The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 669 Collapse Of The Portal

Chapter 669 Collapse Of The Portal

Flunra stood on the castle walls with his wary eyes fixated on the cursed creature.

But sensing the ominous energy coming from the cursed creature made him squint his eyes, the pentagram symbol that is already engraved on the palm of his hand glows subtly, responding to the presence of the cursed creature.

It feels warm, Flunra's hand feels warm due to the glowing pentagram symbol.

Just before he went outside sensing the appearance of this cursed energy beyond the wall of the castle, he already engraved the pentagram symbol using his own blood. It's not an ancient runic power, only a rune necessary when dealing with this kind of cursed creature.

Although that is the case, it seems the cursed creature didn't realize the pentagram symbol.

Upon feeling the warmth in his hand, Flunra's tensed body becomes relaxed almost as if he was not worried about the cursed creature. "Sibling of Chaos... the Curse of Destruction, Daelkandrax. I've never expected the Witch of Chaos to awaken earlier than the ancient humans" Flunra commented before he jumped down from the castle's wall.

Knowing the exact cursed creature standing in the open field, wariness and fear evaporates.

Flunra is familiar with this cursed creature, it's one of the main curses of the Witch of Chaos. An entity that dated back to even his time. Even back then, she was quite a mysterious woman and always watching from the side.

It was until she was subjugated of course, by the almighty one that even Supernatural feared.

"What makes you come here? You may scare the creatures in this era, but don't think that you're going to be able to do that to me..." Flunra said whisperingly, his voice filled with a threatening tone, warning Daelkandrax to watch what he was going to say.

Upon hearing this, Daelkandrax paused for a couple of seconds.

A moment later, Daelkandrax looks up as its chest lifted up alongside its feet slowly levitating into the air. Its eyes then glow with a bright yellow light before Daelkandrax falls back to the ground again.

But this time, its hollow eyes have yellow pupils glowing in them and give a different look.

Starting from its appearance, the look in its eyes and even its demeanor changed completely as if Dealkandrax was possessed by another entity. In fact, Flunra knows that the one standing in front of him is not Dealkandrax anymore.

"Arnulf the Special... I'm here only to retrieve the curse you and your pack have stolen from me"

Contrary to the haunting voice that is echoing as if an otherworldly creature is talking, the voice coming out of Dealkandrax is a woman's voice that is monotone and very soft or polite one can say. It's not hard to guess the entity behind that voice.

It was definitely the Witch of Chaos herself.

Flunra crosses his arms in front of him while raising one of his eyebrows. "We do no such thing"

"A cursed creature attacked your castle, and it has the empowerment from the Curse of Cowardice. It may seem to look like that in appearance, but the inside of it lies an even sinister curse. Handing over the curse is us doing a favor to you" the Witch said, trying to reason with Flunra.

Upon hearing this, Flunra can't hide the frown on his face.

Curses are always trouble if he were to judge them based on his thousands of years of experience, he rather stay clear of curses as they can bite you in the back. But Flunra is not someone that is easily trusting.

Due to his long life, he already developed a huge sense of doubt. It saved him countless times.

"Are you sure it's a dangerous curse, not you wanting to feed the curse to your beloved pets? We have humans and Supernaturals fighting against each other, the last thing we want is a third party rising and joining in the war for their own shapeless ambition..." Flunra said while watching Dealkandrax attentively, searching for any reaction.

It's true that Dealkandrax can't show any expression, it has a skeleton body after all.

But that doesn't dissuade Flunra from looking at Dealkandrax attentively, and that pays off as he catches a glimpse of the yellow light pupils flickering one time. 'Sign of stress, I think I read through her. The Witch is onto something...'

After a brief pause, Dealkandrax then replied, "My intention is not significant"

"I can sense the curse dwelling inside one of you, and it will only get stronger by corrupting the host it resides in. A ninth epiphany curse, are you sure you don't want to hand over the curse?" it continued, taking a glance at the castle showing that she sensed the curse inside it.

Flunra instantly knows what she was talking about, the Witch is definitely talking about Gistella.

It makes sense now why he can't sense anything happening to Gistella.

Based on what the Witch said, the curse inside of her is a ninth epiphany curse. Flunra can't sense something like that, and it seems to be a harmful curse remembering the fact that Gistella screamed and fall unconscious.

Whatever the curse inside of her is certainly a natural curse and a very powerful one at that.

Despite his unwillingness in doing what the Witch wanted knowing that she's certainly up to no good, the fact that the curse is a ninth epiphany curse worries him. It's a very powerful curse, and he has no method of treating that kind of curse.

Ancient Runes can only do so much, even for someone that is experienced in using that power.

Raising his gaze to meet Dealkandrax's gaze, Flunra then unwillingly said, "How will you take the curse out of her? As long as you can guarantee her safety, I'll give the curse back to you without any resistance"

"In order to do that, I will need to take the vassal back with me" The Witch replied swiftly.

But upon hearing this the frown on Flunra's face becomes stronger as his eyes flashed with murderous intent, he swiftly turns into a blur and reaches Dealkandrax in the blink of an eye, striking in a fit of anger.



Flunra swipes his claws but Dealkandrax managed to react and jumps away.

