The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 580 Return Of The Stone Tablet

Chapter 580 Return Of The Stone Tablet

Flunra's eyes glazed with surprise upon seeing what the figure just takes out.

Killing the figure should be very easy since he's adept at fighting Awakened from his countless years of experience, and his skills are proven through the display of the Gladiator Form cancellation he did earlier.

Now that the figure has been stripped from his Gladiator Form, it has become way easier.

Without the Gladiator Form that can enhance an Awakened's control of mana, spell power, and sheer strength, an eighth-rank Awakened would just be slightly stronger than a peak seventh-rank Awakened.

Every trick and power they had laid in the Gladiator Form.

Flunra is an eighth-rank Werewolf that is stuck in human form, he can easily tear through an eighth-rank Awakened much less an eighth-rank Awakened without their Gladiator Form. It should be easy for him to kill the figure, but the thing that the figure takes out catches Flunra by surprise.

Taken out from a light pouch is a tablet made of stone that Flunra instantly recognizes.

Although humans probably don't know much about this stone tablet, no Werewolves alive today that doesn't know this stone tablet which can even make Flunra's eyes radiate with a hint of fear.

It would need to take a very powerful thing for a Werewolf like Flunra to be like this.

Narrowing his eyes while still following the figure from behind despite slowing down, Flunra looks at the stone tablet to see the writings engraved on it. But soon he confirmed that the stone tablet is real when his eyes were attacked by an immense shattering wave of energy.

'No mistaking it! That's the Unearthly White Lunar Tablet!', Flunra shouted inside his head.

Upon taking the stone tablet out of the light pouch, the figure exposes it to Flunra on his back forcing him to stop and cover his eyes. The effect of the stone tablet instantly works on him as his body slowly stiffens out of fear in reaction.

Even moving his stiff arms are very hard, Flunra's arms trembles due to his retaliation.

'The damage will be permanent for them, I need to help!'

Flunra puts more strength into reaching for his forehead in the hope he can engrave an ancient rune so that he can sustain the innate effect of the stone tablet, his bleeding eyes bulge, and he grit his teeth so hard to force out more strength.

It was a bloodied attempt and the effect is only going to increase from this point on.

But while Flunra is rooted on his spot without being able to do anything, the figure kept running away not caring if the stone tablet has any effect or not. The fear he had of Rex Silverstar filled his mind with nothing but the thought of escape.


White energy blasted into the surroundings but it's not destructive, it's subtle instead.

Liliya can feel the breeze of cold air brushing her skin, it made her shiver a bit but out of nowhere, she heard the scream of pain coming from her side. It's not only her that heard this, the other black hands also heard this since the screams are very near.

Glancing to the side, they saw Gistella and Evelyn's bodies burst with blood.

Every hole around their bodies started bleeding profusely as if their internal organs exploded, their eyes, ears, noses, mouths, and even their skins are starting to tear from absolutely nothing.

"W-What happened?!", Liliya shouted in surprise.

Upon hearing this, Adhara that is kneeling on the ground panting for air glances to the side and finds the same scene happening. She was confused, there was shouldn't be anything that can make them like this. No attacks, no nothing but silence.

Since they don't suffer from anything severe like her, they also shouldn't be bleeding this much.

But then she looks around her and sensed a familiar lingering energy, Adhara scrutinized her surroundings with furrowed eyebrows. She realized that it was not that she had sensed the lingering energy before, but this lingering energy is interacting with her which is very weird.

Not long after, Adhara raised her eyebrows in realization.

'Wait, this energy is reacting to my bloodline? Then doesn't that mean...'

Adhara immediately forces her body to stand up but she stumbles and falls to the ground, her body is very weak and she had lost many liquids alongside blood. Even if she wanted to help Evelyn and Gistella, she can't.

Pools of blood start to be formed underneath the kneeling Gistella and Evelyn.

Liliya pointed at a black hand on the side before she commanded, "Go heal them right now!"

Without wasting any time, the black hand that Liliya pointed at immediately rolled both of her sleeves before touching Gistella and Evelyn's nape. After doing that, her hands slowly merge with both of their bodies.

Simultaneously, another black hand helped to support Adhara and brings her closer.

"W-What is she doing...?", Adhara asks weakly.

Liliya who is looking at the black hand that is slowly pumping something through her attached hands then replied, "She has a ridiculous regenerative gift, her body can heal as strong as Werewolves and Vampires. But her gift has some useability, she can attach herself to a wounded person and help them heal their wounds"

"Don't worry, she has never failed to do this. Both of them are going to be okay".

Giving Adhara a reassuring smile, Lilya convinced Adhara with her confident words. It should be fine if the woman really has that kind of ability, but out of nowhere, the woman coughs out blood which surprises Liliya.

"Calia! Are you okay?!", Liliya asked in concern.

While keep helping Evelyn and Gistella, the woman called Calia shakes her head, "I can tell that they also have strong regenerative ability, but their injuries kept opening faster even with my help. I can't hold out for long..."

Upon hearing this, Liliya steps back in surprise, "Just what is happening to them..."

But not long after a figure crashes not far from them, the black hand instantly went into their formation anticipating an attack. The situation is way out of hand, their objective should be killing the Shapeshifter.

Now they saw Adhara fighting against an Awakened, and thus they become alert to all things.

After the dust disappears, their eyes saw Flunra slowly standing back up with stiff movements. He didn't even manage to land on his feet from that jump he did earlier, it's clear that whatever that is affecting Evelyn and Gistella is affecting him too.

Finding that it was Flunra that helped them before, the black hands lowered their guards.

