The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 719 Reuniting At The Right Time

Chapter 719 Reuniting At The Right Time

Rex is currently continuing his journey back to the castle.

It's been more than an hour since he had left Giana behind and continued his way back and along the way, he was still in disbelief that his body stopped him from killing Giana. Something that he was not expecting, his body turning against himself was very unexpected.

Of course, it was his mother that stopped him from killing Giana.

An unexplainable action that confuses Rex until now. But there was no need to rush in understanding why his mother did that, he would definitely comprehend the reason soon when he's in better shape than this.

Taking a rest by leaning on a tree, Rex looks ahead while panting heavily.

'Even though it's been more than an hour, it's only been a couple of miles' Rex reflected while clenching his teeth. A couple of miles in an hour is devastatingly minuscule for an entity with his kind of power, that's even slower than a snail.

Despite feeling better, he was still very much hurting all over his body.

But thankfully, the moonlight seeped through the cracks of the forest's canopies and amplifies his regenerating ability. Albeit it's quite weird that the Favoer Lunar Healing hasn't gone off yet, he didn't mind it and just keeps on going.

While dashing through the forest with mini rest in between, he was complaining in his head.

'It would take me days with this kind of pace... I can't take that long, the others might be worried about me. Moreover, I can't use telepathy to inform Adhara about my condition, and my power hasn't recovered yet' Rex thought, realizing that his situation is worse the more he thinks about it.

Not only that, but he also feared the other Supernatural races are going to attack the castle.

Since King Solomon and Queen Catsha blame him for causing the Executor to awaken, there's no telling what they would do. It's completely possible that they might dispatch an elite tracking group to search for the castle and kills the other out of anger.

From his perspective, it's really plausible. And that makes him even more worried.

Just as he was about to despair from the fact that he can't reach the castle faster no matter how hard he tries, his ears pick up the sound of broken twigs and the rattling of bushes coming from the right and it was getting closer.

Due to his weakened state, he can't really sense what is coming toward him.

Not knowing what to expect from this thing that is heading towards him quickly, Rex's eyes widened when a spark of white lightning blitzes through his vision. It was blurry, and he didn't quite catch the figure that went passed him.

But from the scent that seeped into his nose, a big smile spread across his face in delight.

"Oh, you always came at the right time. I've never been so excited to meet you again," Rex mutters before he slowly turns his body around, his eyes then beat witness to a huge burly creature covered in thick layers of white furs staring at him, "Delta..."


Upon catching up to Rex that she sensed, Delta growled showing her excitement.

Trotting closer with her paws, Delta nudges her head against Rex's head and pushes him back. A growl followed after, showing that she seems to be displeased with Rex. "What are you talking about, I have never forgotten about you. How can you accuse me of something like that!"


"Fine, I'm sorry for not coming to you sooner. It's been difficult lately, you know" Rex replied.

Although he was covered by his clothes and his body right now drenched with his own blood, Delta didn't seem to mind as Rex hugged her on her head. If he was going to speak honestly, he forgot about Delta due to the events that happened to him lately.

Some time at the castle, he wandered the feeling that something is amiss.

But now he remembered that Delta is still inside the human territory ever since the day his parents died. While hugging, Delta expresses her concern about Rex's disturbing condition right now which is very hard to look at even for a beast like her.

It's been a long time since the two of them meet, and Delta was surprised by this condition.

Usually, Rex would be very much domineering and mighty, but now he was reduced to this horrible state. A sight like this is new for Delta, and she was really shocked and concerned about him, but that was appeased by Rex's assuring tone.

"I'm okay, this is nothing but a scratch" Rex said, lying in a playful manner of course.

As the two of them hug, Rex accidentally touches a big scar on the side of Delta's body. It makes her whimper in pain showing that it's still hurting. Looking over at the scar, Rex's expression soured, "Did they do something to you?" he asked.


Delta replied with a nudge of her head, the tip of her nose is pointing at Rex.

"Oh, it's a scar from that day, huh... Well, no need to worry, I'll patch you up as soon as we get back to the castle and I'll give you more than that as an apology. But for now, let's get back shall we?" he said before he mounted Delta.

In times like this, he was reminded that having a mount is almost necessary.

Although he can travel everywhere with his own current power, there would definitely be a time when he's going to be injured beyond measure just like right now, and is unable to bring himself back. If he has a mount, a strong mount, then he will be benefitted greatly.

'I got 3 million gold from the partial reward, maybe I should make her even stronger too'

Rex nodded his head firmly deciding that he was going to make Delta a fierce mount and beast that can help him and the others in their future fights, she would also be efficient as an intimidation display for the nation that he would create in the future.

With that out of the way, he pointed forward and signaled for Delta to move.

In response to this, a couple of white lighting streaks started appearing as she lowers her body. Like white snakes, these white lightning streaks strengthen Delta's body and even turned her eyes into sparks of white lightning.

