The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 758 Odd Gifted Humans

Chapter 758 Odd Gifted Humans

An imminent sense of crisis welled up inside of the two when they heard the news brought by Gelmar, their expressions were stunned before their eyes slowly widen as their mind fully grasped the news.

Flunra and Evelyn exchanged looks once again out of sheer surprise.

"Lead the way then if it's that important" Evelyn uttered hurriedly knowing that this is a matter of importance, the fact that the humans have made their move could potentially lead to a greater disaster.

It's the Executor's move, he seems to be done adjusting to the new era.

Even though there was no news regarding the power shift inside of the human territory, Evelyn is quite sure that the Executor has become the person on top. For once she believed that this is not President Sebrof's doings.

With that Gelmar quickly turns around and leads the two toward the north entrance.

At first, the two of them intended to look around the newly built Dragena City that is going to be their home, but their sightseeing was disturbed by the arrival of the Dark Elves and Dwarves.

'Rex is still training, we can't disturb him' Evelyn thought while biting her lower lip.

Since Rex has just gone back to training and is probably meditating, they can't bother him. Due to the formation straining the mind, Evelyn feared that if abruptly disturbed it will mess up with Rex's spirit core.

Because of that, she decided to hear the news for herself before deciding.

In a span of a minute, the three arrived at the north entrance which was composed of a humongous gate with the symbol of a crescent moon carved at the center. Gelmar went to the side and click a button on the right wall before the gate slowly opened.

Despite the medieval theme appearance of the city, there seems to be a futuristic touch to it.

A convoy from the Dark Elf and Dwarf comes into view before the two convoys stepped inside the city in marvel. But their marvel at the majestic city didn't last long as they have come here for an important matter.

"Greetings! My name is Khulfo from the Dark Elf Kingdom, I've come bearing news"

"Good evening, the name is Douboul and I also come with news"

Not intending to exchange pleasantries knowing the bad news the two are going to bring, Flunra waved his hand and stepped forward, "What happened? Did the human start attacking already?"

"Yes, the humans have started pushing into our territories" Khulfo said grimly.

Fear and worry can be seen clearly on his face before the Dark Elf continues, "Our scouts managed to spot their army marching forward battle-ready. From the report I received, a city of goblins and a city of kobold has been massacred. We predict that the army will arrive in a day or two"

"We also spotted a similar army approaching our territories" Douboul then added.

But Douboul seems to emit more fear than Khulfo and this spiked Flunra and Evelyn's interests. "The King has already sent scouting parties to assess their power, and they find that the attackers are not only Awakened but are also people with weird abilities. We don't know what but they are not using mana like an Awakened"

Upon hearing this, a frown appeared on Evelyn's face.

"Does any of them have a crow tattoo on their skin?" she asked, speaking of her suspicion.

Evelyn suspected that what the Dwarf are describing is the Black Hands from the SCO. It's the only people that are strong without the use of mana whatsoever that she could think of. Most likely the Dark Elf and Dwarf don't know the existence of the SCO as their army has just been incorporated into the war, and it's natural for them to not know.

Aside from the Black Hands, there should be none that can have that kind of description.

Pondering for a moment Douboul eventually nodded his head, proving that Evelyn's suspicion is right. "Yes, there are some of them with visible crow tattoos. But they fight very weirdly"

"They are called the Black Hands, humans with gifts, so it's natural if they fight weirdly"

"Is that so... But there's a couple that has weird constitution"

Upon hearing this Evelyn can't help but frown once again, the only thing that makes the Black Hands fight weirdly is due to their unnatural prowess that doesn't involve any elements whatsoever.

For their constitution, they should be the same as other humans or Awakened.

Remembering the report that Douboul gained from the scouts, he then explains it to the best of his abilities, "The scouting parties that the King sent finds the army is attacking a nest of Sylphs. Like any other race, the Sylphs attack the army back using their wind prowess but their attacks don't seem to be effective to some of the stronger Black Hands"

"It's like their spells bounce off of them almost as if their skin is very sturdy" he added.

Out of the things that she expected Douboul to say, this is the one thing that she didn't expect. 'Bounced off from their skin...? How is that possible? It's possible if there's a Black Hand who is able to protect others, but through the skin?'

Evelyn was completely at a loss for words as she doesn't know what to say.

As she was the only one here that has the most knowledge of the SCO since she was a human once, the others are looking at her for answers including Flunra. But she didn't have any, she doesn't know what causes this to happen.

"Is it an attack from the same rank?" Evelyn inquired, trying to figure out the answer.

Douboul nod his head firmly, "Yes, the Black Hand is around the sixth-rank realm and the Sylph that attacked him is also a sixth-rank realm Sylph. She's one of the captains" he answered.

Now Evelyn doesn't know what to think, she doesn't know what can cause this.

Realizing that Evelyn doesn't know what might cause this, Khulfo then asked from the side with a polite tone, "Can we meet with Lord Rex? We need to make plans for when the army reaches our territories, we need to prepare"

"Rex is not available right now, he can't be disturbed" Evelyn replied hesitantly.

