The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 759 Commendable Action

Chapter 759 Commendable Action

"Keep alert to the surroundings, there's a mole inside the Humming Damned Forest"

While they were coursing through the forest, heading to the Dark Elf Kingdom, Flunra can't help but warn the Dark Elves knowing that there was a looming threat from the Witch of Chaos hiding somewhere in this ominous forest.

It was not his fault, but he partially blamed himself for the awakening of the Executor.

Flunra was the one that confronted Dealkandrax right in front of the castle yet he fails to understand the potential threat the Witch of Chaos possesses, he underestimated them too much as he had already fought them numerous times throughout his life.

As he has the means to deal with the cursed creatures, he was never scared of them.

But the Witch of Chaos probably used the fact that he was underestimating her to kidnap Kyran, she expected that Rex and the others wouldn't expect it knowing full well that Flunra doesn't seem to be worried about her.

Due to that, he slightly blamed himself for the mess happening in the current world.

If he didn't underestimate the Witch of Chaos then he would probably be able to tell how much she wanted the curse that has taken a place inside of Gistella, and he could probably prevent Kyran from being kidnapped.

"A mole...? Who is it?" Khulfo asked with a frown.

Flunra glanced at him before he replied, more should know of the threat from the Witch of Chaos. With more people being aware of her existence, the Witch of Chaos's movement would definitely be restrained. "It's the Witch of Chaos"

"Qonvale should make necessary preventive protection to your kingdom" Evelyn added.

Now that their force is now in an open conflict with the Witch of Chaos, Evelyn already knows that she would be taking more daring actions in the near future in order to gain the curse inside of Gistella's body. Knowing how much she wanted the curse, there was a definite chance that she would attack the Silverstar Pack's allies.

Even though the rebellion group is still kept a secret, the Witch of Chaos must know of it.

In the small timeframe of the Silverstar Pack making an ally of the Dark Elf Kingdom, the Dwarf Kingdom, and also the Tigerman Kingdom, the Witch of Chaos, or at least her pets are definitely inside the Humming Damned Forest.

With that information alone, it's safe to assume that she knows of the rebellion group.

Assuming otherwise would just be foolish of them and would make them exposed to unattended threats, it's best to assume the worst-case scenario. "It's a long story but the Witch of Chaos is aiming for us, and she might try and take advantage of our alliance to pressure the Alpha"

"She's also probably the one responsible for the dead stationed Dark Elves" Flunra chimed in.

It was not that long ago when the Dark Elves that were tasked to become a ward in the Humming Damned Forest as an added protection layer for the Silverstar Pack's castle was slaughtered completely.

Rex suggested that it was due to a rogue cursed creature, roaming inside the forest.

But now that they have found the fact that the Witch of Chaos is watching them from the darkness, there's a high chance that the rogue cursed creature should be originated from the Witch herself.

Everything started to make sense now, many of the weird things were in fact her doings.

Gaining this sudden heavy information, Khulfo frowned as they weren't aware of this. Just like Flunra did, he also seems to not expect the Witch of Chaos to be responsible for this, especially with Qonvale around.

"Okay, I'll notify Lady Qonvale when we arrived" Khulfo responded with a firm nod.

About ten minutes later, they arrived at the Dark Elf Kingdom.

Just as they were about to be escorted by Khulfo to meet with King Jorik, Evelyn and Flunra suddenly stopped when they sensed a particular figure not far in the distance. In an instant, the two recognized the figure.

Upon realizing this, Evelyn wanted to say something but Flunra beat her to it.

"I'll tell Adhara about the situation, you go on ahead and meet with King Jorik to discuss the army" Flunra said with a firm voice, there was a hint of protectiveness inside his tone that is unbreakable.

But it was natural, his sense of guardian was ignited by the fact that Evelyn is the Luna.

Whenever a stray Werewolf assumed the leadership of another Alpha and joined his pack, there's an intrinsic change that happened in its mind and values that make it very much a part of the family.

One such change was the overprotectiveness of Luna as she's the Alpha's mate.

Every single Werewolf inside a certain pack would have the desire to protect the Luna on top of their own lives, this is caused by the scent and energy the Luna is emitting that can instinctively switch on this protective behavior.

Due to that, Flunra quite sternly doesn't want Evelyn to roam around in the forest.

Under Flunra's intense gaze that certainly would not let Evelyn endanger herself even if he has to force it, she decided to nod her head in understanding, "Okay, just quickly come back here. I want to know how Adhara is injured"

"Yes, I'll not take long" Flunra replied before he dashes away, disappearing into the forest.

The worry that was present in their expressions when they sensed Adhara's presence was the fact that they can smell her blood, it was clear enough for them that she was injured and that is not a good sign.

Not many entities can hurt her, and this is most likely caused by the Witch of Chaos.

Shifting her attention back to Khulfo that was confused as to why Flunra suddenly dashed away, Evelyn then gestured for him to continue leading, "Flunra is taking care of some unexpected matter. Please, bring me to meet King Jorik"

Khulfo didn't probe further and nodded his head before the two went inside the kingdom.

Meanwhile, Flunra followed the scent quickly to intercept Adhara.

