The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 608 Splitting Path

Chapter 608 Splitting Path

Rex falls to his knees from the sudden outburst of the two kingly energies that are rejecting each other and coupled with the Ancient Rune of Harmony that came out of nowhere. None of this is expected, he was desperately trying to collect himself for the sake of revenge.

At this point Rex has already accepted his fate, the world wants him to live a life of hatred.

Maybe that's the only path that is laid out in front of him to keep on living in this world of madness, he slowly started to see the clear picture now. Rather than keeps on rejecting, it's better that he embrace his role in this world.

Clenching the ground with both of his hands, Rex's purple eyes glared at Sebrof and Giana.

Upon looking at Rex that suddenly fell to the ground from the outburst of his own energy, Sebrof grabs the Silver Eye stabbing him before pulling it out. Silver weapons don't affect humans, it hurts but he ignored it and break-free.

With one flow of movement, Sebrof pulls out the Amuerus Katana and helps Giana jump away.

Since they were both ninth-rank realm Awakened, their life force is too much for something like that to actually kill them. A couple of swift powerful attacks to the spirit core, head, or heart are needed to kill them once and for all.

Although they did this under Rex's hateful gaze, he can't do anything about it.

From the myriad of pain that he has suffered and endured throughout his life, this one is reaching the top as he feels like his entire body is about to be ripped apart from the inside. It was painful but Rex endured it through his hatred alone.josei

"NOT NOW!!", Rex screamed, punching the ground angrily.

But the Ancient Rune of Harmony started to take effect and calms the anger burning inside of him, just like a fire being splashed by water, his anger quickly decreases under the Ancient Rune of Harmony's effect.

Sensing a couple of figures on the side, Rex saw Flunra, Gistella, and Adhara arrive at the scene.

Realizing that Flunra is raising his arm forward while channeling weird energy in his palm that made it glows with a subtle light, Rex gritted his canine teeth strongly, "FLUNRA!! I'M YOUR ALPHA, DEACTIVATE THE RUNE RIGHT NOW!!"

A powerful roar resounded, scaring the living hell out of Flunra and Adhara.

The expression Rex is wearing right now is by far the scariest, it was a mix of anger, desperation, and sorrow that created such a contorted expression that can induce fear in anyone's heart. Rex was completely desperate and insane, finding that his anger is fading away.

Even though losing his anger means he would regain his senses, he doesn't want that to happen.

"GRARGGHH!!", Rex shouted as he tries to push himself off of the ground, but the kingly energies pushes him back down forcing him to kneel. Blood started to overflow from his mouth, it was his last attempt, and failed.

Now the burning flame of anger inside of him is nothing but a fraction of what it was a minute ago.

Soon enough the rejecting kingly energies gathered onto his horns, clashing for once last time before the Dark Moonlight Kingly energy vanished in a whim, forcing his King Mark to be completely engulfed in the color red.

From the side, Sebrof and Giana are watching this with heavy breaths.

Both of them are unsure whether they should engage or not in this situation, they lost against Rex earlier and it wouldn't be a good idea to engage once again. Additionally, they also want to engage due to the anger slowly vanishing from Rex's face.


In the blink of an eye, the rampaging energy from Rex vanished leaving not a single trace.

Rex stayed kneeling for an uncomfortable amount of moment before his body moved a little, his arm slowly reaches for his face before rubbing something. Immediately after that, he raises his gaze which has turned indifferent and cold.

Despite his calm demeanor, he was not calm inside. It was nothing but a facade.

<Warning! The user's condition is weakened and critical!>

<Due to the drawback from the Countess of the Dark Lunirich, the effect from the Dual King Mark has been removed. The user's stats have been weakened to one King Mark level until reclaiming the power of the Banished Dark Moon King Mark>

<Sanity stat has been increased due to the Ancient Rune of Harmony!>

<Mental stat has been reduced back to normal!>

Even with the notifications from the system that are warning him about his condition, Rex kept an indifferent and stoic expression despite feeling his power leaving him. It was a feeling that he loathed as his pinnacle of power was stripped away.

Keeping his body straight like an arrow, Rex gazes at Sebrof and Giana for a moment.

