The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 751 Amanir's Prank

Chapter 751 Amanir's Prank

Adhara and the others watch as the figure slowly recovered from the fall, their eyes were glued onto the figure that is supposed to be Rex. But they were still in disbelief because his transformation is not as grandeur as they initially thought.josei

"Eughh..." the figure groaned while slowly getting back up to his feet.

Now that the second moon has completely vanished from the sky, the eternal darkness of the night looms over them once again. Only a figure of light blue remains to pierce through it. But his presence is still illuminated by the moonlight as if he was given a spotlight by the whole entire sky.

It was only when the figure stands up straight does his appearance becomes evident.

Upon seeing the transformation that happened to Rex, the others frown as they find this sight hard to describe. Aside from an unexpected transformation, the supposed Spirit Gladiator Form doesn't seem to match Rex's nature at all.

Rex's top is now replaced with a light blue tunic that covers his entire upper body.

A short dark blue robe condones his back alongside hosen pants with diamond patterns of light blue and white covering his legs, but the most eye-catching part was the light blue fool's cap above his head that fell down to his front and also the forced smiling white mask covering his face.

The others were too speechless as to what they are seeing right now.

Even though they don't want to say it, Rex definitely looks like a clown. Not a modern clown that's called during birthday parties, but more like jesters from medieval times that are tasked to entertain the King.

Realizing that the others were looking at him weirdly, Rex tilted his head, "What's wrong?"

"I- I don't know, why don't you look at yourself right now..." Adhara replied with a wry smile, she doesn't know how to describe Rex's appearance in a sentence. It's like his spirit has made a joke out of him.

Of course, none of them know how to tell Rex something like that.

Upon hearing this, Rex looks down at his clothes before he quickly frowns underneath his mask. "What the heck is this..." he uttered, completely shocked by the transformation that happened to him.

It was about a minute ago that he was trying to establish his connection with Amanir.

Although in the process he finds that it was hard to tie the last knot to establish the connection between their spirit cores, this was caused due to the incompatibility of both of their minds.

But knowing that it was Amanir, Rex already somewhat expect this to happen.

Since the connection between their spirit cores doesn't only connect their powers but also their minds, this kind of thing is bound to happen. In Rex's view, Amanir retains his childish behavior even though he has already lived for so long.

Rex doesn't know how but something must've been wrong with Amanir throughout the way.

Due to the difference in the state of mind between the two, establishing the connection needs quite some time even with all of the enhancements to make reaching the eighth-rank realm possible.

While in the process, Rex even needs to replenish the light stones again.

Just because of this simple incompatibility alone cost him about 25,000 light stones which are equivalent to 2,5 million gold, and this left him with only a few light stones to work with and made it impossible for him to upgrade his lunar element any further.

But not stopping at that, now he was given this kind of transformation by Amanir.

"Amanir! What have you done to me?!" Rex exclaimed.

Looking at the clothes he was wearing right now that are supposed to be his Spirit Gladiator Form, the anger inside of him keep mounting up as Amanir is definitely pulling a prank on him to make him look like this.

As the Spirit Gladiator Form is fixed by the spirit alone, Rex has no say in this.

Knowing that fact Amanir must've used that to make fun of him, and that just further solidifies his unrestrained childish side. Then out of nowhere, a fluffy creature appeared on Rex's shoulder under the others' gaze.

It's supposed to be Rex's light spirit, and this is the first time they saw Amanir's form.

Due to him still being in the sixth-rank realm before the training, Amanir hasn't gotten any choice but to stay inside as he still doesn't have any physical form. Because of that, the others haven't seen Amanir at all compared to Devo.

Rex also suspected that it was also because of that Amanir is angry at him and did this.

Gazing at the outfit that wraps around Rex's body right now, Amanir paused before he nodded his head a couple of times as if he finds this outfit cool. "Hmm... It's better than I expected, you're really suited to become a Jester"

Upon hearing this, Rex grabbed Amanir by his face angrily.

"Waaah! Help me! Someone help me!" Amanir yelped, calling out for help under Rex's grip.

The vein on Rex's neck and forehead protruded when he heard this, considering how much he had already invested in this process and how he even had acceded to Amanir's desire to reach the eighth-rank realm before Devo. Now, he was being treated with humiliation instead of gratitude.

Rex then pulls Amanir's face close, "Kindly change this or I'll pummel you into the ground"

"Why do you want me to change it? I think this outfit looks really cool, no? Also, it fits my taste and abilities as well!" Amanir argued, clearly believing that he was in the right. Rex was rendered speechless by his response.

Gritting his teeth, he then shouted, "Don't play around with me! Change it this instant!"

From the side, the others were watching with amusement as Rex was giving Amanir a violent jostle. Watching Rex scruff up Amanir by shaking him brought wry smiles to their faces, and Evelyn was the first one to blurt out a chuckle at the sight, unable to contain her mirth.

It was then the others followed with their own which makes Rex shake Amanir even harder.

While being shaken by Rex violently, Amanir managed to escape his grasp and started fleeing away. "Come back here!" Rex shouted trying to catch Amanir again, but he was already flying away with his little wings.