'If she's out here then Rex must've tasked her to go to the Tigerman's capital city. Did she got followed and ambushed? But it's fine as long as she managed to come back' Flunra thought before he quicken his pace.

Putting his hand over his right thigh, he engraved a rune on it before it glowed brightly.

Closing his eyes to be as focused as he can, Flunra then lifts up a finger in front of his face before a subtle glow of energy can be seen sizzling at the tip. In response to this, the rune on his thigh glows brighter, "First Runic Mudra, Enhance..."

Upon chanting that, his eyes jolted open feeling the rune he engraved becomes stronger.

Flunra has been meditating in the art of ancient runes and were in the process of learning the Five Runic Mudra Handisgns, it's a technique explained in the third volume that Rex has given to him, the Signs of the Rune Grandmaster.

The First Runic Mudra is the easiest one that he can learn, and it has an enhancing ability.

It's simple enough to understand yet very hard to master in using it on more complicated ancient runes. Basically, the First Runic Mudra will strengthen the effect of the engraved rune's powers.

One only requires immense focus to maintain the enhancing effect active.

Even though Flunra has immense experience, thousands of years of experience in using the ancient runes, he was still unable to seamlessly keep his focus on maintaining the enhancing effect for a long period of time.

Moreover, he still hasn't trained to use it while simultaneously fighting.

Something that requires practical training rather than meditation, and thus he decided that he would try and use these Five Runic Mudra Handsigns whenever he can in order to be accustomed to using it.josei

Practice makes better, and he had already learned that a very long time ago.


The ancient rune that Flunra engraved to himself was called the Fleeting Wind Rune, it's not a complicated ancient rune to use that can harness the air around to increase the speed of the engraved one.

Coupled with the First Runic Mudra, he can feel that the rune is 2 or 3 times more potent.

In a moment Flunra was able to close the gap between him and Adhara and saw her stopping not far at the front, she then glanced to the side and seems to be surprised to see Flunra approaching her.

Landing right beside Adhara, Flunra then frowns finding Adhara's surprised expression.

"Didn't you sense me approaching you? Why the surprised face?" Flunra asked.

Upon hearing this Adhara was also frowning before she take a glance at the blood drizzling down her legs, "I don't know, my senses seem to be dulled. But that's probably because of these wounds" she replied.

Flunra looks over to the wound before his expression turns grim, "Is it the Witch of Chaos?"

"Yes, it's her" Adhara also nodded grimly, she too was surprised by the sudden ambush attack. But knowing that they are essentially in an open war, with Rex declaring his anger at the Witch of Chaos, she should've expected this to happen.

But then a smile appeared on her face, "But don't worry, I didn't only manage to escape"

"Hmmm...?" Flunra raises one of his eyebrows, curious of what she meant.

With that Adhara decided to recount her encounter with the ghastly creature that was untraceable and managed to ambush her. She also told that she managed to turn this ambush to her benefit, extracting precious knowledge from the ghastly creature.

As Flunra listens to her story attentively, he can't help but be put in a state of shock.

It was indeed a piece of very good information that she managed to get her hands on, possibly detrimental information that they can use to understand the Witch of Chaos' motivation. Only by knowing her motivation clearly, can they devise a plan against her.

"So the Witch of Chaos needs the curse for a ritual that can make her stronger...?"

"Yes, I believe so. But I don't know exactly what the ritual is or how she will do it"

Pondering for a moment trying to digest the information that he had just received, Flunra nodded his head as this might be the lead in finding the Witch of Chaos' motivation. "Great job, female Alpha. Rex would definitely praise you"

Upon hearing this Adhara rubs her nose in pride as she was also happy for herself.

Adhara's mind wanders on what Rex's reaction would be when he finds out about this. For once, she managed to effectively use her gift in seeing the emotional aura to help. In the future, she would definitely cultivate this skill of hers.

"No matter what it is, I think it was made by the previous Witch of Chaos" Flunra said.

During the previous era, there was no major movement from the Witch of Chaos, she even seems to be too silent and doesn't even participate much in the war. And this causes Flunra to suspect that she was concocting this ritual.

Living as an outcast of humanity and also the Supernatural must not be a pleasing feeling.

The Witch of Chaos is definitely pressured and seeks a change in her destiny, and that desire is passed down to the new Witch of Chaos in this generation. It's a guess that Flunra made with his knowledge of the Witch of Chaos.

Just then Adhara clicked her tongue, remembering the ghastly creature.

Gazing at her own two hands, she clenched them tightly in contempt. "We also need to find a way to be able to effectively harm the cursed creatures, I think raw power alone is ineffective against the cursed creatures under the Witch of Chaos"

But upon hearing this, Flunra paused for a second before he cover his face dejectedly.

"What's wrong...?" Adhara asked in confusion.

Flunra didn't answer for a good moment before he suppress his blame for his stupidity before he raises his gaze, "I'm sorry, this is my fault. Knowing that we are against the Witch of Chaos, I should've taught you the Cursed Pentagram"

"Cursed Pentagram? What is that?" Adhara asked once again, she has never heard of it.

Drawing blood from his arm with a slash of his hand, Flunra then draw something on the palm of his hand with the blood before he showed it to Adhara, "This is the Cursed Pentagram, it's the symbol that can help us against cursed creatures. I should've taught you and the others about this sooner"

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