A few seconds later, the two of them turn into white lightning and slice through the forest.

Delta is moving way faster than Rex's pace before, it wouldn't take that long before the two of them can reach the castle. "By the way, how did you manage to leave the human territory and meet me here? The Great Barricade is on the way of getting out"


"Oh, really? You followed Giana? Good thinking" Rex praised while rubbing Delta's head.

Just like that the two of them made their way toward the castle while exchanging what they missed in the time they were apart. Even though they were separated for quite some time, Rex can still understand her perfectly.

If Kyran was here, he would be mad and bring up the matter regarding the Predator Instinct.

But to tell the truth, Rex also doesn't know how he can understand Delta as clearly as this. It was not because of Predator Instinct, that's just something he made up to tease Kyran. Maybe the two of them resonate with each other more than Rex initially thought.


As soon as they got a newfound conviction from Flunra's guiding words, Adhara and Evelyn departed and instantly heads over to the Dark Elf Kingdom, intending to ask assistance in hiding the castle from the Executor's senses.josei

Curses energy is the key to adapting against the Executor, and the Dark Elf is an expert in that.

Shaking the crippling feeling from the fact that Rex hasn't gotten back and his condition is unknown, even though the night was already nearing its end, the two rush in a hurry through the dark Humming Damned Forest while suppressing their emotions.

In times like this, they need to be strong. And strong is exactly what they are going to be.

While going through the thick forest while swatting the senseless mutated animals that are trying to attack them, Evelyn gazes up to the sky at the far horizon. A gasp escape her mouth when she witnessed a destructive phenomenon happening.

"Is the sky going to break...?" She asked whisperingly in a tone of disbelief.

As soon as she heard this, Adhara also gazes up to the sky and instantly know what Evelyn meant.

At the horizon, she saw the clouds and the sky itself being pulled apart by some lingering invisible force, rippling like a curtain in a hurricane.  The invisible force tore holes in the dimension, black and unnatural, streamers of ink that even eclipsed the moon, making everything in the world seem darker. The unnatural disruption of the sky was so massive, and it keeps expanding at a slow rate, almost denying the world and its creatures the moonlight needed to survive.

Something like this has never happened to the world, it was somewhat terrifying to look at.

"What has that thing done...? How can something have so much power, that it literally overwhelms the entire world like this?" Adhara mutters with a soft tone, remembering the sight of the approaching Executor, and the heaviness of the situation they are in right now.

Knowing that they need to be faster, the two pick up their pace.

Although the Herald Mark was deactivated due to an unknown reason that the two don't want to talk or think about, Adhara is still faster than Evelyn. It seems harnessing the power from the Heral Mark increases her base power too.

Evelyn then gazed at Adhara from the back, "You should go faster, I'll catch up."

Upon hearing this Adhara also gazes back to make eye contact, their eyes meet for a couple of seconds. It was invisible to Evelyn, but a spark of power gleamed in Adhara's eyes before she eventually nodded her head, "Don't take too long, I might need help"

"I won't..." Evelyn replied before Adhara adds more power to her legs and dashes away.

Since the Dark Elf Kingdom is just beside the Humming Damned Forest, it wouldn't take more than twenty minutes to arrive there with Adhara's speed. Around an hour or so, the castle should be secured if everything goes smoothly.

But inside Adhara's mind, Rex can come back any moment now.

Due to that, she decided to finish the task quickly anticipating that Rex would come back any minutes now with bodies filled with wounds and bruises. If anything, the faster the castle is secured the better.

About ten minutes later, the gap between Adhara and Evelyn keeps on spreading.

Exercising the full extent of her powers, Adhara blitzes through the Humming Damned Forest like a flash of light. She didn't even hesitate to turn into her Werewolf form, for the sake of being faster than before.

With her mind fixed on finishing the task, she fails to sense that something was off.

Taking advantage of Adhara's mind was determined to make the castle safe and the distance between them, Evelyn slowly become slower and slower until she came to a stop. A look of concern and reluctance spread on her face, showing the emotions she held within.

'I'm sorry, Adhara. But I can't... I need to look for him' Evelyn thought.

Moving off the track toward the Dark Elf Kingdom with a determined mind of her own, Evelyn started moving away and following her original plan. Unlike Adhara, she was not able to contain the overwhelming feeling of blankness inside of her.

Like maggots eating a corpse, not knowing Rex's condition is eating her inside painfully.

No matter how much she tried to suppress her emotions and take control of the situation for the future, she is simply incapable of doing that. In this world, she has nobody else except for Rex. Her parents, her brother, and her home, she abandoned everything for the sake of being with Rex.

In that regard, she simply can't see a future without Rex.

Determined to find out what had happened to Rex with her own two eyes, Evelyn turns in the other direction and started dashing away, ignoring the fact that Adhara was going to wait for her in the Dark Elf Kingdom.

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