The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 762 I'll Do Anything

Chapter 762 I'll Do Anything

"Why can't I find her...?"

Giana is currently walking on the street of Sector 2 in search of Brigitta, she is wearing a disguise and even suppresses her energy to the point of it sticking close to her skin. If any Awakened walk past her, they would feel an enormous amount of suppression from her.

But even though that is the case, this will mask her mana to not being recognized.

Ever since the talk she had with Edward regarding the situation caused in the human territory, she has been searching for a way to contact Brigitta who most of the time is near the Executor.

It has been a hazardous try, she can't find a gap to even meet with Brigitta.

After asking around the officials from the UWO and FAA that are regulating the perimeter of the Executor's castle, she finds that Brigitta hardly got out of the castle if not for certain important things that the Executor requested.

Despite not knowing what she was doing with the Executor, there are a couple of guesses.

Since Brigitta is the ninth-rank Awakened that has accompanied the Executor ever since his clash against Rex, it seems the Executor decides to make her some sort of her assistant. Aside from that, there's a possibility that the Executor is learning the current era intensively through Brigitta.

Either way, there's no way that she can meet with Brigitta at this moment.

While walking along the Sector 2 street, Giana sighs as she can see the mental state of the people who are rebuilding the place are not good in the least. Not only were they forced to work for the second time, the mystery that shrouded humanity's territory drained them completely.

No answers to their questions, and they for the longest feel unsafe in Ratmawati City.

It's ironic to think about the other people outside of Ratmawati City still thinking that the city is the most secure place. But in reality, they are the ones that are more secure because they are far from the Executor.

Giana sat in a cafe for hours, near the Executor's castle's border guarded by Awakened.

Although the condition is rough inside the city, people still need to survive and some of the businesses are still running regardless of the situation. Even the 25 Golden Crest Families still need to run their businesses.

Sitting near the window, Giana kept her eyes glued on the castle while sipping coffee.

With the Supernaturals going silent completely, Giana gained some free time as the sheer pressure of the Executor's existence is enough to make the Great Barricade devoid of any attacks.

Many dreams of a day like this to arrive, no battles along the Great Barricade.

But none of them expected the day to arrive like this, and they doesn't know whether they should be happy or worried that the Executor might do something worse in the future that they will not be able to stop.

Just as she was sitting leisurely in the cafe, a commotion happened at the castle's border.

Upon seeing this, Giana quickly focuses her senses on the Awakened guarding the border and hears their conversation. As a ninth-rank realm Awakened herself, she could eavedrop someone through her powerful arcane mana.

It would be easily noticed though if there's at least an eighth-rank realm or above entities.

"Come, we're all given a task. We need to meet at the north compound"

"All of us?"

"Yes, Lady Brigitta has commanded us to meet at the north compound. I don't know the specifics but I think we're going to launch an attack, the other units also gained the same task from her"

"What the hell, is it really her that commanded this or is it that thing inside?"

"Quiet yourself! Are you mad?! We're not allowed to talk about that, say that again and you're going to get us all killed. Just keep your heads down for now, at least until the UWO makes an official statement"

"Tch! This is bullshit!"

Giana heard their banter through the cafe before a frown appear on her face.

A moment ago she gain the information that the leader of the SCO, King John has met with the Executor. She doesn't know what they are talking about inside, but she's quite sure that their conversation should lead to this preparation for an attack.

But there are still too many missing parts, she simply needs to meet with Brigitta.

Waiting for a moment, many big military vehicles drive past the cafe containing the Awakened that are tasked to meet up at the north compound. The military vehicles easily surpass two dozens, which is a lot for their current state.

Gazing at the castle's border, Giana's eyes brighten up when she saw a flying figure.

It was Brigitta, and she was flying away without any sign of the Executor following her. 'This is my chance, I need to intercept her!' She thought before she quickly got out of the cafe and follow Brigitta from the ground.

Since this meeting should be secretive, she decides to go on foot instead of flying.

Following Brigitta from below, Giana finds that she seems to be pondering about something as she was flying rather slowly. If she wanted to, she could blitz quickly to reach her destination.

Arriving at a particular alley, Giana shot a stream of energy straight at Brigitta.

Not a strong stream of energy with the purpose of attacking, but it's strong enough to pull Brigitta's attention toward her. From above, Brigitta looks down and finds Giana waving her hand toward her.

"Giana...?" Brigitta mutters before she quickly descends down from the sky.

Landing right in front of Giana with a subtle step, Brigitta quickly went over and hugs her. It has been quite some time since they talked thanks to the Executor, and she can't lie that she rather miss interacting with someone normal.

Pulling back from the hug, Brigitta then asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to meet with you, but you're cramped in that castle all the time. Are you okay in there?" Giana asked, there was a hint of worry in her expression. She worries that the Executor has done something to Brigitta inside the castle.

