The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 668 Ice And Snow Full Moon Effect

Chapter 668 Ice And Snow Full Moon Effect

A loud hauling sound of the wooden door being opened can be heard, Flunra pokes his head inside to see the situation of the room. What greeted them was a sight that made him sigh in worry, the concern in his expression can be seen clearly.

It was the day of the Ice and Snow Full Moon, the situation will only get worst every minute.

Flunra enters Rex's bed chamber after knocking slightly to notify the people inside the bed chamber, he enters the room with a wooden plank with three glasses on it. Inside the glasses was blue liquid.

These drinks are concocted by him in order to help the others from the approaching full moon.

Despite he was not feeling well himself due to the drawback he suffered from carving a powerful ancient rune that can create a portal anywhere he's been to, the approaching Ice and Snow Full Moon is not affecting him in the slightest.

"Can't blame them, this is the Alpha's Night after all..." Flunra mutters silently before walking in.

Lying on the were three people hugging each other while their bodies shiver due to the cold uncontrollably. It was sunny outside, and the sunlight is penetrating the room but Adhara, Evelyn, and Adhara are shivering as if they are sleeping out in the open during a snowstorm.

It was all the effect of the Ice and Snow Full Moon, the overwhelming cold for Werewolves.

Upon sensing that someone is entering the room, Evelyn open her eyes slightly and saw Flunra putting down the wooden plank on the side of the huge bed with three glasses on it. "W- What did you bring for us, Flunra...?" she asks with a shivering voice.

Since there are three glasses, she assumed that those drinks are for her and the others.

"Just elixirs that I concocted, this will help you sustain the cold and hopefully buy enough time until Rex comes back" Flunra replied while Evelyn forced herself to sit up and lean on the headboard of the bed.

Evelyn's rosy skin has turned terrifyingly pale, she was akin to having the skin of a Vampire.

Not only her skin but the veins all over her body has started to turn blue due to the coldness biting the inside of every inch of her body, her senses are also turned numb, and the feeling is torturous It's been a long time since they feel cold, their blood is warm and covered with thick furs if they are in their Werewolf forms.

Due to that, they have never gotten used to the sensation of the icy cold like this.

The same goes for Adhara and Gistella that are lying close to each other beside Evelyn, they suffered the same condition but way worst than Evelyn. Both of them are unmoving, they aren't able to move or do anything.

Just like sleeping statues, they are lying on the bed, helpless to the cold.

If not for their shivering bodies, many would probably think of them as frozen corpses.

For some reason, only Evelyn has the strength to resist the overwhelming cold. She knew that it was probably due to her being the Luna of the Silverstar Pack. But even though she has some resistance to the cold, her body is freezing. It was akin to being drowned in the cold sea of the north or south pole.

Maneuvering over to Evelyn's side of the bed, Flunra helped her drink the elixir until the last drop.

Upon feeling the blue liquid enters her mouth and down her throat, Evelyn can feel the warmness spreading throughout her body and making her condition slightly getting better. Now she can open her eyes completely.josei

A moment ago, she can only open half of her eyes as they were stiff. Now she can open them fully.

Blinking her eyes a couple of times, Evelyn glanced at Flunra that are helping Adhara and Gistella to drink the elixirs he made. Unlike Evelyn that got slightly better, both of them are still shivering and aren't able to move.

"Is there any indication that Rex would come back?" Evelyn asks hesitantly.

Flunra stopped his hands that are putting down the glasses once again before he started at the wall with his body going stiff, he can only sigh dejectedly as the red gate portal is still vibrant. Nothing has changed from it.

Without even glancing at Evelyn, he replied shortly, "No, it's still the same"

Just like feeling her soul being sucked out of her body, Evelyn slumps her shoulders and trains her eyes down dejectedly. "Can you explain to me just what would happen during the Ice and Snow Full Moon?"

Stealing a glance at Evelyn, Flunra then nodded his head and turn to face her.

"Ice and Snow Full Moon is known as the Alpha's Night. Any Werewolf no matter their strength would start to feel unbelievably cold, it would keep on increasing until midnight where the coldness would be unbearable" Flunra explained, he then saw the concerned expression on Evelyn's face before he added, "it sounds bad, but truthfully the Ice and Snow Full Moon shouldn't be a problem"

"And why is that?" Evelyn asked again, she has no knowledge regarding any of this.

Not even Adhara knows anything about the Ice and Snow Full Moon, and she turned into a Werewolf way before Evelyn was turned into a Werewolf by Rex. If she doesn't know it, then there's no chance that Evelyn knows about it.

Flunra then continues, "Werewolves can bypass easily by fulfilling the condition of the full moon. It's called the Alpha's Night, Werewolves only need to be close to the Alpha during this night in order to defend themselves against the cold. Male pack members need to be around the Alpha's vicinity, the Female pack members need to be very close to the Alpha"

Upon hearing this, Evelyn frowned as she realized that this shouldn't be a problem.

If the conditions that needed to be met were to be close with the Alpha which in this case means Rex, then the Ice and Snow Full Moon is not a threat at all! Now she understands why Flunra doesn't consider the Ice and Snow Full Moon a problem.

