The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 752 Perfect Without Me

Chapter 752 Perfect Without Me

Rex turns his head with a smile as he can proudly say that this is going to be their home.

Like a magical chant that can bewitch Evelyn's mind, she was completely stunned for a few seconds as her mind was not ready for the beautiful sight and also the words that came out of Rex's mouth.

It puts her in a state of trance, not knowing what to think and do.

But her body showed her genuine reaction before her mind can fully grasp what she was feeling right now, a few diamond tears of happiness flowed out of her eyes, showing the unconditional happiness that struck her upon hearing what Rex said.

For Evelyn, that sounded like a dream come true.

Taking a big decision to follow Rex instead of staying back with her parents was hard enough for her, and she know that by going through with this decision she would also lose her home, a place that she could go back to practically forever.

Evelyn already fixed her mind through deep thinking, and she knows the consequences.

Nobody forced her to go out of the human territory to be reunited with Rex, it was out of her own volition. Despite thinking that she was ready to take such a big step, there was a sense of loss in her heart when she actually left.

It's not a sense of loss for her family, but it was because of losing a home instead.

Although the castle that Rex has created can act as a home in its meaning, there's no essence in the castle that can make it a home except for a safe place to sleep with those dear to her.

If put in a bad situation, there was no doubt they would move away.

But now, with the appearance of this city, that was about to change. In Evelyn's opinion, they now started to actually develop a home that they would fight for, not just a simple castle that is only temporary.

Just the thought of that makes more tears pour out of her eyes.

Upon seeing the sprinkling tears that decorated her face, Rex was quite surprised as he was not expecting her to cry. Closing up on her, he embrace her face with both hands and lifted her face up, "Crying is not necessary, you should know that I don't like seeing a woman cry. Especially someone like you"

Instead of answering, she began to cry even harder with her overflowing emotions.

"If a woman is crying, you don't tell them to stop. Keep quiet and give her your chest already" Adhara suddenly commented from the side with a light sigh, she shakes her head while still holding onto Amanir in her arms as Rex can be so stiff sometimes. "Also, take that stupid mask off of your face"

"W-Wait, it's not stupid..." Amanir suddenly commented lightly from her embrace.

But given a sharp glare from Adhara, he can only grumble to himself before keeping his mouth shut. Rex smiles wryly when he heard this, he realized that he was not being considerate to Evelyn.

No matter the reason, her emotions are clearly in shambles, and he needs to ease that first.

Moreover, he forgot that he's still in his new Spirit Gladiator Form and still wears the smiling mask that Amanir designed for him. As he realized this, he quickly deactivates his Spirit Gladiator Form and pulls Evelyn into his embrace, and caresses her hair gently.

Evelyn buried her face into Rex's chest as she poured her tears out unrestrained.

"What do you think about the city? People would soon inhabit the city, and it's not going to be only Supernaturals or only humans, but a mix of both. If we succeed, we can prove to the world that we can co-exist" Rex asked while also looking at the breathtaking scenery.

It was now clear to him that not everyone wants to participate in the war.

Some were simply forced by circumstances that only provide them with one option, and Rex decided that he would create a second option so that everybody can get an actual choice. With everything that he has gone through, he learned that anyone is capable of hate.

Hate is the driving force for war in this world, the only thing that causes everything.josei

Although he still has some unresolved hatred inside of him, he at least doesn't solely blame the Supernaturals for all of the world's current problems anymore. It's quite a start considering his traumatic past experiences that strongly leads to destruction.

Many would consider this a miracle if they knew that Rex actually made it this far.

Because of that, he's going to create a nation, a place that everyone could go to when their pursuit of hatred has ended for good. Aside from that, he also wanted to create a safe place for the others to live.

"I don't know what to say..." Adhara mutters softly as she gazes at the horizon.

It was only then she turns her head towards Rex and expose a sweet smile, "I love it..." she said with a brimming voice. "If we managed to succeed, there will be a day when nobody would've to need to suffer anything as you have experienced. A better world, someday..."

"But as long as I'm with you, everything is perfect" she added.

Upon hearing this Rex was caught in surprise as he was not expecting the conversation to go that way. But he can only smile acutely and turns his face away, "Yeah, everything should be perfect..."

For a few minutes, the three stay there and suck in the view of Dargena City.

Eventually, the three stepped down from the castle's wall after taking in their share of the view. Evelyn has already gotten better, her eyes are still a bit puffy from crying but she already came back to her senses.

"I'm sorry for reacting like that..." Evelyn mutters apologetically.

Rex smiled in understanding as he gets the emotions that she must've felt from seeing the city, he too felt overwhelmed when he had first seen this same view and knew that it was a  big step for them.

Not to the point of crying like Evelyn, but showed enough to depict his awe.

"Don't worry, you don't need to apologize. I know how you felt" Rex said lightly, putting his hand on Evelyn's head one last time. But then, he glanced and finds that Gistella and Naela are nowhere to be seen.

