The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 566 Cultural Belief

Chapter 566 Cultural Belief

"Is Rex, No... My son, is he really a Werewolf?"


Edward sucked in a cold breath not expecting such a question from Mrs. Greene, his eyes slowly widen even more realizing that the question he's been asked is something that Mrs. Greene shouldn't know.

'How did she know about that? Did someone tell her? No... that shouldn't be possible, why would anyone tell her about that. Is it Sebrof...? But what's his aim by telling Mrs. Greene about this?'

Many questions popped into his mind trying to figure out how Mrs. Greene knew about this.

Finding that Edward looked away with a pondering look as if he was trying to search for an excuse, Mrs. Greene's eyebrows waggled, "You promise me. Tell me the truth, I- I just want to hear someone confirms it"

"Err...", Edward glances back and finds Mrs. Greene's expression turned gloomy.

It was not his position to reveal such a barring truth to Mrs. Greene but he was cornered, there was no way out of this conversation. Clenching his jaw in reluctance, Edward finally gave her a strong nod, "Yes... Rex is not a human anymore"

"Oh... I was right", Mrs. Greene smiled acutely before letting go of Edward's hand.

While looking down at the ground covered with fancy carpet, Mrs. Greene nodded to herself repeatedly finding what she suspected turned out to be the truth. Her expression shows more signs of relief than surprise.

Edward finds this very confusing, but it's clear that she already suspected it.

"You're taking it better than when I first did"

"I already suspected it, so I just need closure. Thank you"

"You don't need to worry about Rex, I can say this full of conviction that even though Rex is not a human, he's still on humanity's side. I know him, and I'm certain about it", Edward said in assurance.

Mrs. Greene chuckled upon hearing this, "Of course he is, I never doubted him about that"

"I'm not worried about that...", Mrs. Greene said as she peered into the stair in front of her with an absent mind, she has raised Rex from he was in tender age and certainly know the traits he possessed that even Rex himself doesn't know.

Gracefully turning to look at Edward's confused expression, Mrs. Greene then continued.

"All he ever think is avenging his actual parents, he wanted to kill the Werewolf that killed them. With the power to do so, It's not going to take long for him to kill that Werewolf. I know him as a mother... he's insensitive but very sensitive to a certain aspect of his life"

Edward listened attentively trying to decipher what Mrs. Greene meant by that.

She then reconnected their gazes and added, "Rex is a good boy, but he's always on the verge of losing it. Cutting the right rope will send him loose, and I don't want that. I can already hear the wolves howling at me..."

"Something bad will happen, and I hope you can be there to keep him in check"

After saying that, Mrs. Greene stands up before ascending the stairs slowly.

Even when she's halfway through the stairs Edward is still seating there on the sofa with a pondering look, but then a voice seeped into his ears once again, "Call Robert back, I think he's out with his friends..."

With that out of the way, Mrs. Greene went back to her room and closes the door.

'Wolves howling at her...? What does that mean?'

At the moment when the sound of the door closing resounded in the mansion, Edward suddenly stood up from his seat before gazing at the second floor with a surprised look, 'She's from Dupok City, right...?'

For some reason, Edward can feel the urge to know what Mrs. Greene meant.

Heading out of the mansion he approached Tandu that is sitting by the car talking with Christine, "Tandu! You got the report of all background of the Awakened that guards the mansion right?"

,m "Yes, what's wrong?", Tandu asks nonchalantly.

But seeing the urgent expression on Edward's face he straighten his spine, "Search for an Awakened that hailed from Dupok City, I vaguely remembered an Awakened hailing from Dupok City. I need to talk to that person"

Tandu opens his phone and scrolls through it to find the person Edward is talking about.

It didn't take long before he found the person, Edward grabbed the phone before looking at the picture of the person. He then looks around the place hoping to find the person here right now.

Edward's eyes lit up when he saw the person standing outside of the entrance.

Without wasting any time he give back the phone to Tandu before striding quickly to the person, the Awakened Guards that saw him bowed slightly in respect but Edward ignored them as he went straight to the entrance.


"Oh, Sir Edward!", the person called Jason was surprised to find Edward talking to him.

Putting on a polite smile, Jason finds that Edward seems to be in a hurry judging from his look which makes him stand straight like a soldier before he asks, "What can I do for you, Sir?"

"Are you from Dupok City...?", Edward asks once again.

Upon hearing this Jason shakes his head which makes Edward's eyes dim, "I'm not born in Dupok City but my uncle is there, I occasionally go there ever since I was a kid. Dupok City is like a second home for me. Is there any problem, Sir?"

Just like his eyes were charged by a battery, they brim back hearing what Jason said.

"I have a question for you since you should know about their customs, do you know the phrase that said wolves howling at you?", Edward asks expectantly, it's the sentence that Mrs. Greene said earlier.

Jason looks up to the sky while rubbing his chin, it didn't take long before his eyes glisten.

"There is such a phrase, I remember my deceased aunt said something similar. Dupok City is near a dense wood and wolves are prominent there, so howls from packs of wolves are frequent. A cultural belief emerges from that"

"What cultural belief? What does it mean?"

"Many citizens of Dupok City died from malaria due to the lack of medical care, in their dying deathbed the sound of howling wolves is the only thing filling their nights. Almost as if they were howling at them"

"Does that mean..."

