The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 610 Retreating Supernaturals

Chapter 610 Retreating Supernaturals

Ruined Vampire Stronghold, The Great Barricade.

Using the earth manipulation spells from many Awakened stationed inside the Ruined Vampire Stronghold, a couple of temporary houses made of dirt and clay can be seen built inside the stronghold for the Awakened to rest.

Not only that but the military also has contributed with modern weaponry on the walls.

Modern weapons from heavy artillery, ballistic missiles, and even tanks can be seen on the walls and inside ready for a sudden attack from the Supernaturals. With the additional tens of thousands of military men, the Ruined Vampire Stronghold has been fortified greatly.

In the middle of the stronghold lies quite a big house where Brigitta is sitting inside a room alone.

Although the room was tranquil with nothing but silence that can ease the mind, Brigitta's expression is far away from tranquil as she was experienced a stressful moment that might triumph over any bad moment she experienced so far.

Brigitta knows that Ratmawati City is being attacked, but she can't do anything about it.

The powerful gust of shockwaves that came from Ratmawati City can be felt directly by her as her senses span miles and miles away, and that sense of her makes her even more stressed as these shockwaves are no joke.

With both of her hands supporting her forehead, Brigitta stayed silent for about ten minutes.

Many bad scenarios run through her mind which is very troubling for her, it's also the reason why she was sitting alone inside this room because she can't let the other Awakened and military men here saw her being like this.

Cultivating the strict and cold persona, Brigitta can't show any emotions in front of the others.

But soon enough the sound of footsteps can be heard from outside the room forcing her to lean back on the chair she was sitting on, taking a deep breath she erased the worry on her face in the blink of an eye before an Awakened knock on the door and stepped inside.

Going in a military salute stance, Brigitta waves her hand before the Awakened relaxed.

"I've received news from Sir Denzel about Ratmawati City and am here to report it to you", the Awakened said clearly, and this made Brigitta's eyes widen in anticipation as this is what she wanted to hear the most.

Out of everything, it's about time she received the good or bad news about Ratmawti City.

Although she was anticipating this moment to come, the Awakened's expression turns gloomy making her unconsciously forget to take a breath, "Ratmawati City has been attacked suddenly by a ninth-rank Supernatural, it started at the Silverstar Family's mansion and devastate a huge part of sector 2 and sector 3. Most of the Silverstar Family died from that attack including Rex Silverstar, but President Sebrof and Lady Giana managed to fend off the Supernatural off until it got away. Both of them were heavily injured but will survive. As of now, the statistics show that proximately a million lives have been lost from that attack..."

Upon hearing this, Brigitta's eyes train down to her desk, stunned by the news she just received.

Even though she already expected that the damage would be catastrophic since the Supernaturals has never reached Ratmawati City ever since the Supernatural Emergence, which leads to their defense protocol inside being weak, the news was just too shocking.

It was like a bomb exploding inside her mind, this kind of damage was way out of her expectations.

Not only was sector 2 and 3 got decimated by that sudden attack, but the victims reaches a million in numbers. On top of that, the rising star of humanity, Rex Silverstar died from that which is a very huge loss for them.

Despite never meeting the man, she has high expectations of Rex Silverstar.

Giana has talked about Rex a couple of times to her and she also has high expectations for him, which is why she's anticipating for Rex to become the fifth ninth-rank realm Awakened of humanity, putting them closer to the Supernatural's overall power.

But now the news she received told her that he was dead, and that made her slump in her chair.

The Awakened kept silent for a moment to let Brigitta process the news she just heard since he also needs some time to collect himself after hearing the news, but then steps closer to the desk and stretches out his hand, "Lady Brigitta, this is a personal message from Sir Denzel. He wanted you to read it alone"

Brigitta takes the envelope before she nodded her head and send the Awakened away.

Just like before the Awakened salute once again before turning around and leaving the room, it was only Brigitta and the envelope now, 'What does Denzel want to say to be secretive like this? Does the attack has more to it than what meets the eye?'


Opening the envelope, Brigitta takes out the piece of paper before she unfolded it.

Upon reading the first sentence that is handwritten at the very top of the paper, Brigitta's eyes widened as she covers her mouth in absolute shock. She was right, the attack was deeper than it seems.

Now that she read this, she realized that the attack was off since Ratmawati City is secured.

Jewel of Last Hope, the barrier surrounding Ratmawati City has been standing for dozens of years and contains a devastating amount of multiple arcane mana from different ninth-rank realms Awakened. It's unbreakable even by the Kings of the Supernaturals and is the thing that makes Ratmawati City a sanctuary for humanity.

Even from afar, Brigitta can still feel the robust energy of the Jewel of Last Hope.

If the Jewel of Last Hope is still standing strongly then the fact that a Supernatural managed to sneak inside is close to impossible, especially a ninth-rank realm Supernatural that would definitely be sensed by the eighth-rank realm Awakened and above.

Focusing back on the letter, Brigitta can't help but frown, "How did this happen...?"

'Rex Silverstar is the one that attacked Ratmawati City, he's a Werewolf Prince.'

Although she already read it a couple of times already in a span of half a minute, Brigitta still finds this surreal as Rex is clearly an Awakened with an affinity to the black lightning element. It's precisely why she finds it hard to believe since no Werewolves have lighting affinity.

One and the only element that the Werewolves can control is moonlight, that's it.