Probably already head back to their bed chamber first to rest for the day.

Just as he was about to get back inside to resume his training, he stop and glanced at Adhara standing on the side. "Evelyn, can you give me a moment with Adhara?" Rex asked as he seems to have something to say.

Albeit curious, Evelyn nodded her head and head back inside first, leaving the two.

Upon her back being swallowed by the castle's entrance, Adhara shifted her attention back to Rex with a questioning look, "What do you need me to do? I can tell that you want me to do something, judging from your look"

"You're getting good at reading me, and that's a problem" Rex replied with a wry smile.

Suddenly his expression turns serious indicating the important matter he was going to say, there's something that Rex needs to do but can't since he still needs to tend to his black-lightning elements in order to reach the eighth-rank realm. "A while back before our closed-door training started, I visited the capital city of the Tigerman, and it seems the deal between me and him is still valid"

"Now, I want you to go there, tell the King that the time has arrived, and kill him for me"

Adhara finds it weird when she finds out about this request, "If you wanted to kill him, why didn't you do it when you were there? Is it has something to do with the deal you made with him" she asked with a frown.

With a firm nod, Rex confirms what she guessed is true. "Yes, it's because of the deal"

"Tigerman race is quite a strong race, probably nearing the strength of the Elves. I want them to be inside the rebellion group as they too find the war is already taxing them too much. Because of that, King Samboas and me made a deal to convince his people in joining. It involves his death as it's impossible without it, so I need you to announce their acceptance to the rebellion group and kill King Samobas for me" he explained in detail, exposing of his plans.

Due to the fight that happened, bad blood was birthed automatically.

Not only among the Dark Elves and the Dwarves but also the Tigerman race. Rex finds that if he wanted the Tigerman race to become an ally, there's a good way in achieving that with the help of King Samobas.

It's possible thanks to the Tigerman race's respect towards King Samobas as a King.

But this plan in converting the Tigerman race into a part of the rebellion group involves King Samobas' death. If given raw, King Samobas wouldn't accept it, but Rex gave him a choice that he can't refuse.

Since the Tigerman race is an enemy anyway, he gives King Samobas two options.

Either he sacrificed himself so that the Tigerman race can be fully converted into the rebellion group or the extermination of the entire Tigerman race. As the Dark Elves and the Dwarves wanted the latter, Rex doesn't mind doing either one.

Under that kind of pressure, King Samobas yield and choose the first option.

Knowing the power of Rex that can easily destroy the entirety of the Tigerman race with a wave of his hand, King Samobas has no choice. With that, the time has come for him to pay the rest of his deal.

"Okay, I'll do as you say" Adhara replied without any further questions.

At this point in their relationship, she doesn't need to question Rex knowing that he always gets the job done and his decision is what can take care of the problems that stand in their way and their objective.

With that, she doesn't mind letting Rex leads her and she does as he says in return.

But as she said that, confirming that she would do as she was told, Adhara's heart skipped a beat as Rex gazed intensely at her. His deep, unblinking stare pierced her would and she felt herself flush with uncontrollable heat.

She held his gaze for a moment before finally gathering enough strength to stutter out.

"Is there anything else...?" Adhara asked, her voice trailing off into the silence as the two of them were encapsulated in the intensity of their moment that comes out of nowhere and bound her body in place.

The heat climbs even higher when she saw Rex's eyes traverse to her plump sweet lips.

Just as her mouth opened intending to say something else, she was taken aback when Rex's lips found hers before she could utter a single sound. Without giving her time to think properly, Rex pressed his lips with the heat of feverish passion and deep affection.

Savoring her surprise, Rex wraps her arm around her waist and pulls her close to his body.

It was a lie if Adhara said that she wasn't caught off guard by this kid, but her entire body already melted into Rex's embrace as her entire being crumbled under such a passionate kiss after such a long time already.

Adhara closes her eyes, enjoying every second of her moment with Rex.

Like any other life's sweet moments, they pass by too quickly. While still trying to lean closer and keep the heat going, reluctant to part with her lover's lips, she opens her eyes with a slight annoyance when Rex slowly withdraws his lips from hers.

Gazing deep into Rex's eyes, she then asked with a sweet tone, "What was that for...?"

"Nothing... What? I can't kiss you now?" Rex replied teasingly.

But this makes Adhara slap his arm as she knows that Rex knows what she meant by that, and this makes him chuckle. "Try learning to love yourself more, don't be too dependent on others. It's the duty of the Female Alpha" Rex suddenly said.

Then, he added in a whisper, "Even without me, you and your life are still perfect"

After saying that, Rex walks away and heads back into the castle leaving Adhara stunned in her place. She glanced back to look at Rex's back before her eyebrows dip into a frown, "Why did he suddenly say that...?"

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