Compared to the other Full Moon, the Ice and Snow Full Moon is the most lenient.

Blood Moon filled Werewolves with immense killing intent that might make Werewolves go berserk which is harsher than the Ice and Snow Full Moon, Dark Moon only require Werewolves to stay under a shade, and even the Yule Moon can evaporate any Werewolf into nothing but ash.

When one puts the Ice and Snow Full Moon in comparison, the conditions are nothing.

Although it should be really easy to go through the Ice and Snow Full Moon, the fact that it came at a bad time makes it a problem exceeding the other Full Moon. "What happens if they aren't able to be near the Alpha's vicinity?"

Flunra looks at Evelyn in the eyes and paused for a second, he then said with a stoic expression.

"Well, they would simply become frozen and forced into hibernation. Some Werewolves suffer longer hibernation, but the shortest period would be months long while the longest would take years and years to come"

Upon hearing this Evelyn can't help but sucked in a cold breath.

If Rex somehow isn't able to come back during the full moon then they would all become frozen statues. Many things might happen in months' time, it's unthinkable to even imagine if they were forced into years of hibernation.

At that point, they would probably die without even knowing.

With the Supernatural and Humanity being basically their enemies now, there's no saying what they would do if they found the entire Silverstar Pack were frozen. Death is certain at that point, and they can't let that happen.

Knowing exactly what Evelyn is thinking in her absent eyes, Flunra smiled lightly.

"Don't worry, I won't be forced into hibernation. I'm basically near Rex's vicinity even though he's in another realm" Flunra said reassuringly, at the very least the castle would have him to defend against any hostile forces.

Evelyn sigh in relief, they wouldn't at least be defenseless with Flurna around.

Despite it's hard to keep a positive mind in this kind of situation, Evelyn forces out a light smile trying to assure Flunra and also herself, "I'm sure Rex would come back, we just need to wait. We know how strong he is, he will definitely come back"

"Yes..." Flunra replied, he tries to hide it but it was clear that he was quite pessimistic about this.

Just then Evelyn's eyes slightly widened as she remembered something, it was the scream that she heard this morning that woke up her and Adhara. It was very loud, and she knows that the scream definitely comes from Gistella.

Upon remembering this, her eyes gaze to her side to Gistella's pale face.

When she and Adhara woke up due to the scream, they were instantly got hit by the sudden coldness that attacked their bodies which surprises them and made them paralyzed. Due to the devastating coldness, both of them fall unconscious.

Both of them don't have the chance to check on Gistella, and now she's curious about it.

"Now that I remember, what happened to Gistella?" Evelyn asked in concern, she has never heard her scream like that before. It was a scream filled with pain and agony, something that Gistella never did.

Flunra raised his head before his eyes unconsciously looks at Gistella.

While still standing on the side of the huge bed, not wanting to sit there as it's Rex's bed, a frown appeared on Flunra's face as he was the one that went over to Gistella in a hurry in the morning. "I- I don't know..."

As soon as Flunra went into her room in the morning, he only saw Gistella lying on the floor.

Not a trace of a wound, blood, or even a possible assassin can be seen inside the room. Since she shouted that loud, Flunra thought the worst possible outcome which is someone attacking them.

But it's clear to him that there's no such thing as an assassin attacking the castle.

Even though he doesn't use any ancient rune in checking Gistella's condition, he's well-versed enough to know that there's nothing wrong with her. Nothing that manages to catch his eyes at least, she's completely fine.

Flunra wanted to say that she was completely fine, but she was clearly not.

Until this very second he hasn't figured out what was wrong with Gistella to make her shout like that, it's not that he has a long time to check on her too since the coldness from the Ice and Snow Full Moon hits her not too long after.

"I'll need to rest and gain my power back and check her up thoroughly" Flunra added.

Evelyn also nodded her head but she can't help but comment knowing that if there was a certain someone here, these problems would all go away. "Or, if Rex is here then he can definitely find out what happened to Gistella"

Due to her comment, the room becomes silent again.

Not wanting to dwell inside the room for too long so that Evelyn and the others can rest, Flunra intends to leave the room but then his body stopped just as he was about to near the door. Evelyn saw this and she was confused.

Flunra's body suddenly becomes stiff, he seems to sense something.

Since Evelyn can't sense anything in this state due to the coldness of the Ice and Snow Full Moon, she wanted to ask what did he sense but Flunra beat her to it. "When I was resting... did someone come to this castle?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes. A cursed creature came and demanded a cursed creature that Adhara killed"

Just before Evelyn can ask why he asks for that, Flunra had already dashed out of the room and gone straight out of the castle. It took him a minute to reach the castle's walls, and his eyes bore witness to a hooded creature in the middle of the open field shrouded in darkness.

It was the same cursed creature that visited Adhara and Evelyn last night.

Raising its skeleton index finger to point at the castle, the cursed creature then mutters with its haunting demonic voice, "Werewolves, you tricked us. She is not pleased, return the curse to us or suffer the consequences..."

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