The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 757 Grave Mistake

Chapter 757 Grave Mistake

Albeit it was not intended to meet with this cursed creature, Adhara has never been afraid.

She was surprised for a moment to see that the cursed creature managed to intercept her, and also its bizarre abilities. But this point her to the fact that this cursed creature must be a powerful one, potentially one of the Witch of Chaos' pet.josei

It was right then Adhara decided that she would try and gain something from this.

From the start she has always been monitoring the cursed creature's emotional aura to try and read what it was thinking, there are still many questions revolving around the Witch of Chaos that Rex doesn't know.

One of the important ones is why the Witch of Chaos wants the curse inside Gistella.

But in order to get that information she needs to make the cursed creature feel like it was on top of the situation, that's why she purposefully let herself get captured easily to make the cursed creature full of itself.

Adhara relies on the fact that the cursed creature is arrogant in nature.

This doesn't take her long to realize as the way the cursed creature speaks depicted that clearly, and she knows that she can easily manipulate this oblivious cursed creature to her advantage.

'You make a grave mistake, Witch of Chaos...' Adhara thought, smiling inwardly.

Even though this cursed creature is definitely stronger than any cursed creature that she has ever encountered, there's one fatal weakness that the Witch of Chaos fails to consider, and that is the fact this cursed creature has a mind on its own.

Compared to the mindless cursed creatures, they aren't able to be manipulated.

Any attempt of manipulation would just receive a growl before the non-conscious cursed creature launched an attack, and that makes the non-conscious cursed creature better in a way to preserve information compared to the conscious one.

It was a factor that the Witch of Chaos forgets, and now she will pay for it.

Maybe the plan of being captured posed some possible threat that she wouldn't be able to get out, she was dealing with a cursed creature after all which many would find the most troublesome out of any power in the world.

But she has that covered, and she puts her complete faith in it.

"I told you, you don't have the capability of to agains- What?!"

"You were saying?"

The cursed creature was flabbergasted when it sees the energy that came out of the earring on Adhara's left earlobe, it was filled with resisting force that could actually fight back against the cursed energy composing the cage.

Under the cursed creature's eyes, the cursed energy covering the cage was overwhelmed.

Adhara flashes a smirk at the cursed creature before her energy pulsed through her veins violently, purple flames alongside the white energy intertwined together before a forceful force blasted and shattered the cage from the inside.


With a majestic shockwave of spiraling fire and white energy, Adhara breaks out of the cage.

Only a pure essence of shock can be seen on the cursed creature's face as it was unable to believe that Adhara was able to break free, the cage is entirely made of dense cursed energy that can't be budged with any energy aside from cursed energy itself.

But thanks to her earring, that cursed energy was shrugged off and this happened.

Not even intending to give the cursed creature the time to react to her breaking the cage apart, Adhara quickly turns to the other direction before her entire body vanishes as she escaped once again.

Compared to earlier, the cursed creature was unable to catch up to Adhara.

"D-Did she played me from the start...?" the cursed creature utters in a whispering tone.

Just a moment ago the cursed creature can easily catch up to Adhara, but now her speed is way faster than earlier. Even by exerting everything that the cursed creature has, it was unable to reach Adhara anymore.

Upon realizing this, the cursed creature stopped abruptly as its body trembled.

"M-Master... Forgive me, I promise that I'll fix this. I'm going to catch that woman again and bring her back to Mother as requested!" The cursed creature pleaded, its voice is trembling and its expression contain an immense proportion of fear.

But there was no reply, the cursed creature can only hear silence filling the background.

Only the sound of insects and the whistling blow of the cold wind can be heard, and this makes the entire place seems even more chilly. "P-Please! I swear that I wouldn't let that woman tell a si- euhkk!"

During mid-sentence, the cursed creature abruptly stopped mid-sentence.

Just then, the cursed creature's hand automatically released the scythe as it instinctively reached for its own neck. It felt like an invisible force was wrapping around its throat, constricting it. A huge pressure can be felt on its jugular vein.

In time, the cursed creature choked even harder before eventually it comes to an end.


Without any kind of warning, the cursed creature's head exploded.

No blood can be seen coming out of the cursed creature's severed body, only a gush of evil energy gushes out before its entire body started evaporating into bronze energy and disappeared from the entire place.

Leaving the place as if the cursed creature was not there at the start.

Oblivious to what had happened to the cursed creature, Adhara is moving very quickly through the forest without holding back. Now that she has gained the answer she wanted, she needs to get back to the castle as soon as possible.

'I'll need to report this to Rex, he would really want to know this...' Adhara thought.

Although it's true that she managed to actually manipulate the cursed creature and gain the information that she wants, the fact that she can't hit that cursed creature with her own two hands is still a problem.

Rex needs to also know about this in search of a solution to this problem.

Without finding a way to bypass this restriction that makes the cursed creature unable to be struck, they would be at a complete disadvantage during the clash against the Witch of Chaos that will surely come.

