The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 653 Cursed Commander

Chapter 653 Cursed Commander

Relishing the taste of nearing death due to her carelessness, Adhara has become very alert while she watches the cursed creatures keep on advancing forwards. She really wanted to do something, but what she experienced earlier made her hesitate.

But who could blame her? Experiencing a near-death experience is not something to disparage.

While watching from the top of the wall with a bead of cold sweat running down the side of her face, Adhara closed her eyes and takes a deep breath to calm her hesitant mind. Opening her eyes back, she then narrowed her eyebrows and looks at the two strong cursed creatures at the center.

'If I use my elements, the Fire Curse would burn me and the Wind Curse would suffocate me'

Since she was struck by both painful sensations when the symbols on their chests glowed, responding to her approaching elements, Adhara now knows exactly what their curses are and she knows how to fight them.

All she needs to do is to refrain from using her elements, it's quite straightforward.

On top of that she also realized that their Elemental Curses are effective within a range, the line of violet fire that she created earlier doesn't get hit by the curse which means that their Elemental Curses only work within a certain range.

'Pretty close, should be around 100 feet close', Adhara thought before nodding inwardly.

Now that her mind is already clear again and straight, she realizes that she doesn't need to be worried about the two cursed creatures at the center. What she really needs to be wary of is the other strong cat-like cursed creature at the very right.

The curse that empowers it is still unknown, and she needs to be careful against it.

Just as she thought of that, the two strong cursed creatures at the center roared powerfully before they charges forward with lightning-fast speed, they were very slow before like Zombies but now that instantly changed in a blink of an eye.


Adhara's eyes widen as the two cursed creatures headed straight at the barrier.

If it were Mutated Animals, Awakened, or even Supernaturals, then Adhara probably wouldn't be worried. But cursed creatures are a different story, they are an anomaly that can break the logic behind regular powers.

Under her gaze, she can see cursed energy started forming around them almost like a shield.

Producing another sonic boom sound as they got propelled forward even faster, the two strong cursed creatures slammed their bodies onto the barrier powerfully. A shockwave of cursed energy exploded, withering the mutated plants on the open field instantly.


While holding onto the wall, Adhara feels the ground tremble because of the impact.

Like a rampaging beast that is being injected with adrenaline and a maddening substance, the two strong cursed creatures followed by the weaker cursed creatures started pounding the barrier that is about fifty feet away from the castle's wall.

Each of their strikes is filled with cursed power, and they were very powerful.

Adhara looks down at the mutated plants outside of the wall that are still protected by the barrier and saw them also withering, their relentless attacks didn't manage to break the barrier yet but the cursed energy penetrates the barrier easily.

'Any second now...', she thought while looking at the midst of the grasses.

Not long after she thought of that, runes started glowing on the ground that are engraved across the entire barrier that is invaded by the cursed energy. Each of them glowed for a second before in the next second, they got propelled and sticks to the barrier.




Rex already prepared the castle for everything because he wanted to have peace of mind.

Knowing that the Humming Damned Forest that surrounded the castle inhabits not only strong mutated animals but also cursed creatures, it would be foolish for him to not anticipate any countermeasure for cursed energy.

Upon the bolstering effect from the runes, the cursed energy fails to penetrate the barrier again.

From the looks of it, the barrier would be able to hold the attacks from the cursed creatures, and this made Adhara sigh in relief. At the very least, she doesn't need to do anything and can just wait for Rex and Flunra to deal with these cursed creatures.

But her relief doesn't last long when her eyes caught sight of something that made the night worse.

"Oh no... their cursed energy attracted other cursed creatures here!"

Emerging from the thick screen of the trees, more cursed creatures started pouring out and growled excitedly due to the dense cursed energy that has gathered in this place. Each of them started heading towards the castle too, wanting to join in on the action.

Adhara was in a trance as she now know that she needs to do something quickly.

Casting her eyes back to the two strong cursed creatures that are harnessing the power from the Elemental Curse, she stiffen her claws and decided that she would try and take those two out first. As long as she doesn't use her elements, she should be fine against them.

Jumping from the wall, she landed right in front of the two strong cursed creatures.

Separated by the barrier that is still being attacked by the two strong cursed creatures' claws tirelessly, Adhara's eyes flash fiercely before she jabbed her claws right at their throats. Being acknowledged by the barrier, she can ignore the barrier and attack her targets freely.

Blood sprayed all over after she slashed their throats, dying the green grass below them crimson.

Adhara didn't waste any time and sent another slash to the other side of their necks, decapitating them. Hurting cursed creatures even the strong ones like these two is not difficult, but killing them on the other hand is different.

If any living being suffers a slash to their throat, they would most likely wind up dead.

Cursed creatures are not easily killed if their curse doesn't allow them to die without special requirement, and true enough, Adhara waited for a few seconds after the two strong cursed creatures collapsed to the ground after being beheaded and saw something happening.

One slowly started steaming while the other started moving weirdly.



Just like being reborn like a phoenix, the cursed creature that is empowered by the Fire Curse exploded before its body becomes intact once again. While the cursed creature that is empowered by the Wind Curse also exploded, sending invisible wind daggers to the surroundings.

Not even the other weaker cursed creatures can escape the explosions, they got hit by them too.