But Brigitta quickly shakes her head with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm fine"

"Whether you believe it or not, the Executor never really put an interest in anything other than the state of the era. From the Supernatural Kings and Queens, weird phenomena that are stored in the UWO's archive, and also about Rex" she added truthfully.

From her point of view, the Executor literally acted as if he was a God.

If anyone was to sit in the Executor's position, they would be worried that his existence is not accepted by all and some will try to bring him down. But so far, the Executor didn't pay attention to his surroundings.

The Executor clearly doesn't fear anything and belittles everything around him.

Except for King John of course who he finds suited to be his 'Friend' in this era, knowing that King John has a bloodline from ancient times which leads the Executor to believe that he's a worthy enough presence in his eyes.

"Don't be off guard when around him, he might still pay attention without you knowing"

"I won't, I know better than anyone what the Executor is capable of"josei

After exchanging a light conversation about Brigitta's time inside the castle, the air around them turns tense again as Brigitta can feel that Giana has some questions in her mind. Realizing this, Brigitta gathers her arcane wind mana into her hands.

Stretching her arms to the side, a light wind shockwave exploded from her body.

It was not forceful as there was no harm happened to the buildings around them, but the wind shockwave created a dome around them that is able to distort the sound coming from the inside alongside notifying them if anyone enters the dome.

Knowing that they are going to discuss an important matter, being careful is not a bad thing.

Giana bit her lower lips as she looks around the bustling street that is still crowded with military vehicles,  "Can you tell me what was going on? Why did you command those Awakened to meet at the north compound?"

"It's a long story, but this involves King John..." Brigitta replied with a troubled expression.

From that, Brigitta shared her story about the fact that the Executor awakens the ancient bloodline lying dormant inside King John's body, the Ten Thousand Magus bloodline which unlocks a hidden power that King John naturally possesses.

Something that can put a smile on the Executor's face, which is probably not a good thing.

Leaning onto the alleyway's wall, Brigitta looks down to the ground with a frown on her face, "I don't know exactly what they are planning since the Executor told me to get out. All I was told was to assemble a couple of armies of Awakened and told them to go to the north compound where the Black Hands would be joining them"

"But this confirms it, he really does pay attention if he still doesn't trust me" She added.

Upon hearing this silence covers the two of them once again. But eventually, Giana asked abruptly which catches Brigitta off guard, "Can I trust you, Brigitta? I want you to look at me when you answer this"

"Why are you asking me that? Isn't it obvious already?" Brigitta replied firmly.

Noticing that Giana was silent while keeping eye contact, she can only sigh lightly as she can't blame her for doubting everyone in this state of the world, "Yes, you can trust me. I was never on board with any of this anyway, the Executor has increased the quota of Awakened per day to 25 people. That sick bastard thinks that their lives are his to use"

Giana was surprised for a second when she heard this news, but she then shakes her head.

"Edward and I, we decided that we would ask for help from Rex in dealing with the Executor. I know we're on different sides, but the Executor doesn't belong fully to any side but his own. Humanity wouldn't gain anything for having him leading us" Giana finally said truthfully.

Out of everything, she needs Brigitta's help to win Rex to their side.

It was clear to Giana that Rex wouldn't accept anything they had to offer unless Brigitta can act as an informant in exchange for his help. After all, he was the only one that could do damage to the Executor, and their relationship wasn't exactly in a great state.

Looking at Brigitta dead in the eyes, she then added, "Will you help us?"

"How can I help?" Brigitta didn't even hesitate as she answered, she too share the same thought as Giana and Edward. If there's anything she can help with, of course, she would do it for the sake of humanity.

Upon hearing this, Giana smiled but her smile didn't last long.

"We... We need you to stay close to the Executor and occasionally update us on what he was doing. It's the only way Rex would even consider allying with us, will you do it?" She eventually asked.

Brigitta frowned when she heard this, it was extremely dangerous for her to do this.

Although every single instinct she has told her to refuse as it's too dangerous, she decided to steel her will for the sake of the entire human race. "I'll do it, I'll do anything to help. Just make sure that you will win Rex to our side"

A sense of elation welled inside of Giana as she heard this, it was a big step for them.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely make him agree no matter what I must do" Giana said assuringly.

Just as the big part of their conversation ended, Giana can't help but ask seeing that Brigitta is out here instead of staying in the castle, "By the way, how come you are able to leave the castle? Does the Executor know?"

"No, he's not in the castle right now. I don't know where he went..." Brigitta replied.


Meanwhile, somewhere outside of Ratmawati City.

A streak of purple light can be seen appearing in the sky like a star, but that purple star descended from the sky like a meteor and landed on the ground in a second before creating a huge crater.


When the dust receded, a figure can be seen standing at the center of the huge crater.

It was the Excutor, and he arrived in an abandoned village that is reek with the scent of death and decay. Looking around the place with a sharp gaze, the Executor then announced, "Am I seeing this right? When the master came, isn't it the slave's job to come and greet him?"

"Come out, Witch of Chaos..." he added with a rasping tone as a smirk appear on his face.

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