The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 581 Sebrof's Disturbed Night

Chapter 581 Sebrof's Disturbed Night

Our beloved city street this night is very busy, traffic can be seen hogging many places at once.

People that just finished their daily jobs are trying to get home, but they found themselves in the middle of traffic that doesn't seem to be moving. Looking to the outside of their car windows, they saw many passersby walking on the side of the street.

It's a pretty hectic day and for some reason, many thought the same thing too.

After looking at the passerby chattering with each other minding their own lives, their eyes caught the sight of a massive building that is heavily guarded. Strong faces that are equipped on the guard show that they were not only regular people.

Each one of them emits a fierce demeanor, the demeanor of an Awakened.

Not only Awakened guarded the front entrance, but people from the military can also be seen holding their newly produced weapons that contain fire-power that can blow off limbs of Supernaturals.

Some military vehicles from light to heavy are visible through the cracks of the tall fences.

From the level of security fortified by both the military and Awakened alongside the office workers that are wearing a particular name tag and badge, the building is clearly the most respectable building in the entire Ratmawati City.

UWO Main Office Building.

Every passerby gives the guards a slight bow in respect of their deeds for humanity.

Despite not always agreeing with the choices made by the UWO, their role in keeping humanity safe is apparent and they are to be due respected by the citizens that lived under the umbrella of their protection.

Gazing up at the building, the passersby marvels at the sight of the tall building.

For normal people like them, working inside the UWO would be a dream come true, and working there will directly help humanity in these dire times. But their respect mounted even higher seeing the top-most floor is still lit up.

It was the time when even the hardest working class people already went home.

Most of them needed rest to be productive tomorrow, so seeing the top-most floor still lively shows that the UWO has never been slacking off. Everybody knows that the topmost floor is owned by president Sebrof.

Knowing that President Sebrof is still working, then the lower branch must've also still working.

Just like what the onlookers thought while passing by the UWO main office building, Sebrof is rummaging through the sea of papers in front of him not knowing that he has developed a sense of security for the passersby trapped in traffic.

With the Vampire Stronghold taken back, Sebrof has many matters to deal with.

Arrangements that he needed to make to the branch presidents near the Vampire Stronghold, military division reinforcement requests, delivering suitable formation masters, and even assigning the captains are all done by himself.

It's a big victory and he can't lay waste this opportunity, and thus he did everything by himself.

Everything that happens during a war must be done very fast, the existing procedure is good to avoid errors but they take time to develop. Sebrof doesn't want to take time and approve the submitted plans, so he decided to make the plan to fortify the Vampire Stronghold himself.

Sebrof has been sitting at his desk for a couple of days now.

Even when the third night has arrived, the office is only filled with silence and the flipping of papers.

On top of Sebrof's doing his sleepless work that even made his eyes sunken, the hologram screen in front of him was open and displayed three faces of the ninth-rank Awakened alongside the six highest figures of the Supernatural.

Denzel, Lady Giana, King Saruth, King Baralt, and the others were displayed clearly.

The playing hologram makes a subtle humming sound in the silence of the room, but not long after Sebrof puts down the papers before leaning back on his chair. Despite being a ninth-rank Awakened himself, the mental toll of working this long is not suitable for humans.

Although Awakened possesses world-defying abilities, their natural reaction can't be stopped.

While leaning back on the sofa tiredly, Sebrof rubs his face roughly before shifting to massaging his throbbing eyelids. Even the daily reverie he got was eaten away by the mountain of papers that can't be left even for a second.

Grabbing a cigarette from the side, Sebrof lit it up before started smoking it.

Roughly exhaling the cloud of smoke pleasantly, he rests his head back while looking at the ceiling, "Everything has been arranged, now I only need to either assign Giana or Brigitta to protect the Vampire Stronghold. But it seems Brigitta is unavailable because of that. Giana should have already recovered by now, I'll just send her there"

But just as he got a few minutes of rest, the door to his office suddenly got knocked.

Sebrof knew the person behind the door instantly without even turning his chair towards the door, he was looking outside the window with a cigarette in his hand reminding himself of the view that he fought for over the years.

'I'm not going to let that bloodbath happen ever again...', Sebrof mutters inwardly.

"Come inside."

Upon hearing the voice that gave permission to get inside, the door opened revealing a woman clad in a tight office dress. It was Sebrof's secretary, she went inside the room before closing the door on her back.

Not realizing the nervousness oozing out of the secretary, Sebrof then instantly asked.

"How is Giana's condition? Is she fit to be sent back to the battlefield?"

"I will need to contact her secretary, Zero. But I will do it as soon as possible and report it back to you"

"Okay. Make sure to tell her that the Vampire Stronghold needs her protection, King Lax'rad, and King Solomon has been moving closer to the Vampire Stronghold. But for now, they are worried about the second wave of attack so I need Giana to keep them thinking that way", Sebrof said without even turning to look at the secretary.

Writing the things he said on her tablet, she then nodded her head, "I'll notify her as you said"

After discussing the first matter, Sebrof then remembered something before he asked again, "The resident relocation in sector 2, is there any problem needed fixing? It's the utmost priority, the sooner it was finished the better"

"N-No, Sir. The relocation is going well and will be finished as planned"

Finding that at least one thing is going right, Sebrof nodded his head consoling himself that he did a good thing. Looking up to the gleaming moon in the dark sky, he then thought while inhaling the cigarette deeply.

'It's about two weeks before the next full moon, it should be done by then.'

Sighing to himself, he then thought inwardly, 'Maybe it's time to talk upfront with Rex'

The secretary that finds Sebrof enjoying his smoking time can't help but asks, "If I may... why did you suddenly instruct residents relocation but specifically order to skip the Silverstar Family's mansion?"

