The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 552 Unexpected Morale Increase

Chapter 552 Unexpected Morale Increase

Great Barricade K101, there are wars happening across the place.

It's been more than a day since the wars covered many sections of the Great Barricade beside the Demon Stronghold. Clashes between the Cessation Knight coupled with the reinforcement sent by the UWO and the Supernaturals keep on going non-stop.

Even Denzel was surprised by the sudden attack as Supernaturals pour out of the stronghold.

After finishing the very powerful barrier that covers the Demon Stronghold, the Demons, Shapeshifters, and Succubus that leads armies of low-rank Supernaturals came out suddenly and spread into two directions.

With the barrier finished, even Denzel wouldn't be able to destroy it easily.

Now that they have finished creating a defensive barrier, they can stop playing defense and start going offense just like the Undead, Werewolves, and Vampires before when they try to take Eqosa City, a strategic point.

Cessation Knight has created a defense line as far as ten miles surrounding the stronghold.

But the sheer number of Supernaturals us overwhelming them severely, some parts of the defensive line got breached which allows more Supernaturals to go through and started spreading into humanity's territory.

Many low-leveled cities collapsed under the diabolical claws, everything was left in ruin.

Denzel wants to help since he can wipe out many of the armies if he really wanted to, but there's a figure that is standing on top of the Demon Stronghold locking him intently. It was not Azzen, but something else and certainly as powerful as Azzen.

Squinting his eyes in alert, Denzel can only defend his side with not much moving space.

Ninth-rank Supernaturals can only be counted with his fingers the same as the ninth-rank Awakened, so Denzel recognizes this figure instantly. With a pinkish aura stabbing the sky and also bringing imminent pain that strikes one's heart, it's hard to mistake this figure.

Queen of the Succubus, Slayer of Men. Catsha Orova.

If Denzel tries to leave too far then his main army in the middle will be obliterated by Queen Catsha, there's no doubt about it. Because of that, he can only fight the Supernaturals as far as he can still protect the main army.

Locking Denzel in place the Supernaturals went havoc, killing anything that moves.

People are already evacuated from the place as they already anticipated something like this, they knew that the Demon Stronghold is about to make a move as soon as they finished conjuring the barrier.

With the fight spreading across the place, there are 3 big fights happening at the same time.

Each big fight is led by higher beings from the respective races that led the army, one has two Archdemons, another has Sucuba, and the other one is led by an Alpha Shapeshifter. Having eighth-rank power, these leaders prove to be hard to deal with.

In front of the gate of a city, thousands of Awakened are battling the Supernaturals.

An Awakened that leads the army is a woman from the Cessation Knight but she's not wearing the same as others, her armor despite having similar characteristics and symbols is colored black instead.

She sticks out like a sore thumb in the middle of Cessation Knights in white armor.

From the black lance in her hand that is completely conjured from mana alongside the black bat which is also conjured from mana, she's definitely a Dark Elementalist. A powerful one at that too as she's in her Spirit Gladiator Form right now.

Moving like an astral creature, the woman's sizzling dark eyes glance left and right.

There are many Supernaturals ranging from big ones to smaller ones charging at her while growling angrily, they are like beasts that were kept in confinement and finally let loose to absolutely massacre everything in sight.


In a blink of an eye, the woman's body turns into a smokey form and went past the enemy's bodies.

Just like a ghost the woman passes through before each of the Supernaturals' bodies turns stiff as the skin on their chests starts to turn black and spreads throughout their bodies, it takes only a couple of seconds before they all fall to the ground dead.

With the addition that the sky is still dawn, she's very hard to be perceived.

Looking straight at the Alpha Shapeshifters that are also fighting against the Awakened, the black linings all over the woman's body glow even brighter before she darts like an arrow straight for the Alpha Shapeshifters.

Amongst the Alpha Shapeshifters, one stood out as this one has no features at all.

The humanoid shape is all this Alpha Shapeshifter had with no face, muscle definitions, and even fingers. But the woman can feel that this one is way stronger than the other Alpha Shapeshifters.

Coursing through the battlefield, dozens of Supernaturals died.

Every Supernatural in a straight line that was passed by the woman falls down dead with the same effect as before, her eyes then glisten fiercely before she jumped into the air. With the rampaging body coming from her body, she stabbed the ground using her black lance.


A black smoke shockwave exploded in the surroundings and kills the Supernaturals that got hit.

Upon seeing the arrival of the woman that cleaned the entire place out of Supernaturals, the Alpha Shapeshifter glances at her after piercing an Awakened through his abdomen by turning his featureless hand pointy.

Both of them stare at each other in the middle of a huge battle.


Out of nowhere a big Ogre that has its mace glows with red energy charges from the side and swings the mace down powerfully, it intends to crush the woman completely under an Ogre's immense strength.

In a blink of an eye, the woman dodges the attack and appears on the Ogre's back.


Without much difficulty the woman stabs the lance with her right hand and also stab her bare left hand into the Ogre's body, an evil grin appears on her face before she puts strength and spread the open wound apart, ripping the Ogre's body in half in the process.

Blood squirted into the surroundings, it makes a rain of blood for a solid five seconds.

After killing the Ogre just like that, the woman vanishes once again as she charges at the Alpha Shapeshifter. But when she was about to stab the Alpha Shapeshifter on the head using his black lance, her eyes dilated, "Hmm...?"

Under the woman's shocked expression, her black lance went through the Alpha Shapeshifter.

It didn't even manage to touch the Alpha Shapeshifter, her eyes then widen in realization as the Alpha Shapeshifter's body started to sizzle with Dark Mana. Before she can recover, the Alpha Shapeshifter already slaps her away.

Turning its arm into a hammer, the woman got sent crashing away.


"Cover the General! Cover the General!!"

