The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 611 Brigitta's Warning

Chapter 611 Brigitta's Warning

"Everybody stand down until further instruction! Quickly takes cover too!"

Realizing that the people heading in the Ruined Vampire Stronghold direction were none other than Rex's group, Brigitta commanded the military men and Awakened to keep their weapons down and lay low for a bit.

Despite still feeling that it was a bit unbelievable, she was not taking any chances.

Out of the people here, there are only a couple of them that can sustain an outburst of energy from a ninth-rank realm entity, only the eighth-rank realm Awakened and above can sustain it. Brigitta doesn't want any more casualties after reading the letter she gets from Denzel.

Upon hearing the instruction, everyone instantly went to hiding without any question.

Slowly glowing and sparkling wind gathers around Brigitta's lower body before she slowly got lifted off of the wall, she flew above the Ruined Vampire Stronghold before she points her palm and chanted, "Ultimate Spell, Protection of Zephys..."

Instantly after she chanted that, a gust of wind swirls and engulfs the entire stronghold.

From the outside, all that can be seen through was nothing but the wind that keeps on circling around chaotically almost like a dome of a tornado. Not even a glimpse of the Ruined Vampire Stronghold can be seen from outside, 'With this, they should be safe if something really did happen...'

Brigitta then trains her glowing green eyes forward as her blonde hair flutters by the wind.

Looking at the five approaching figures that are sticking tightly to each other, she slowly heads over them before descending from the sky. Even though she knows that Rex is a killer, his reasoning is justified, heck she would've done the same thing.

Even though the news of a million dead hurt her, she already got her orders.

Out of everything she is, she was not the one taking the hard decisions here. Sebrof was the one taking on that role. If Sebrof told her to stand down then he must've already thought it through, and Brigitta will not act on impulse knowing that.


Just like a fairy beloved by the wind, Brigitta landed on the ground elegantly.

Upon seeing that someone is blocking their way, Rex and the others stopped a distance away from Brigitta while wearing unfriendly expressions. Since they just left a rigorous battle, they are still burning on the inside, especially Rex.


A moment before, Kyran disappears into the darkness intending to leave.

But right before he left he suddenly sensed something thrown on the side near Zero's corpse, he wanted to look at the item but his entire body is giving him danger signals. Kyran went stiff but he finds the energy coming from the item felt familiar.

'It feels like Adhara's energy...'

Knowing that it will be trouble if used against them, Kyran decided to retrieve the item.

Without Edward, Giana, and even Sebrof realizing, Kyran maneuvered around them and approaches the item lying on the ground. None of them sensed him due to their chaotic senses right now after fighting a devastating battle against Rex.

Kyran didn't try to touch the item and instead control his dark element to grab a hold of the item.

Holding his breath, fearing that he might get injured, the dark element grabs the item.

Upon feeling that the dark element managed to grab the item without hurting him, Kyran smiled in relief before he finally left the place, heading over to Rex that clearly went over to where his parents' corpses lie.

Kyran's dark element proves to be perfect in this situation as nobody realized what he has done.

On the other side of the place, Rex stopped a distance away from the corpses.

Despite the urge of wanting to kill everyone in the entire vicinity still blazing inside of him, he realized that he has killed so many people already, blood already decorated wherever his eyes gazes onto. So he decided to stop, for now.

But even then, Giana and Sebrof still need to pay the price. They definitely will, but not now.

Rex would need to do something first before killing both of them, it will be his very first step into a new path. Now that he doesn't want to have any connection with either the Supernatural or Humanity, he would need to prepare himself to step into the abyss.

Until he has done the deeds, he would not kill Sebrof and Giana.

Aside from that, Rex also feels uncomfortable leaving his parent's corpses sprawling on the ground.

Since they were killed in cold blood by the hands of an Awakened that was fancied as the heroes or saviors of humanity, Rex doesn't want his parent's corpses to be left in the cold. Out of everything that happened, they need to be buried as soon as possible.

Letting them be like that would be him disrespecting his own parent, and he doesn't want that.

Just like having his heart broken all over again, his steps become heavy as he approaches his mother's corpse which is lying on the ground beautifully, especially with the slight smile on her face. It was beautiful but wrong at the same time.

With all the power he had within him that puts him at the very top of power.

Even with the insurmountable amount of power that makes him one of the ninth-rank realm entities in the current era, Rex's arms trembled as he lifted his mother's corpse. It feels very heavy, he handled her corpse with great care.

Upon looking at her, Rex's breath becomes heavy again as the anger resurfaced.

But he has already made his decision and the only thing he needed to do right now is get out of humanity's territory, he can't stand being inside here. Rex feels very tight around his chest the longer he stayed here.

Glancing over to Robert's corpse, Rex paused as he looks back at his mother's corpse again.

Upon seeing this from the back, Adhara instantly knows what Rex was thinking and instantly heads over to Robert's corpse and carries it carefully. It's clear to her that Rex doesn't want to put their corpses inside the inventory of the system.

The inventory is used to put varieties of items or objects, and his parent's corpses are not items.

Rex refrains from putting them in the inventory because of that, and it seems Adhara catches on quickly as she turns to look at Rex and said, "Let me carry him. Don't worry, I'll handle him with care just like if I'm carrying my own father's corpse"

Despite his broken state, Rex nodded his head in affirmation.

