The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 761 Slaughter Is The Way

Chapter 761 Slaughter Is The Way

Evelyn started noticing a problem ever since they detached themselves from humanity.

It's not prominent but it gets increasingly problematic the longer they are cut off from humanity, the fact that they don't know what's going on inside humanity's territory is really troubling at times.

Humanity's movement has always become mysterious because of that.

At times of crisis against humans such as right now, numerous questions keep on appearing inside her head but only bring confusion and are left unanswered. There's simply no way that she can answer them without knowing anything that's going on inside the human territory.

The Great Barricade is truly essential, gaining information becomes very hard because of it.

For those who are not inside the human territory, gaining information without being noticed is already hard enough. Yet now, there's also Intra as an added protective layer for humanity's territory that makes gaining information even harder.

Evelyn can't help but shakes her head dejectedly, 'I'm sure Rex is also aware of this problem'

'But who could we use to fill that role? Many of the potential contacts are not in a good state to make a relationship with, there's no way that Rex would agree in making a deal with them. Heck, even I wouldn't want to make a deal with them' she thought with a troubled look.

Of course, the potential contacts were people such as Giana, Edward, or even Ryze.

Gaining help from them would probably be easy. Despite their situation, they know each other regardless and can work out a way. But working together with them is not possible, especially with Edward whom she loathes.

Although that is the case, she can't help but wonder about the benefit of working together.

If they have information from the inside regarding the Executor preferably, this attack would not be too worrying and they could just devise a plan to clash against the human army. But right now, they simply don't know what the human army wants and that's worrying.

Without having information, they now could only work with what they know.

The fact that humanity is experiencing a shortage of Awakened is the one fact that they know. So if they are moving such a large number into the Supernatural territory, it's quite obvious that they have a concrete objective in mind that they need to figure out.

"Are you sure that the number is correct, General Theodas?" Evelyn asked to make sure.

General Theodas replied with a firm nod, "I'm sure, I trust my men."

Upon hearing this Evelyn laid back in her seat while pondering the situation. It was a moment later that she got an idea, and she opens her mouth once again, "What about the high-rank Supernatural? Are there any places belonging to them that we could use to lure the army to collide with them instead of us?"

Since they are trespassing into the Supernatural territory, this plan could work.

Even General Theodas was expectant when he heard this, the idea would be the best course of action if they could do it. If they can somehow lure the human army and lead them to meet with the high-rank Supernatural, then that would've been an ideal situation for them.

If that were to happen, they could turn this problem to their benefit.

Aside from the fact that they wouldn't have to risk the location of the Silverstar Pack and also avoid casualties for the Dark Elf Kingdom, they also can use this to watch from the side and learn about the weird Black Hands.

But the excitement was short-lived as King Jorik sighs dejectedly.

"I don't think that can work, the high-rank Supernaturals have been very quiet lately. We've had no communication from them, there have been no trades, messages, or anything at all. Even though Lady Adhara has killed the Vampire and Werewolf's royal representatives, they also still haven't sent anyone to investigate" King Jorik explained, sucking the excitement out of Evelyn and General Theodas' faces.

Shaking his head, he then added, "I believe they are fortifying their defense in silence"

Out of everything, that is the most plausible guess that he can come up with.

Without any movement from the high-rank Supernaturals, there's simply no way to make that plan possible. It would've been too much to alter if they need to lure the human army straight toward their capital cities, and that would also involve too much risk.

For the high-rank Supernaturals, the Executor is probably the biggest threat for them.

Risking their fighting force to an unwinnable battle is best to be avoided for them as it's unnecessary, it makes sense for them to be on the defense until a major breakthrough that would allow them to match the Executor's power.

It's unclear if there's such a major breakthrough, but that's the best guess.

But there's still a vague crisis in King Jorik's heart, he fears that the high-rank Supernaturals are planning to take the rebellion group down. It should be impossible though since they shouldn't be aware of the rebellion group just yet.

"Well, the human army is heading in our general direction anyway." General Theodas said.

Under his estimation, the human army would probably arrive at the edge of their territory in a day. No time for them to call for aid from anyone, the Dwarves are also even experiencing the same problem with their own territory.

Just like that, the entire meeting room went silent once again.

General Theodas then clicked his tongue in displeasure, the situation should not be this hard to handle. "If not for the loss we suffer from the siege against the Tigerman Race, we should easily take out this kind of army. But we suffer too much, and most of the survivors also haven't recovered yet. We simply can't afford to lose more"

It was then when the atmosphere was depressing that the door of the room was knocked.

"Don't bother us, we are in an important meeting" General Theodas shouted.