Shout and screams of Awakened upon seeing the woman got hit resounded on the battlefield.

While holding her stomach she spat a mouthful of blood on the ground, the sound of the battle, explosions, and growls can be heard in the background as the fight kept going. Her ears are exposed to them constantly, and the entire was very bloody.

Deaths are starting to spike with each passing second, and lives are constantly being lost.

Even the ground shakes a couple of times from the charge of a huge Demon, the woman gazes up and saw a four-stories Demon that has similar features as Ezrud. But this one is way bigger and stronger, and it's charging at the woman!



Creating a barrier in front of her, the woman was blown away.

Kezrud is a stronger version of Ezrud and it's a Red Demon that has early eighth rank power, being charged at by such a behemoth of a Demon shatter the woman's barrier instantly and sent her crashing away.

It definitely hurts her as the blood that comes out of her mouth didn't stop flowing.

Without wasting any second the woman rolls to the side after cloaking her entire body with Dark Mana, she dodges the attack of five Supernaturals before making space for her to breathe. But looking around, she realized that she was not the only one being cornered.

It's clear that the Awakened is starting to lose once again, they are very outnumbered.

Awakened doesn't have the ability to heal like the Supernaturals, they are resilient but not as much as the Supernaturals. Because of that, the toll they suffered is increasing despite the spells that rain down from above.

But the frequent spells that were conjured by the Awakened on top of the city wall have lessened.

The woman looks up to the city wall and finds flying Demons and Shapeshifters attacking them repeatedly, with the attack being sudden they can't use a more effective plan to counter the Supernaturals.

Everything becomes dire, and the woman knows it.

But as the Alpha Shapeshifter and Kezrud charge at her once again, a shockwave that came out of nowhere went past them which instantly makes the three of them stop in their tracks. The woman, the Alpha Shapeshifter, and Kezrud glance to the side.

While the Alpha Shapeshifter and Kezrud were surprised, the woman can't help but smile.

Since they occupy one realm below the highest realm, their sense of energy has reached a terrifying level that can spread for dozens if not hundreds of miles away. The shockwave earlier is light and only the three of them can feel it.

'Something happened on the Vampire Stronghold, the energy vanishes suddenly...'

Knowing that the Vampire Stronghold that emits thick energy from the concentration of powerful Supernaturals gathered there has vanished, the woman can't help but grin realizing what just happened.

"Vampire Stronghold has fallen!!", the woman roared excitedly.

Her maniacal laughs reverberated to the surroundings despite the blood coming out of her mouth, it was heard by the Awakened around her. Even though they are confused, they can't help but believe what the woman said just from seeing her expression alone.

Dark Mana inside her body started to spike even higher responding to her excitement.

Without even caring about the repercussions of overexerting her Spirit Gladiator Form, the woman pour everything she had as her eyes burned with excitement. It's like she is just being injected with adrenaline and she instantly rejuvenated once again.

But not stopping there, a glowing blinding light suddenly appeared.

It came from the back of the Supernatural army which stretches wide, and when the blinding light receive the woman, the Awakened and even the Supernaturals widened their eyes in surprise. More than a thousand people suddenly emerge out of the blinding light.

Their black battle suits and also the black crow tattoo shows where they are from.

"SCO! Reinforcement is here!"

Cheers and shout of the Awakened that finds a glimmer of hope from the arrival of the black hands resounded everywhere pummeling the spirit of the Supernatural, they are in a pincher attacked from the front and back.

In front of the army of black hands is a messenger, the Black Messenger clad in a black robe.

Pointing at the Supernatural that is preparing for their attack, the Black Messenger then commanded firmly, "Leave none of them alive, no Supernatural deserves mercy. CHARGE!!"


The thunderous roar coming from the army of black hands vibrates the air with power.

Upon seeing this the woman can't help but become excited as the Alpha Shapeshifter went stiff, the dark mana and spirit energy merges into one as her aura spiked higher and higher. It didn't take long before a monstrous bat appeared behind her.

It was her spirit and the bat spreads its huge wings far to the side as the woman levitates in the air.

Like a battery that is being charged the woman's body started to become overwhelmed with her own energy, and as the energy condensed stronger the woman smirks at the Alpha Shapeshifter, "You're not going to die easily, I'll make sure you die a painful death!"


Meanwhile, back to the front of the Demon Stronghold.

Denzel that just decimated hundreds of Supernaturals from one swing also felt the subtle explosion, he looks to the side and instantly realized that the Vampire Stronghold was no more. Its aura vanished just like that.

Although he doesn't know who did this, his morale inside increased tremendously.

Gazing back at the wall of the Demon Stronghold, Denzel saw Queen Catsha also looking in the direction of the Vampire Stronghold. Her expression shows the shock she's feeling right now finding that the Vampire Stronghold is no more.josei

But before she can snap out of her daze, Queen Catsha feels intense heat.

Shifting her gaze back to her front, Queen Catsha saw Denzel start flying to the sky with his entire body burned with fire. With his wings made of fire, he looks like a phoenix under the rising sun on his back.

Upon seeing the energy amassed, Queen Catsha immediately shouted.


Despite the chaotic battlefield, the Supernaturals heard Queen Catsha's command and also saw Denzel burning in the sky. They can feel the energy and without thinking much immediately run back while Queen Catsha came out of the Demon Stronghold.

Using the demonic energy inside of her, she created a dozen miles of pink barrier in the sky.

Even with the pink barrier, Denzel didn't show any sign of stopping as he amassed fire arcane mana like a maniac trying to scorch the entire place. From his gaze, it's clear that he's aiming for the Supernatural armies and also the Demon Stronghold.

With his fiery eyes glistening madly, Denzel roared.

"For Elpida Alliance! For Humanity!!"



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