The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 607 Series Of Unfortunate Events

Chapter 607 Series Of Unfortunate Events

Whispers from the devil itself penetrate their ears as they were helpless under his mercy.

Despite the claws that are penetrating their chests, stabbing cleanly all the way to the back, their arcane mana and spirit energy that is equivalent to the peak of power kept ragingly trying to push Rex back like a torrent of a violent wind.

Sparks of lightning and arcane water mana blasted around them in desperation.

Blood slowly seeped out of their penetrated chest and decorates Rex's claws that are under the effect of the Unholy Claws of the Reaper passive skill, their elemental dominions started to get noticeably smaller and get immensely suppressed by Rex's dark dome.

Grabbing onto the muscular arms, Sebrof and Giana slowly got lifted off the ground.

Even though their life force as a ninth-rank realm Awakened is exponentially denser than any living humans and even Supernaturals, the pain that was brought by Rex's claws is not something to be underestimated.

Painful expressions decorate their faces while trying to get away from Rex's steel arms.

Most of their energies were gathered to block the infiltrating energy from Rex's claws, their energies were too busy doing that which makes them unable to accumulate enough strength to break free from this predicament.

A bloodied grin was directed at the both of them as Rex intends to do the unthinkable.

Despite their lowest point of battle where Sebrof and Giana are under Rex's mercy, the destruction still spreads as the other eighth-rank figures are not able to get close due to the increased power of Rex's dark dome.

Even though they wanted to help, they can't. All they can do was watch from the sidelines.

"So in exchange for what you did, I'm going to kill both of you and then those close to you. Only then I will consider it even...", Rex said with a tone filled with murderous intent, his mind was cloudy and he can't think straight even if he wanted to.josei

Not to mention that he doesn't want to think straight, all he wanted is to exact revenge.

But his rampage against the killers of his parents was disrupted by a voice calling him from behind, it was a voice that he recognized almost instantly. Looking over his shoulder, Rex saw his only friend in this dark world being supported by Kyran.

Instantly after that, the dark dome around him shrinks as he was caught in surprise.

Since he wasn't paying attention to the notification from the system earlier when he gave Edward the Bead of Life, he was not expecting him to be alive. It was just a desperate act of his, wanting to at least do something to save them.

From the looks of it, the Bead of Life managed to heal Edward's wound before it was too late.

Without even commenting on the disbelief look that Edward is wearing right now, Rex trains his face to his front again and commanded with a cold tone, "Search for both of their families and bring them to me, I'll show them the feeling of losing their loved ones in cold blood"

"Each of your loved ones will die today, and after that, I'll simply say sorry... just like you did"

Rex directed his purple eyes straight at Giana that has the audacity to actually apologize for killing the most important person in his life, he was not going to accept that. But it seems she doesn't understand the bearing of what she did.

Because of that, he will teach her the feeling he's feeling right now to see if she can forgive him.

Upon hearing this Edward started walking limply toward the dark dome that has now shrunk from its regular size but condensed, even more, his hands then tries to get inside the dark dome but he got instantly zapped and pushed back.

Kyran went over to Edward's back and prevent him from falling by catching him.

While he was trying to stand back up to try once again, Edward's eyes landed on a headless corpse on the side. From the uniform the headless corpse is wearing, he instantly recognized that headless corpse to be Zero, the one that started all of this.

Realizing that Rex has crossed the line that he set himself, Edward clenched both of his fists.

Looking at his friend that is now already on the verge of being stripped of his humanity, he can feel the sadness overwhelming his entire heart as he never had expected that it will end like this. Both of them have the same purpose in life, the urge of helping humanity win the war.

Not in a million years has he ever thought of Rex causing severe damage to humanity like this.

Although he still wants to believe that it was impossible for his friend who is the person that hated the Supernaturals the most that he knew to do something like this, the proof lies in front of him to see.

It seems what Mrs. Greene said to him back then was true, the rope is weak and now it snapped.