Sebrof exhales the toxic smoke that has no effect on him before flicking the ash on the ashtray.

Glancing at the secretary with a sharp glance, he then added without even trying to hide the threat in his tone, "I believe a secretary shouldn't question her superior's order, is it not?", inhaling the cigarette once more, he continued despite the secretary already realizing that she overstepped and looked down, "For someone like you, it's better off not knowing certain things... "

"My apology, sir.", the secretary bowed apologetically.

Waving his hand finding that it was just a small matter, Sebrof then asks, "So, are you here just to ask the reasoning behind my order? Or is there something you wanted to report to me?", putting the cigarette on the ashtray, Sebrof clasps his hands together.

Upon hearing this, the secretary's body stiffens in reaction.


Despite the cold and indifferent look that Sebrof is wearing right now, the secretary should already get used to reporting to him. He finds it weird for her to be this nervous in front of him.

"Speak your mind, don't waste my time.", Sebrof added harshly.

On top of that, Sebrof frowns when he heard the secretary stutters with her words

Sitting at the highest position in all of Ratmawati City and also representing the most respectable organization inside and outside of Ratmawati City, Sebrof has wide options of secretaries and each of them was the best of the best.

Years of experience as a prominent secretary and also having exceptional verbal are a must.

For the secretary to be stuttering like this shows that she was holding back something, and Sebrof instantly thought of very bad news regarding the recent progression of the Supernatural. But turns out it was far from that.

"I- I was...", the secretary tries to say something but failed.

Her entire body trembles evidently which spiked Sebrof's attention, it must be something massive.

"Speak clearly, Olivia. I hate people that waste my time"

"Y-Yes! I-It involves the files I collected for you about Rex Silverstar..."

Upon hearing this Sebrof's expression instantly becomes tedious and dark, it was the last thing he wants as a problem. Even his aura started leaking out of his body, "Go on... tell me the problem. What happened to them?"

Olivia felt the atmosphere overflow with tension and her throat went dry.

Even the simple process of gulping her saliva becomes very strenuous, she was crumbling under the pressure and Sebrof's sharp gaze, "S-Someone infiltrate the office and c-cornered me. I-It was a man, a strong Awakened that demanded me to give m-me the files. I- I don't know how he knows, I never told anyone I swear!"

Ignoring Olivia's remarks, Sebrof squints his eyes, "And...?"

"I was- I was given no other choice, b-but he said he was going t-to take down a human impostor. S-So I think h-he didn't mean a-any harm...", Olivia added meekly while keep inspecting the changes on Sebrof's face.

Burying his face under his clasped hands, Sebrof then asked, "You don't seem to be hurt..."

"On top of that, I don't sense any mana from you. Where did that man go, I'll pursue him myself", he added with a frown, he can't blame Olivia since she was targeted because of the files she held in authority.

Sebrof waited for her to answer while pondering inwardly.

'Human impostor... so someone knows about his secret too. But who? They figured out I have the files probably because of the published article. For someone that doesn't know of his secret, it's a normal article but for the ones that knew should clearly indicate that I also know the secret'

'If I'm fast enough, I can prevent that man from doing anything rash...'

Even thinking about that made Sebrof's head hurt, he doesn't need any big problem right now.

But out of nowhere he suddenly stopped when he heard what Olivia just said.

"The man has perfect control of his mana, and he also didn't use any spell to expose his element. It happened a couple of days ago, so I don't know where he went..."


Olivia looks at Sebrof in confusion not understanding which part he doesn't understand, but soon her expression drains from all colors when Sebrof's expression turned from horror-stricken to murderous in a blink of an eye.

It was akin to him seeing someone that killed his entire family, and this surprises Olivia.


Sizzles of red lightning started to swim across his body as his anger mounted even higher, "You... Did you just say a couple of days ago?! A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO?!!!", Sebrof roared in absolute desperation.

If it happened today then he will not blame Olivia, but a couple of days ago is a different thing.



With the rampaging anger inside of him from realizing that he was late for days to prevent the man from doing anything reckless, Sebrof's arcane red lightning mana exploded from his body destroying the office and even blasting a hole in the building.

Even the entire UWO main office building shakes from the explosion of energy.


"What the hell happened?!"

Many of the onlookers by the street looks up and saw the topmost floor of the building was torn open, and then they saw a figure clad in blitzing red lightning after the dust and destruction faded from their vision.

From that explosion of energy, Olivia got blasted and crashes to the wall behind her.

The sheer presence of arcane mana alone makes her cough out blood repeatedly, she was under huge pressure that threatens to squash her entire body. She was nothing but a mere ant in front of a ninth-rank Awakened.

If Sebrof really wanted to, he can squash and kill her with his presence alone right now.

Despite being angry at Olivia that waiting for that long just to notify her about the matter, Sebrof looks around trying to find a way to solve the mystery of the man and possibly his backer. It's not a regular feat to be able to infiltrate the UWO main office with his presence there.

Without a doubt, the man must be at least an eighth-rank Awakened.

'Who is it?! Who is it?! I need to find out the man that took those files!'

Sebrof wrecks his brain without even caring about the pair of eyes that are looking at him fearfully from below, he frowns as he used the utmost capacity of his brain in the extreme situation, 'In order for them to deduce that I know about the secret and have the files, they either need to know the secret or they know that the article is a lie. For the latter, they must be present when the Vampire Stronghold was taken down'

'The one that is present... The one that is present... Who is it...?'

Upon thinking that, his eyes then soon widen in realization, 'Giana! They were rescuing Giana so she must be there!', Sebrof thought before his eyes caught sight of Vargas flying towards him.

Before Vargas can even say anything, Sebrof instantly commanded.

"Go prepare the available Awakened right now! We're going to search for Giana!"

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