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to flee from Rex, Amanir got a brilliant idea.

With its wings flapping wildly, Amanir made his way straight to Adhara's arms instead of attempting to flee away. For a moment there, Adhara was taken aback when she felt the weight of Amanir in her embrace.

"I'm a thief, remember? Mimicking a Jester is an easy pass to enter any place!"

Amanir tries to explain and defend himself, but then he glanced at Adhara who is looking at him in surprise before he asked,  "Beautiful lady, can you help me explain to that gorilla that the outfit is cool?"

Upon hearing this, Rex was absolutely thrown away by the harsh remarks.

"G-Gorilla..." Rex chokes out in disbelief, instantly regretting letting Amanir reach the eighth-rank realm first before Devo. Clenching his jaw, he then points at Amanir and says, "Who the heck did you call a gorilla? If I ever catch you again, I swear I'll tear your wings off Amanir!"

At the sound of the threat, Amanir yelped and hid his face in Adhara's cleavage.

"Aaah! Save me!"

Rex was completely had gotten enough of Amanir's tantrum as he strode forward with wide steps, but then Adhara suddenly said, "Okay, that's enough already. It's just an outfit, the power is still there and you could probably layer it with Devo's Spirit Gladiator Form if you really don't like the outfit that much"

Not only her, but Evelyn also went close and started rubbing Amanir to feel his soft furs.

"Yeah, I agree with her. The outfit just caught us by surprise and it's not that bad." Evelyn said while still petting Amanir who seems to be enjoying it, like an actual animal that likes attention.

But the two of them are mainly true, the outfit might've been bad but the power is there.

Similar to the power that Adhara and Evelyn felt when there were in their Spirit Gladiator Forms, the two can see the pure lunar mana coursing through the entire outfit.  Moreover, the lunar mana seems to be denser compared to theirs earlier.

Disregarding the outfit, Amanir is definitely a stronger spirit compared to their spirits.

"Tch! Fine, I'll definitely stack this stupid outfit with Devo's Spirit Gladiator Form" Rex mused.

But finding that Rex has backed down with the help of Adhara and Evelyn, Amanir glanced at him with a teasing grin, "See? It's not that bad, listen to them. Maybe if you can learn from these two ladies then you'll appreciate my creation"

Upon hearing this, Rex glared at Amanir as his eyes glowed with a fierce glint.

Amanir shudder when he saw the animalistic glare from Rex as he shudders in Adhara's embrace again, deciding that he would just keep silent for the time being lest Rex would actually rip his wings again.

Just then, Rex glanced over his shoulder feeling something on his back.


Casting a little bit of energy to the hitch that he felt on his back, a pair of angel wings suddenly sprouted from his back but light blue in color. It spans quite wide, and can even be folded as if the wings are a part of his body.

On top of that, there's a glowing crescent moon symbol on each inner part of the wings.

Rex looks at this with quite a surprise on his face, and so do the others.  For once, he now has a real means to actually fly properly. But he quickly shakes his head as he doesn't want to give Amanir the satisfaction of seeing him like this.

"I'm going back to training, I'll reach the eighth-rank realm with Devo now" Rex turns around.

With the incident out of the way, he decided that he would ignore Amanir for the better being of his emotions and focuses on Devo instead. But before he walked back to the castle, he glance over at Gistella, "Don't push yourself too much, Gistella." he said.

Upon hearing this, Gistella lowers her head down dejectedly but then she looks up once again.

"But it's good that you help Devo restrain the phenomenon, it seems the limit of the formation is not low enough and without you stalling for time, Adhara and Evelyn wouldn't be able to help in time" Rex continued with a nod of his head.

As he said that, Gistella can't hide her blush and her smile.

From the inside of the second moon earlier, he can feel the energy outside and that is how he knows Gistella stepped in to help. He was worried that Gistella would be exhausted, but he needs to acknowledge that she definitely helps.

Rex then glanced over at Evelyn and Adhara, "Get accustomed to your new power"

"Also, ask Gelmar to bring the two of you around the city. Find what kind of districts the city has so that we can start planning how to assign the people from the human territories to our city" he added before he started walking away.

Just then, Adhara and Evelyn frowned. "City? What city...?"

Looking back at the two of them in confusion, Rex finds that they haven't realized that the castle is now already surrounded by a city, Dargena City. Maybe because they are too focused on the second moon earlier that they haven't realized it yet.

Casting a light smile, Rex then turns back and walks past them, "Follow me"

"Go with him, you'll find the answer soon enough" Gistella added from the side with a smile.

Adhara and Evelyn exchange a glance when they heard what Gistella said, the two then trail Rex up onto the castle wall. As soon as they reach the top, their eyes rest on the horizon. Instead of the darkness of night, it's illuminated by a city of vibrant lights.

Witnessing the sight of Dargena City, the two widened their eyes in surprise.

"R-Rex, what is this...?" Evelyn mutters in disbelief.

Upon hearing this, Rex simply glances at her before he mutters softly, "Home... It's home"

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