Just from the first sentence alone explains a lot of questions that are inside Brigitta's head right now, but then more questions popped out replacing the answered questions, "Why did he suddenly attack us if all this while he hasn't done anything crazy? Killing Wesley is crazy, but he's long deserving it"

Continuing to read the letter from Denzel, her eyes quickly scan through the content of the letter.

Basically, the letter's content is Denzel sharing the information straight from Ratmawati City that he had just received, the reason for Rex's sudden outburst is also stated there as Giana's fault as one of her men killed Rex's parents.

Keeping this information a secret from the public is a must as they already got a story.


While reading through the entire letter word by word trying to decipher what is the cause of this catastrophic event, Brigitta started to become angry as she blamed Giana for this. But knowing her history, Brigitta knows why she did this.

Even then it doesn't change the fact that the world was affected by her decision.

Soon enough Brigitta arrives at the last sentence at the very bottom which is in capital letters and underlined, and this sentence makes her clench the letter before she looks to the side with a troubled expression.

'Rex Silverstar is going out of the human territory, make sure to not block him'

Although he can either leave human territory through the Great Barricade near her right now or the Demon Stronghold, chances are he would be going through the Ruined Vampire Stronghold. It's nearer and safer so Brigitta needs to prepare.

Other people don't know this and she needs to control the military men and Awakened here.

But just as she was about to go out and regulate the people stationed here, the door suddenly got knocked on just when she reaches for the handle. Opening the door, she saw the same Awakened from before standing in front of the door.

"Lady Brigitta, I think you need to see this..."

Upon hearing this, Brigitta instantly rushes outside following the Awakened.

Reaching outside of the house the both of them instantly jumped to the walls facing the Supernatural territory, the Awakened then points forward before he said, "It's started about five minutes ago, they are starting to retreat for some reason"

Looking at the view, Brigitta frowns as she doesn't understand why they are doing this.

'Did they sense the fight in Ratmawati City? They probably did but still, if they wanted to attack us then why are they doing this?', Brigitta thought, pondering as to the reason why the Supernaturals are doing what they were doing right now.

The army of Supernaturals that are guarding the Ruined Vampire Stronghold started retreating.

Each one of them started to turn around and retreated in an organized manner, they are doing a tactful retreat but the reason is unknown. Not only that but Brigitta also saw that Demelza is also retreating after giving one last look at the Ruined Vampire Stronghold.

From left to right, Brigitta didn't see even one Supernaturals that remained there.

Surprisingly enough even a couple of watchtower that has never been empty was pulled and desolated, the Supernaturals are commencing a full retreat of the entire place as if they were giving up grounds for humanity to reclaim.

"Get back, I'll try to find what's going on", Brigitta commanded before her eyes burned with mana.

In a matter of seconds, Brigitta managed to gather so much green arcane mana and concentrate it to the middle of her forehead, the glow in her eyes becomes even fiercer as a green glow appears, "Ultimate Arcane Spell, Whispers of the Wind!"


Just after she chanted that, a couple of ripples made of wind arcane mane swept the entire place.

About three ripples that keep on expanding to her front cover every nook and corner of the desolate plain and forest in front of the Ruined Vampire Stronghold, her eyes were closed as she tries to find anything out of the ordinary.

Since the spell is a locating spell, she finds that the Supernaturals are really retreating.

Many of them including the lower-rank ones and the higher-rank ones left the entire place, even Demelza was amongst them, walking back deeper into the Supernatural territory. But upon reaching a certain distance, Brigitta suddenly frowned.

'Hmmm...?', Brigitta can feel the ripples meet a restriction that made it unable to advance further.

Just after clashing against this unknown restriction, the ripples got shredded into pieces before disappearing almost instantly. Brigitta got knocked back to her senses as she looks to the front with a frown, "I don't know what, but the Supernaturals are planning something"

True enough, Brigitta squinted her eyes and find the retreating Supernaturals suddenly disappeared.

Even though the army of Supernaturals that are so massive that they filled the entire forest from left to right, they slowly disappeared one by one as they enter somekind of invisible barrier. It's surely the works of a ninth-rank Supernatural if her spell was broken like that.

In fact, she suspects that it's the work of multiple ninth-rank realm Supernaturals.

Although she was the third strongest ninth-rank realm Awakened after Sebrof and Denzel, a ninth-rank realm Supernatural shouldn't be able to disperse her spell as easily as that. It's impossible as there was no resistance.

The ripples just shatter upon clashing against the barrier which leads her to that conclusion.

But just to make sure, Brigitta glances at the military men on the wall near the ballistic missiles before she instructed, "Fire a couple of missiles forward, give each missile some space from the other. I want to see if there's really a barrier there and how big it is"

Upon hearing this, the military men activate the weapon and put in the coordinates.

Soon enough the ballistic missile launcher positioned itself left and up facing the sky, with a press of a button eight missiles fired before they splits to eight different path. These missiles are quite fast as they launches into the horizon.

Brigitta squinted her eyes waiting for the impact to happen.

Just a moment later the eight missiles exploded one by one upon hitting the barrier, and this confirms her suspicion and also the size of the barrier, "It's massive... about ten miles wide. What are they going to do with this?"

As she mutters that to herself, Brigitta suddenly sensed an aura from the other side.

Looking over to the back she sensed a powerful aura alongside four other auras heading towards the Ruined Vampire Stronghold, and she already guessed who these people are, "The letter came at the right time, he's already here..."

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