The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 654 First Meeting As Enemies

Chapter 654 First Meeting As Enemies

The pure blackness of the night should be a comfort for nocturnal crawlers that are meant to be under the shade and hidden from the world, resistant to the cold air and the shroud of a hindrance to the eyesight.

But this night is not like any other night, it was filled with incertitude.

Inside the thick lush of leaves and wood, a place that is filled with mutated animals and god knows what horrifying creatures lying dormant in the shadows, two fuzzy shades cover great distance with an extreme speed faster than the eyes can see.

Just like ghosts that are impalpable, these two fuzzy shades went through any solid object swiftly.

Unknowing what horrid time Adhara is going through right now back in the castle, Kyran and Flunra are blitzing through lands swiftly without minding any objects that stand in their way, they can just go through those objects without much thought.

With the help of a combination of ancient runes engraved on their legs, they were able to do this.

This combination of ancient runes was engraved in a circle, almost like a bracelet right around their ankles, and they gain the ability of enhanced speed by traversing through a pseudo-dimension that can make them untraceable as well as faster.

Flunra has done this trick when he tries to flee from Rex back then, but Rex managed to find him.

But that was only due to the fact Rex has the Banished Dark Moon King Mark that allows him to sense any presence in other dimensions, the regular Dark Moon King Mark doesn't have that kind of ability. Devour is the power given by the regular Dark Moon King Mark which allows the Werewolf to absorb the power and skills of the target that it devoured.

Without the power from the Banished Dark Moon, he wouldn't be able to find Flunra back then.

"Do people back in your time travel with this all the time?", Kyran asked while looking down at his legs that are moving in a frenzied blur, he was surprised that he can even move this quickly, way faster than his normal speed.

Upon hearing this, Flunra shakes his head, "Of course, not. This is a specialized way for Werewolves"

"Only the protector of the Prince has access to this ancient runes combination, there are only twenty protectors back then including me. Basically, this combination is linked directly to the Great Shaman of the Werewolves, Isobel the Void Walker. Whenever I engrave the combination, I essentially borrowed Isobel's power to use this ability of hers", he added while still training his eyes forward.

But Kyran that heard this attentively was amazed, his mind can't help but wander frantically.

Although he knows that it's probably impossible for him to have this kind of power in the current era, he still can't help but fantasize about what he would do with this kind of power. But one thing is for certain, he definitely is able to help Rex greatly if he has this power.

While keeping up with Flunra, he can't help but mutter, "Isobel must be a really strong Werewolf"

"Calling her a powerful Werewolf can be considered an understatement. Well, she's the only one other than the other Origins that is able to outpace the Demon Origin, Moloch", Flunra replied, there was a hint of pride in his tone when he said that.

Despite being unable to picture how great that feat was, Kyran knows the fame of these Origins.

For the Supernaturals, Origins are basically their God-father which is the start of their entire bloodline. So if Isobel wins in terms of speed against the Demon Origin, then she must be one hell of a Werewolf.

Kyran then snapped out of his thought when Flunra whispered to him, "We're here..."

Both of them abruptly stopped when they reach the end of the forest with the sight of the sacred Great Barricade in front of them, it was only more than a week but the sight is already foreign to them and the feeling is quite weird if they had to say.

Especially for Kyran that has been living inside the Great Barricade all his life.

When he was still living in his small city and his sisters are still have, he once dreamt of seeing the Great Barricade that's been said to be the line between life and death, the protector of humanity, and the silent watcher of the war between Awakened and Supernaturals.

Now he's outside of it, becoming a Supernatural and also dwelling with them.

If the Kyran a year ago was told that he would be living outside of the Great Barricade and can defend himself from most of the Supernaturals that existed, he wouldn't believe him and would probably think of it as a joke.

But here he is, looking at the Great Barricade from the outside with a Supernatural beside him.

Flunra pointed the palm of his hand towards the combination of ancient runes around their ankles before he slowly deactivate it. Upon doing that, the surroundings turn to normal as they got out of the pseudo-dimension they were in.

Immediately after they did that, a figure can be seen standing on top of the wall of the stronghold.

It's definitely Brigitta with her eyes glowing with bright green energy.

"Do you want to be the one to talk or should I do it?", Flunra asked, glancing at Kyran.

Upon hearing this Kyran ponders for a moment before he decided that he would be the one talking, he's once a human so it's better for him to do the talk, "I'll do it, you go and secure the perimeter and make sure that there are no hiding threats"

Nodding his head, Flunra dashes away to secure the perimeters.

Kyran then made eye contact with Brigitta once more, sizing her up to make sure that she won't attack him on sight. Taking a deep breath, he walks out of the forest and steps into the barren plain that bridges the Supernatural territory and the Great Barricade.

Bordering the two sides, this barren land has seen countless wars and bloodshed.

Not only that but Kyran can also still see the devastation that the fight between them and the Supernatural army a week ago has left, scarring the entire place for miles and miles wide. Some corpses can also still be seen, most of them are Succubuses that Rex killed with his claws.

Due to the Unholy Claws of the Reaper, these Succubuses can't be recovered.

Demons are a race associated with bloodshed and war, their bodies can die but their souls will only go back to the hellish plain wherever they came from before they are reborn once again. Because of that, many consider the Demons as the superior Supernatural race.