But knowing the real history of Rex Silverstar from the start, Edward knows why this incident is very devastating for him. What birthed the extreme hatred he had for the Supernatural was the fact that his birth parents were killed by a Werewolf.

Just like that, the same thing happened again but this time humans were the ones responsible.

Saying that the impact would be devastating to Rex is an understatement, he was caught in the middle where he has nowhere to go. Both sides have done him wrong, the only outcome would be a bloodbath exactly like the current moment.

Edward strengthens his resolve before he walks forward once again, "Don't do this, Rex..."

"I know you for years, and I know deep down you didn't want to do this but were forced to do this! Stop this madness or you'll be the reason humanity falls, your mother doesn't want this! She declared it right before her death!", he shouted with a hint of desperation.

Although he wanted Rex to stop, a part of him is conflicted in saying this.

Out of no circumstances that he would be able to refrain from doing the unthinkable when either Zelene or his uncle was killed in cold blood like Zero did to Rex's parents, but he also know that Rex is stronger than him physically and mentally.

But upon hearing this, Rex's head suddenly turned back abruptly with a hint of disbelief.

Rex was looking at Edward as if he just saw a ghost, his eyes are fixed and his body went stiff as if he was in a state of absolute disbelief. With one swift motion, he pulled his claws out before summoning the Amuerus Katana and also the Silver Eye before he pinned Sebrof and Giana on the ground by stabbing their stomach with those weapons.

After doing that, he deactivated the Night of Full Moon Dome and approached Edward.

Upon seeing the heavily stepping Rex who is heading towards him, Edward held his chest in pain before he added, "You out of all people know how much impact if you kill Sebrof and Giana right now, the Supernaturals will raze humanity to the ground..."

Like a raging bull, Rex's breaths started to get heavy as his anger mounted once again.

"Me? You're blaming me for doing this when they are the ones that did the killing?! Do you understand what they did?! They took everything from me!!", Rex roared before stopping right in front of Edward, towering over him.

With the Werewolf form that he was currently in, Edward looks tiny in comparison.

Glaring purple eyes that are filled with murderous intent and have no sight of the friend he once knew, suppressing horns that are the main regulator of the Dual King Mark, and also the roughed breaths that show the erupting anger inside of him.

Anger was present but that was not the only emotion present inside of him right now.

In the midst of the erupting anger he had from realizing that Edward, his only friend is siding with the killers of his parents, there was also a hint of disappointment in his heart. Out of all people, Edward should've been the one that understands him.

Everything he did was for the sake of his parents whether his birth or foster parents.

Rex's entire purpose in life was to give peace to his birth parents in heaven right now, and also give a life worth living to his foster parents that helped him overcome the darkest time of his life from losing his birth parents.

But now they were also taken, at the very least he expected Edward to side with him.

"You said that my mother doesn't want me to do this?", Rex mutters intently, he then chuckled mockingly before he continues, "It's easy for her to say that, she's dead! She's not the one that keeps on living and having to deal with the nightmares that are going to haunt me again, it's me that needs to deal with all of it!"

"You're my friend! But you're helping them?", he added with a tone of disbelief.

Although his voice was rough and endearing since he's in his Werewolf form, the disbelief and pain inside his tone are evident. Now he feels like he loses his friend too, pushing him deeper into despair.

Upon hearing this, Edward puts on a genuine smile to comfort the anger inside of Rex.

Even though Rex's eyes has already changed and shows signs of hostility toward him, Edward kept a genuine smile and said softly, "I'm not doing this for them, I'm doing this for you. You've suffered enough, there was no need for you to live a life of revenge again..."

Rex was stunned upon hearing this, for a second there his mind was cleared from the clouds.

'No matter what I've experienced in the past, it doesn't justify what I did to your family just because they were also humans. But I think you know that now since you're alone here...', for a brief second, Ruston's voice rang inside his head reminding him about what he had just realized.

Closing his eyes, his mind also repeated the vision he saw back at the hospital earlier.