But then the person on the other side replied with a muffled voice, forcing the attention of the people inside the room towards the door. "I'm sorry to bother the meeting, but Lady Adhara and Lord Flunra are here"

At soon as they heard this, King Jorik waves his hand and open the door.

Immediately after the door opened, Adhara and Flunra's appearance instantly greeted them before the two walked inside. Walking at the front was Adhara, signs of battle on her becomes even more evident as she got inside.

King Jorik and General Theodas' attention were then pulled to an object in Adhara's hands.



With a flick of her hand, Adhara threw the object in her hand as it landed at the center of the round table. Looking at the object, King Jorik and General Theodas widened their eyes in surprise.

"King Samobas...?" Both of them uttered lightly in a union.

Adhara then walked and stand beside the round table before she said, "We've dealt with the Tigerman Race, and now they are our allies. I hope that there will be no problem in the future regarding the Tigerman Race joining us with this"

Upon hearing this, the two were at a loss for words as they were not expecting this.

It was true that some of them are still bitter about the fact that the Tigerman Race was spared instead of being eradicated. But on the other hand, they can't go against the Silverstar Pack which is essentially their backer.

So when they saw this, a pleasant feeling waved inside of them.

Even though the Silverstar Pack has already made it clear that their objective was to make a nation where Supernaturals and Humans can co-exist, the fact that they killed King Samobas and bring it to them shows that the Silverstar Pack also cares about the Dark Elves.

In a way, this shows that the Silverstar Pack is not a tyrant like the high-rank Supernaturals.

"Yes, I believe this is acceptable. With this, I can assure the other nobles that the Silverstar Pack listens to our complaints. I can attest that the Tigerman Race would not be estranged by us" King Jorik replied with a firm nod.

With that, Adhara also nodded her head, "I've heard the situation from Flunra"

"Since the Tigerman Race is now our ally, send a messenger to them and tell them that they will be helping the Dwarves in facing the human army. It's their first mission, and make sure to tell them that the Silverstar Pack is watching their actions closely" she added.

King Jorik glances at General Theodas, signaling to him to do what Adhara said.

Excusing himself for a moment, General Theodas talked to the guard outside of the meeting room to assign a messenger as he was told before he came back inside to continue with the meeting.

Now, Flunra was the one to talk, "I overheard your conversation from the outside"

"In a way, the casualties that your kingdom suffered are my fault. If I was able to defeat King Samobas quicker, then the battle wouldn't drag on for that long. Due to that, I'll help you in facing the army" he added, confidence oozing out of his bearing.

Upon hearing this, King Jorik and General Theodas were silent.

Although they don't seem to be surprised by this, they were in fact quite surprised. From the start, they didn't even blame Flunra for that failure but more towards Rex instead. Yet Flunra talked about defeating King Samobas as if it was not a big deal.

But then again, he's from the Silverstar Pack so this makes sense for them.

"I'll help too, there's no need to worry" Adhara added.

Evelyn frown when she heard this, this is not a simple matter of defeating the army. It's more important to find out what their objective here was compared to defeating them entirely, "We should think this through, there's no need to be hasty. If the two of you appear, our location will be exposed"

In these kinds of times, they need to be extra careful or they would be struck by a disaster.

"Yes, it's best that we solidify our plans before making our move. We don't want anything bad to happen" General Theodas added. If something went wrong and these three were hurt, they couldn't bear it if Rex becomes angry especially with Adhara and Evelyn here.

Looking at the two, Adhara chuckled before her expression turns fierce.

Violet fire burns inside her eyes before she opens her mouth, "What's there to think about? If we're worried that our location would be exposed, then all we need to think about is a way to make sure none of them can escape"

Upon seeing this, King Jorik and General Theodas were taken aback.

At the sight of the violet flame that exuded such powerful energy, equal if not stronger than King Jorik himself, the two were caught in surprise. However, recalling the strange events that happened earlier, they now understood that it was likely Adhara who had reached a new realm.

Knowing that there's no use arguing with Adhara seeing that she's determined, Evelyn sighs.

"If that's what we're going with, then I'm coming too. Better for us to go all out if we really want to make sure none of the 25,000 humans survived" Evelyn said, she also need some practical training so she decided to follow along.

But with this, King Jorik and General Theodas feel at ease.

Now that they have three members of the Silverstar Pack in their team, there should be nothing that could result in losing the fight against the human army. If there's no ninth-rank realm Awakened or the Executor himself, then they practically have an invincible team.

Smiling lightly, General Theodas then stood up, "Okay, we'll go with Lady Adhara's plan"

"In order to create a perfect place to slaughter them, then we should wait for them to enter the forest. We've lived in this forest ever since our awakening. If we're talking about trapping them, leave the rest to me" he added with a confident smile.

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