Rex's Unholy Claws of the Reaper skill completely negate that natural process, a natural counter.

Every Succubus that he killed directly using his own claws or even got killed while in the range and being exposed to his Origin energy has their souls disintegrated, their souls have been wiped from existence, never to be reborn again.

It's an actual death for a Demon, and that just shows the power of the Origin energy.

Walking through the empty barren land, passing the corpses that can be seen occasionally, Kyran kept his eyes straight on Brigitta without breaking eye contact. Any sign of an attack he would've instantly turned around and run.

Although he doubts Brigitta would attack him coldly, it's still better to be safe than sorry.

Despite the both of them are looking directly at each other, the distance between them is quite vast. Kyran decided to leap once and landed about 300 feet away from the Vampire Stronghold which is now occupied and turned into Humanity's stronghold.

Raising his gaze to look at Brigitta again, she suddenly breaks the silence first.

"I told Rex that the next time we meet will be enemies, why have you come here? I'm being generous to not kill you right now", Brigitta said with an authoritative tone, the bearing she's wearing right now is that of a ninth-rank realm Awakened.

Nothing about the last time he saw her can be seen, she completely turn cold.

But Kyran didn't mind it as he too needs to be as cold as she is since he was now acting as the Proxy of Rex Silverstar, portraying a weak front would just sully Rex's name and he didn't want that at all. "Don't act clueless when you're clearly not, you know why I'm here Brigitta"

"I don't know, state your reason before I lose my patie-"

Kyran didn't let Brigitta finish her sentence, he intervenes with a warning tone while squinting his eyes coldly, "Before you speak know that I'm here to represent Rex Silverstar, talk to me like you would to him since I'll be reporting every word you said to me"

Upon hearing this, Brigitta stopped for a brief second, closing her mouth shut.

"State your reason for coming here"

"I demand that humanity return Evelyn Luc right this instant, she's the Luna of our Silverstar Pack, and any harm done to her would be returned the same. Don't make any unnecessary qualms, the Alpha doesn't want anything to do with Humans and Supernaturals anymore so I suggest you help me try to keep it that way"

Pausing for a few seconds, Brigitta then replied, "I still see no merit in this"

"All I hear from you is the fact you want me to help you achieve your goal, but if we are to make a trade then what is in it for me? For humanity?", she added while folding her arms in front of her, stating where she stood.

Kyran's expression darkens, he didn't expect Brigitta to make it hard for him, even with Rex's name.



Out of nowhere, Kyran started to slowly transform into his terrifying Werewolf form with four glacier sharp eyes glaring at Brigitta, the sound of him grinding his teeth in anger can be heard, "Don't be like this, Brigitta. If you don't comply, the next time I won't be the one coming here"

But upon hearing this, Brigitta smiled cheekily.

"Go ahead, tell Rex to come here, we are not afraid as we haven't done anything wrong. Just so you know, we don't hold Evelyn Luc hostage or anything, we already let her go but it seems she's not yet gone back to you. Who knows, maybe she's hesitating to join a bunch of Supernaturals like you"

"Evelyn has her own choice, we do not force her to stay or do anything  at all but..."

Brigitta paused before her hair slowly levitates like in water as she harnessed her arcane mana.

Just like an absolute powerhouse she exposes her ninth-rank realm power which puts a devastating burden on Kyran's back, his knees started trembling due to the pressing force that is pressing on him.

"If you ever cross our borders, then we'll not stay silent. We are going to do something then"

Kyran clenched both of his fists while hearing what she was saying, she basically said that Evelyn is inside humanity's territory of her own volition and if he decided to cross humanity's territory to look for her then Brigitta wouldn't hesitate to attack them for endangering humanity's safety.

It was fine if it was some other time, but this time he can't go back empty-handed.

The Ice and Snow Full Moon is approaching and Rex has specifically instructed them to bring Evelyn back before the Full Moon arrives, and that is the day after tomorrow, so Kyran can't just wait for Evelyn to come out as he essentially needs to contact her.

Who knows what kind of side effect would the full moon brings without Evelyn? It's definitely bad.

Just as Brigitta was about to say something again, she suddenly turned her head to the side abruptly as if she sensed something. Kyran saw this, and he also saw her instantly flying away, turning into a meteor of green arcane mana.

"Now what? We need to get Evelyn before going back", Flunra suddenly appeared beside him.

Upon hearing this Kyran paused for a moment as he looks down to the ground, 'I sense powerful entities near the place which is probably the place where Brigitta is heading, they seem to be fighting something and it's massive since the energy is so dense even from here'

Nodding his head, Kyran glanced to Flurna, "Can you find Evelyn if we get inside?"

"Yes, I can but that won't be a good ide-"

"Okay, let's go! We're going to use this chance to search for Evelyn. Get in and get out, we'll be long gone before she can even realize we infiltrated humanity's territory", Kyran said before he immediately started to climb the stronghold, not even letting Flunra say anything.

From the back, Flunra tries to call out to him to no avail.

Since he can't stop Kyran from doing what he's doing right now, he can only sigh and follows after him even though he knows that this could go wrong very quickly if they are caught by Brigitta.

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