The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 567 Feral Phantomclaw Pack

Chapter 567 Feral Phantomclaw Pack

Rex shakes his head finding that the sudden vision involving the full moons never once mentions or shows anything clear, they always give him a riddle that is very vague to even be deciphered. Frustrating is the only thing he's feeling right now, mostly due to the fact he doesn't know much about the Lunirich.

All that he knows is that Kaiser of the Scarlet Garland is mad at him for being with the Countess.

Despite not knowing the meaning behind the vision Kaiser gave earlier, Rex can feel a slightly mocking tone in the Kaiser's laughs earlier. Almost as if it's ridiculing him, but that shouldn't be right.

Feeling a bit worried, he decided to check on the others.

'Adhara, how's the situation there?'

Even though the illusion is quite strong and has little to no restrictions and is even sentient, there's one small problem that arises because of its perks. Rex is not connected with the illusion through any link.

But it's just a small problem since manually controlling the illusion would've been very hard.

Rex wouldn't be able to properly control the illusion if both of them were in a fight, the distance between them is mainly the issue that makes it hard for him to control so being sentient while possessing his characteristics are not a bad bargain.

'No progress here, it's very hard to find the Shapeshifter. Even with the rune...'

'Anything unusual at all?'

'Not that I know of, we're playing cat and mouse with this damn Shapeshifter and it's irritating'

'There's no need to rush, be thorough in your search. Cover each ground and marked it, but don't separate from each other no matter what'

'Don't worry, we're being extra careful'

After talking with Adhara through telepathy, Rex then breaks the communication.

Since he already confirms that the others are not in any kind of danger, he can breathe freely finding that he must only be paranoid because of the Kaiser. But ever since his soul got extracted, he always felt this way.

Rex can't describe it for sure, but it feels like he's out of it. Spacing from reality and illusion.

Focusing becomes increasingly harder the more of his souls got extracted, and as he's thinking about that a notification from the system appeared once more making his expression turns gravelly.

<5% of the user's soul has been extracted!>

<The user's soul has been reduced to 15%, finish the Super Berserk Quest to recover the lost soul>

Upon seeing the notification from the system Rex was immediately slapped back to reality, he glances at Flunra that is still giving him weird glances before he stands up and said, "Let's continue, we must reach the Feral Phantomclaw Pack's territory as soon as possible"

With that Flunra also stood up before the both of them dashed away.

A moment later,

Once again the day turns into night as Rex and Flunra follow the black roots that can be seen on the ground, these roots stretch for miles and it's their guideline to reach the Feral Phantomclaw Pack's territory.

Flunra was the one that lead the way, and he was heading in the direction according to the Beta.

According to the Beta that spilled the way to the Feral Phantomclaw Pack's territory, they will need to follow the roots of a mutated tree called the Black Embodiment Tree. It's a tree that sprouted black seeds which are a treat for the mutated wolves from before.

It's a nurtured tree by the Werewolves to feed the mutated wolves,

Since the tree is quite rare they nurtured it so that two territories can benefit from one tree, and the Martyn Family and the Feral Phantomclaw Pack's territories are sharing this one Black Embodiment Tree together.

With that, both of them just need to follow the roots of the tree in the ground.

Now Rex and Flunra are standing in front of a very tight valley clouded with mist, the terrain turns rocky and the rocks are covered with moss which made the place slippery and the air humid. Some greenery can be seen here and there.

Adapting to the terrain, Rex saw a couple of mutated trees perching on the valley walls.

Coupled with the occasional distant growls and howls, the valley gives an ominous and deadly feeling to them. Without a doubt, this valley should be the start of the Feral Phantomclaw Pack's territory.

"I don't like following the tight valley, it's better to be on the higher ground", Rex mutters lightly.

Upon hearing this Flunra looks up at the tall walls of the valley that is also filled with moss and uneven, it's going to be a hassle for anyone to climb it but that shouldn't be a problem for Rex and Flunra.

Rex is the first one to move as he turns his hands into claws and started climbing the valley walls.

Following from behind was Flunra that although still in his human form, his fingernails naturally thick and sharp making climbing easy for him. Both of them only need ten seconds to reach the top.

Making their way forward on the top of the valley walls, Rex and Flunra follow the valley's trail.

It didn't take long before the sound of growling and howling becomes increasingly louder, they are definitely going to meet with the Feral Phantomclaw Pack shortly. For some reason, Rex's heart is beating faster.

Something that Flunra can hear which sparks a curious glance from him.

Despite the uneven rocky ground covered with moss that makes the place hard to travel through, it takes Rex and Flunra about fifteen minutes to reach the source of the growling and howling sounds.

Looking down from above, their eyes bear witness to the sight below.

Although he has been declaring that he hated Werewolves for all they did to him and humanity, this is the first time Rex saw a Werewolf Pack in its natural habitat. Rex's eyes inspect the condition of the pack curiously as if he were looking at an animal documentary channel.

In the middle of the valley lies a spacious circle place that looks to be the pack's compound.

Rex can see a couple of huts placed on the edges of the spacious place and a bonfire in the middle, he also just realized now that the air in this place is very cold. A normal human here would be shivering, the air in this place is already in the minus.

Even though Werewolves have high resistance to cold, they prefer warm places.