"Yes, it means death. Wolves howling at you means you're about to die"

Upon hearing this Edward sucked in a cold breath once again, his expression then immediately turns serious as he turns around without even saying anything to Jason. Edward went straight back to Tandu.

"Put the security at maximum, I want everyone to be alert. And send someone to search for Robert, I want him back as soon as possible!"


Meanwhile, Rex looks back to the far horizon of the rising sun with a frown.

"What's wrong?", Flunra asks from the side.

Both of them are currently beside a fresh flowing river on the other side of the Martyn Family's territory, Flunra is thirsty and they decided for a quick break. Out of a sudden, Rex looks back which caught Flunra's attention.

Frowning for a moment, Rex then shifted his gaze away, "Don't worry, it's nothing..."

Hearing this Flunra went back to drinking the water like an animal despite his human form, he didn't realize that the frown on Rex's face hadn't faded yet as he sat on the side of the river.

Looking at the gushing water of the river, Rex sees his reflection in the water.

'Why did I suddenly feel uneasy, are the others in danger...?', Rex thought in confusion.

Although it's very hard to describe what he's feeling right now, it's similar to a sword stabbing his heart mercilessly. The feeling is somewhat familiar, but Rex doesn't like the painful feeling in his chest which made breathing very hard.

'I must be too tired with everything, should I just kill Ruston and be done with it...?'

'But he can't die easily, I'm not willing to give him that mercy!'

Rex started to contemplate his resolve inside of him, but out of nowhere, a voice resounded inside his head, [Sometimes, revenge doesn't give the satisfaction we seek if done too much. It'll just drag you down]

'Devo? What do you know about revenge? Don't say something out of line', Rex replied harshly.

Feeling a bit depressed with himself, Rex crawls to the river before scooping the fresh water with both hands and splashing it to his face. The feeling of his face is wet and the dripping water is refreshing.josei

Savoring the feeling with his eyes closed, Rex calms his breathing trying to clear his mind.

After managing to steady his breathing and calm his mind, Rex opens his eyes slowly but was instantly greeted by the color red. It surprised him as he pulls back his hands further and realized that the water has turned red.

'Blood...?!', Rex exclaimed inside his head in confusion.

Not just the water in his hands has turned into blood, but the entire scenery of his surroundings is red. It's like seeing the world through red sunglasses, everything has turned into a shade of red.


Looking around, Rex also didn't find Flunra anywhere.

'It's similar to last time... then there's only one explanation', Rex thought before looking up.

Just as he already anticipated the bright sun that should be burning in the sky has turned into a red ball that he can't possibly mistake, it's the first moon that started his nightmare of becoming a Werewolf.

Blood Moon...

"Bring me back to the real world! Kaiser! I know you're behind this!!", Rex shouted angrily.

Although this is the same vision that the Yule Moon gave him way back, he now knows that the entity or Lunirich behind the Blood Moon is the Kaiser the Scarlet Garland that is somehow pissed at him.

Out of nowhere, a beam of red light shot from the Blood Moon straight at Rex.

Under the gush of blood moonlight energy that invades his insides, Rex falls to his knees feeling his forehead burning as if it was being scorched from the inside, "Arrghh...!", he clenched his jaw strongly.

It's not the most painful experience he has ever had, but the pain is very different.

Rex falls to the ground on all four, the scorching pain on his forehead is still there as he crawls to the edge of the river. Looking at his reflection once again, his eyes widened finding a King Mark on his forehead.

But it's different compared to before, the King Mark is now colored pure red.

'What the heck is the meaning of this?! Yule Moon warns me of its power, but what is this Kaiser trying to say to me?!', Rex exclaimed inside his head while looking at the Blood Moon King Mark.

Not long after that, he heard an astral chuckle echoing in his surroundings.

Rex can feel that something is standing on his back and approaching closer, he tries to turn his head to see the back but he realized that he can't. It's impossible for him to move, his entire body was suppressed to the point of not being able to do anything.

Alongside the approaching thing, the King Mark burns even more like a blazing flame.

Gathering every inch of power inside his body Rex forces his body to fight the suppression, muscles are bulging all over his body as he even closed his eyes trying to sustain the burning sensation. But as the last footsteps resounded, Rex opens his eyes.

Instantly after that, his eyes widened upon seeing another reflection on the blood river.

Something that can't be properly deciphered due to the blood water that blended the features of the figure's face, Rex can only see that the figure is smiling at him diabolically with the same glowing King Mark on its forehead.

Rex tries everything but it's futile, he's helpless to defend himself.

But a moment after that his vision blurred and everything suddenly disappeared, the sensation that he was feeling vanished just like that as if it never happened before.

"Hahhk!", Rex gasped for air as he regain his vision once more.

On the side, Flunra is holding Rex's back with a confused expression on his face.

"What happened? Why did you suddenly daze like that?"

While still gasping for air Rex glances at Flunra his chest heaving up and down, it feels like he was being drowned to the point of almost dying before finally being given air to breathe. It makes his chest hurt every time he takes a breath.

Sitting down to regain his composure, Rex then said, "I don't know..."

Although Flunra finds this very confusing he decided to not ask further since the condition Rex is in right now is not suitable for that, but his eyes suddenly caught a red glint of energy sparking on Rex's forehead.

It made a frown appears on Flunra's face, 'Hmm... something is weird'

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