Both of them feel their necks being choked just from Rex's gaze alone, they now know exactly how powerful Rex really is and they don't want him as an enemy. But they don't know if that's possible right now.

Slowly Rex turned back into his human form, exposing his injuries that are covered by furs earlier.

It was not only the injuries that he sustained from the fight against Sebrof or Giana earlier, but more wounds appeared that comes from the clashing kingly energy before. When he feels his body was about to be ripped into shreds, it was not just his mind but his body really experienced that.

While trying to calm his rough breaths, Rex glances to the side at Flunra and Adhara.

Looking at Flunra that is already lowering his arm and deactivating the Ancient Rune of Harmony, Rex sighs inwardly feeling the suspense of anger inside of him is distasteful. Averting his eyes away, he suddenly feel something touching his left hand.

Rex looks down and saw a trail of blood hit his hand before flowing in another direction.

Following the trail of blood, he saw an arm sticking out of the rubble on the side. Someone is buried under the rubble and has already died, evacuating from this close to the fight is not possible for many Awakened much less a regular person.

Upon seeing that Rex takes a deep breath before he gazes back at the two with squinted eyes.

Both of them are clearly hurt from the devastating fight they had earlier, the wounds covering their whole bodies are no joke. If not they were ninth-rank realm Awakened then they would've been weakened or died from blood loss.

Even though many thought that it was already over, Rex refused to go stop with just this much.

Since the King Mark has been overtaken by the Blood Moon, his weakened body was still starting to be rejuvenated by the massive amount of blood spilled around the entire sector and beyond due to his rampage earlier.

Rex has enough strength to do one last thing, and he intends to use it to etch a reminder on them.


With the excitement of blood pumping inside his veins, Rex vanishes from his spot, turning into a blur before he arrived right in front of Sebrof and Giana who hasn't even realized Rex is already in front of them due to how fast he was moving.

Maybe his stats have been reduced, but the enhancement from the blood raised it up again.

Despite his exhaustion that is overflowing his entire body, stiffening his movement greatly, Rex turns his hands into claws once more before the Unholy Claws of the Reaper energy cloaked them again. Muscles in his claws contracted as he swiped both Giana and Sebrof.

Being caught off guard, both of them are too late to respond to the sudden attack.



Giana suffered the most as the claws swiped her from her waist all the way to her face, leaving four claw marks that are splurting blood and are gruesome to see. While on the other hand, Sebrof manages to react and tries to dodge the sharp claws.

But he made a huge mistake raising his arms to block the claws that have absolute sharpness.

With the powerful momentum from the claws, half of Sebrof's entire left arm got severed before the claws also slashed the side of his body leaving a nasty gash. It happened in a fraction of a second, and Rex then went back to where he stood earlier.

"A reminder for both of you, don't think that this is over...", Rex said threateningly.

Sebrof and Giana groan in pain while holding the part that got clawed by Rex.

The Unholy Claws of the Reaper contains Origin-level energy which is very powerful and can cut through anything. Not only that, but the wound inflicted by it would also be unable to be healed without the same level of energy.

Humanity doesn't have Origin-level power, and the wounds Rex inflicted would be permanent.

With a messed up face, claw marks, and a severed arm, Giana and Sebrof gritted their teeth in pain feeling that the energy they were inflicted with is not a joke. Even when Giana tries to heal her wounds, it doesn't work.

Now they knew what Rex means by a reminder as these wounds are incurable.

Rex then added before he turns around,  "Not today, not next week, or maybe not in the near future. But believe me that I will have my revenge. When you're not expecting, I will be there with my hands around your neck. Savor what's left of your lives, they are nearing the end"

Rex then leaped and landed near the others that are still processing the scene in their minds.

Although they already know that Rex was on a rampage over something that happened to his mother, they still find it unbelievable that sector 3 of Ratmawati City was reduced to this state. One of the most shocked ones was Adhara as she was living here ever since she joined the university.

Many remains of people under the rubble can be seen, the scent of death is thick here.

But knowing full well about Rex's personality, she doesn't pity these people as she knows that something big must've happened for Rex to be like this. If anyone then blames the one that caused Rex to go on a rampage like this.

Just as Rex was about to leave, wanting to retrieve his parents' corpses, he senses someone.