"Are you two sure you would follow me? If you do then there won't be any path back", Rex asks.

Although he was looking at the destruction he caused in front of him while saying this, Adhara and Kyran know that this question is meant for them. Flunra and Gistella are Supernaturals, they have no other choice but to follow Rex.

Upon hearing this, Kyran and Adhara nodded their heads with a smile.

"What else are we going to do? We've been through so much and we would definitely follow you no matter what your decision is", Adhara replied lightly, there was not even a thought of leaving Rex despite what he did.

In fact, she wanted him to be like this, humanity is just not worth it in her opinion.

Following Adhara's statement, Kyran also nodded his head and added, "Just like we all said, we're family. We're going to go through anything together, even if that means leaving humanity"

Listening to their answers with a blank expression, Rex then nodded his head.

But when he was about to signal for them to leave, Kyran suddenly vanishes and reappear behind him and grab his arm. Rex glanced at him but saw Kyran leaning to his ear, "I got something from Zero's corpse, but I think it's better for you to hold on to it. Don't look at it though"

Upon hearing this Rex frowns, he nodded his head before he holds out his hand.

Immediately after that Kyran takes out something from the darkness that made Rex's eyes widen, he's not looking at it but he knows exactly what it is. Knowing that the others are on his back, he immediately puts the item into the inventory.

Rex glanced back at Kyran before he said, "You did good, it's good that you take this with you"

Since he puts the item into the inventory after seeing a glimpse of it very quickly, the others at the back didn't realize the item. The only thing they felt was a cold breeze that gave them goosebumps, that's it.

With that out of the way, Rex leads them to head out of humanity's territory.


Back to the present,

Brigitta landed right in front of Rex and the others with her glowing green eyes gazing at them, she kept her eyes trained forward for a couple of uncomfortable seconds. What catches her eyes the most was the two corpses Rex and Adhara are carrying.

From that alone she knows that the letter was true, those corpses should be Rex's parents.

Since the entire ordeal is still pressuring him, Rex's patience thinned quicker as he said with a warning tone, "Nice spell... but those people inside that wind dome, do you really think they would be safe from me in a couple of seconds if you keep on standing in our way?"

"Move or you'll end up in a worse state than Giana and Sebrof..."

Upon hearing this, Brigitta clicks her tongue as she got ignited by that remarks.

Calming herself down with a deep breath, Brigitta then replied, trying her best to hide the anger in her tone, "Don't misunderstand my intention, I'm not here trying to block you from leaving. In fact, I was told to not block your way and let you go"

"I'm just here to warn you...", she added and paused,

Rex tilted his head to the side a little upon hearing this, he exposes his nasty expression anticipating the worst, "Warn me? I don't need to hear your empty threats. Do you really think you can take me on when Giana and Sebrof failed to do so?"

"Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't attack you and kill everyone right now"

Clenching both of her fists tightly, Brigitta looks down for a couple of seconds before she lifted her face to look at Rex once more, "Because the Supernaturals are planning something outside, you've helped Humanity a great bunch so I'm warning you out of the kindness of my heart. It's up to you to heed my warning or not"

After saying that, Brigitta turns around and flew away back to the stronghold.

But Rex on the other hand paused, he now realizes that the Supernaturals must sense his fight earlier with Sebrof and Giana. It's catastrophic and he refuses to believe that the Supernaturals are not going to do anything knowing that fight.

Despite wanting to ask Brigitta about the Supernaturals, his ego wouldn't let him.

Just from a glance at his expression, Adhara saw through him easily as she stepped to the side and gives Robert's corpse to Kyran. Stepping to Rex's side, she holds his hand for a moment and said,  "It's okay, let me ask her. If the Supernaturals are trying to do something, we need to know and prepare to fight them"

Nodding his head, Adhara then heads over to Brigitta that is above the wind dome.josei

Flunra also follows after her as he knows more about the Supernaturals compared to anyone here. If the Supernaturals are trying something, then he can help decipher what are they planning so he needed to come.

Upon nearing the wind dome, Adhara and Flunra gaze up at Brigitta.

"Why are you still here, go on. Get out of our territory", Brigitta said sternly with her sharp gaze.

Knowing that Brigitta was hurt by Rex's taunt earlier, Adhara sighs before she replied, "We want to know how you know the Supernaturals are planning something, the sooner you tell us the sooner we leave your territory"

Brigitta scoffed before she points to the side, over the Great Barricade.

Wanting to check what was she pointing at, Adhara went to her Werewolf form before both of them started climbing the Great Barricade. It takes them a moment to claw their way through to the top of the Great Barricade but they eventually got there.

Arriving at the top, both of them look over to the other side before they frown.

Nothing seems out of the ordinary based on a glance, but before they can ask Brigitta already open a little bit of the tornado covering the stronghold and instructed the military men to fire the missile launcher once again. Adhara and Flunra watch the missiles travel through the sky.

But after about a mile away, all of the missiles exploded as if they hits something.

Upon seeing the throbbing barrier that spans very wide, Flunra can't help but frown and so does Adhara that also saw this happening. It's clear that the normal scenery of the forest on the other side was nothing but a facade.

"All of the Supernaturals retreated a moment ago, I think they're expecting all of you to come out"

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