The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 720 Revelation Of The Rebellion Group

Chapter 720 Revelation Of The Rebellion Group

Like a flying arrow shot from a powerful bow, Adhara pierces through the forest with ease.

Now she was already inside the territory of the Dark Elves, and the sentries scattered across the forest were nowhere to be seen. Adhara can conclude from this that the Dark Elves were also hit hard by the awakening of the Executor.

Since they were quite a high-rank Supernatural race, many of them should have a Slave Mark.

Naela doesn't seem to be affected by the Executor's awakening probably due to her young age for a Dark Elf. On top of that, she comes from one of the noble families which means that she might be well protected and pampered by them.

From Flunra's explanation, only Supernaturals that exceed the killing threshold were branded.

Only those who killed more than three Ancient Humans were branded by the Slave Mark and would never escape slavery. As the threshold is very low, Adhara suspects that the majority of the Dark Elves are affected by the Executor's awakening.

When she was about to reach the Dark Elf Kingdom, Adhara was stopped by two Dark Elves.

As she didn't bother to hide her presence it's not surprising for the two Dark Elves to find her, that is exactly what she wants. "Greetings to Lady Adhara..." the two Dark Elves bowed respectfully, saying her name with reverence.

"I want the audience with the King" Adhara quickly said, exposing her intention directly.

But looking at the troubled look plastered on the two Dark Elves' faces while their bodies are blaring with red emotional aura, showing the stress they are experiencing right now. Due to that, she decided to ask out of politeness, "How's the kingdom doing? What is the situation right now?"

"That's actually why we are here... I think you need to wait for a moment" One Dark Elf replied.

Getting the news she can't help but scrunch her eyebrows together into a frown, she needs the help of the Dark Elves as quickly as possible. It seems she wouldn't get that easily, the Dark Elves must also have trouble on their hands.

Adhara was about to ask why but she look over the two Dark Elves toward the kingdom.

Now that she has calmed down and assessed the situation with an open mind, she sensed a group of Supernaturals that doesn't have the scent of Dark Elves inside the Dark Elf Kingdom. "As the Executor has awakened, the high-rank Supernaturals have come here to ask for support from us. His Majesty said that it's best for you to wait until they are gone, lest the rebellion group is exposed"josei

Upon hearing this, Adhara cursed herself for not thinking this through.

Knowing that the Executor has awakened and he can affect all Supernaturals, obviously, the high-rank Supernaturals would seek the help of a capable Supernatural race. Dark Elves are one of them, their knowledge of cursed powers is very useful.

But Adhara knows that there's no time to waste, she was not having this.

For a moment there Adhara looks down at the wavy grass that was blown by the cold wind of the night, her mind weighing the options of either waiting or not while the two Dark Elves waited for her response.

It takes a solid minute before Adhara finally raises her gaze, and decided what she was going to do.

"I think His Majesty is being too scared and irrational regarding the situation." Adhara said which catches the two Dark Elves in surprise, her eyes then glint fiercely as she continues, "In my view, this is the perfect moment for the rebellion group to expose themselves. In my view, this is the time when you detach yourself from the high-rank Supernaturals!"


Without even waiting for the two Dark Elves to answer, Adhara leaped onto the castle's wall.

Realizing what she was going to do, the two Dark Elves gritted their teeth in worry. Both of their faces turn pale at this exact moment, "Lady Adhara! Wait! You can't get inside right now!" Both of them shouted in a union.

But Adhara ignores them, she turns into her Werewolf form and dashes straight to the center.

Many of the citizens saw a white blurry figure swiftly passes them through the street faster than their eyes can keep up, the white figure headed straight into the Great Tree where armored guards are guarding the entrance tightly.

As the guards are standing in front of the entrance, they saw a figure heading toward them.


When they saw the white figure resemble a wolf and is now burning with violet fire that swept away the darkness of the night, their eyes completely jolted open as they were caught off guard by this scene. "Get out of the way." the figure said with a rasping tone, eyes burning violet brightly.

Meanwhile, King Jorik is sitting on his throne, and the palm of his hands are wet right now.

Standing in front of the throne was a representative from the Scarlet Banes Kingdom and the Vampire Kingdom, they are the representatives from the Werewolf and Vampire races respectively. Each has a power in the seventh-rank realm, very strong for a representative.

King Jorik was in a daze for a brief moment, he was nervous and undecided.

Although he was wearing a composed expression on the outside, he was not composed on the inside as his eyes were fixed on the uniforms worn by the two representatives that asked for his audience.

'They're not regular representatives...' King Jorik thought grimly.

Bearing mighty crests in their uniforms, these two representatives are royal representatives.

More than that, each brings a formidable entourage of guards, servants, and advisers from their respective kingdoms. Any offense against them would be viewed as a direct insult to the Werewolves and Vampires, and the Dark Elves knew their presence could possibly expose them to the scrutiny of these powerful forces.

Whatever the purpose of their appearance here, King Jorik is basically forced to obey.

As he was in a daze about the current situation, he was soon snapped back to reality.

"King Jorik, when can we expect your elites to visit our kingdoms? The Executor wouldn't just sit idle for long, time is of the essence, and we expect you to fulfill this royal call immediately" the Vampire representative, a tall figure with black wings said demandingly.

