The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 553 Supernatural's Preparation

Chapter 553 Supernatural's Preparation

SCO reinforcements started appearing in all fights against the Supernaturals sent from the Demon Stronghold, they brought with them the news of the fallen Vampire Stronghold that just happened recently.

It was declared instantly by the generals that leads the Cessation Knights armies.

Upon receiving the glorified news of the Vampire Stronghold's destruction, the Awakened that are fighting in this helpless battle were restored. A fuel of energy rushes into their veins as their eyes spark with a new light.

Despite the wounds they have suffered, the news brought to power nullifies all pain.

Even the Supernaturals that are savage and chaotic slowly expose their weak side seeing that the Cessation Knights that they stabbed through their chests kept going, it was unnatural for the Supernatural.

Just like fighting a robot that kept going, fear and worry started to creep into their hearts.

Without any regenerative ability that can even rival the Supernatural's regenerative ability, Cessation Knights shouldn't be this rigorous. Fear of death should be present in them, but the news instills patriotism in them.

Each of the Awakened on the battlefield won't go down before taking multiple Supernaturals.

Slowly but surely the Cessation Knights alongside the SCO armies pushed back the Supernaturals and even in some battles decimated the Supernaturals entirely. It's a much-needed victory from the loss streak humanity suffered.

Roars of the victorious reverberated to the surroundings, it shakes the place like an earthquake.

Looking down at the dead Supernaturals that span for miles away, Denzel with his entire burning body feels the excitement within himself as they won a fight against Supernatural for once. Even with his rough breathing, he still cracks a light smile.

Upon looking back at the Demon Stronghold he finds Queen Catsha standing there.

Denzel has used his third circle Pneuma Spell without any restraints, he turns the entire Supernatural side of the battlefield into a sea of flame that burns across his vision. Everything the fire touches turns nothing but black crisp.

Only a few managed to block his Pnemua Spell because of Queen Catsha's spell.

Every Supernatural ran back into the Demon Stronghold searching for cover, they lose completely as the Supernaturals that retreated from other battles got killed from being hit by Denzel's Pneuma Spell.

With the victorious excitement within him, Denzel approaches Queen Catsha.

Only separated by the red barrier covering the Demon Stronghold, Denzel looks directly into Queen Catsha's eyes that savor the hint of anger and embarrassment, "I wonder, how much longer will this barrier keep you safe..."

"Do not be coy with me human, you're just a man. I've killed hundreds of others like you"

Upon hearing this, Denzel can't help but chuckles lightly.

It was brief but Queen Catsha can sense the hint of mockery in it, "Maybe you had killed many men like me, but what about Demons...? From what I'm seeing, you just take over watching your little stronghold but you've suffered horrendous loss already"

"Demons might sense your inadequacy, who knows what they might do to you..."

Denzel grins mockingly turning Queen Catsha's expression darker.

Even from every legend and folklore that has Demons and Succubus in them, not one of them has ever mentioned Demon and Succubus are different races. Succubus is a sub-race of a Demon too, but in this time both are their own kingdoms.

Although Denzel doesn't know their entire story, it's clear that Demon and Succubus have a history.

From what Denzel can gather through his time serving on the frontline against the Supernatural, he has concluded that their separation should occur after the Supernatural Emergence. It's at least what he thought.



In a fit of anger, Queen Catsha clawed the red barrier.

With a murderous look in her eyes, she glares at Denzel like a hungry beast with her eyes glowing pink, even her entire pinkish skin vibrates with warm light a little as she activates her energy angrily.

"Just you wait, human. When we finish our preparation, you're dead!"

"Genocide awaits you, everything you did to my kind will be paid back tenfold. Savor your victory today for soon... we will crumble your sanctuary into nothing but rubbles. Humanity will be no more. I can promise you that much, Denzel..."

After saying that, Queen Catsha turns around and jumps down into the stronghold.