Nodding firmly to her head, she then picks up her pace heading straight back home.


Meanwhile, back to Dargena City, the Silverstar Pack's castle.

Evelyn is currently sitting inside a bed chamber in a meditative position, she seems to be steadying her breathing while her chaotic dark red fire is slowly rotating around her body, scorching the air around her.

But as time passes by, the dark red fire becomes less chaotic or more controlled.

Since she has just broken through to the eighth-rank realm, the power inside of her is still uncontrolled. It would take time for her to solidify her power which requires more than just meditation.

If anything, she would need to be using her power more to gain more control over it.

'Although that is what I need to control my new power faster, I can't just go out of the city and into the Humming Damned Forest knowing that there's the rogue cursed creature roaming about' Evelyn thought with a sigh.

Just then, her hand reaches out to a black earring with a black agate pendant on it.

After talking about something with Adhara outside which Evelyn was quite curious about but restrain herself from asking, Rex intends to get straight back to training without any sign of exhaustion.

Even though that is what appeared to be, Evelyn can feel that he was definitely exhausted.

But knowing the problems they were pinched in that would only keep on escalating if he didn't become stronger, Rex seems to be forcing himself tireless, acting like a robot that doesn't seem to need any rest.

It's clear from his expression that he was hiding the exhaustion, and Evelyn knows it.

As he was about to go back to his chamber to continue training, Rex stopped and gave her this black earring that he said to be protection equipment from cursed energy. Something that would protect her from the rogue cursed creature.

'With this, I should be alright... But should I really go out right now?' Evelyn thought.

The fact that she has the earring to protect her from the rogue cursed energy makes it plausible for her to train outside, yet she was undecided whether she should go out or keep on meditating for now.

Since she was unable to reach a decision, she decided to just meet with Gelmar.

Rex told to her that she should go and meet Gelmar to be taken around the city that they now can call home, they are still unfamiliar with the layout of the city and that's not a good sign for the rulers of the city.

When she reached the great hall, Evelyn finds a figure already standing there.

"Flunra...?" Evelyn greeted from the back.

Upon hearing his name being called, Flunra turns around and finds Evelyn walking toward her. "Are you done with your training already?" she asked, stopping right in front of Flunra that seems weird.

It was not that he was acting weird, but the air around him is different.

"Yes, I already mastered half of the volume already. It's all thanks to the elixir Rex gave me" Flunra replied with a small smile, he seems to be excited from the fact that his understanding of ancient runes has improved. "Since when did you finish your training?"

"Not too long ago, a couple of hours maybe. The others were finished too" Evelyn replied.

Glancing around the place and finding that nobody was around, Flunra raises his eyebrows in confusion. "Adhara has gone out to deal with some matter, and Rex has gone back to train again. Why don't you accompany me around the city?"

"Okay, let's go. I also want to see the new city" Flunra replied and headed to the door.

But this caught Evelyn by surprise, Flunra doesn't seem to be surprised by her mentioning of the city. 'Maybe it's because he was reading instead of meditating like us so he's more aware' she thought before she follows Flunra out of the castle.

A moment later, the two can be seen stepping down from the hill of the castle.

Unlike the rough ground filled with mutated plants that are keeping the mutated animals and cursed creatures away, the two were greeted by compacted gravel smooth to the touch and sparkling with light grey color.

The road was not made of cement, yet it feels way better for some reason.

Evelyn and Flunra exchanged looks before their eyes darted forward, the sight of tall and majestic buildings decorating the side of the road filled their eyes. Walking to a building on the side, Evelyn reaches out her hand to touch it.

From the touch, she can tell that the material to make this building is not normal.

It looked like the entire building was made of a combination of stone, brick, and strong timber. But the glistening color made Evelyn sure that they were not normal material, safer and stronger.

Just then, Evelyn snapped her head back when she heard a loud crashing sound.


Gazing at her back she finds Flunra punching the building's wall with enough strength to shatter any building made by Humans or Supernaturals, yet the two were surprised to find that only a small crack was created by the punch.

Evelyn and Flunra gasped in shock, they were not expecting this at all.

"What kind of material is this structure made of?" Flunra mutters in pure disbelief.

From the side, Evelyn also commented with the same disbelief, "So strong..."

Although they were surprised, Rex would've probably expected this knowing that he had spent 10 million gold for this expansion. Since the System has never disappointed, he's confident that these buildings wouldn't be easily knocked down.

Just as the two is inspecting the buildings, they sensed a figure approaching them.

Looking to the right they find Gelmar running at them, he stopped near the two while panting heavily. "Gelmar? What's wrong with you?" Evelyn asked with a frown as she finds him panting heavily.

"A party from the Dark Elf Kingdom and the Dwarf are waiting outside, and they have urgent news. It seems the humans have made their moves, and they are asking for assistance"

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