Even though the situation is quite dire, it hasn't come to the point of actually requiring Rex yet. 'I am now an eighth-rank realm Awakened with an enhanced physique that of a Werewolf, we don't need Rex's attention for this'

Glancing at Flunra with a meaningful gaze, he instantly realized what Evelyn was hinting at.


"Douboul, you go back and tell your King to ask help from the Tigerman Race. If the situation went out of hand and the army is stronger than expected, you can notify us again" Flunra said decisively, taking the first preventive action.

Upon hearing this, Douboul frowns, "Tigerman Race...?" he mutters with a troubled tone.

As there's lingering bad blood between the Dwarf and the Tigerman, his troubled tone should've been expected. Of course, the Dwarf wouldn't be so fond of making contact with the Tigerman first.

It's a problem and they already expressed it to Rex, and their pride would also not allow that.

Despite the Tigerman Race having compromised and paid them the appropriate amount for peace, the Dwarf still is reluctant to create a bond with the Tigerman Race. After all, they did lose a few of their forces in that siege.

Many would feel the same thing if one suffered the same amount as the Dwarf Kingdom.

"The Tigerman Race...? Flunra, don't you remember that they are still bitter about the siege?" Evelyn whispered in Flunra's ear in confusion, she heard that there was a problem during the siege on the Tigerman's capital city.

Bringing that problem right now is not the best course of action.

Even though that is the case, Flunra didn't answer her and kept his eyes on Douboul, "Just tell that to your King. Soon enough, I'm sure that the King would be able to dismiss the loss he suffered from the siege"

Upon hearing this, Douboul can see that Flunra is hinting at something.

Albeit still confused as to what he meant by that, Douboul eventually nodded his head and agree to deliver the message to the King. From the looks of it, the Silverstar Pack seems to be able to handle the bad blood.

Shifting his eyes to Khulfo, Flunra then said, "We'll go with you back to your Kingdom"

"It's only the first wave of the attack, the humans are probably testing the water. Although the Executor is very powerful, he's a master in tactics too as he inherits that from the First Human Sovereign. We must gain as much information from this" he added decisively.

With that out of the way, all of them do as they were told.

Evelyn told Gelmar to notify the others of their departure to the Dark Elf Kingdom.

If Gistella, Naela, or even when Adhara came back and inquires about them, he was tasked to tell them about the situation and also their departure to the Dark Elf Kingdom. With people under their ranks, communication has become easier.

After saying that, Evelyn and Flunra depart from the city for the Dark Elf Kingdom.

Now that it has come to this, the two of them decided that it would be best to stick together and do a meeting with the Dark Elves first to make preliminary preparation for the approaching army as they are the closest and the first ally to the Silverstar Pack.

Due to their increase in power, they are more confident in protecting themselves.

But despite this being the case, Evelyn and Flunra are not going to let that confidence into their heads. Replacing their cautiousness with confidence alone will not suffice, especially with the Witch of Chaos around.

With extreme caution, the two then followed the Dark Elf convoy closely.

Meanwhile, Gelmar looks at the fading convoy before he quickly closes the city's north entrance once again. In the past few days, he and the others have been studying the entire city meticulously.

One of the functions that he finds was the fact that the entire city was protected by a barrier.

It's unknown how strong the barrier protecting the city was. But Gelmar finds that when entrances to the city were opened, there was no barrier covering the entrance until it was closed once again.

Because of that, he noted mentally to be careful in opening the entrances.

Just as soon as he closes the north entrance, a feminine voice called him from the back. Gelmar turns around and finds Dindora approaching him, "What happened? Where are they going?" she asked.

"The Humans have made their move, and they are dealing with it" Gelmar replied.

Gelmar then asked seeing that Dindora seems to want to ask some more, "Our job is to learn about the city and possibly protect it, so we don't need to think about that and focus on what we are tasked to do. So tell me about your part of the city"

Upon hearing this, Dindora pauses for a second before she eventually nodded her head.

"Like our initial inspection, the entire city is miraculous and has every structure needed. Aside from the outstanding fortification, the southern part of the city also contains farming fertile land, monasteries that can be used as a place for education, as well as housing residents. Linthia also reported that the eastern side of the city mainly consists of a forgery place, places that we can use to make weapons but she still doesn't know how it works" She reported the findings that she has.

It's quite hard to completely look through the entire city as it's quite big for their numbers.

But under the persistent work of the group of Supernaturals that are not tasked as guards, they managed to finally cover the entire city grounds and mapped it. Also, they also are able to find the function of each part of the city.

"A perfect city, how can this entire city be built in mere hours..." Gelmar thought in awe.

Even though they are already living in Dargena City for days already, they still can't help but marvel at the city numerous times throughout the day. The city is miraculous if needs to be described in one word.

"If done properly, this city will become an unbreakable and independent fortress..."

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