Denzel was still stunned in his place, there was a frown on his face upon hearing what Queen Catsha just said, 'Preparation... what are they preparing? We need to find it out, she doesn't look like she's lying just to scare me'


Meanwhile, a couple of days have passed.

It's already night and the Silverstar Family's mansion has been tranquil ever since the destruction of the Vampire Stronghold, way different compared to other parts of Ratmawati City that are celebrating their victory.

News of the victory against the Demon Stronghold also spreads around amplifying the celebration.

Everything was broadcasted immediately by the media companies as even Denzel condoned an interview despite still being in the defense line near the Demon Stronghold, this further assures the public that has been restless for months now.

Despite the celebration across Ramawati City, the Silverstar Family's mansion is gloomy.

One such reason was because of the fact that Sebrof knows about Rex being a Werewolf and also the absence of Lady Giana that was said to be instantly deployed to the Vampire Stronghold that has been reclaimed.

It left Rex and the others restless as they doesn't know what the other side is thinking right now.

Rex also has already asked Adhara and the others how was Lady Giana when they brought her back, and their answer doesn't appease his mind at all. Evelyn said that she was going to be quiet for now and that alone opens up the possibility that Lady Giana might not keep it a secret in the future.

On top of that, Adhara said that she was unsure.

Lady Giana's emotional aura is bleak and uncertain, something like this can't be left unattended.

This is why Rex tries to meet with Lady Giana but she's unavailable for the reason of being sent to the Vampire Stronghold to safeguard it, he can only wait and think this through calmly. Aside from that, there are no movements from the UWO.

Knowing that they might be attacked, Kyran has been keeping an eye on the UWO main office.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened during Kyran's time there, the UWO main office run smoothly, and even eavesdropping on some people there he finds nothing at all. It's like Sebrof doesn't know that the rising star of humanity is a Werewolf.

Rex currently can only stay in the mansion focusing on himself and his new power.

Inside the throne room, he's sitting alone on the red throne.

Although the uncertainty of Sebrof and Lady Giana is killing him inside, Rex can't crumble. He just needs to focus on what he can do right now. Panicking will not do him any good, and it's best to keep on progressing.

Just about five minutes later, a figure appeared in front of Rex.

From the figure's appearance, he looks like another Rex. It's in fact another Rex that he just made using the Lunar Dust Illusion spell, the illusion doesn't retain 100% of his strength but it's still in the early of the eighth rank realm.

Quite a powerful entity already, a realm below the peak of power.

With a flick of his finger the illusion burst into sparkling lunar dust before this dust slowly merges into his body, Rex closed his eyes as information started playing inside his head like a repeated memory.

It didn't take long before Rex open his eyes again after receiving the information.

'Hmm... I don't know if I can trust her, but she's the only lead I have. On top of that, do I really need to capture her first?', Rex thought with a frown, he's assessing the information amassed by his illusion.

Just a couple of hours ago,

The illusion went to an underground canyon and easily capture Rurvi the Evil One.

Bringing the captured Rurvi to the forest beside Wedron City, the illusion met with Jarvald and Vivian before asking how to undo the Eternal Curse between him and Calidora. It's another thing that he wanted.

If the Eternal Curse is still on him, he can't kill Calidora no matter what.

Even with the power he has right now he definitely still can't kill Calidora, it's just a wicked curse that he can't wait to get rid of. It becomes even direr knowing that Calidora can somehow always be as strong as him.

Calidora will become even more lethal and troublesome if she also reaches the ninth rank like him.josei

Upon receiving the captured Rurvi, Jarvald said that he will get back with the answer but Rex didn't believe him. So after little threats here and there, Jarvald decided to lead him to someone called the Witch of Chaos.

Judging from how the Witch treated the villagers like puppets, Rex instantly dislikes her.

Starting from that and also the creatures she has controlled over, the Witch is definitely an entity that embodies evil. It's not going to be good to leave her alone, Rex needs to kill her one way or another.