About six Werewolves that Rex scanned to be seventh rank Werewolves are play-fight near the bonfire, but when he said play-fight, it's not how it sounds. Not the usual spar, but bloody spar.

Blood was spilled everywhere from these seven Werewolves fighting.

Occasionally one of the Werewolves got hit and crashed into the valley's wall, the force from the impact makes the valley wall trembles a bit. Since they have seventh-rank power, it's not surprising that the force of their attacks trembles the valley wall.

Not stopping there, some of the Werewolves fight so brutally that their limbs are broken.

"Are every other Werewolf pack like this? What if they suddenly got attacked while being injured from their little fights?", Rex asked in confusion, watching this scene feels like watching an ancient tribe.

It's a very primitive custom, but then again all Supernaturals are primitive.

Flunra looks at the scene below before he shrugs his shoulders, "We spent our time honing our battle senses, fighting against each other is one way of doing it. However, the ones that can do this are only seventh-rank Werewolves due to their fast regenerative process"

After saying that, Flunra then pointed at the Werewolf that is dominating the play-fight.

"I've seen that one talked to Ruston, I think it's the right hand of the Feral Phantomclaw's Pack. Dabigor, I think that's his name. Taking him would be a good idea"


Without even Rex saying, Flunra knows why they are here.

Although Rex didn't mention anything or the reason why they were aiming for the Feral Phantomclaw's Pack and Teinar Family, he can already tell that the main objective should be getting back at Ruston.

Flunra even already suspects that Ruston is still alive, and he's more convinced now.

Rex looks at the Werewolf that Flunra pointed at, Dabigor who is currently fighting against four other Werewolves single-handedly. Dabigor is bulkier than the others and he also wears a left shoulder plate and waist armor.

Aside from that, Dabigor has thicker ink-black furs and also possesses many battle scars.

One of the most noticeable battle scars is the one crossing its right eye which looks very gruesome, but that feature pales in comparison to Dabigor's diabolical smile exposing his sharp bloodied teeth which look very menacing. It's unnatural how the corner of its mouth can lift that high.

Almost as if this Werewolf is designed to have the scariest smile in the world, a joker smile.


Stabbing his bloody claws right into a Werewolf's abdomen, Dabigor puts some strength to it before lifting the Werewolf's body up in the air and slamming the Werewolf on the ground behind him.

Two other Werewolves close in, one from above and one from below.


Dabigor got slashed on his back legs by both Werewolves, blood gushed out of the wounds but the joker smile on his face didn't fade away. It's like the pain didn't faze him despite the gruesome wounds.

In fact, it makes him even more vigorous as he glanced fiercely at both Werewolves.josei

With a powerful roar Dabigor and the two Werewolves trade blow after blow, the third Werewolf also joined in the fight but the three of them worked together and attack Dabigor. Taking out the strongest one is their natural instinct for them.

As soon as Dabigor is out, the three of them can fight each other.

But showing that he's a ruthless fighter who can even take on four Werewolves similar in power to him, Dabigor fights them as if he was possessed by the devil. More and more wounds appeared on his body.

Dabigor also landed a few devastating blows to the other Werewolves fighting him.

Contrary to Dabigor that is still vigorous despite losing a few chunks of his flesh from the attacks he sustained, the other Werewolves start to get slower and slower with more wounds they suffered.

Swiping his claws powerfully, two Werewolves got planted into the valley wall again.

Even with the combination of attacks from four seventh-rank Werewolves, Dabigor still came out on top as he brawls with four of them relentlessly. But viewing from above, Rex and Flunra find one thing that each one of the Werewolves possesses.

Frustration and they are letting it out through play-fight.

Without even needing to ask them, Rex already knows why these Werewolves are in such a state.

'Ruston hasn't come back and that must've frustrated them'

Interrupting his thoughts, Flunra then asks from the side, "Should we start massacring them?"

Rex ponders for a moment before he steeled his resolve and replies, "Yes, but don't kill Dabigor. No matter what, I want him back alive. Knocking him out would be the greatest outcome and it should be easy"

With that, both of them ready themselves for a fight.

Since the strongest Werewolves of the Feral Phantomclaw Pack are fighting in the middle near the bonfire, it helped Rex and Flunra to know who they should aim for first. Other Werewolves on the side should be weaker Werewolves.

Although they were weaker, most of them are in the seventh-rank realm.

It's clear why the Feral Phantomclaw Pack is one of the revered packs of Werewolves, the Betas of the pack alone rival the power of an Alpha in other packs. Basically, this pack of Werewolves consists of many Alpha-level Betas.

But just as Rex was about to aim directly at Dabigor, Flunra suddenly stopped him.

Glancing to the side Rex saw Flunra looking at something, he follows Flunra's eyes direction and finds him looking at a Werewolf who just came out of one of the huts. It should be an Omega judging from how weak it is.

Rex then frowns even harder finding the disparity in strength.

Even though an Omega is the weakest in a Werewolf pack, their power shouldn't be that far off from the rest of the Betas. At the very least, they are one realm below the average Werewolf in the pack.

If it's the Omega of the Feral Phantomclaw Pack, then it should have fifth-rank power.

With a scan from the system, Rex can tell that this Werewolf has fourth rank power, but when he saw the name of the Werewolf his eyes immediately dilated, 'Well, how fortunate. It's the Werewolf I'm searching for the most, Agatha...

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