Upon hearing the demanding tone, King Jorik paused for a second.

Calmly arranging the words inside his head to answer, he then replied, "I understand the emergency of the situation, but we need to shelter our people first. Due to that, we can send our aid in a couple of days and help appease the situation"

"That won't do..." A burly black-furred Werewolf bearing an air of an Alpha intervenes.

Slowly raising his animalistic eyes to make eye contact with King Jorik, he then continues with a foreboding tone, "In that time, we might be attacked by the Executor already. King Jorik, bear in mind that this is not a request. We will be waiting tomorrow morning for your visit."

"Forgive his tone, he simply means there's a consequence for denying this" the Vampire added.

King Jorik was powerless to retaliate, and he tightened his jaw in frustration.

It's clear that the Werewolf has just threatened him openly in front of his vassals that are standing inside the throne room, there's not a hint of respect given to him and that alone makes him clench the handles of his throne strongly.

Veins are bulging in his arms despite his straight face, he was offended by this treatment.

Despite the burning sensation erupting inside of him, he knows that he needs to compose himself as his action would affect the lives of his people. But the taunting smile plastered on the Werewolf's face makes his blood boils even hotter.

Just as the tension reaches its peak, their attentions were pulled to the gate to the throne room.

Even the guards that are standing still on either side of the royal red and black carpet glanced at the gate, sensing something was amiss. Out of nowhere, the gate blasted open and purple flames violently gushed inside and lick every crevice of the throne room.

The people inside were surprised, especially the two royal representatives.

"What in the Origin's name...?"

"Who dares interrupt our meeting?!"

As the two royal representatives cursed angrily for someone interrupting their conversation with King Jorik, they activated their own powers and glared at the gate. But they were surprised when a swift white figure cuts through them and appears in between them.

It caught them off-guard, and the white figure is already standing in between the two of them.

Glancing to their sides, the two royal representatives saw a white Werewolf that has its body burning with purple flame and also the violent wind that amplify the power of the flame. Realizing this, their eyes widened almost instantly.

"S-Silverstar Pack?!" Both of them exclaimed in a union.


Taking advantage of their moment of surprise, the air crackled with violent energy as two rings of violet fire emerge around the two royal representatives, gathering a destructive amount of fire mana within their grasp. In mere moments, the ground trembled and exploded with a powerful force, trapping the unsuspecting victims in a furious inferno of searing flames.


A blister of spirit energy can be seen, fueling the violet flames with more power.

King Jorik watches this with wide eyes and realized that the white Werewolf that appeared was none other than Lady Adhara, the female Alpha of the Silverstar Pack. It sank his heart when he saw this, the option of going back is no longer available for him and his kingdom now.

Assaulting a royal representative is punishable by death, and the King would be humiliated.

It was already bad enough for a kingdom to assault a royal representative, but Adhara just attacked two of them at once. King Jorik was not the one that initiates it, but this happen in his domain so he would definitely be accountable.

"Dear Origin, I hope I've made the right choice..." King Jorik mutters to himself.

Due to Adhara's increase in the realm, her purple fire becomes even stronger and more destructive.

The two royal representatives feel their skin being burned, and the two of them got flung and crash onto the ceiling before falling back down. Not given any time to recover, Adhara picks a target and quickly jumps.

Cloaking her claws with the White Omicron energy, she decided to finish the Werewolf first.

Upon seeing Adhara staring straight at his eyes, the Werewolf's eyes exploded into meat paste. Sensing a swing done by Adhara, the Werewolf raised his arms to block but he was simply powerless in front of the Anti-Werewolf bloodline.

Like cutting butter, the Werewolf's arms alongside his head were sliced cleanly.

Even though his reflex was very quick to anticipate the swipe attack from Adhara's glowing white claws, he's simply outclassed by the innate ability Adhara possesses that made her literally the bane of all Werewolf, the nightmare of Werewolves.

Following this attack, Adhara sent a back kick right at the Vampire behind her while still in the air.

Although she was quite fast the Vampire managed to react and create a blood barrier to protect her from the furious kick, the force propels her away as she once again crashes into the wall, creating a big crater before falling to the ground.


It happened in under a second, and the onlookers has no time to process what had just happened.

Only when the decapitated head of the Werewolf representative falls to the carpet with a loud thud has the onlookers finally snap out of their dazes, and they were shocked upon seeing this scene, and their blood runs cold.

"King Jorik, you bastard!! You worked with the Silverstar Pack?!!" the Vampire roared angrily.

Raising his index finger to point at King Jorik, he then continues, "You will pay for this!"

Blood can be seen drizzling down from his mouth as he kneels on one knee, some of his skin has already turned black from receiving that explosion earlier, and now his face is filled with ultimate rage finding that the Dark Elves have betrayed them for the anomaly Silverstar Pack.

Upon hearing this, Adhara slowly turns towards the Vampire with an evil smile.

Adhara tilted her head and flashed her neat razor-sharp teeth in a mocking manner, "Do you think a rebellion presents more of a threat than the Executor? Even if you tell your King, he won't do anything as long as the Executor is in the picture." the grin on her face then spreads even wider, depicting clearly the evilness of the words she was going to say. "Besides, how can he make any moves when you're not alive to inform him...?" she jeered.

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