In a way, the Witch is similar to the Supernaturals and that alone put her on Rex's target list.

But she's the only one that knows how to break the Eternal Curse, so Rex decided to play nice and let her go for now. It's going to be a different story though when the Eternal Curse has finally been lifted.

Just like a doctor, the Witch agreed to help Rex and investigate the curse binding him.

From what the Witch said, the Eternal Curse is a very powerful curse that is a natural one and endowed the 12th epiphany. Epiphany is a rank for curses and 12th is pretty high based on the system.

Because of that, the Witch also needs Calidora to break the Eternal Curse.

Now Rex has another thing in his mind as he rubs his drained face roughly, 'Put that on the second priority, for now, I will need to finish that thing. But both of them don't want to talk...'

Standing up from the red throne, Rex heads outside and went to the training place.

Upon entering the place he was greeted by Gistella and Adhara inside alongside Seth that is being chained down and also drowned in Linzite. His arms are spread to the side with chains wrapping his wrists, and his lower body is drowned in Linzite water.

It's a torturing method that was used by Kyran on the Vampire he interrogated way back.

But unlike the Vampire that Kyran tortured before, Seth doesn't break at all as he kept his mouth shut. Rex looks at Gistella and finds her shaking her head, and this makes him sigh lightly finding that Seth is quite resilient.

"Are you going to keep this up? Do you really want to live like this for the rest of your life?"

Rex said while approaching Seth, he stopped just in front of Seth before crossing his arms in front of him while looking down on the poor Vampire that was kept half-dead for straight days now.

Hearing the familiar voice, Seth lifted his head slowly before cracking a mocking smile.

"The Origin is watching... I- I will never summit"

Nodding his head repeatedly while playing his tongue inside his mouth, Rex squats down while grabbing Seth's hair forcefully, "I'm playing nice here, you don't want me taking this seriously. I've asked for any information regarding the Vampires, anything at all"

"Why don't you just tell me where Calidora is held for starters?"

Finding that Seth kept silent with the same mocking smile on his face, Rex's veins bulged in anger.

"You don't want to betray your own race? Fine... then tell me anything about the Supernaturals as a whole and I'll grant you a swift death. This Origin of yours will definitely understand if you speak up right now"

But upon hearing this, the smile on Seth's face becomes even wider.

"Give up Royal Black Prince, there's no torture that can force me to speak. Save yourself from embarrassment, I'm not going to tell you anything", Seth replied before Rex let go of his head roughly.

Pacing around the room with rough breaths, Rex looks down in thought.

Raising his head once again, Rex got an idea as his expression turns fierce, "Since you force my hand, then okay, I'll play. I'll let you taste the pain that even Arnulf the Special can't sustain, I promise you won't be disappointed..."

Upon hearing this, Seth's body tightens a bit but he still refrains from saying anything.

Although the urge of tearing Seth right now has heightened so much to the point of boiling Rex's head, the sensation suddenly stopped as Rex sensed something on the outside. Turning his body around, he then said, "I'll be back, just keep a watch on him"

With that, he walks towards the door intending to leave.

But just as Rex was about to open the door, Seth suddenly said something from the back.

"You're picking the wrong side here, Royal Black Prince. If the preparation has finished, you're going down with the damned humans straight to hell. I promise you won't be disappointed..."

Hearing this, Rex stopped for a second before he left the training place.

Exhaling a rough breath, he then looks up to the sky and finds a black crow flying.

Seeing the black crow that is descending from the sky, Rex frowns as he remembered something, 'I forgot... Liliya and the others should be waiting for me in search of the Shapeshifter's corpse'

Rex hold up his arm as the black crown landed on his arm.

Since the black crow has green glowing eyes then it's definitely controlled by Prof. K.

Flapping its wings once again, the black crow landed on Rex's shoulder before it whispered something to his ears. And upon saying what needed to be said, the black crow flaps its wings away again leaving the stunned Rex.

"Things just got better and better..."

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