Despite not even being able to stand properly, Flunra kept walking towards Evelyn and Gistella with the glowing circle-shaped rune on his forehead. It blocks most of the effect and allows him to move like this.

Looking at this, Liliya signals to two of the black hands to help him.

"I've never seen him before, who is he?", Liliya asks.

Since Flunra just joined their pack recently, Liliya has never seen him before. Adhara tries to find a suitable answer, but when her eyes landed on the glowing rune on Flunra's forehead she immediately answered, "That is Flunra, Rex just recruited him to the family. He's a Rune Master"

"Arggh...", Flunra pushes the black hands away before kneeling in front of Gistella and Evelyn.

Both of them are frozen like a statue with blood gushing out profusely, the effect caught them off guard and this is the result of being exposed to the stone tablet. If they possess weaker bloodlines, then their bodies will eventually explode.

While still moving stiffly, Flunra reaches for both of their foreheads with his bloodied hands.

Similar to the one rune on his forehead, he also created the same rune on Gistella and Evelyn's foreheads. After finishing the last strand, Flunra falls to the ground breathless and so do Gistella and Evelyn.

The three of them lie on the ground while the rune does its magic and repel the effect slowly.

A moment later,

Everyone went back to the border of the forest where the SCO and UWO are barricading, they reported that they has killed the Shapeshifter and give them Syn's corpse to be brought back to the SCO and eventually Prof. K.

Alongside that, Liliya also asked about the Awakened that is inside the forest aside from them.

Upon being asked about the mysterious Awakened that fought Adhara before, the Awakened and black hands replied that they don't see or sense anyone going inside. It's either they are lying or the Awakened is just that strong.

While Liliya and the black hands are away, Adhara glances over at Flunra.josei

Both of them alongside the frozen Gistella and Evelyn us currently inside a military SUV, the healers already checked on them and helped them heal a bit. Now they will be brought back to Ratmawati City to get more proper treatment.

Killing an eighth-rank Shapeshifter is not a small feat after all.

"Flunra, what happens to them... is it really what I think it is?", Adhara asked.

Turning his head a bit to glance at Adhara, Flunra then nodded his head, "I don't know how that Awakened gets his hand on it, but that is definitely the Unearthly White Lunar Tablet. That tablet is the cause of this effect on us"

"Tablet...?", Adhara mutters with a frown, the energy she felt is definitely the White Omicron energy.

Adhara is one hundred percent sure that the energy is the White Omicron Energy, the others including Flunra were affected greatly by it but she and the black hands were not. From this alone, it's clear that her prediction is true.

Out of the four of them, she was not affected because of her bloodline.

Remembering the writings on the stone tablet, Flunra then continued, "It's a weaponized stone tablet that belongs to the Vampires, it's the ultimate weapon they used against Werewolves due to the stone tablet possessing a fragment of the White Omicron"

Upon hearing this, Adhara nodded inwardly finding what she thought was correct.

But then she remembered something, 'If I'm not mistaken, that stone tablet should be the one that me and Rex saw in the museum right? It's been so long, but I'm pretty convinced that the stone tablet is that one since it made Rex's eyes bleed'

Looking at the ceiling of the SUV, Adhara then ponders for a moment.

'Stone tablet... is that how Sebrof realizes that Rex is a Werewolf? Even if he did know that from the stone tablet, is there anyone from his side that has an affinity to light elements? But strange, I feel like I've met with that Awakened before'


Meanwhile, Ratmawati City.

It's been a couple of days since Kyran has been tasked to watch over Sebrof that for the last couple of days hasn't come out of the UWO main office, Kyran has never seen Sebrof leave the office even once.

Fearing that his senses might've blinded him, Kyran takes a new spot.

Despite the entire building being covered by a formation that might alert the Awakened inside if there was an intruder, Kyran managed to bypass the formation after creating a hole in it for two hours.

With the help of Shurbaa, he managed to break in and hide in the darkness of a shade.

But now he changed spot and went out of the UWO main office front yard, Kyran climbs to the rooftop of a very tall building which he did with relative ease thanks to his dark element that makes his presence basically invisible.

Now he was at the rooftop watching Sebrof's office that is located a the top-most floor.

Kyran can hear their conversation even from this far away, his keen senses are displayed in full power with this kind of task. It was boring to look at Sebrof working non-stop for days straight, but he needs to keep alert.

This night, however, something unexpected happened.

Opening his eyes and ending his meditation session, Kyran touches his chest which feels stuffy.

'I hope the others are okay...', Kyran thought in concern.

But immediately after he said that, he looks over to Sebrof's office.

'His secretary again? But why is her heart pounding more than usual?', Kyran thought while looking at the office from the other side intently, he saw the secretary closes the door to Sebrof's office before standing there stiffly.

Since he has been here for days, Kyran knows that Sebrof has a secretary.

Contrary to the multiple times she went over to Sebrof's office in the last couple of days, the secretary's heart is pacing loudly more than usual showing that she's either nervous, excited, or fearful.

Looking at her expression, it seems she's nervous.

Knowing that this was something that seems to be important, Kyran decided to pay very close attention to what they are saying. But true enough, Kyran's eyes widened upon hearing what they are saying.

Not only that, Sebrof stood up from his seat abruptly his chest heaving up and down roughly.

In the next second after that, Sebrof's body blitzes with red lightning before the office suddenly exploded destroying everything inside from nothing but a subtle gush of his chaotic aura that responds to the anger he was feeling.

Even Kyran was pushed back by the forceful wind created, but the surprised look is still there.

'Files...? What files?'

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