold...?"

"Yeah, what's the matter? Is something wrong?", Edward asks back in confusion.

It's not frequent for him to see Rex's expression turn sheet pale like this, and without a doubt that there's something that surprised him to lose this much composure. Edward ponders briefly before he realized something, "D-Did you both not destroy the Vampire Stronghold?"

"No, I'm the one that destroyed the Vampire Stronghold. Not Sebrof..."

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