Although he seems to be attacked due to the fact that the Witch asked to bring Gistella back with her, Flunra has not only that in mind. While Dealkandrax jumps away, his eyes gazed at the inside of the black robe surrounding its entire body.josei

Through the gaps from the fluttering robe, Flunra can see one glowing orb above the chest.

It looks like a crystallized orb glowing with pale white energy, and that alone is enough to make Flunra straighten his back once more and said coldly, "Leave before I tear the soul out of your fragile body, there's no guarantee in that solution of yours"

Under no circumstances that Flunra is going to hand over one of the pack members to the Witch.

Nothing can convince him to do that, there's a huge risk involved in that. Who knows? Maybe in order to extract the curse out of Gistella's body, the Witch needs to kill her in the process and Flunra was not going to let that happen.

Even if Gistella worsened, Rex should be able to find a way out.

Despite only being inside the Silverstar Pack for not that long, the loyalty instilled by being Rex's pack member is there. Not only that, but the others seem to believe that Rex is able to solve any problem they have.

Because of that, he also developed a sense of belief towards Rex as the Alpha.

"We've come in peace but you think that we're pushovers, this is a fight you do not want. We will not leave until we get back the curse you have stolen from us" Dealkandrax said as its voice turned into a haunting one once again.

Cursed energy started sizzling around its body, showing that it was not backing down from a fight.

Flunra gritted his teeth as he fights back the exhaustion he was feeling right now due to the overuse of Ancient Runes, but he was still confident in taking down this creature of destruction. Only having one orb gives Flunra that confidence.

Both of them sized up each other in their battle stances.

Slowly tension started to burn in the air, heightening the situation that they were in. The moment one of them makes a movement even if it's a small one is going to be the moment their fight is going to start.

Not wanting to waste any time, Flunra's eyes widened as he was about to close the distance.

Just as he was about to do that, both of their bodies stopped when the ground suddenly rumbles powerfully. It was like two tectonic plates rubbing against each other in the near vicinity, the two looks down in absolute surprise.

But then Flunra sensed that the center of the earthquake was coming from the castle.

It was not just him but Dealkandrax also sensed that the earthquake is coming from the castle. Flunra and Dealkandrax made eye contact for a few seconds, "We will remember this" Dealkandrax said before it got swallowed by the cursed energy and disappear from the place.

Although Flunra doesn't want to let Dealkandrax go, he has other urgent matters to deal with.

"Rex...?!" Flunra looks back at the castle and exclaimed.

Despite the exhaustion he was feeling, his body got suddenly injected with energy before his eyes lit up brightly. From the red kingly energy seeping out of the castle, it was clear that it was coming from the red gate portal.

Excitedly, Flunra dashes back into the castle expecting the good news.

Upon reaching the great hall where the red kingly energy is so thick that he can feel it hitting his body like a tsunami, Flunra saw the red gate portal trembling violently. In front of the red gate portal is Evelyn, watching with expectation in her eyes.

"What are you doing here? You should've stayed in the bed chamber" Flunra commented.

Pushing against the resisting gust of red kingly energy, he reaches beside Evelyn that doesn't seem to hear what he just said. "What's happening? Is Rex going to come out?" Evelyn asked, she really wanted all of their problems to go away.

Knowing that Kyran is out there killing her, she feels that he was there because of her.

Flunra gazes at the red gate portal and finds that the red kingly energy is slowly being sucked by the red gate portal, and this made him frown and unconsciously feel the air stuck in his throat. "No... it can't be possible"

"What?! Tell me what's going on!" Evelyn shouted, she doesn't like the tone Flunra is using.

Although he doesn't like to bring the bearer of bad news, he can't help but mutters silently, "The portal is shutting down, it shows that the trial is over. But if the gate is not opened, then that can only mean..."

"No! It can't be! I can still feel him, I know in my heart that he's still alive!!" Evelyn is in a mess.

Just from the way Flunra said it alone she knows what that means, and beads of crystal tears can be seen trailing down her face. Her eyes are producing more even before the tears fall down to the ground, she doesn't want to believe that Rex is unable to beat the trial.

Upon hearing her whimper, Flunra can only clench his fists and turn his face away.

Out of his entire life living as a Werewolf, he has seen countless Werewolves going through the first trial. Many of them fall, and the situation right now is exactly like what happened when the Werewolf fails the first trial.

But then, a course of the energy changed which piqued Flunra's attention.

Glancing back at the red gate portal, his eyes widened realizing that the red gate portal is not shutting down. 'This... Impossible! The portal is shattering?!' Flunra exclaimed inside his head.

Meanwhile, Evelyn is already weeping on her knees while looking at the ground.

An overwhelming sense of sadness enveloped her heart and even her body reacted by trembling uncontrollably, the sense of loss is unbearable that she even started hyperventilating. Her emotion broke when the red kingly energy has become as feeble as a soft wind.

Breaking the silence of the great hall, a shattering sound can be heard which pulls Evelyn's gaze.


Evelyn's breath stopped as she looks up to the red gate portal, her eyes widened seeing the gate was shattered completely, revealing two figures that has their eyes widened completely with a sword staked through their chests.

It was a horrifying sight that makes her gasp in shock, but then she recognized the faces.

Although the two figures are in a brutal condition, Evelyn recognized the two figures to have the same face as the person she loved. She was absolutely surprised and terrified at the same time, even her heart skipped more than one beat.


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