Glancing to the side, he saw a heavily injured man decorated with blood all over crawl out of the rubble. It was Edward, who surprisingly didn't die from that backhand attack. Upon seeing this, Rex smiled mockingly.

"You're still alive? You're pretty resilient, my parents died and you somehow are still alive..."

Although he was knocked unconscious a couple of seconds earlier, he heard the conversation Rex had with both Sebrof and Giana earlier. Desperately forcing his body to stand up, Edward then said, "We can work this out, Rex. Don't leave or you're stepping on a path with no return"

Rex chuckled descendingly, he can't help but praise this fake friend for still trying.

"I know, and I've already made my decision. No more picking sides now, you can play along with the little war you're having with the Supernatural as much as you want. Since those two wanted me dead, then they don't need my help and my role here is finished"

Looking over his shoulder to Sebrof and Giana, he then added, "I'm not on your side anymore..."

With the last declaration of his decision to not be a part of whatever happens to Humanity and Supernaturals, Rex then looks back at Edward again before he added coldly, "And I'm not your friend anymore..."

After saying that, he takes a deep breath before he vanished from his spot, intending to retrieve his parents' corpse to be buried somewhere that doesn't stink of Supernaturals and even Humans.

Upon his disappearance, Edward's eyes shifted to the others that are still in their spots.

"Adhara... we can stop him from going further, humanity needs him and deep down you're all humans, not Supernaturals. Please, just stay here and we'll fix this...", Edward said, he even sounded like he was begging.

But Adhara only glanced at Kyran that is approaching them from the side.

Just as Kyran arrived beside her, he leaned into her ears and whispered something. It was the cause of why Rex went berserk like this, starting from the fact that Giana wanted to kill him and Zero attacked the mansion and killed Mrs. Greene, Robert, and even almost killed Edward.

In a second, her expression turns hideous as she mutters, "Is my father alright?"

"Don't worry, I sensed him running away alongside Zelene and Edward's Uncle. Your father is safe, only Rex's parents were killed", Kyran replied with a grim tone, he didn't see how they died but saw their remains.

Adhara then shifted her eyes back to Edward in the far distance, holding his broken arm.

"I'm sorry..."

"No, please...!"

From those two words that came out of Adhara's mouth, Edward already know where this conversation is going as he pleaded for her to stay. But Adhara then added, "With what happened, these people don't deserve Rex's help. You know what he has done for humanity, but this is how he was repaid for everything he sacrificed"

"I know but we can still fi-"

"That's enough, I'm going with Rex", Adhara intervenes before turning around and leaving.

With her dashing away to follow Rex, Gistella and Flunra also gave one last look to Edward and the others before they too dashes away. No matter what happened, Rex is their Alpha and they are loyal to the very end.

All that is left was on the place was Kyran who is looking at Edward with a troubled expression.

Even though he spent most of his time with Rex who is his Alpha, Kyran can't deny the bond he had with Edward through times spent living with him. It was not as deep but it was still there, and splitting like this still breaks his heart.

"Kyran, don't go. I don't know what I can do if I'm alone...", Edward said, trying to cling to hope.

But no amount of words can change Kyran's mind from following Rex as Rex was the one that helped him during the dark time of his life, if Rex weren't there then he might just already committed suicide due to the sorrow.

On top of that, he also knows the rage of losing someone he loved coldly.

"I don't want us to split like this, but Rex is still the one that helped me the most. By turning me into this... monster, I have the power to kill Supernaturals. It gave me a sense of purpose to keep living on, so I'm sorry Edward but I'll have to follow him", Kyran finally said as a single tear fall down his cheek.

With one last look, Kyran's body slowly disappears and turns into a shadow before disappearing.

Edward falls to both of his knees when everyone left, leaving him alone inside this place he called home. Despite years of having dry eyes, this time tears started to overflow as he sobbed helplessly for not being able to keep his only friend, and people he considered family by him.

It was the worst feeling as more tears started to flow out.

As the devastating battle that destroyed many sectors and killed many innocent people ended, all that is left filling the entire place was the sobbing sound of Edward in the midst of the rubble. It sounded lonely and painful.

Just like having his soul cut in half as one half decided to leave and consider him unworthy.

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