Adhara was protected by the barrier completely as she takes note of how long the two strong cursed creatures needed before being reborn once again, and she gain an idea from this. Without wasting a second, she killed the two strong cursed creatures once again.

Before they got reborn again, Adhara already grabbed them and throw them away.

Exactly as she intended, the two strong cursed creatures got reborn once again and exploded but they did it right in the midst of the other cursed creatures. Many of them got thrown away or were sliced into pieces due to the explosion created by the two strong cursed creatures.josei

Upon seeing her effort pay off, Adhara smiled in excitement.

'If I can't kill them then I'll use them to dispose of the other cursed creatures, I won't have to be wary of their curses then since I'm not the one killing them', Adhara thought, she finally find an effective and safe way to dispose of these cursed creatures.

Stepping out of the barrier, she immediately dashes and did the same thing all over again.

Although fifth epiphany or above cursed creatures are still deadly and able to injure someone like her that can match eighth-rank realm Werewolves, their physical strength is not that great. Killing the two strong cursed creatures feels like killing a fifth or sixth-rank realm Supernaturals.

Pretty easy for someone like her, it was only the curse they possess that can threaten her.

But still, she keeps her senses to the max since the cursed creatures can strengthen their bodies with cursed energy, and that might have some side-effect on her which she needs to be wary of. With that tactic, she manage to dispose of most of the weak cursed creatures.

Now her attention shifted to the other cursed creatures that had just emerged out of the forest.

Grabbing the cursed creature's body that is empowered by the Fire Curse that she just killed, she throws it toward the approaching cursed creatures. If the tactic is working then she would be abusing it again and again.

Just as she was about to throw the other cursed creature with Wind Curse, she sensed something.


Adhara yelped in a high-pitched tone as she got hit from the side, it sends her stumbling back a couple of steps and dropped the cursed creature with Wind Curse. Looking at the perpetrator, she finds that it was the cat-like cursed creature.

It's at least as strong as the two cursed creatures with Elemental Curse, above the fifth epiphany.

Raising her hand to touch her cheek that got hit by the cat-like cursed creature's elongated spiky tongue, she finds that her cheek is bleeding from a cut and also slimy due to the cat-like cursed creature's saliva.

While she checking, she doesn't realize that the cursed creature's tongue went inside the ground.

Out of nowhere the tongue burst out from the ground in front of her and intends to impale her in the chest, but her senses are too alert right now to be hit by this sneak attack. Tilting her body a little she managed to dodge the spiky tongue.

But then suddenly, she feels a light sting on her stomach, "Hmmm...? I got hit?!"

Looking down at her stomach she finds that there's a bleeding cut there, she was awfully surprised as she was quite sure that she dodged that attack. Glaring back at the spiky tongue that went past her body, she raised her claws and slash down powerfully.


Adhara managed to cut the spiky tongue and made the cursed creature roar in pain.

Realizing that the cursed creature's body with Wind Curse that she dropped earlier was about to explode, she swiftly maneuver over to the cat-like cursed creature and kick it in its face. It's not her full power kick, she just needs to distract it for a moment.

Managing to rattle the cat-like cursed creature, she landed behind it and hides there.


Using the cat-like cursed creature as a shield from the explosion created by the cursed creature with Wind Curse, she handled the situation perfectly as the cat-like cursed creature got sliced many times due to the explosion.

Intending to cut off the cat-like cursed creature's head from the back, Adhara readies her claws.

But then out of nowhere, "Huahkk!"

Adhara throws up blood when her chest was stabbed from behind by something, it completely hides under her senses radar and landed a perfect sneak attack. Looking down at her chest, her eyes dilated finding that it was the sliced piece of the spiky tongue that she slashed earlier.

For some reason, the cursed creature can still move it despite being detached from its body.

Upon managing to land the sneak attack on her, the cat-like cursed creature looks over its shoulder with an unsettling smirk as if it was mocking her. Gritting her teeth, Adhara quickly swung her arm intending to decapitate it.

Just as her claws were inches away, she turns her head and saw a beam heading toward her.


The beam was moving faster than her reflex which shows the power inside of it, and she was found away crashing onto the castle's wall before bouncing off of it. She feels many of her bones are broken due to that, and blood also gushed out of her mouth as she kneels on the ground.

Adhara feels her side numb due to being hit by the beam, and the left side of her body is burning.

Grunting lightly she glanced to her left shoulder and finds the cursed energy infiltrating her body violently, the beam definitely doesn't come from the cursed creatures she was fighting, something else fired that powerful beam at her.

Slowly looking up weakly, Adhara feels her body refusing to move and she was quite helpless.

Due to that beam from earlier, her nervous system was crippled and now she can only kneel on the ground weakly. Viewing the forest she finds yet another creature emerging from it again, and it's flying instead of walking on the ground.

On top of that, the other cursed creatures glanced at it and completely seize from their rampage.

It seems this cursed creature that had just emerged is not an ordinary one.

Compared to the other cursed creatures, this one has cursed energy that is sizzling around its body like fire and emits a stronger dangerous presence even compared to the strong cursed creatures she's fighting earlier.

But her eyes didn't look at the creature for too long as she realizes something.

"T-The barrier... it tore a hole in the barrier?!"

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