'Forgive them'

'I've always loved you until the very end...'

Now that he knows that his parents are dead, he realized that the voice he heard earlier and the brown wolf that visited him was none other than his mother, Mrs. Greene saying goodbye. It was her voice that reached his heart.

Rex finds it unbelievable that a connection they had can spark that kind of illusion.

But then his mind reversed back to his mother's corpse, lying coldly on the ground killed by the cold hands of a human. Unconsciously, Rex clenched his hands tightly, 'I want to, mother... But I'm sorry, I can't do that'

Immediately after that, Rex opens his eyes which are already turned cold.

Looking at Edward who is wearing a pleasant smile, trying to dissuade him from exacting revenge, he raises his chin coldly, "I know exactly what you're doing, Edward. You're just as selfish as them that dare to apologize after they did the killing", Rex said with anger stated clearly inside his voice.

Upon hearing this, Edward frowns as he was caught off guard by the sudden change.

"You're not doing this for me, or them... you're just doing this for yourself!", he added ruthlessly.


Rex hit Edward with his backhand, sending Edward crashing away to the side.

Without minding what happened to his only friend that betrayed him, Rex turns around to resume what he was doing to Sebrof and Giana that are still pinned on the ground. Slowly his claws burn with the energy from the Unholy Claws of the Reaper once again, intending to hurt them again.

Jumping high into the sky, he bares the full power of the Dual King Mark.

The clouds in the sky started to turn into a vortex of whirling wind as Rex poured everything into his claws, his eyes flashes murderously intending to hurt Sebrof and Giana real bad for doing what they did to him.

Not a strand of sanity can be seen inside his eyes, every fiber of his being is fixated on revenge.



Under such an intense amount of power generated by the Dual King Mark that gathered onto his horns, cracks in the dimension started to appear, showing an empty void that feels chillingly eerie.

With one jolt of power, Rex descends down from the sky like a meteor.

But when he was nearing Sebrof and Giana, out of nowhere, a powerful ringing sound blasted his mind. Upon the sudden ringing sound that rattled his mind, Rex stopped in his tracks, dazed as his energy dispersed.

It was sudden and he was also surprised by this, Rex falls from the sky and landed on the ground.


Holding onto his painful head that feels like they were crushed from the inside, Rex was absolutely confused as to where this sudden ringing sound comes from. It almost feels like a mental attack, but there should be none capable of doing this, 'S-System, what is hap-'

Before he can even ask the system, an astral voice resounded inside his mind.

'How dare you...'

Rex heard the devastatingly powerful voice inside his mind, he recognize the voice and it definitely comes from the Countess of the Dark Lunirich. It sounded like she was angry beyond comprehension.

<Countess of the Dark Lunirich is trying to devour the user's existence!>

<Repelling the hostile energy...>

<Completed! Countess of the Dark Lunirich's power has been negated and failed to devour the user's existence>

As if it was a powerful hit to his mind, his cloudy mind was cleared once more.

Upon reading the notification from the system, Rex staggered as his mind was exhausted just from the sudden attack from the Countess of the Dark Lunirich. But then, an eerie chuckling sound can be heard inside his mind but it was not the Countess of the Dark Lunirich.

'Kaiser...? Is the Countess angry that I got the Blood Moon King Mark too?'

Realizing the possibility, Rex gritted his teeth before he raises his head to glare at Sebrof and Giana in front of him, 'Please... not now! I need to make them suffer and exact revenge for my mother!', but his hope was shattered when the two kingly energy started to reject each other.

"GRAARGHH!!", Rex shouted at the top of his lungs as the kingly energy attacked his body.

But as if the world wanted to prevent him from doing anything to Sebrof and Giana, and thought that the pain he was feeling right now was not enough, another notification from the system appeared.

<Ancient Rune of Harmony has been activated!>

'W-What is it now?!', Rex exclaimed inwardly, cursing the series of unfortunate events.

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